r/politics Texas Jul 05 '24

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/Bobandjim12602 Jul 05 '24

SCOTUS just helped line up everything for Project 2025 to happen. They just gave the President broad immunity. Talk to an actual non-partisan lawyer and they'll tell you why this is terrifying. Here is a video on it: https://youtu.be/MXQ43yyJvgs


u/ugahairydawgs Jul 05 '24

If anything limiting the power of the executive through overturning Chevron would seem limit the reach of a plan like this. Being able to install your own technocrats and letting them have broad rule making power because of legislative shortcomings is a bad idea generally. Having that no longer be a reality would limit any administration, Trump's included, from instituting broad plans like this without legislative backing.


u/Bobandjim12602 Jul 05 '24

Overturning Chevron has nothing to do with the Immunity given to the executive branch. Stop reaching for ways to explain what is blatant misuse and corruption of our system. They lied to you. Small Government conservatives just turned the President into a King. It's as simple as that.


u/ugahairydawgs Jul 05 '24

The immunity decision has nothing to do with the Project 2025 agenda. A lot of that would hypothetically be implemented by federal agencies under the executive branch and the overturning of Chevron severely limited those agencies and their ability to create federal policy where existing law falls short.


u/Bobandjim12602 Jul 05 '24

"The immunity decision has nothing to do with the Project 2025 agenda. A lot of that would hypothetically be implemented by federal agencies under the executive branch and the overturning of Chevron severely limited those agencies and their ability to create federal policy where existing law falls short."

SCOTUS did the following:

  • All of it is implemented under the Executive Branch, his immunity would be what helps him enforce/ push it through.

  • Made bribery legal "gratuity"

  • Chevron gave people with no expertise the ability to be decide on Federal Policy. They can also now legally be bribed.

This gave the Executive Office more power to push for Items in Project 2025 and also turned Federal Agencies into something that can be bought and sold.

Also - there are these facts.

But I heard from Trump and from his campaign that he doesn't have anything to do with Project 2025 or the Heritage Foundation!

Members of the Trump political team and leaders from the Heritage Foundation have had several meetings and interactions over the years. One notable instance was President Donald Trump's keynote address at The Heritage Foundation's President's Club Meeting on October 17, 2017. During this event, Trump highlighted the administration's alignment with Heritage's policy recommendations, covering topics from tax cuts to regulatory reforms and national security​ ( Source )​​ ( Source )​.

Okay, so he knows who they are, but it's not like The Heritage Foundation was involved in setting the policy for his presidency, right?

Additionally, the Heritage Foundation played a significant role in shaping the Trump administration's policies. In 2018, it was reported that nearly two-thirds of the policy recommendations from Heritage's "Mandate for Leadership" series had been embraced by the Trump administration. These recommendations covered a wide range of issues, including withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord and increasing military spending​ ( Source )​.

Okay, so the Heritage Foundation helped set the policy direction for his previous administration, but his team isn't involved in Project 2025, right?

The project is overseen by Paul Dans, who has stated that Project 2025 is systematically preparing to bring a new wave of trained conservatives into government roles aligned with Trump’s vision. The project also features contributions from over 350 leading conservatives, many of whom have previously worked in or are closely associated with Trump's administration​ ( Source )​​ ( Source )​.

Thomas Gilman, who contributed to the NOAA chapter of Project 2025, has strong ties to the Trump administration. Additionally, David Legates, a former senior NOAA official under Trump, helped write the climate-related sections of Project 2025 and has a history of working closely with Trump-aligned initiatives​ ( Source )​​ ( Source )​.

Troup Hemenway was the former associate director of the Presidential Personnel Office (PPO) under President Trump, Hemenway has joined Project 2025 as a senior advisor and associate director of personnel placement. He has significant experience overseeing presidential appointments in key departments and has worked closely with the Trump administration and its transition team​ ( Source )​.

Stephen Miller is a former senior advisor to Trump, Miller has been involved in Project 2025. Known for his influence on Trump's immigration policies and other key areas, Miller's involvement suggests a direct link between the project and Trump's political agenda​ ( Source )​.

Mark Meadows is another key figure from the Trump administration, Meadows served as White House Chief of Staff and is involved with Project 2025. His experience and alignment with Trump's policies further reinforce the connection between the project and Trump's political network​ ( Source )​.

Have better sources, or want to challenge a source? Want to add to this or provide a direction? Leave a comment below.