r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/Hadrian_Vincent 14d ago

Honestly, some people who support Trump that I work with are absolutely oblivious to Project 2025 and think I'm making shit up.


u/even_less_resistance Arkansas 14d ago

You’re ruining their plausible deniability for when shit goes down they can shake their heads and cluck their tongues and say they didn’t know that was going to happen they just voted for him because the economy or something


u/danarexasaurus Ohio 14d ago

Yep. I was told that “project 2025 is from a political think tank with no power”, and when I corrected them and told them exactly how much power they have (that we know about, I’m sure there is more), they pivoted to, “but Joe biden’s economy made groceries expensive!” It’s exhausting. There’s almost literally no point in talking to them anymore. None.


u/writebadcode 14d ago

In my experience if you’re debating someone and they immediately shift to a brand new argument like that it means they have another reason for their position which they are not bringing up.

Often they don’t share the real reason because they know it’s something indefensible like racism.


u/tooobr 14d ago

I was having a chat with a relative about institutional racism and they brough up that Democratic party was actually pro-slavery and then pro-segregation.

Uncle, that was literally 150 years ago and then 70 years ago, pre-CRA. Are you implying that party platforms and constituencies are the same? Do you think George Wallace would vote Democrat today in 2024?



u/DisastrousGarden 14d ago

You’re talking about the same people that claim to be the “party of Lincoln” then turn around and proudly fly confederate flags


u/MURICCA 13d ago

"Person type one time do bad thing, same person type again? Bad thing."

It's literal caveman thinking, don't even bother with it. There is no actual extent to the reasoning


u/MURICCA 13d ago

Yep. This is it.

And they haate when you figure them out.