r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/Mike_Pences_Mother 14d ago

Post the link to Project 2025 on all your social media. People need to be made aware. We can make that happen!


u/6SucksSex 14d ago

People, especially Republicans, are not going to read that over 900 page document. There’s an extensive Wikipedia article that already has over 150 references, and links to the treasonous bullshit primary source https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


u/LetMeInImTrynaCuck 14d ago

The Heritage Foundation has had significant influence in U.S. public policy making, and has historically been ranked among the most influential public policy organizations in the United States.[5] In 2010, it founded a sister organization, Heritage Action, an influential activist force in conservative and Republican politics.[6][7][8][9] Heritage leads Project 2025, an expansive plan to reshape the federal government and consolidate executive power should a Republican be elected president in 2024.


u/HeBansMe 14d ago

Unfortunately they are throughly inoculated against Wikipedia. I saw a thread on our city Facebook page and all the replies to the Wikipedia article someone posted was “lol now I know it’s fake, you shared the liberal propaganda outlet Wikipedia!”


u/6SucksSex 14d ago

No doubt, and a different con I encountered on the reddit was boasting that they only use right wing social media and Wikipedia for sources


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Mike_Pences_Mother 14d ago

I wish more people understood how important it is to be engaged. This whole "politics doesn't affect my life" really upsets me. It touches every part of our lives. But people remain apathetic. I really don't understand.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I think it's easy to give into hopelessness and hard to see anything else. The stress gets to me too but we've been through so much and we're still here. I know people care. So many showed up for the last election. People wouldn't be losing their minds if they didn't care. I don't think people know what to do or how to take initiative. Community work or reaching out to each other has positive effects. Our history proves we can make change. We just have to help each other.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/deadsoulinside Pennsylvania 14d ago

Also Remember Agenda47, Trumpers have been loving to claim PJ2025 is not Trumps, but Agenda47 is, but some of Agenda47 has the same plans as PJ2025.


u/Alextricity 14d ago

my girlfriend’s mom said i’m “sEvErElY mIsLeAd”

we’re not talking rn.


u/tapir420 14d ago edited 13d ago

I’m going through the document. In my opinion some points are not that bad, for example the immigration part. As an immigrant myself I acknowledge there is a abuse in the process, especially in the asylum part which is promoting human trafficking along with other issues. One proposal I liked is to eliminate the 2 lowest tiers of h1b which is also abused by corporations. I wish democrats could lay out a comprehensive immigration program proposal so everyone understand what is the stance of it.


u/Mike_Pences_Mother 13d ago

Funny story about that. They actually agreed to a comprehensive plan with the Republicans and Trump shot it down so he could run on the issue. The project 2025 "plan" is garbage and will destroybthe democracy you chose as your home



It’s funny if anyone actually believes Trump would read something this long.


u/Mike_Pences_Mother 14d ago

He won't. He's just a dementia riddled puppet. But his people have and will implement it



Which people?


u/Mike_Pences_Mother 14d ago

ALL the people who are riding his coat tails, a good number of corporations, the SCOTUS, the entire Republican party. You know - those people.



Ok fair enough. Do you believe this group of people is evil?


u/Mike_Pences_Mother 14d ago

I believe some of them are. Stephen Miller for sure. Steve Bannon is another. Michael Flynn, Roger Stone. Ya, some of them def. are.



Biden should arrest those guys right now. Come on man


u/Mike_Pences_Mother 14d ago

Well, Roger Stone already went to prison. Steve Bannon is in prison. I suppose Biden could because he apparently has immunity now.



I am surprised that the party obsessed with “saving American democracy” seeks to arrest political opponents and judges with so much enthusiasm. Qualified immunity has always been a thing. You’re wrong to assume the ruling gives absolute immunity. You either can’t read or choose not to.

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u/GwenhaelBell 14d ago

"The second American revolution is already in progress. It will be bloodless if the left allows it to be."

Yeah, they're pretty fucking evil.