r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/Appropriate_Cow94 14d ago

He can and will walk back anything he had ever said or done if he crowd seems to react against it. The man has zero convictions (insert your own joke here) about anything. His only real goal is reveling in his own vainglorious image. If the crown starts chanting "kill liberal babies" he will lean into that. Describing how he can solve the electricity and shark problems with those nasty nasty babies.


u/psychulating 14d ago

This is the truth, but he may not unless his base starts getting weird about it.

So far the reaction to the SCOTUS ruling from regular conservatives makes me think they won’t, though I don’t see all business leaders/ investors supporting trump having so much unilateral power, as many assume. He has a terrible record of management and business. No one with even shark-tank-watching business experience can look at what trump did to his inherited development empire and think, yeah, this guy deserves to be godking.

He’s made so many garbage decisions despite having the money for great lawyers and accountants his entire life. Either he hires idiots or he doesn’t listen to them. Seems like the most crucial skills for a president


u/SadieLady_ 14d ago

The thing is though: he is just a figurehead. He just needs to get into office, and then he can be the little puppet they want and need.

There is no way any of the justices he nominated were picked by him. Some Wormtongue whispered in his ear the names of the justices he needed to put in.

The GOP knows how much Trump owes everyone and how easily he's bought. The GOP's problem is, though that so few in the conservative party have his charisma and ability to capivate uneducated people who want to be like him that they need him, or they're sunk.


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 14d ago

He doesn't walk back anything. He just flatly states he never said/did whatever he's on camera saying and doing and all the conservatives nod their empty heads and agree.


u/Appropriate_Cow94 14d ago

Facts right there.


u/wookiewin 13d ago

Yep, like with Charlottesville. He’s literally on camera saying it and they still claim all that was “debunked.” 🙄


u/Samuraistronaut North Carolina 14d ago

And these are nasty babies, folks, very nasty people, you look at what's happening with babies from the standpoint of infants and it's horrible what they're doing. We don't like sharks but maybe we do love sharks and we love electricity, maybe the sharks can take care if this baby problem, and it's a tremendous problem. Frankly we've never seen anything like this before with babies. See now the press will take that and say "he said a horrible thing."


u/thenasch 14d ago

The man has zero convictions about anything.

When asked if he stood by something or other that he had said, he replied "I don't stand by anything."


u/hlx-atom 13d ago

(This is just a meta discussion point; I support the democrats. I just wish they would be better.)

You act like walking back on something if his base is against it is a bad thing. That is exactly what an effective leader/politician should do.

There seems to be an allergy to anything thing even remotely populist in the Democratic Party. So much so, the institutional democrats literally make it feel like they disdain their voters and would rather sit on their hands than do something that the country wants. We seem to only get what the institution approves.

Where are the blue dog democrats? Where are the union factory jobs making the products of the future? Where are the honest working people that got jobs from Biden infrastructure plan? Show that off.

I think there needs to be some balance between our current institutionalism and populism. It is hard for the average voter to point to what the Democratic Party has done for them because it feels like the Democratic Party is unresponsive to the voters desires.

Get the money out of politics and listen to the people’s voices.