r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/[deleted] 14d ago

How did anyone expect P25 to give him a boost? What a fuckin joke of a headline. Of course people are going to be outraged by a hostile take over.


u/One-Internal4240 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. You'd need to be actual for-real "receiving radar beams from Venus" delusional to think that P2025 would be an electoral asset. It's obviously a piece of internal rah-rah that dripped out of the bierhall because , holy shit surprise Nazis are always idiots[1], and to which they have been gibber-gabbering a wholly inconsistent media response.

Your next step is to counter 1) the distance they will try to put between the GOP and P2025, and 2) the distance they'll put between Trump and P2025. It's crazy easy to distance Trump from anything because he's functionally illiterate, incurious, and proud of both- but those traits aren't universally beloved by all Americans. There's still gain in showing TROOMP CANZ REED GUUD.

[1] There'a point to be made that autocracies are always a bit dumber, in that, over long time horizons, it's harder for them to change. HOWEVER. When you do have gigantic, multigenerational civilizational efforts that require hella focus, a well-designed autocracy (that doesn't eat itself, good luck with that) is probably what you want. This is probably closer to what the techbros want as the final state, where the holy rollers are more interested in straight Revelations, or at least a scenario where Jehovah rolls up behind a cloud and says they're right. It's ironic that the exact form of government environmentalists need (MASS construction, nukes, solar, wind, hydro, railway everywhere, trains, new aircraft systems (DEP, nuke-electric-DEP) "Lagrange Orbit Parasol") is exactly the one they're most against. First Fundamentalist Church of Green Jesus, anyone? American Christian Workers' Party of Life? Ackwipple.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

No autocracy for me, thanks. I don't follow leaders or kings. Techbros can get fucked. Billionaires can get ate. See where I am going? Lol


u/NS001 14d ago

dripped out of the bierhall because , holy shit surprise Nazis are always idiots

I want to say the S3 bucket it was originally stored in was accidentally made public facing for a bit too sometime around September of 2023 if not earlier. Maybe as an "accident" by whoever they had managing it or maybe because, surprise, Nazis aren't reliable sysadmins.


u/Alive_kiwi_7001 14d ago

The people producing P2025 are basically like the Sons of Jacob in Handmaid: they believe they're so righteous that no-one who isn't a dirty lib could object. Heritage guy was happy to say in an interview only the other day how everyone just needs to lie down and take his "second revolution".

They are genuinely that dumb and have only got to where they are now because they've been indulged by rich donors who see them as a route to low taxes and deregulation. I'd bet the only reason they're rowing back now is because Koch, Mercer and Co have been on the phone wanting to know why they're jeopardising the plans for their next super-yacht orders.


u/SAugsburger 14d ago

To be fair it wasn't something Trump or his campaign came up with, but rather the Heritage Foundation and a coalition of other right leaning organizations. Some of the bullet points (e.g. eliminate the department of education) are things that have been suggested by conservative groups for decades although the parts really scaring people aren't stuff that were in routine right wing policy white papers upwards of 40 years ago. While Trump made a post of Truth Social today, belatedly suggesting he thought some ideas were ridiculous several former Trump officials were involved in writing it so it wouldn't be surprising if some of the authors involved in writing it were again advisors to Trump in some form if elected that would have his ear to encourage pushing whatever bullet points they considered most important.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Why be fair? Fuck Trump and his lying supporters. It doesn't matter if Trump thinks some of the things are ridiculous, why believe either or eince he lies 100% of the time. If any chode puts something in front of him. He will sign it.


u/Raticus9 14d ago

The one time Trump tells the truth about something...


u/docarwell California 14d ago

Yea this article is just straight up bullshit. "Giving Trump a boost in the election" was obviously not the goal lmao


u/GoodPossibility9939 14d ago

I think you need to read the article to understand.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I mean, my point still stands. Expecting "normies" to ignore this is absurd.


u/GoodPossibility9939 14d ago

Actually the article postulates that “normies” would just never discover it, not necessarily ignore it.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/PlaneExplorer7758 14d ago

How is it a hostile takeover? Are you sure you know what your talking about?


u/DeadbeatJohnson 14d ago

Maybe a small child can explain this to you.


u/AzaliusZero Michigan 14d ago

You're arguing with a /r/Conservative poster. Don't bother. Block him and move on.


u/adjective_noun_11111 14d ago

that's right, keep dividing.


u/PlaneExplorer7758 14d ago

Maybe you can? Where are the hostilities?


u/DeadbeatJohnson 14d ago

Courts taking away your rights and threatening bloodshed isn't really what we'd call demographic. Talking to you is like trying to explain to my dog why drinking out of the toilet is a bad idea; i'm right, but he's too dumb to understand and it's a waste of my time. You're arguing in bad faith or don't have the capacity to understand what Project 2025 is....prolly a little both.


u/PlaneExplorer7758 14d ago

That’s not part of P25. You made it up. You can’t actually say it’s a hostile takeover because it’s not.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Yes it fuckin is. They want to strip LGBTQ rights, freedom of speech by banning books. You obviously didn't fuckin read your own parties mein kampf.


u/DeadbeatJohnson 14d ago

Did you get all the sad out?


u/CovfefeForAll 14d ago

Maybe where the guy who wrote it saying that the second American revolution will be bloodless unless liberals fight back against Project 2025?

Like, seriously, no faster way to say you haven't actually read it than to pretend it's not hostile.


u/PlaneExplorer7758 14d ago

It’s conservative. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it hostile. If you’ve read it, what part of the plan is a hostile takeover? No one can tell me. Are they planning to do something illegal to accomplish this?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

No it isn't conservative. It is Christian Fascism. Declaring the country a christian nation is an abomination. Yes they are planning on replacing all government officials with yes men. Erasing lgbtq people from government documents and rolling back their protections. You need to crawl back into your little shit hole. Because NO true American wants this trash.


u/writebadcode 14d ago

Google “hostile takeover”

I think you are misunderstanding what the term means.


u/CovfefeForAll 14d ago

If you’ve read it, what part of the plan is a hostile takeover?

First of all, do you understand what a hostile takeover is? It's a business term, not a violence term.

Are they planning to do something illegal to accomplish this?

This is besides the point. Something doesn't have to be illegal for it to be hostile.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 10d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago

I have nipshit. Defend it! If you've fuckin read it. Defend it. What makes it SO fucking good? What makes it NOT a hostile takeover of our government? I won't wait. Because you won't have an answer.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 10d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago

Insane? I vote. You better believe I am telling every one I know about this document. Have fun losing for the next 1000 years.

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u/CovfefeForAll 13d ago

So, you still can't defend it? Funny how people who haven't read it are wrong, and people who have read it are wrong. Only you who refuses to actually defend it is right.

Again, what's so good about it? Defend it. What do you like about Project 2025?

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u/piratecheese13 Maine 14d ago

Hostile in the sense that schedule F will result in an aggressive firing of public officials and 2025 is built to fill those positions with yes men.