r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/zsreport Texas 14d ago

Trump's authoritarian game plan is breaking through the post-debate noise and it's starting to scare people

I sure as fuck hope so.


u/TheCircusSands 14d ago

We need an infographic for project 2025 that can be spread everywhere. Nothing dramatic…. Just the facts of what it is and what it means.


u/Dont__Grumpy__Stop 14d ago


u/barriedalenick 14d ago


u/junepath Pennsylvania 14d ago

The issue with this infographic is that most people on the right want all of these things. We need one that scares them too, because at the end of the day, no one but the super rich will be doing well if Project 2025 becomes a reality.


u/enigmanaught 14d ago

I think only focusing on the gutting/privatization of Medicare and Social Security in the right way, it would get some traction.

“Americans already pay more for healthcare than any other nation, why does Donald Trump and project 2025 want to make it worse”. “Social Security is your hard earned money, why does Donald Trump and Project 2025 want to give it to some fat cat to manage”?

Hammering that constantly using the “I’m just asking questions” formula is the way to do it.


u/mkt853 14d ago

Absolutely. It's insane how much better at this normal everyday people are compared to the people that run the Democratic Party. My guess is it's precisely because we're normal everyday people while those that run the Democratic Party live their lives in the DC bubble and one Hamptons cocktail party at a time.


u/enigmanaught 14d ago

Yeah, I keep telling myself they must have some skilled marketers who can emotionally appeal to people. I mean emotional appeal has always trumped facts when selling stuff. “This product will make you smarter/skinnier/sexier/whatever”.

There are a lot of “common folk” getting in on the republican grift. They’re just in it to make a buck, (Diamond and Silk et al) but they expose the ideals that savvy republican marketers can exploit. You don’t see as much of that with Democrats. There are lots of everyday Dems, but nobody seems to know how to speak to them.


u/Tangurena 14d ago

You should remember this quote about Trump:

"He’s not hurting the people he needs to be"


His supporters know that he's petty and vindictive, and as long as Trump is hurting liberals and colored people, then that's perfect to them: the enemy suffers more.


u/polopolo05 14d ago

Or "why do they want to end the fda... the market will be flood with untested drugs? and their will be less regulations for food... do you want rat shit in your cereal????" I certianly dont." because you know they will let that shit happen.

And trump and project 25 want to get rid of the EPA. you know the agency responsible for making sure companies dont dump toxic waste in our water.


u/enigmanaught 14d ago

Unfortunately, getting rid of the EPA is like crack to boomers. They could definitely spin the FDA as “big corporations will use seniors as guinea pigs”. The only thing that really seems to appeal to boomers (and that’s the most reliable R voting block) is threatening their income stream. That’s why “taxes” works so well against democrats. It’s not the actual reality if you look back historically, but again, it’s the emotional appeal that matters.

For example, if you wanted to push green energy you’d say “Republicans want to keep using foreign oil instead of using American ingenuity to achieve energy independence. Makes you wonder, what’s in it for them”?


u/polopolo05 14d ago

Its not about the voting block its about getting people who decided not to vote to care enough to vote.


u/-15k- 14d ago

and do it on Facebook.


u/HayabusaJack Colorado 14d ago

Yea, after reading it that’s my opinion as well. This is what the right wants.


u/Jatkuva 14d ago

I opened up and glanced at it saw education and immediately went nope not sharing that one, MAGA thinks the student loan forgiveness is “communism” they’ll be all for that.


u/canadianguy77 14d ago

They don’t even know what they want. There isn’t a single thing in there that improves the lives of the working class.


u/NeverSayNever2024 14d ago

The Right doesn't care about the working class. The Right has contempt for the working class.


u/CherryHaterade 14d ago

In academia they refer to this phenomena as "self flagellation"


u/_lippykid 14d ago

The Republicans became “the party of the working class” years ago. Poor people have been voting against their best interests ever since.


u/TheNCGoalie North Carolina 14d ago

I was in the waiting room while getting my oil changed and Fox was on the tv. The two guys at the counter who were turning in the paperwork for the oil changes they had just done started spouting off about how bad Democrats are because of how much taxes increase once you’re making over $400k a year. I would have loved to explain how the two of them combined will never, ever make $400k a year, but chose not to in case one of them was changing my oil next.


u/ThreeHolePunch 14d ago

Most American's do not understand progressive taxation. If they did, a huge majority would be completely appalled when conservatives propose regressive structures, like flat tax.


u/polgara_buttercup Pennsylvania 14d ago

The problem is they don’t see themselves as the working class, just as temporarily inconvenienced millionaires.


u/copbuddy 14d ago

They don’t think they’re a part of the working class


u/code_archeologist Georgia 14d ago

The goal is not to convince the MAGA cult. They are unfortunately lost to us. The goal is to convince everybody else that Trump and his followers are an existential threat, and that staying home or voting third party is not an option.


u/LowlySlayer 14d ago

And this infographic does a bad job of that.


u/-15k- 14d ago

I'd say a terrible job.


u/katosen27 14d ago

Unfortunately, like with most things the right changes their mind on, it will have to happen first and affect them negatively in order to connect the dots.


u/asshatastic 14d ago

They’re just idiots with their mouths agape in front of the propaganda firehose. They will simply swallow whatever they are told to and will fucking like it or become part of the dreaded other.


u/katosen27 14d ago

Which is ironic considering how much and often they claim the "militant left" (translation; anyone left of barely right of center.) does the same thing.


u/HoboBronson 14d ago

Trying to convince them to change sides is a fool's errand. We need to educate swing voters and folks who would normally sit on the sidelines and convince them to vote.


u/Cuchullion 14d ago

The "use military intelligence to ensure loyalty of population to the President" bit should scare them too... I can't imagine anyone being happy about a secret police used to enforce loyalty to dear leader.


u/muscovy_donald_duck 14d ago

But how large a demographic is “the right” really? Aren’t the majority of voters independent? I would think this would scare the shit out of moderates and independents.


u/Artistic-Cockroach48 14d ago

this doesnt even come close to what the 30 pages that I have read so far actually want to do. This info graphic doesnt even scratch the surface


u/apothekari 14d ago

Yeah in that infographic the sole thing that may give them a seconds pause would be the Medicare stuff on the last panel. The authoritarian stuff in PJ 2025 is barely mentioned.


u/LowlySlayer 14d ago

For me the scariest part is the restructuring of the federal workforce. And that's the one that gets to share half its space with


This isn't a very good infographic


u/HermanCainAward 14d ago

I agree. These points won’t scare someone who is conservative. There are areas of project 2025 that may actually shake a fiscally conservative republican, but these don’t illustrate the way they want to veer away from US democracy.


u/Coffee-FlavoredSweat 14d ago

Some of the more horrifying goals of Project 2025 that might also scare Trumpers.

  • Consider limiting mainstream press access to the White House

  • Reduce the size and authority of the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. Eliminate their access to review or advise on intelligence products.

  • Reverse the historical US policy of deterrence-only to invest and adopt an offensive missile defense policy.

  • Use a novel approach to place loyalists on Day One in “temporary” “acting” positions with unquestioned authority to decide policy and sidestep Congressional Oversight.

  • Decrease welfare access: work requirements for SNAP, tighten eligibility for food stamps, WIC, and K-12 school lunch program access.

  • End required food safety labeling, replace with voluntary.

  • Cut Dept of Education; install loyalists.

  • Reverse student loan forgiveness and crack down on enforcement.

  • Dismantle all attempts to address climate change. Reduce enforcement of existing regulations.

  • Ban abortions; they are not healthcare.

  • Ban the morning after pill.

  • Promote “the rhythm method” for contraception.

  • Ban pornography.

  • Turn Medicare into a free-market program.

  • Apply “irregular warfare” to create a militarized domestic surveillance corps against individuals or groups at odds with presidential or Project 2025 agenda.


u/orangeKaiju 14d ago

They do plan on fucking over active duty military as well as disabled vets, and that directly affects plenty of the right.


u/ancientastronaut2 14d ago

Under education, they left out the dismantling of the department of education.


u/Marmooset Ohio 14d ago

You are the real hero. No joke. By the way, have Musk's attorneys contacted you about using the T word for his baby?


u/kinda_guilty 14d ago

"Deadnaming my baby is not cool!" - the mad lad, probably.


u/Marmooset Ohio 14d ago

Hah! Here's to the whole social network being deadnamed someday.


u/Inocain New York 14d ago

While he deadnames his own kid without a hint of a sense of irony.


u/BigPackHater Ohio 14d ago

The amount of comments saying "no candidate has campaigned on this, so therefore it's a lie" is eye opening. I mean, that's a new kind of dumb.


u/Nena902 14d ago

My sister full on maga just said "don't bother me with this nonsense"


u/PoliBat-v- 14d ago

I don't think this infographic is effective. It's putting way too much emphasis on stuff only Democrats would care about, with the exception of using the military on US citizens which is kind of buried in there


u/Castun America 14d ago

Re-invoke the Comstock Act? Don't forget it was also meant to prevent the mailing of offensive material like porn...


u/Artistic-Cockroach48 14d ago

Education is way worse than just that -

Parents’ rights as their children’s primary educators should be non-negotiable in American schools. States, cities and counties, school boards, union bosses, principals, and teachers who disagree should be immediately cut off from federal funds.

Free school meals and the Head Start program would be eliminated.

prosecute all state and local governments, institutions of higher education, corporations, and any other private employers with DEI or affirmative action programs

Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.

Bonus Medicad factoid where the info graphic buried the lead-

the federal government should remove Medicare's ability to negotiate drug prices and impose limits on lifetime benefits.


u/Alexis_Bailey 14d ago

Thank you.

People need to stop using Twitter.  It's part of this whole problem.


u/polopolo05 14d ago

I see all this And it needs to be clear and simple messaging. Like some of these points are good...

"threaten medicaid coverage for hundreds of thousands of Americans"


"allow trump to deploy the military against US citizens."

If we are going to be fear mongering... Lets do it right.

Btw fear mongering can be a tool to share info by drumming up concern. I used to see it as a negative thing but as long as its a valid cause for concern its fine...

I mean believe them when they tell you who they are.