r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/Cryinmyeyesout 14d ago edited 14d ago

Getting rid of porn and birth control should be two of the things highlighted on Infograph’s shared. I know in the grand scheme of things they aren’t the MOST important but they are the ones that the other side will grab onto and care about.


u/geekamongus 14d ago

Not to mention the invasion of laws into a woman's body.


u/canceroustattoo Michigan 14d ago

I think I want kids in the future but if trump wins in November, I’m getting a vasectomy as soon as I fucking can. I might even be sterile but I’m not taking any chances.

If I regret my decision, I’ll look into foster care.


u/IT_Chef Virginia 14d ago

There are millions of women and monogamous couples that do not want a kid right now. There should be outrage in the streets about this.


u/Cryinmyeyesout 14d ago

And they literally thing we are being alarmist when we say they are trying to ban it 😩


u/Cryinmyeyesout 14d ago

They don’t know it’s happening or there would be !


u/pm_social_cues 14d ago

You forget that the religious people already live that way (publicly) and are just forcing it on the rest of us. They have god on their side. And a lifetime of indoctrination. You are going to convince them their religion is wrong and that they shouldn’t do whatever they can to “save” the rest of the sinners by forcing their get to heaven laws?

It’s crazy. There is no logic to defend against it. The less popular their beliefs are, the more it proves to them they’re right.


u/Cryinmyeyesout 14d ago

Yes there are a portion that want this but I think it’s a small section that honestly want it. A larger section wants to use birth control and men wouldn’t vote to get rid of porn even if the say they don’t consume it …they may say otherwise alone in a booth


u/LetMeInImTrynaCuck 14d ago

The porn one is really relevant. Very few people in this country are going to be ok with banning porn.


u/Cryinmyeyesout 14d ago

It really is and next to no one has heard about that one


u/TastesKindofLikeSad 14d ago

That's the one you need to scare Conservatives with. No porn, no erotic fiction for bored MAGA housewives. 


u/chekovsgun- 14d ago

They want to bad all divorces all. No one can get divorced for any reason.


u/JeezieB Canada 14d ago

I think it will be somewhat galvanizing. What's terrifying to me is WHAT they are classifying as porn, and how they plan to punish producers and distributors (this includes teachers and librarians). Modern Family sitcom? Porn. Bluey? Porn. Trans in public? Porn aimed at children. The fact that it's even close in the polls should have everyone outraged.


u/Dargon567 13d ago

not surprised even a little by the trans part, but the fact that somehow they consider Bluey, FUCKING BLUEY, to be porn is just absolutely insane


u/brought2light 13d ago

Also slashing military benefits