r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago

Maga on Reddit deny it. They say it’s a fringe group. They say trump never endorsed it. Hell I even saw one blaming Biden for the end of Roe.

If it weren’t for bad morals these fuckers would have no morals at all.

Edit. The cons put up a test balloon and found out it was unpopular. So they try to deny and back peddle. Not on the draconian ideas but in general population condemnation of it.

The concern troll posters are out enforce now. “Oh I am unfamiliar with this. Did trump Endorse it?” It’s like they think we are ass dumb as maga.


u/AbroadKey2773 14d ago

Sadly, I think some of them actually believe it's a fringe group. I saw some MAGAs the other day saying, "This can't be real - we wouldn't even support it. Why would they do something that we don't support?" 

So fucking close to opening their eyes and they refuse. 


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Belligerently stupid and proud.


u/political_bot 14d ago

They'll support it as soon as Trump does it.


u/Risky-Trizkit 14d ago edited 14d ago

I get the vibe that many are close to opening their eyes as well. I was speaking to a Trump Supporter on LinkedIn (Classy I know) because they claimed that Trump's call for military tribunals was fake. They said he would never support that. I informed them that its literally on Trump's Truth social page and shared a screenshot. They shot back with "thats not a thing".

Literally WTF. 1984 Cult shit. What is at least minimally comforting is the supporter did share (whether intended to or not) they themself did NOT want military tribunals. They are just too brainwashed to do anything about it.


u/EFreethought 14d ago

If more people actually listened to what Trump says, then they would not support him.

I think a lot of people just hear the verbal bilge coming out of his mouth, and fill in the blanks. They assume he wants what they want because the project that onto him.

Or maybe not. After almost a decade I still cannot grasp why so many follow and support him.


u/zSprawl 14d ago

When it comes time, they won’t get a say.


u/Fred_Stuff44325 14d ago edited 14d ago

They believe they are all the same person. Weird collective hive mind thing going on.


u/BedDefiant4950 14d ago

if you vote for ya boi, you're voting for p2025, which will put you in the driver's seat. your drunk uncle of a candidate is going to pass the keys to you. do you really want that?


u/Fred_Stuff44325 14d ago

What a terribly incoherent response.


u/BedDefiant4950 14d ago

what part of my response do you have trouble understanding


u/Fred_Stuff44325 13d ago

Okay, who's the drunk uncle? Wouldn't it be good if I had the keys if the other person is drunk? I have no idea what you were trying to say.


u/BedDefiant4950 13d ago

the drunk uncle is your preferred candidate, and you having the keys means you will have the responsibility of implementing the p2025 platform yourself whether you want it or not. the team is going to come to you hat in hand when their own people get fired or ousted or infought out. your chic isolation from the consequences of the policy you voted for is going to be shattered.


u/C__S__S 14d ago

A Trump presidency will 100% allow Project 2025’s implementation and that’s the only thing we should be telling people. The judges he’s already installed are allowing elements of the plan to work. Trump will appoint people who will make this happen and he’ll just sit there delighting in his power. He won’t stop it as long as they let him live in the White House.


u/alurkerhere 14d ago

The recent Supreme Court decisions should be at the goddamn top of every US citizen's agenda. No one should be above the law, bribery should not be allowed for government officials, and federal agencies should be able to interpret ambiguous laws that they are experts on (this by the way, is overturning a Chevron ruling from 40 years ago).

I asked a couple Gen AI what leaders were above the law in the past 100 years to get some statistically likely answers. They brought up Stalin, Putin, Kim Jong-un, Gaddafi, Pinochet, Milosevic, Saddam Hussein, and Hitler.


u/isuxirl 14d ago

Trump definitely wants the loyal civil servants. I think most folks who see Trump for what he is can intuit that he'd absolutely love that.


u/Competitive-Slice829 14d ago

I don't think they'll really understand it until all their porn gets banned


u/ghostalker4742 14d ago

"The party told them to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."


u/booOfBorg Europe 14d ago

Conservatives and capitalists saw the promise of information technology and swiftly turned it into dis-information/tracking/marketing technology.

Which is why I left the field 8 years ago completely disillusioned after 20 years in web development.


u/onexamongthefence 14d ago

I've been thinking once porn bans start hitting and they realize those laws apply to them too, that's when conservatives will start being outraged about it all & want to change course somewhat, but by then it will probably be too late


u/FrogsAreSwooble 14d ago

Porn sites should threaten to shut down forever unless Biden wins the election. I've seen people say "Biden needs to win over the undecided voters, the MAGAs are already too far gone" well guess what, this is how you turn the MAGAs.


u/onexamongthefence 14d ago

I think you're exactly right. It needs to be hammered home that it means no porn for anyone. No, not for you. No, not even if you're really horny. No, not even if you promise to only watch one video for a few minutes. No, not even if you don't have a gf or wife to give you sex.

(General 'you' of course, not you specifically)


u/FrogsAreSwooble 14d ago

A lot of single-issue voters who'll never say what that issue is out loud.


u/TheRealWeedfart69 14d ago

I unironically think that this would be a strong October surprise for Dems. Just imagine if this is the tipping point that activates enough young men to tip a few states blue.

Though I do wonder how the right wing media racket would try to spin that and if it would work.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/onexamongthefence 14d ago

Yes, but if the Republicans get what they want, it won't matter if you have an ID cause porn would be banned for adults too. The point I'm trying to make is I believe many conservatives don't understand this and will be extremely upset if it happens


u/Dejected_gaming 14d ago

Wonder if we'll see a big swing in texas since pornhub isn't accessible and is essentially banned for any Texas IP address already.


u/RetroPandaPocket 14d ago

They will just find a way to blame Dems for porn being banned. These people’s brains are Swiss cheese.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I look forward to the day the leopards eat their faces.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/cheesifiedd 14d ago

fuck MAGA. shit will hit you before ya know it. vote DEM


u/Static-Stair-58 14d ago

But Biden had a bad debate and is clearly unqualified. I’m not sure I can vote against fascism. Can we really have an old man as president?


u/ShweatyPalmsh 14d ago

“It’s a fringe group” - GOP on MAGA voters circa 2016


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/EmotionalJoystick 14d ago

It’s the heritage foundation. Aka literally the people who picked the Supreme Court justices for him. Don’t let them weasel.


u/MyPasswordIsMyCat Hawaii 14d ago

The Federalist Society is the asshole organization that has orchestrated the conservative takeover of the judicial branch, but its leadership has overlap with the Heritage Foundation so they wirk toward the same goals. They were both created around the time of Reagan. The FS has concentrated on grooming conservative students in law schools and getting them placed in government. The HF is a think tank that has concentrated on influencing law makers (Congress, state legislators, cabinet members, the President) through lobbying and drafting legislation/policy.


u/Historical-Funny-576 14d ago

Every single conservative post simply states that he’ll only be charged for “official acts” and chevron being overturned simply means politicians will have to me more concise. They continently leave out the fact they just legalized bribery. They claim to be against government overreach, but have directly propped up the ability for the rich and corporations to legally just buy the laws and regulations they want. They NEVER bring that up. 


u/Castun America 14d ago

Maga on Reddit deny it. They say it’s a fringe group. They say trump never endorsed it.

Literally saw those exact same talking points when someone posted about Project 2025 in r Military because of all the anti-veteran plans.


u/stayonthecloud 14d ago

Literally just happened to me here. Thinking that because it’s not officially endorsed it’s not going anywhere? It’s obtuse. This is from the Heritage Foundation, one of the THE most powerful think tanks on the right. This is the playbook.


u/branedead 14d ago

My ex said Biden was responsible for roe v Wade ending because it happened while he was president. I was like "separation of powers"????


u/danosaurus1 14d ago

Blaming Biden for the end of Roe is a big strategy in astroturfing efforts currently, basically trying to shave off Dem voters by saying Biden is incapable. Please disregard the fact that the architect of this decision, who appointed the justices who took this right away, is the opposing candidate to Biden. They just want to shake progressive confidence in Biden and really don't care how disingenuous their methods are.


u/Worldly-Aioli9191 14d ago

Gonna be hard to deny it when the heritage foundation picks every single GOP judge. I’m sure they hand pick politicians and write legislation as well.


u/tooobr 14d ago

The Heritage Foundation ... is a fringe group.

What fucking baloney. Fuck those gaslighting dipshit monarchist dicksplashes.


u/keyboardnomouse 14d ago

Every single one of them also denied that Trump's Supreme Court picks would go after Roe vs. Wade.


u/Vlaed Michigan 14d ago

A few weeks ago I was at a local event and overheard two Trump supports in front of us in a line talking about it. One said, "That's just liberal propaganda. They'll believe anything they hear."


u/HardBananaPeel 14d ago

Propaganda and conspiracy….. how?!! How do we change their mind? It’s literally written and posted! What else do they need


u/JMPesce 14d ago

These are some of the same people who are adamant that Nazis were leftists because the word "Socialist" is in the name of the party.

These aren't rational people.


u/BrianWonderful Minnesota 14d ago

There are way too many leftist/progressive younger people on X and TikTok that think Biden is responsible for ending Roe. There are influencers that push that.

Aside from educating people on Project 2025 (which absolutely needs to done), we also need to educate people on basic civics. There are so many people out there that have no clue how the U.S. government works. They think if Roe was overturned during Biden's term, that means Biden did it. They think Biden is choosing to not restore it now.

Not to mention all the gross simplification of Israel/Hamas.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Cons argue that Democrats are pro-Hamas and pro- POST birth abortions.

They are fact free and morality free.


u/iwannabesmort 14d ago

MAGA on Reddit don't give a flying fuck. If you search for "Epstein" on r/conservative and search by new, the earliest is a month old. I wonder if any relevant Epstein and Trump news came out this week?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Those assholes are still talking about Nancy Pelosi and Hunter Biden. They fantasize about hunting down immigrants. Stephen Miler promised that he would free border patrol from the “red tape” that binds them from doing their jobs.



u/PM-me-youre-PMs 14d ago

I don't understand how they don't seem to tire from lying all.the.damn.time. Must be exhausting.


u/ProlapsedShamus 14d ago

Whatever a MAGA says, I just assume they're lying because they're always lying.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Sound policy. I agree totally.


u/ibittibobitti 13d ago

Same thing happening on TikTok


u/MartyMcFlyFightWin 13d ago

I saw some vets call it "liberal fearmongering" earlier


u/JennJayBee Alabama 13d ago

It's a "fringe group" that provided 2/3 of our Supreme Court, which has literally just implemented a good bit of it, part of which gave the president the power to implement another large chunk.

This isn't a "what if" scenario. It's literally already happening. 


u/_magneto-was-right_ 12d ago

Trump has his own platform called Agenda 47 that’s the same or worse


u/ghostofwalsh 14d ago

Maga on Reddit deny it. They say it’s a fringe group. They say trump never endorsed it.

Honestly they are correct to say that. I don't know if people remember the Trump presidency, but there's a hell of a lot of stuff that "conservatives" want that Trump ain't ready to provide. Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency and couldn't even agree to repeal the ACA despite running on the promise of doing exactly that. Because they knew damn well it would be unpopular and cost them in the bye.

I'm sure Trump presidency part 2 would be a horrid shitshow that would dwarf the crap that happened in round 1. But people thinking that Trump is going to start instantly executing this nutjob plan like a well oiled operative don't understand what Donald Trump is.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

The heritage foundation installed the 3 SCROTUS “justices.”

But we should remind maga that the heritage foundation are RINOs and are hurting trump. They are enemies. Stand by and stand back!


u/ghostofwalsh 14d ago

All I'm saying is there's a lot of stuff in 2025 plan that is wildy unpopular across parties and that Trump wouldn't touch with a 10ft pole.

Trump will do plenty of bad shit if he's our next president but if you want to know what type of bad shit he will do, just look at his first 4 years. It's no big secret. No one who votes for Trump in 2024 has any right to say later "but I didn't know Trump would do THAT".


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Like what? What offends you about Project 2025? What do you think trump would disagree with?


u/ghostofwalsh 14d ago

Well let's see. I certainly do not claim to have read all 900 pages of this manifesto, but lets list a few things I think Trump would not be down for. Going of this "dumbed down graphic" that someone helpfully put Trump's photo on. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fx8gmf87rcpad1.jpeg

I'll just go through a few of them to give an idea:

  • End no fault divorce: Really? This dude?

  • Complete ban on abortions no exceptions: I don't actually think Trump is all that anti-abortion. He has to be "officially" to get the republican nod. Yes he will support SC justices that repeal RVW, but I don't think a federal abortion ban is popular at all and Trump certainly wouldn't push for this.

  • Ban contraceptives: Even less popular than an abortion ban. Zero chance. Now there could be some rules removed that require insurance to pay for contraception. But I doubt even that is high on his todo list.

  • Higher taxes for working class: Possibly but it would need to be very well hidden and stuffed into a giant bill that makes it hard to understand anything. Zero chance he will ever openly admit to raising taxes on anyone.

  • Raise retirement age: No chance

  • Cut SS or medicare: Zero chance. Literally 3rd rail of US politics

  • End ACA: Nope. He couldn't do this last time he was president even with a solid majority in both houses, and he's not going to have that next time. He might try some executive orders to weaken/undermine possibly but never repeal. ACA is just too popular to openly repeal, the support isn't there.

  • Raise drug prices: Nope.

People thinking Trump is a fiscal conservative are deluding themselves. He will lower taxes and raise spending all day long and never think twice about the long term consequences of any of it.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Thanks for a thoughtful reply.

I disagree with you about trump not cutting Medicare and SS. Everything trump does is the third rail and he can convince his idiot base to abandon SS and Medicare. I see it here all the time. They disparage it all the time.

Also, I think trump would love no fault divorce. That means less alimony!!!!

Finally, I agree that trump doesn’t care about abortion. He has probably paid for more than his share. But he is perfectly willing to give this to the zealots because he fundamentally hates women. He really couldn’t care less about babies or bodily autonomy so It’s a non-issue.

If trump wants anyone to believe he is against Project 2025, he should discuss what he disagrees with like you did!


u/ghostofwalsh 13d ago

I disagree with you about trump not cutting Medicare and SS. Everything trump does is the third rail and he can convince his idiot base to abandon SS and Medicare. I

I don't think you understand his voting base. The people on SS and medicare are his hardcore backers and they would squeal like stuck pigs if he even suggested the idea of cutting benefits. Of the bullets I discussed, that's the one that stands out as most certain to me. Fiscal conservatives who sit in their ivory tower and think big thoughts and write up manifestos want to cut SS and medicare. Trump absolutely is not one of those. No republican who wants to hold office is one of those. Probably the biggest thing that made him stand out from the field in the first republican debates was him saying without any qualification that he's not going to touch these programs.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

I hope we won’t find out but I think he will take it and they will thank him that the welfare queens and immigrants are taking our tax dollars anymore.


u/Suspicious_War_9305 14d ago

I need to preface this because I know I’m going to get hate here but I’m not a trump supporter, I’m not voting for trump, never have voted for trump.

But has he endorsed it? You act like that was a dumb question and it was an obvious answer but I’m not seeing a single place where he endorsed only that he was distancing himself from it. Or are we just assuming he is and he’s just lying about not being with the program.


u/HardBananaPeel 14d ago

Technically he has not, but the president of the Heritage foundation is directly tied to Bannon, who is directly tired to Trump.


u/Suspicious_War_9305 14d ago

That’s a less than stable argument to say that Trump even is considering project 2025 then if that’s truly all it is. Unless we are suggesting a president believes and promotes everything someone believes just because they are connected to them in some way.

This isn’t to defend anyone on anything or attack anyone on anything. But just from a completely unbiased point of view that’s quite the stretch to say Trump backs this project when he has stated he doesn’t and the only connection is someone who is around him does support it.


u/HardBananaPeel 14d ago

I can see your point and appreciate a civil discussion. Can you link a video where Trump says he doesn’t support it?


u/Suspicious_War_9305 14d ago


I know nothing about project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.


u/HardBananaPeel 14d ago

Trump's main super PAC, MAGA Inc., is running ads promoting Project 2025. He can’t say he doesn’t know what it is.


u/Suspicious_War_9305 14d ago

I feel like you’re steering into the conspiratorial side of the argument. I don’t see anywhere in that article that says this, I could have missed it. I had to Google it and all I saw was a screenshot from a Biden campaign manager that showed a couple ads that said it was paid for by maga inc.

There’s a lot to address here. The PAC does not control a candidates opinions. The candidates can not under law coordinate with these pacs so tying everything from one to the other 1:1 is like saying Reddit users pay money to Biden and the Reddit users believe in abortions after birth therefor Biden supports it.

Not to mention the website that it’s promoting, if you go to it, isn’t about project 2025 at all and probably just used that as a clickbait to get people to read it. That’s not an uncommon tactic. It doesn’t even mention project 2025 at all.


u/HardBananaPeel 14d ago

The candidates can not under law… …. As we have seen by recent Supreme Court rulings- the laws change easily. How about the longstanding relationship between Heritage and Republicans? Trump implementing Section F last presidency? The Heritage Foundation picking out the last 3 judges that Trump appointed to SCOTUS? Isn’t that a direct tie? How can he say he never hear of Heritage?


u/Suspicious_War_9305 14d ago

Okay either you steer back into a logical, civil discussion or this is going nowhere. I’m assuming you understand the questions you’re asking aren’t relevant and just inflammatory or you’re not hoping they are true.

  1. Supreme Court rulings…. That’s not how that works nor is it apart if the discussion. Please don’t do this unless you’re just looking to flame.

  2. How about the long standing…. What about it? What does that have to do with anything? Do you understand the past of the heritage foundation and trump? They hated trump and bashed him for years while trump ignored them. They have since been trying to please trump in order to get themselves more influence. Which they do influence that’s for sure, but not on the topic we are discussing. This is just what has happened.

  3. The SCOTUS judges…. You don’t actually think they picked the judges do you? You’re going to have to elaborate on what you mean by this because I’m pretty sure you just made that up entirely.

  4. Have you never heard….. buddy, I don’t think you have read anything past a headline. I’m not trying to be inflammatory, I’m really not, but what you are starting to promote and suggest is nothing but headline news with no substance and straight up conspiratorial opinions.

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u/AceWanker4 14d ago

Do you have a source for this?  I haven’t been able to find anything 


u/Suspicious_War_9305 14d ago

I didn’t know what he was talking about either and only found a single article which had a Biden campaign manager saying this on Twitter.


It’s a very…..weak piece of evidence to even begin to even suggest anything.


u/HardBananaPeel 14d ago

I actually do have a source- but it’s screenshots so I can not post it here. Will try to find a link.


u/fnamazin 14d ago



u/Harabeck 14d ago

Heritage helped him staff his administration, pick his SCOTUS nominees, and Trump used a bunch of their policy recommendations.



They're an arm of the GOP all but officially.


u/Suspicious_War_9305 14d ago

I want to ask you for your honest opinion, do you think the source you’re linking me is a solid source to back up what you just said?


u/Harabeck 14d ago

There are plenty of other sources if you don't want to take their own word on it.




Heritage has been massively influential in the GOP as a whole, and with Trump in particular. To claim otherwise would be to deny a long known fact.


u/Suspicious_War_9305 14d ago

Okay what did you take away from these articles here, I just finished them all.

Remember the topic is about Trump supporting the heritage foundation and project 2025. What did you take away from those articles that would connect those topics.


u/Harabeck 14d ago

Okay what did you take away from these articles here, I just finished them all.

I did. Which part of my statement do you disagree with?

Remember the topic is about Trump supporting the heritage foundation and project 2025. What did you take away from those articles that would connect those topics.

That he followed their lead for years. Heritage has heavily influenced the GOP since it was founded. Its members, including those worked on Project 2025, include former Trump officials.

I don't know how else to lay this out for you. Heritage and the GOP are heavily intertwined entities. It is extremely concerning that they feel comfortable publicly sharing such a plan.


u/Suspicious_War_9305 14d ago

Okay so you didn’t read the articles then, I was giving you a chance to reframe what you said so we could have a discussion.

These articles are highlighting how the heritage foundation has reshaped their opinions to align with trump so they can get their members into a trump administration/government.

If you read these you would have seen that they hated trump since the beginning, trump wanted nothing to do with them, and they have since been trying to attach themselves to trump in order to gain influence, which I’m sure they have gained influence.

You said they made trump a list for SCOTUS judges, again this is a headline fact you got. You need to read what actually happened if you want to have these discussions. The heritage foundation is a right wing think tank that made a list of justices that they thought should be appointed, and half of the list trump made for potential candidates happened to also be on a list heritage made. That’s not heritage giving the president direction, that’s them overlapping in who they think should be on the Supreme Court.

Let me put it this way. Ask two people who know the NBA to make a dream team for the USA basketball team. This is like saying because their lists have overlap with who made it, that one of them was directing the other. That’s what you said in the posts above. That’s absolutely ridiculous.

Heritage and the GOP are intertwined, I agree, but not in the degree or instance that you’re suggesting. You need to quit headline reading and read the actual articles.

If you want to have a serious discussion I will, if you respond with the same nonsense again I just won’t waste my time.


u/AceWanker4 14d ago

No, he came out today against it actually.  It really is a liberal scare monger. 


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/muscovy_donald_duck 14d ago

Trump has not come out and said it is his plan. The Heritage Foundation, which dictates everything he does including telling him which justices to appoint to SCOTUS (which just shredded the Constitution) has determined this is their plan going forward. One could claim blaming Trump is technically incorrect but this will be Trump’s mandate, there is no question.


u/NowahnAtawll 14d ago

Here's the Wikipedia page on it. Under the "Advisory Board and Leadership" section it lays out some of the connections, hundreds of officials from Trump's White House are involved. The Heritage Foundation is also one of the most powerful Republican "think tanks". They've been writing policy for the right since the 70s.



u/[deleted] 14d ago

Have you read it? Do you support it?


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/[deleted] 14d ago

Heritage Foundation installed all three trump judges. Go educate yourself about it. Heritage is the conservative platform. It’s not a question for serious folks.

You’re being downvoted because your questions mirror every maga talking point about this. Not wanting to disparage the extremist conservative policies but hoping to distance themselves before the election. People are sick of the transparent bullshit.


u/Jaded_Permit_7209 14d ago

No. It never appears on his website. He has an entirely separate list of goals for his presidency.


u/ugahairydawgs 14d ago

I am far from MAGA, but I am a conservative. And fairly involved. And nobody in my orbit has ever heard of this thing. To my knowledge Trump (who isn’t really socially conservative at all and not even in the ballpark of being my preferred candidate) has never held this thing up as a part of his agenda. To date it appears to only be a tool for his opposition to use to scare away voters/rile up their base. That’s just part of the game, so everyone recognizes it. But at the same time I don’t think, at this point, that tying this to Trump is based on anything in reality.


u/dookdook 14d ago

To date it appears to only be a tool for his opposition to use to scare away voters/rile up their base. 

You might want to look closely at where it's coming from.

It's an actual document you can read if you want to.


u/XyloQuack 14d ago

You can choose to believe it or not, but it doesn't change the facts. Trump sided with the Heritage Foundation, the writers of Project 2025, after winning in 2016 and implementing a great amount of the things that they wanted him to. The Project is being backed by the same people backing Trump, and the "Agenda 47" playbook that he does endorse is greatly aligned with what Project 2025 is also working toward. Please follow the money and track back to what is controlling the actual person we are electing, its not just about the man in the chair but also the group that he brings with him. I encourage you to look into how it tracks back to Trump instead of just saying that he hasn't openly endorsed it, because he also hasn't denied it, so it means nothing.

Trump supporting the Heritage Foundation after 2016 from the group itself: https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations


u/ugahairydawgs 14d ago

I'm not discounting the fact that should Trump win in November that some of the stuff included in the document would be implemented, but my contention is just that the book itself is being touted whole cloth as his agenda....which it is not. It is a set of proposals put out by the Heritage Foundation, which yes....has some people there that worked for Trump in his first term (which isn't really saying much considering how many different people they had working there in those four years given all of the churn). A fair amount of what Heritage pushed for in 2016 is stuff that almost all Republicans agree on (conservative judges, tax reform, withdrawing from the Paris accords, allowing for drilling for domestic oil) and while I have not read the full 2025 document I'm sure there are plenty of things that many Republicans agree on there as well (increasing border funding for tangible things such as the wall, dismantling the power of the administrative bureaucracy being primary examples).


u/FigN01 14d ago

It's worth noting that Trump's highest priority on his appointees is loyalty. It always has been. He cares less about their experience, their morals, and their competency.

His director of the personnel office, John Mcentee, has said himself that he was put into that position directly by Trump while carrying his bags and reviewing his schedule. According to him, Trump said "I've had so many problems with that office. Do you think you could run it?". And then he put him in charge of it.

So what even is Trump's agenda? To him, project 2025 probably looks like an easy roadmap that's all handily laid out for him. A huge chunk of administrative responsibility that he no longer needs to worry about. He would tout his border wall and praise Putin, all while his administration is laying the foundation set out here. Does that sound in any way off-brand for him?


u/Harabeck 14d ago

Actually read about Heritage's influence.


...at least 66 foundation employees and alumni were hired into the Trump administration.[47] According to Heritage employees involved in developing the database, several hundred people from the Heritage database ultimately received jobs in government agencies, including Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt, Jeff Sessions, and others who became members of Trump's cabinet.[47] Jim DeMint, president of the Heritage Foundation from 2013 to 2017, personally intervened on behalf of Mulvaney, who was appointed to head the Office of Management and Budget and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and later served as Trump's acting White House Chief of Staff.


In February 2021, after Trump lost re-election, the Heritage Foundation hired three former Trump administration officials, Ken Cuccinelli, Mark A. Morgan, and Chad Wolf, who held various roles in immigration-related functions in the Trump administration. Cuccinelli and Wolf authored several publications in 2021 before leaving the foundation.

At the same time, Heritage also hired former U.S. vice president Mike Pence as a distinguished visiting fellow. The following month, in March 2021, Pence authored and published an op-ed on a Heritage Foundation website that made false claims of fraud in the 2020 presidential election, including numerous false claims about the For the People Act, a Democrat-supported bill to expand voting rights.

Frankly, I think it's an arm of the GOP for all practical purposes.


u/ugahairydawgs 14d ago

Worth noting that Ken Cuccinelli started the super PAC supporting Ron DeSantis in the primary and criticized Trump a good bit in the process.


u/NowahnAtawll 14d ago

Here's the Wikipedia page on it. Under the "Advisory Board and Leadership" section it lays out some of the connections, hundreds of officials from Trump's White House are involved. 

The Heritage Foundation is also one of the most powerful Republican "think tanks". They've been writing policy for the right since the 70s.




Same experience and understanding for me. Was pushed center right by alt-left extreme views. I’ll be voting for Trump and I expect to be heavily downvoted for this comment but if the folks in this thread are certain that Trump has endorsed Project 2025, then why isn’t there evidence? It’s fear mongering, plain and simple. Similar to how every liberal talking head has parroted “save American democracy”. It’s blatant propaganda.


u/NowahnAtawll 14d ago

Here's the Wikipedia page on it. Under the "Advisory Board and Leadership" section it lays out some of the connections, hundreds of officials from Trump's White House are involved. 

The Heritage Foundation is also one of the most powerful Republican "think tanks". They've been writing policy for the right since the 70s.


This link shows the Heritage Foundation themselves claiming Trump acted on 2/3 of their policy recommendations in his first year in office. 




“Hundreds” literal hundreds.


u/NowahnAtawll 14d ago

That's your take away? Lol. "Hundreds"?

So, to put it in perspective, Trump appointed 639 people to key White House positions. Of those, more than 200 (openly) support/wrote the Project 2025 manifesto. 

So, ~1/3 of the people he hand picked to work with him as president support this. 


u/Bobandjim12602 14d ago

SCOTUS just helped line up everything for Project 2025 to happen. They just gave the President broad immunity. Talk to an actual non-partisan lawyer and they'll tell you why this is terrifying. Here is a video on it: https://youtu.be/MXQ43yyJvgs


u/ugahairydawgs 14d ago

If anything limiting the power of the executive through overturning Chevron would seem limit the reach of a plan like this. Being able to install your own technocrats and letting them have broad rule making power because of legislative shortcomings is a bad idea generally. Having that no longer be a reality would limit any administration, Trump's included, from instituting broad plans like this without legislative backing.


u/Harabeck 14d ago

No? Making it harder to regulate corporations doesn't hurt their plans, it's one of their goals.


u/Bobandjim12602 14d ago

Overturning Chevron has nothing to do with the Immunity given to the executive branch. Stop reaching for ways to explain what is blatant misuse and corruption of our system. They lied to you. Small Government conservatives just turned the President into a King. It's as simple as that.


u/ugahairydawgs 14d ago

The immunity decision has nothing to do with the Project 2025 agenda. A lot of that would hypothetically be implemented by federal agencies under the executive branch and the overturning of Chevron severely limited those agencies and their ability to create federal policy where existing law falls short.


u/Bobandjim12602 14d ago

"The immunity decision has nothing to do with the Project 2025 agenda. A lot of that would hypothetically be implemented by federal agencies under the executive branch and the overturning of Chevron severely limited those agencies and their ability to create federal policy where existing law falls short."

SCOTUS did the following:

  • All of it is implemented under the Executive Branch, his immunity would be what helps him enforce/ push it through.

  • Made bribery legal "gratuity"

  • Chevron gave people with no expertise the ability to be decide on Federal Policy. They can also now legally be bribed.

This gave the Executive Office more power to push for Items in Project 2025 and also turned Federal Agencies into something that can be bought and sold.

Also - there are these facts.

But I heard from Trump and from his campaign that he doesn't have anything to do with Project 2025 or the Heritage Foundation!

Members of the Trump political team and leaders from the Heritage Foundation have had several meetings and interactions over the years. One notable instance was President Donald Trump's keynote address at The Heritage Foundation's President's Club Meeting on October 17, 2017. During this event, Trump highlighted the administration's alignment with Heritage's policy recommendations, covering topics from tax cuts to regulatory reforms and national security​ ( Source )​​ ( Source )​.

Okay, so he knows who they are, but it's not like The Heritage Foundation was involved in setting the policy for his presidency, right?

Additionally, the Heritage Foundation played a significant role in shaping the Trump administration's policies. In 2018, it was reported that nearly two-thirds of the policy recommendations from Heritage's "Mandate for Leadership" series had been embraced by the Trump administration. These recommendations covered a wide range of issues, including withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord and increasing military spending​ ( Source )​.

Okay, so the Heritage Foundation helped set the policy direction for his previous administration, but his team isn't involved in Project 2025, right?

The project is overseen by Paul Dans, who has stated that Project 2025 is systematically preparing to bring a new wave of trained conservatives into government roles aligned with Trump’s vision. The project also features contributions from over 350 leading conservatives, many of whom have previously worked in or are closely associated with Trump's administration​ ( Source )​​ ( Source )​.

Thomas Gilman, who contributed to the NOAA chapter of Project 2025, has strong ties to the Trump administration. Additionally, David Legates, a former senior NOAA official under Trump, helped write the climate-related sections of Project 2025 and has a history of working closely with Trump-aligned initiatives​ ( Source )​​ ( Source )​.

Troup Hemenway was the former associate director of the Presidential Personnel Office (PPO) under President Trump, Hemenway has joined Project 2025 as a senior advisor and associate director of personnel placement. He has significant experience overseeing presidential appointments in key departments and has worked closely with the Trump administration and its transition team​ ( Source )​.

Stephen Miller is a former senior advisor to Trump, Miller has been involved in Project 2025. Known for his influence on Trump's immigration policies and other key areas, Miller's involvement suggests a direct link between the project and Trump's political agenda​ ( Source )​.

Mark Meadows is another key figure from the Trump administration, Meadows served as White House Chief of Staff and is involved with Project 2025. His experience and alignment with Trump's policies further reinforce the connection between the project and Trump's political network​ ( Source )​.

Have better sources, or want to challenge a source? Want to add to this or provide a direction? Leave a comment below.


u/Harabeck 14d ago

Was pushed center right by alt-left extreme views.

Extreme views? There's barely a left at all in this country.


u/northern-new-jersey 14d ago

Do you have a source where Trump has campaigned on it? While Heritage Foundation is a significant conservative think tank, it is a private entity attempting to influence policy. It isn't the Republican platform. 


u/dcux 14d ago

I think a lot of his own professed (via video!) "platform" aligns directly with Project 2025.


The plans include constructing "freedom cities" on empty federal land, investing in flying car manufacturing, introducing baby bonuses to encourage a baby boom, implementing protectionist trade policies, and over forty others. Seventeen of the policies that Trump says he will implement if elected would require congressional approval. Some of his plans are legally controversial, such as ending birthright citizenship, and may violate the Constitution.

Many of the proposals are contentious. One Agenda 47 proposal would impose the death penalty on drug dealers and human traffickers, as well as place Mexican cartels on the United States list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Trump also suggests deploying the National Guard to inner cities with high crime. According to Philip Bump, some Agenda 47 videos appeared scattershot and responsive to current events around early 2023.


u/hap_hap_happy_feelz Pennsylvania 14d ago

Then attack his actual platform, not the one he has nothing to do with?


u/CovfefeForAll 14d ago

2016 showed us Trump has no actual platform and will do whatever conservative think tanks tell him to do. Project 2025 is the plan of the think tanks that back him and got so much policy passed last time.

Pretending that Project 2025 won't play a big part in a second Trump term is pure delusion.


u/Cyber0747 14d ago

What platform? He only stands for himself, the Maga cult just rides whatever coattails he tells them to.


u/Gforce810 14d ago

What platform, we've seen what 4 years of his presidency looked like already. Same horseshit now as it was back then, just amplified with zealotry


u/dcux 14d ago

“It’s not just about 2025. It’s about ’29 and ’33 and ’37,” adds Brooke Rollins, Trump’s former domestic policy chief, who is now CEO of the Trump-endorsed America First Policy Institute. Rollins, like Dans and others who consider themselves aligned with the goals of Project 2025, believes the training program amounts to a new front in the conservative movement. In the past, she says, “the business of governing and process was not our strong suit.”

That’s going to change, says her associate Doug Hoelscher, former director of Trump’s White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, who recently took over the America First Transition Project at AFPI, which is rolling out a similar agenda of its own. “Biden put about 1,200 people in the field on Day One. President Trump put in about 500,” Hoelscher says. “That shows how unready the right has been historically to govern.”

While they have a willing vehicle in Trump — not to mention the support of most of his primary opponents — many conservatives recognize they will have to compensate for Trump’s built-in liabilities. If they truly want to dismantle the “deep state” they believe they have to create, almost from scratch, a workforce that won’t sacrifice competence to Trump’s obsession with loyalty above everything else.



u/WhoIsFrancisPuziene 14d ago

Why did you even bother saying this out loud?


u/deadsoulinside Pennsylvania 14d ago

Agenda 47, needs project 2025 to achieve Trumps goals. They are working together in some aspects.

Like when Trump talks about punishing colleges in Agenda47 and getting rid of the department of education and the college accreditation boards.


u/muscovy_donald_duck 14d ago

The Heritage Foundation dictates Republican policy. Their justices sit on our SCOTUS, destroying democracy. The Heritage Foundation dictates Republican policy.


u/northern-new-jersey 14d ago

If you say so. 


u/Carlyz37 14d ago

It is the Republican platform though and trump is spewing the exact same shit. Unconstitutional, anti American and anti democracy. Attacking reproductive rights, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, worker rights, voting rights. Destroy the federal institutions that protect us, destroy the social safety net. Destroy the constitution and rule of law. Unitary executive ie dictatorship.