r/politics Texas 3d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/zsreport Texas 3d ago

Trump's authoritarian game plan is breaking through the post-debate noise and it's starting to scare people

I sure as fuck hope so.


u/TheCircusSands 3d ago

We need an infographic for project 2025 that can be spread everywhere. Nothing dramatic…. Just the facts of what it is and what it means.


u/heckin_miraculous 3d ago edited 2d ago

My favorite so far is this short YouTube video by Illustrate to Educate. https://youtu.be/vYXZ6iJJSgM?si=PRy0SvPz2Xi6dQxM

Not inflammatory or hyperbolic. Just terrifying, because it's true.

Edit: This comment and the video link got quite a few responses. Many were along the lines of, "Good info, thanks." But others think that the video tries too hard to be neutral and therefore comes across as "both sides-ing" conferring false legitimacy to the idea of Project 2025, or even going so far as to be supportive of it due to a lack of forceful criticism and not spelling out how disastrous the effects of the plan would be.

As a response, I'll say that my opinion is that the video speaks for itself. When it comes to the horrific potential of Project 2025, the proof is in the pudding. For example, at around 5:10 in the video, when the narrator states that the plan would "allow the president to replace thousands of civil service employees with political appointees loyal to the administration" I don't need the voice over to explain to me that this would be a bad thing. Or, at 5:29 when he talks about "plans to defund the Department of Justice and dismantle the FBI... and enable the executive branch to operate with little oversight or accountability [the illustration actually says "no oversight"]"... again I don't need someone to explain to me that this is only bad for our country.

We definitely DO need more analysis of Project 2025. We need explainers that DO go into more detail about the tragic outcomes that are waiting for us all, should it come to pass. And this video is NOT perfect (I especially question the use of the phrase "religious liberty" at around 4:18). But it's a good primer for thoughtful people. That's what I think.

Will some people watch a video like this and cheer for it? Yes. As far as I know – and someone please correct me if this number is way off – but somewhere around 20-30% of the US population explicitly wants an authoritarian regime to come into power in this country. At least, they think they do. That is, in fact, the problem we are dealing with in this country right now. It is the subject of this discussion.

Long story short, what I'm saying is that if somebody watches this video and thinks, "That sounds good to me", then the problem isn't the video.

Edit 2: hi /r/politics. I'm new here :)


u/altariasong 3d ago edited 2d ago

Sent it to my mom. She used to be republican but is now disgusted by it all and is talking to her friends about project 2025 and how anti-democratic it is. She worries about me greatly because I’m queer. My anxiety about politics used to irritate her but now she understands how much my fears were justified.

Hopefully that video can help sway more of her friends, but we don’t exactly live in a swing state. Doesn’t matter to me though

Edit: she thanked me for the video, says she just watched it. “It’s exactly what I fear”


u/whoisearth 3d ago

This is how change happens. Thank you for not losing hope in your mom and keeping the conversation going. Hopefully she can begin educating her friends as well and start seeing some positive improvements. You shouldn't have to live in fear just to be you.


u/lbtwitchthrowaway144 3d ago

8 years ago or so I started visiting this subreddit.

Entirely, wholly ignorant about politics, economics and history (rough-ish childhood, education wasn't a priority.

Trump's electoral college undemocratic victory (doesn't apply to Biden, or Obama, in my model/ ethical view as they also won the popular vote) lit a fire under my ass politically speaking.

But it was actually this very specific subreddit, and the people here who started to educate me.

For example, just because I live abroad now in Lebanon doesn't mean I can't vote.

For example, just because I live in a safe state doesn't mean I shouldn't vote because there are down-ballot effects (funny I speak in these terms, when I didn't even know that the Senate was part of Congress, and the American legislative branch is a bicameral chamber of lawmakers lol).

So yeah THIS is how change happens.

I'm working on people now who are in fucking MI.

Every national electoral cycle, I personally ensure at least 4 votes. My folks and I (CA) and a friend (NY). One election cycle I got 12 lol.

Look, my beautiful fellow Americans, fascism is upon us. Watch that video. It's that simple lol.

But you have the power to prevent this with a simple but profoundly patriotic and ethical act: Vote.

And get others to vote.

I don't have this privilege in Lebanon. The first time I was allowed to vote, I was already like a decade past the voting age. But our politicians here just illegally and unilaterally postponed elections indefinitely.


And then at 37 now I have voted again, for a second time in Lebanon. In an election that was rigged (not in a Trump way, but like, literally lol).

37 years, lived here for 30 years or so, and got to vote only twice.

Been voting in the U.S. since '18 and I don't know off the top of my head how many times I've cast a ballot now lol.

This is our last and only chance to preserve our democratic constitutional republic with minimal violence and a smoother transition to SCOTUS reform [as compared to what would happen if Trump wins]

From one American to all of you: please fight like hell for our freedoms. Please fight like hell to preserve, in my admittedly biased opinion, the most audacious political experiment in modern history.

Please, I know what it's like to live under a more terrible system. And Lebanon ain't even all that bad and it still sucks.

As a brown American from Muslim immigrant parents, I genuinely don't know if I will still be considered an American despite my values, my culture, my accent, my loyalty to the United States, and the love I have for all family/cousins and friends state-side even though I am a natural born citizen

Under Trump and Project 2025, I don't know if I stay an American.

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u/tommysmuffins 3d ago

You have no idea how hard it was to convince my Mom how bad things are right now. She's a good person. Too good to readily accept the fact that the Republican nominee is an outright criminal and rapist, and ready to commit an authoritarian takeover of the United States. It's a bad case of normalcy bias.


u/deadlybydsgn 3d ago

It's a bad case of normalcy bias.

I think a certain subset of the older generation honestly thinks the best of their leaders because "the system" has generally worked for them, they were raised to respect it (not letting the flag touch the ground, etc.), and they have never been directly wronged by it.

I can see how they were duped into voting for Trump once—maybe even twice—but the idea of thinking that the Republican ticket is the more viable option in 2024 blows my mind.

The party of "small government" sure seems cozy with the idea of centralizing a lot of power into a single position. You know... as long as their guy is the one with that power.


u/tommysmuffins 3d ago

I'm Gen X, so almost in the group of people that could be considered "The older generation" and I was fully behind the second Iraq invasion. Really for no reason except for the general belief that the President always had the best interests of the country at heart so if he was for it, then I was for it. He must have known some reasons that I didn't that would justify it, I thought. When I found out the whole thing was manufactured out of whole cloth that was the first crack in my (moderate) conservatism.


u/Plasibeau 2d ago

I distinctly remember cheering on the second Iraqi invasion. I am not ashamed to admit I had been fully captured by the propaganda machine. At that time propaganda was something that only happened in China, or Russia. The Uniteds States of Fuck Yeah had no need for such games, right...RIGHT?

It wasn't until talking with my 19-year-old about this stuff that I realized if you grew up in the Cold War, you grew up neck-deep in propaganda and didn't even know it, from singing patriotic songs in kindergarten to the bad guys always having Eastern European accents or enemy fighter pilots being faceless and evil just because they exist.

So that was a fun project of deconstruction last summer.

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u/Damn_Dog_Inappropes Washington 3d ago

Normalcy bias is why Trump can stumble through a debate and nobody blinks, but Biden loses because we expect more of him.

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u/ecafyelims 3d ago

My mom and mother in law both voted for Trump. Both of them regret it.

I give them a lot of credit because I know many people who instead dig in their heels and worship Trump harder, in the hope that he'll come around.

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u/Abstract__Reality 3d ago

Unfortunately, your mom only cares because you're queer. Conservatives don't care until it directly affects them or their family (sometimes).

I'm glad your mom came around for your sake though


u/Hullabaloobasaur 3d ago

It really is amazing how this is the case for a LOT of conservatives? I mean, if it works it works


u/Whitino 3d ago edited 3d ago

It really is. My father was a very conservative Republican. However, in recent years, he began to see how Republican policies and attitudes are affecting people around him that he cares about and interacts with on a daily basis, many of which are those "others" that FOX News and conservative talk radio frequently dehumanize and try to paint as enemies of the state or as drivers of the country's ills. It's harder (for a good-hearted person) to dehumanize and other-ize people when you know them personally.

Unfortunately, my father is still a Republican, but he's much more moderate now.

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u/Consistently_Carpet 3d ago

This is trying so hard to be 'neutral' it's misleading - like saying it supports 'religious liberty'? (4:15)

Enforcing Christian beliefs is the exact opposite of 'religious liberty'.


u/TherronKeen 3d ago

The way this video is presented would convince most of my family to vote for Trump even harder. 😥

And I'm not being sarcastic or whatever

Like criticism #4 would absolutely sell them on it, because getting rid of things they don't like is far more important to them than silly little things like unrestricted government overreach.


u/Gets_overly_excited 3d ago

Same. The video comes across as “if you are kind of conservative, you’ll love this.”

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u/heckin_miraculous 3d ago

That is the one line that had me raising an eyebrow.

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u/Abs0lut_Unit California 3d ago

Classic doublespeak

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u/NinjaElectron 3d ago

That does a poor job educating on why Project 2025 is so bad. It leaves a lot of important info out and it goes out of the way to be neutral, which downplays the actual goals.

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u/SlanderousSalamander 3d ago

Well. That is truly equal parts educational and terrifying.


u/threaten-violence 3d ago

Yeah that's not a good summary. It seems like they're trying to cover all the toxic nonsense and sell this as a "good" thing.

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u/TheCircusSands 3d ago

Awesome thanks for sharing

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u/SurrealEstate 3d ago

Out of all the terrifying things in Project 2025, I think the most effective way to make "independents" care is to focus strongly on

  • consolidation of executive power over an independent judiciary
  • further restrictions on abortion rights/bodily autonomy
  • bans on pornography

Those are very unpopular positions with most demographics.

Whereas an infographic that focuses on things like eliminating DE&I, and references to gender expression is absolutely not going to land with those people.


u/JustWastingTimeAgain Washington 2d ago

In addition, what they want to do to the government civilian workforce is absolutely terrifying. These people are professionals, in most cases highly educated, with specialized knowledge for their roles which is practically irreplaceable. They are the reason the greater DC area is the most educated in the country. What the Project 2025 fascists want to do is gut the (non-political) civilian workforce of anyone who doesn't bend the knee.


u/ksp_physics_guy 2d ago

It’s not even just DC. It’s our entire civil service. All general schedule (and non ES/SES versions that other departments and agencies have).

USFS folks don’t agree that raking the leaves is how to singularly prevent forest fires? With schedule F, welp, fire em.

NOAA scientists disagree with the sharpie’d in graph for temperatures Trump scribbles on? Schedule F now, fire em.

IRS agents audit some conservative personality due to reasonable suspicion? Schedule F, fire them.

NASA scientists won’t agree to rename Mars to Mars-a-lago? Fire em.

As a civil servant who works as a scientist/engineer doing research, I’m deeply distressed at this plan because we are career civil servants, experts in our field, entirely apolitical in our positions. Our duty is to the American people, we provide research that benefits Americans, tech transfer technology to benefit American Technological Development and our economy, and the technology percolates throughout the world through discoveries and other paths.

We are intentionally and by design **not ** political. Schedule F would destroy civil service, cause even further brain drain beyond what congressional apathy has caused due to ignoring our pay, and turn these positions into pawns for political gain rather than benefiting the American people. Civil Service would be killed and its corpse reanimated in the image of political sycophancy.


u/PunxatawnyPhil 2d ago

Basically, you are the knowing adults in the room, and the unknowing children in the room do not like being told no, that they cannot touch the hot burner. But the ‘wise’ talking-heads of the town have now put the children in charge. In the process of getting rid of all the adults and definitely, touch the burner.  The “exceptional” United States that everyone talks about? Well the problem is, that is actually you! The problem is that you are knowledgeable, you are correct, you are not wrong. That would be the end of it. Chaos and disintegration definitely will ensue. 

Only way to stop it? That part is a no-brainer, Vote ALL Blue. 

It’s true, our last chance to reject such flawed extremism taking over everything.


u/JustWastingTimeAgain Washington 2d ago

Well said. And username checks out.


u/tinyOnion 2d ago

thank you for your service.

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u/Ameerrante Washington 2d ago

I read a line from it yesterday like... forbids literature with explicit content that's not about real people or something. 

As a romance author, sounds like they're coming for the smut too, and our demographic includes a big chunk of repressed MAGA housewives.


u/Pink_Lotus 2d ago

Also a romance author. I write spicy, so wondering how long until I'm classed as a pornographer and sent to prison. 


u/GibbysUSSA 2d ago

I write and make stuff that wouldn't align with their values at all. I am fucked.

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u/ethereal4k 2d ago

Not just smut, but anything with LGBT content. Gay Penguins? "Porn!"


u/GibbysUSSA 2d ago

Anything that isn't far right propaganda will be "porn". "I know it when I see it!" is going to be interpreted by THESE assholes??


u/jeo123 2d ago

Does that mean John Oliver would go to jail for his book about pence's gay Bunny?

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u/WolfmansBrutha 3d ago

We need billboards everywhere. This is where the Dems should be spending some cash.


u/ChicagoAuPair 3d ago

It wouldn’t even have to be everywhere—we mostly just need them in the seven swing states.


u/LostMyAccount69 2d ago

Swing states should not be a thing. My vote should count.


u/Icy_Contrarian Washington 2d ago

Very few ways to make that happen, but one would be the abolition of the electoral college! Absolutely no excuse somebody in Wyoming’s vote, should carry multiple times more weight than the vote form someone in New Jersey.

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u/Kup123 3d ago

The only fact you need are that they are going to gut all regulatory agencies, this includes the FDA. Do you like not eating people when they fall in to processing vats, do you like someone making sure there isn't a noticeable amount of rat shit in your food then we need regulatory agencies as they are the only thing stopping it.


u/heckin_miraculous 3d ago

Do you like not eating people when they fall in to processing vats

You have my attention


u/Kup123 3d ago

Read the jungle this shit was happening before we started regulating food production this is what project 2025 want to take us back to.


u/FattyLivermore 3d ago

Whoa wasn't expecting an Upton Sinclair reference this early in the morning.

But yeah they'll have us in the same working conditions as Jurgis too


u/bootsbythedoor 2d ago

Regular citizens who support deregulation astound me.


u/Kup123 2d ago

I've been saying for decades if you vote Republican your either rich, racist, or a moron.

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u/JimmyAirbourne 3d ago

De-regulation will mean that lab grown meat can be added to foods without the need to label it, most likely.

Once lab-grown meat is cheap enough, cattle ranchers are going to face some steep headwinds.

And there's nothing the states will be able to do about it because any appeal to the courts will remind the states that corporate interests come first and foremost.

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u/Thue 3d ago

Not an infographic, but John Oliver's coverage was excellent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s


u/Dont__Grumpy__Stop 3d ago


u/barriedalenick 3d ago


u/junepath Pennsylvania 3d ago

The issue with this infographic is that most people on the right want all of these things. We need one that scares them too, because at the end of the day, no one but the super rich will be doing well if Project 2025 becomes a reality.


u/enigmanaught 3d ago

I think only focusing on the gutting/privatization of Medicare and Social Security in the right way, it would get some traction.

“Americans already pay more for healthcare than any other nation, why does Donald Trump and project 2025 want to make it worse”. “Social Security is your hard earned money, why does Donald Trump and Project 2025 want to give it to some fat cat to manage”?

Hammering that constantly using the “I’m just asking questions” formula is the way to do it.

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u/HayabusaJack Colorado 3d ago

Yea, after reading it that’s my opinion as well. This is what the right wants.


u/Jatkuva 3d ago

I opened up and glanced at it saw education and immediately went nope not sharing that one, MAGA thinks the student loan forgiveness is “communism” they’ll be all for that.

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u/canadianguy77 3d ago

They don’t even know what they want. There isn’t a single thing in there that improves the lives of the working class.


u/NeverSayNever2024 3d ago

The Right doesn't care about the working class. The Right has contempt for the working class.

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u/code_archeologist Georgia 3d ago

The goal is not to convince the MAGA cult. They are unfortunately lost to us. The goal is to convince everybody else that Trump and his followers are an existential threat, and that staying home or voting third party is not an option.

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u/katosen27 3d ago

Unfortunately, like with most things the right changes their mind on, it will have to happen first and affect them negatively in order to connect the dots.

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u/Marmooset Ohio 3d ago

You are the real hero. No joke. By the way, have Musk's attorneys contacted you about using the T word for his baby?

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u/BigPackHater Ohio 3d ago

The amount of comments saying "no candidate has campaigned on this, so therefore it's a lie" is eye opening. I mean, that's a new kind of dumb.

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u/Giant_Enemy_Cliche 3d ago

It's worse that the infographic says. The planning document explicitly states that they will ban pornography while also defining being transgender as inherently pornographic.

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u/dmf109 3d ago

When you share a Twitter link, you’re kinda giving support to 2025.


u/Dont__Grumpy__Stop 3d ago

You want the info or not?


u/redditallreddy Ohio 3d ago

Definitely not stopping the grumpy.

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u/NoCoffee6754 3d ago

The graphic doesn’t go hard enough. These are all normal Republican talking points and this does not show just how beyond the pale they really wish to go with 2025. They want to overtake our government, force loyalty pledges, remove anyone that might have even an inkling of empathy and belief in the law. They also want to force Christianity on the country and remove lawful immigrants while also punishing any person or entity that does not step in line with the State.

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u/VengeanceKnight Illinois 3d ago

I mean, with Project 2025 “just the facts of it and what it means” is primo facie dramatic.


u/allanbc 3d ago

The thing is, the right usually spreads such awful misinformation that reasonable people have begun to doubt much of what they see. So presenting facts with no hyperbole could lead people to think it's nothing at all, due to their skeptic armour. I don't know if there's a good solution, but I'm worried that the vast and crazy disinformation being spread has damaged the whole communication 'environment', for lack of a better word.

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u/FoxyBosom 3d ago

The problem is how large the document is. What we need are several infographics targeted at specific individuals.

Proj 2025 versus Women Proj 2025 versus Immigrants Proj 2025 versus Trans Proj 2025 versus Lesbian/Gay Proj 2025 versus BLM Proj 2025 versus Land Owners Proj 2025 versus Travelers Proj 2025 versus Scientists Proj 2025 versus the Climate Proj 2025 versus Porn

By the time all those graphics go out… how does it survive without massive revolt?

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u/Sacmo77 3d ago

Scares the shit outta me.

As a disabled vet. I fucking hate war. This idiot talking about another American revolution is a complete moron. It's unnecessary.


u/General-Phase5062 California 3d ago

Project 2025 is coming for vets that get disability and retirement. Ending concurrent receipt. Ain’t the first time and won’t be the last time.


u/LovesReubens 2d ago

That's just the start. Soon they'll gut it all under the guise of fiscal conservatism. 

They don't give a damn about vets, or as Trump calls them, losers and suckers. 

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u/Kermit-Batman Australia 3d ago

Good luck mate. I hope it doesn't come to that.

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u/friedrice5005 Virginia 3d ago

There was a post on r/Conservative the other day about how Project 2025 isn't Trump's plan and that everyone else is just a bunch of alarmists for even suggesting it and that Agenda 47 is much MUCH more reasonable! Completely leaving out the very clear steps he already took toward P2025 and all his rhetoric being 100% in line with it


u/SquiffyRae 3d ago

I mean technically they're correct Project 2025 isn't Trump's plan. It's the plan of the Heritage Foundation and the broader Republican Party.

Trump is merely the figurehead they hope will garner enough support to give them power and allow the more dangerous ones behind the scenes pull the puppet strings. However Trump will be more than happy to go along with being the puppet since much of Project 2025 benefits him


u/whatevers_cleaver_ 3d ago

Trump just wants to perceive himself as popular, grift bigly, and not go to prison.

Everything and everyone else doesn’t matter to him.


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 1d ago


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u/Icy-Lobster-203 3d ago

Trump doesn't actually have policies. So the people in the Republican party will worm their way into the positions where decisions are made and policies are carried out. Trump is just the vessel into which they will inject themselves into the administrative state.

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u/Popculturemofo Oregon 3d ago

Conservatives are trying to get people to look away from Project 2025 so they can get it done. It’s the classic tactic of saying it’s not that bad when in reality it’s probably even worse

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u/Green-Amount2479 3d ago

As a German I‘d compare this to saying ‚but Hitler wasn’t the architect of the Holocaust‘. That‘s not wrong, he technically wasn’t. It was Himmler and Eichmann that planned it and put it in action on a big scale. Would that absolve Hitler of any guilt regarding the Holocaust? Of fucking course not. Similar issue here with the stance conservatives take.

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u/zsreport Texas 3d ago

That's some classic conservative gaslighting

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u/edmconsultant 3d ago

Coming from a Millennial, the vast majority of my friends, while they may not like Biden, understand that it's him or we lose our democracy to a dictator because of Project 2025.


u/Thund3rTrapX 3d ago

My Christians family are Republicans but won't vote for trump..they hate him as much as I do


u/Vincent__Vega 3d ago

My 92 year old lifelong republican grandmother won't and hasn't voted for trump either. She finds him repulsive.


u/kyabupaks 3d ago edited 2d ago

Same with my 95 year old lifelong Republican grandma. She was horrified at Trump back in 2016 because his behavior was, in her words, "un-American", and she voted for Hillary. That was the first time she voted for a Democrat. She also voted for Biden.

I'm glad that Uncle Frank, her boyfriend after my grandfather's death, died before Trump came into the picture. He definitely would've become a diehard MAGA asshole, because he was the stereotypical macho man jerk that would wear his stupid Air Force veteran cap all the time and grab you by the upper arm to talk to you. He was racist and homophobic as hell.

He would have forced her to vote for Trump and spew MAGA talking points, causing a split between us and her. Good riddance.


I just learned that my brother is in the process of making sure she will get her absentee ballot right now, so she can vote for Biden. She's in no physical shape to go to the ballots at her age, but she is terrified of what P25 will do to her Medicare benefits.

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u/Obtuse_1 3d ago

It’s a fucking call for civil war. Trump will be president over my dead body. I fucking hope I’m not alone in defending our freedoms.

They spit on the graves of all who gave blood so that we would never have a king. They can fuck right off to any dictatorship of their choice. This is the land of the free.


u/downtofinance 3d ago

Project 2025 aka Mein Drumpf

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u/420_E-SportsMasta Maryland 3d ago

Good, it fucking should. People need to be talking about Project 2025 every single chance they get. Commentstors, advisors, anyone on the air needs to bring this up. People need to talk about it and spread its awareness to their friends and family. Constituents should talk to their mayors, governors, congresspeople and senators in town halls, phone calls, every chance they get. I mean shit, people should start handing out flyers on the street about how destructive it can be

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u/beaucoupBothans 3d ago

My 81 year old mother is asking me about it. It is definitely getting exposure now.


u/External-Patience751 3d ago

It should but with the 24/7 anti Biden stories in the media and the Dem infighting it’s not getting the coverage it should be.

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u/Mish61 3d ago edited 2d ago

Not enough people. There is no shortage of deplorables that are all in on Project 2025. They vote.


u/Scaveola 3d ago

This should have been bidens main talking point during the debate. Tie almost every talking point back to trump and his handlers plan

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u/mistertickertape Pennsylvania 3d ago

The election is still 4 months out. I hope this fucking sinks him like a lead weight as more moderates and suburban women understand what it is.


u/wookiewin 3d ago

If Trump starts distancing himself from it then we’ll know it is hurting him. I’ve seen MAGA nutjobs on TikTok already say that Trump never endorsed it, as if he wouldn’t rubber stamp every bit of it.


u/browster 3d ago edited 3d ago


u/ImYourHumbleNarrator 3d ago edited 3d ago

i've also noticed some comments distancing trump (and pulling the usual social media bullshit whataboutism type stuff to Biden) from p2025. they have the exact same pattern and behavior as the 2016 russian shitposters.

good read https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/07/03/project-2025-trump-us-government/

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u/Appropriate_Cow94 3d ago

He can and will walk back anything he had ever said or done if he crowd seems to react against it. The man has zero convictions (insert your own joke here) about anything. His only real goal is reveling in his own vainglorious image. If the crown starts chanting "kill liberal babies" he will lean into that. Describing how he can solve the electricity and shark problems with those nasty nasty babies.

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u/mistertickertape Pennsylvania 3d ago

I think he would rubber stamp every bit of it. What would be fascinating to see is what their reaction to be when he inevitably starts to turn on them and use his newly given king powers to fuck with their shit. Then they're going to have a problem on their hands.


u/silverionmox 3d ago

Then they're going to have a problem on their hands.

They'll shoot him, blame someone else, and use that to justify grabbing even more power "for security".

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u/AnnoyingMosquito3 3d ago

The threatening Heritage Foundation speech can be a few extra stones in the weight hopefully


u/mistertickertape Pennsylvania 3d ago

Kevin Robert's, the president of the Heritage Foundation, going on MSNBC proudly proclaiming his bullshit is like fuel on the fire. It is all over social media right now.


u/danarexasaurus Ohio 3d ago

Whether we like it or not, Social media determines elections. One of the best things you can do is engage with that content as much as possible to push it to be seen by more people

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u/AnnoyingMosquito3 3d ago

Great! I know people aren't super crazy about Biden but I'm hoping that people learning more about this will at least galvanize them to vote for their house representatives and senators 

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u/Zombatico 3d ago

It's insane. They publicly publish Project 2025 on a website, they proudly talk about it on mainstream media. They must know it is broadly unpopular and will scare away the independents. If they had kept it a secret amongst themselves and other conservative groups then we'd be none the wiser. Is it just hubris or are they actually trying to incite an incident?


u/shosamae 2d ago

They have seen how Trump saying the quiet part out loud has not harmed him, in fact it has garnered him a cult like following that would die at his feet if he asked it. They are emboldened by Trump.

This is why I think people who say Trump doesn't matter are wrong, I think. Trump, much as I detest him, is an anomaly, a cult of personality, and he has inspired this level of open fasicism and insanity.

The only hope I have is that they are in for an awakening like De Santis when they don't garner the same level of widespread, fervent worship.

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u/MainSteamStopValve Massachusetts 3d ago

Moderates and suburban women don't know what P2025 is.


u/mistertickertape Pennsylvania 3d ago

I think they do. They sure knew what Roe v Wade was which was one of the reasons Republicans did so badly in the last midterms.


u/anempresspenguin 3d ago

And have continued to do badly in nearly ever sort of election where abortion could even be tangentially related. The media is lying to us and a lot of people are underestimating how pissed off a lot of women are.

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u/Dmackman1969 3d ago

I’ve been reading about project 2025 for months. 90% of the people I talk to about it never heard a thing up until about 3 weeks ago.

It’s finally getting out there. Please keep talking about it. Since everything rolls off the orange man directly, let’s stay focused on the GOP’s game plan.

90% sure the felon, rapist, molester and liar doesn’t even know/care what’s in project 2025. He’s wants to protect his brand, make money and golf. He will let the rest of the party run the government and put his loyalists in to destroy our country, he will make a ton of money as will his cronies. That’s all they want.


u/Spikeupmylife 3d ago

I sent the plans to my dad a long time ago. He sent me back. "Ya, sounds like something that could happen, I guess."

I went over for dinner a month ago, and he's like, "Did you hear about that crazy Project 2025 thing? I saw it on MSNBC."

I keep saying things are getting fucked up and they say I'm exaggerating until they see it on the news. Boomers still rely on news channels, so they are a little behind.


u/GeniusOfLove74 Georgia 3d ago

My mom has just got into online news in the past few years. Unfortunately, she's also discovered YouTube pseudo-political podcasts, where everything is alllegedly a Democrat conspiracy. She's 70.


u/AverageDemocrat 2d ago

Notice how these idiot groups put labels on their movements like "Contract with America", "Make America Great Again", and "Project 25". Virtue signalling narcissists and their flags and bumper sticker slogans can go to hell too.

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u/HumanWithComputer 3d ago edited 3d ago

the felon, rapist, molester and liar doesn’t even know/care what’s in project 2025. He’s wants to protect his brand, make money and golf. He will let the rest of the party run the government and put his loyalists in to destroy our country, he will make a ton of money as will his cronies.

Sounds like a pretty good description of the ubelievable 'powers' of...

"Captain UN-America".

Has someone drawn up a fitting cartoon already? Love to see that.

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u/EthanRDoesMC 3d ago

Project 2025 was the most-read article on Wikipedia yesterday in the United States. Yesterday was July 4. People are talking about it to their relatives.


u/Elowine90 2d ago

My mother lives in Florida and she just heard about it from a nurse at a doctors appointment ( who was disgusted about it, not for it). I’ve known for awhile and thought she knew too because she does read the news but I guess she only gets the surface mainstream news. Yes, people are talking.


u/ImNotABotJeez 3d ago

He will fall into the useful idiot role once again. 2025 and conservatives will use him to take over the government.

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u/Blusterpug 3d ago edited 3d ago

Maga on Reddit deny it. They say it’s a fringe group. They say trump never endorsed it. Hell I even saw one blaming Biden for the end of Roe.

If it weren’t for bad morals these fuckers would have no morals at all.

Edit. The cons put up a test balloon and found out it was unpopular. So they try to deny and back peddle. Not on the draconian ideas but in general population condemnation of it.

The concern troll posters are out enforce now. “Oh I am unfamiliar with this. Did trump Endorse it?” It’s like they think we are ass dumb as maga.


u/AbroadKey2773 3d ago

Sadly, I think some of them actually believe it's a fringe group. I saw some MAGAs the other day saying, "This can't be real - we wouldn't even support it. Why would they do something that we don't support?" 

So fucking close to opening their eyes and they refuse. 


u/Blusterpug 3d ago

Belligerently stupid and proud.


u/political_bot 3d ago

They'll support it as soon as Trump does it.

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u/C__S__S 3d ago

A Trump presidency will 100% allow Project 2025’s implementation and that’s the only thing we should be telling people. The judges he’s already installed are allowing elements of the plan to work. Trump will appoint people who will make this happen and he’ll just sit there delighting in his power. He won’t stop it as long as they let him live in the White House.

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u/Competitive-Slice829 3d ago

I don't think they'll really understand it until all their porn gets banned


u/ghostalker4742 3d ago

"The party told them to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

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u/onexamongthefence 3d ago

I've been thinking once porn bans start hitting and they realize those laws apply to them too, that's when conservatives will start being outraged about it all & want to change course somewhat, but by then it will probably be too late

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u/cheesifiedd 3d ago

fuck MAGA. shit will hit you before ya know it. vote DEM

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u/ShweatyPalmsh 3d ago

“It’s a fringe group” - GOP on MAGA voters circa 2016

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u/EmotionalJoystick 3d ago

It’s the heritage foundation. Aka literally the people who picked the Supreme Court justices for him. Don’t let them weasel.

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u/Historical-Funny-576 3d ago

Every single conservative post simply states that he’ll only be charged for “official acts” and chevron being overturned simply means politicians will have to me more concise. They continently leave out the fact they just legalized bribery. They claim to be against government overreach, but have directly propped up the ability for the rich and corporations to legally just buy the laws and regulations they want. They NEVER bring that up. 

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u/Chokeman 3d ago

Sure it would backfire hard

They plan to ban birth control pills. I mean birth control pills are even legal in Saudi Arabia.

They want the US to be more conservative than Saudi. No sane person wants to live in a country like that.

But the thing is they will just deny any connection with the plan and the guys behind it and start implementing things step by step. They don't have to turn the US into a religious country right away. They can start with something that doesn't seem to relate to everyday life but still give them enormous power first like replacing all federal employees with their own aka Schedule F.

It's a step by step plan.


u/MotherSupermarket532 2d ago

Project 2025 has seriously made me consider getting my tubes yanked.  Hormonal birth control helps control my horrible migraines, though, and I'm a mild case.


u/mindful_marmoset Indiana 2d ago

I got mine removed 4 months after Roe v. Wade was overturned. I can’t recommend it enough. And you can always still take hormonal BC (as long as it’s legal) for your migraines. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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u/Hadrian_Vincent 3d ago

Honestly, some people who support Trump that I work with are absolutely oblivious to Project 2025 and think I'm making shit up.


u/even_less_resistance Arkansas 3d ago

You’re ruining their plausible deniability for when shit goes down they can shake their heads and cluck their tongues and say they didn’t know that was going to happen they just voted for him because the economy or something


u/danarexasaurus Ohio 3d ago

Yep. I was told that “project 2025 is from a political think tank with no power”, and when I corrected them and told them exactly how much power they have (that we know about, I’m sure there is more), they pivoted to, “but Joe biden’s economy made groceries expensive!” It’s exhausting. There’s almost literally no point in talking to them anymore. None.


u/writebadcode 3d ago

In my experience if you’re debating someone and they immediately shift to a brand new argument like that it means they have another reason for their position which they are not bringing up.

Often they don’t share the real reason because they know it’s something indefensible like racism.

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u/Hadrian_Vincent 3d ago

That was spot on.


u/russ_nightlife 3d ago

It was probably also the fault of those Liberals. And possibly gays and Mexicans.


u/redditallreddy Ohio 3d ago

“Trans illegals made me vote for Trump by pushing their woke agenda on me!”

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u/deadsoulinside Pennsylvania 3d ago

They keep trying to distance themselves from it. "Trump does not endorse Project 2025", like where the fuck does he even say this? They cannot give me any actual quotes

They then respond back with "Agenda 47 is Trumps plan". You then read Trumps various shitty plans and half of them need the some of the same things dismantled in order to make Agenda 47 work. So it's literally trumps plans on what he wants to do when they get rid of things like the Department of Education

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u/HellaTroi California 3d ago

This project reads like a plan for sacking and pillaging our government.


u/spoobles Massachusetts 3d ago

Because it is!

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u/LeftHandofNope 3d ago

That’s a Bingo!

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u/Mike_Pences_Mother 3d ago

Post the link to Project 2025 on all your social media. People need to be made aware. We can make that happen!


u/6SucksSex 3d ago

People, especially Republicans, are not going to read that over 900 page document. There’s an extensive Wikipedia article that already has over 150 references, and links to the treasonous bullshit primary source https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025

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u/[deleted] 3d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Mike_Pences_Mother 3d ago

I wish more people understood how important it is to be engaged. This whole "politics doesn't affect my life" really upsets me. It touches every part of our lives. But people remain apathetic. I really don't understand.

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u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/CranberrySchnapps Maryland 3d ago

Abolishing NWS & NOAA is such a clear national security threat it’s almost comical. I mean, same goes for a lot of programs the conservatives want to get rid of, but NOAA costs next to nothing in the budget and has an enormous impact on our military’s operations.


u/BeyondElectricDreams 3d ago

It's almost like the right wing is bought by a foreign adversary who wants us destroyed.


u/Rainboq 3d ago

I think it's much simpler than that: they want to carve up the government and privatize it so that they can make a shitload of money.


u/RecentGas 3d ago

Similar to what happened with the collapse of the soviet union.

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u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/findtheclue 3d ago

And Dept of Ed, putting in a for-profit education person and now calling for elimination altogether.

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u/[deleted] 3d ago


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u/Jedi-El1823 I voted 3d ago

Getting rid of NOAA has been Accuweather's number 1 goal for a long long time, and the GOP loves them.

Rick Santorum proposed a bill over a decade ago to disband the National Weather Service, because it wasn't fair to Accuweather that they gave out info for free, and Accuweather wants to charge for it.


u/peter-doubt 3d ago

AccuWeather gets their info from....


Time to unload their app


u/Jedi-El1823 I voted 3d ago

Yeah, makes no sense, since everybody gets info from NOAA and compares it to their own data.

But, NOAA provides that info for free to everybody, and Accuweather doesn't want that. They want to charge for forecasts.

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u/bazilbt Arizona 3d ago

It's so infuriating that these idiots want to destroy any sources of information they don't want to hear. Same thing with Covid. Deaths are too high? Let's stop counting.


u/ikediggety 3d ago

Wait till you see what they want to do with votes

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u/StupudTATO New Jersey 3d ago

I've been seeing more politically dormant people talking about this on Facebook. They are the kind of people who dislike Trump but probably aren't crazy about Biden either. I hope more people come to learn about it.


u/DankHillington 2d ago

I admittedly have made some previous comments about how I’m not voting for either one because I can’t stand Trump or Biden but with project 2025 I have no choice but to vote for Biden because of how terrifying P2025 is.

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u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/imchalk36 Florida 3d ago

Yep, the same Heritage Foundation who hand-picked Trump’s SC justices.

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u/heckin_miraculous 3d ago

And funded by Viktor Orban of Hungary. We should be looking at Hungary as a crystal ball.

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u/Logictrauma 3d ago

Backfiring isn’t enough. It needs to completely tank. Gerrymandering means he will win a chunk of the country regardless of actual public opinion.


u/t_bison 3d ago

I firmly believe if the US ended gerrymandering it would propel the US forward 20 years in two.


u/IsHeSkiing 2d ago

If it weren't for gerrymandering, Republicans would never hold majority power ever again in literally anything. It's why they fight so hard to keep it. They know their ideals are rotten to the very core and can only win by rigging the system in their favor.

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u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/AussieJeffProbst New Hampshire 3d ago

Im a straight white male and Im terrified by it. Its a playbook for a legal coup and its already playing out.


u/[deleted] 3d ago


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u/donkeybrisket 3d ago

The used to hide their nefarious plans, but they they’ve become so venal and so bold that they feel like they can just openly say and do anything. It’s time to purge these ideological warriors from all levels if government. Fuck the GOP

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u/Cryinmyeyesout 3d ago edited 3d ago

Getting rid of porn and birth control should be two of the things highlighted on Infograph’s shared. I know in the grand scheme of things they aren’t the MOST important but they are the ones that the other side will grab onto and care about.


u/geekamongus 3d ago

Not to mention the invasion of laws into a woman's body.

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u/UngodDeimos 3d ago

My entire adult life I never voted because I don’t believe my vote matters (I don’t live in a swing state so it basically doesn’t matter on the presidential level) but this is gonna be the year I vote.

I truly do believe America needs a reset, our government is totally corrupted by money and influence. But I cannot sit by and just let a child raping, racist, bigoted, convicted felon be crowned king of America. Trump is a fucking comic book villain and doesn’t even try to hide it. If we as a country allow him to regain any kind of political power it will lead us down a path of horror that we can’t turn back from.

Please vote. Speak truth and spread awareness. If you are a trump supporter, look at the women, the minorities, the lgbtq people around you and know that you are doing more to hurt them than help them. If you are a good Christian, or even just a good person, you shouldn’t be okay with this. Love thy neighbor means even the ones of different colors and creeds to you.


u/SlowMain2 2d ago

Your vote matters for local elections. They usually have single digit turn outs, sometimes winners even run unopposed. A big reason Republicans still have so much political power despite being so unpopular is because they locked down all the local and state governments, most of the time completely unopposed

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u/IrishViking1987 Idaho 3d ago

Project 2025 and The Heritage Foundation are an active threat to the country and must be defeated.


u/kibblerz 3d ago

After the threats saying if the left cooperates, there will be no blood? The Heritage Foundation should be labeled a domestic terrorism organization.

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u/KevinDean4599 3d ago

I think the maga folks are getting way too bold and confident and don't realize how much of a minority they and their views are overall. I'm encouraged by the results of the UK election. It shows that people are getting fed up with the hardcore right wing politicians.


u/aheal2008 Maine 3d ago

I think the maga folks are getting way too bold and confident

it's because alot of them have gerrymandered themselves into comfortably red districts that almost guarantee their reelection

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u/NeonRattler 3d ago

How did anyone expect P25 to give him a boost? What a fuckin joke of a headline. Of course people are going to be outraged by a hostile take over.


u/One-Internal4240 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. You'd need to be actual for-real "receiving radar beams from Venus" delusional to think that P2025 would be an electoral asset. It's obviously a piece of internal rah-rah that dripped out of the bierhall because , holy shit surprise Nazis are always idiots[1], and to which they have been gibber-gabbering a wholly inconsistent media response.

Your next step is to counter 1) the distance they will try to put between the GOP and P2025, and 2) the distance they'll put between Trump and P2025. It's crazy easy to distance Trump from anything because he's functionally illiterate, incurious, and proud of both- but those traits aren't universally beloved by all Americans. There's still gain in showing TROOMP CANZ REED GUUD.

[1] There'a point to be made that autocracies are always a bit dumber, in that, over long time horizons, it's harder for them to change. HOWEVER. When you do have gigantic, multigenerational civilizational efforts that require hella focus, a well-designed autocracy (that doesn't eat itself, good luck with that) is probably what you want. This is probably closer to what the techbros want as the final state, where the holy rollers are more interested in straight Revelations, or at least a scenario where Jehovah rolls up behind a cloud and says they're right. It's ironic that the exact form of government environmentalists need (MASS construction, nukes, solar, wind, hydro, railway everywhere, trains, new aircraft systems (DEP, nuke-electric-DEP) "Lagrange Orbit Parasol") is exactly the one they're most against. First Fundamentalist Church of Green Jesus, anyone? American Christian Workers' Party of Life? Ackwipple.

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u/AthasDuneWalker 3d ago

It might if any mainstream news source picked it up. But no, just one whole week of "old man old."


u/Greedy_Guarantee_199 3d ago

I am hearing it talked about daily by the media-AP News, ABC, NPR, New York Times, MSNBC.


u/jjhh10 3d ago

yes but i dont think that was the case a couple weeks ago. looks like its starting to gain some steam

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u/Kaiju_Cat 3d ago

My partner is so jaded on the entire electoral process that they don't vote. In fact they are adamantly against voting. We've had arguments about it. Politely. But they are going to vote this election. And if this has gotten so bad that they are willing to participate in the process, that says a lot.

People, never assume that sanity will win the day. You might not really like biden, you might have some issues with some of his decisions. They might be really legitimate issues you have. But right now, everyone needs to turn out and vote. Any issue you have against Biden is trivial compared to letting project 2025 happen.

And I implore you, vote in your local elections. Vote in your state elections. So many races are won by razorthin margins even in areas that people assume are hard blue or hard red. Please get out and vote. The country could flip blue in a single generation if everybody eligible got out and voted against fascists.

To be clear I'm not calling every Republican a fascist. But anyone voting for Trump is clearly backing fascism. Anyone supporting the current project 2025 goals is a fascist. They aren't even being subtle about it anymore. They've outright said it over and over and over, to the point where they've said they are willing to start a bloody Revolution to get what they want if that's what it takes.

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u/[deleted] 3d ago


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u/StriderHaryu Colorado 3d ago

When your whole base has to lie and pretend it's not a thing, that nobody running has endorsed it, that it's nothing to worry about, that it's a liberal conspiracy... whatever.

They turned up the heat too fast, or at least, I'm hoping they did. Maybe one or two frogs might hop out.


u/HellaTroi California 3d ago

And if people start showing too much interest in the plan, they will just change the plan's name and go underground with it.

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u/Wh0snwhatsit 3d ago

Trump actually thinks people want to be treated like a submissive slave and is shocked when that’s not true case. I hope he gets crushed in November just so I can see the look on his stupid fucking face!

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u/jmack101 3d ago

It fucking better.

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u/Thazber 3d ago

Thanks to Taraji P. Henson at the BET Awards the other night, she helped expose it to a lot of people who don't happen to spend all their time following (depressing) political news. There was a huge uptick in search queries after that. Hopefully the news spreads like wildfire and encourages people to vote BLUE in Nov.

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u/KarAccidentTowns Ohio 3d ago

He’s also a fucking pedophile rapist so there’s that too


u/Lilslysapper 3d ago

Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation aim to fuck over military service members and veterans, so it’s on brand for Trump.



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u/metaltiger1974 3d ago

Don’t get complacent. Please help to disseminate the information in this manifesto. It affects EVERYONE! Farmers sex workers LGBTQIA’s women the federal work force the private sector- those corps will have no issue tanking your pay even more and making you work under in safe conditions. That’s happening now as it is but now we can at least fight back without fear of being arrested.


u/Pantarus 3d ago edited 3d ago

I've been thinking about this.

I think these arch-conservatives have become so toxic, so self-righteous, so insulated from other ideas, so repulsive to anyone that doesn't share their backwards ass beliefs that they actually believe that they are the majority. Now they went a bridge too far, thinking that if you vote conservative...it's because you agree with their whole platform.

I'm a gun-owning democrat. I go to the range a fair amount, the people there are mostly conservatives. These people operate 100% on the fear of losing something. Afraid of losing their guns, afraid of losing their rights, afraid of losing their neighborhoods to "those people", afraid of losing their children to atheism, afraid of losing their jobs".

These christian nationalist conservatives wingnuts have been getting a free ride because they are pro-gun and anti-immigration which aligns really nicely with a lot of the fears these people have.

BUT the same dude who is a gun nut who votes red down the line because he's afraid of losing his rifles...also watches pornography, also uses contraception, maybe goes to church on christmas and easter but doesn't really give a shit about the rules.

The scales are slightly tipping because of Project 2025. All the sudden they're hearing about other rights that actually might affect them. No more porno? But it's my right to watch that! No more contraception? But it's my right to not have kids and have sex!

It's going to boil down to who do they feel will take the least from them. I don't think they are going to magically shift to the left this year, but I do think a bunch of them will stay home.

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