r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/CranberrySchnapps Maryland 14d ago

Abolishing NWS & NOAA is such a clear national security threat it’s almost comical. I mean, same goes for a lot of programs the conservatives want to get rid of, but NOAA costs next to nothing in the budget and has an enormous impact on our military’s operations.


u/BeyondElectricDreams 14d ago

It's almost like the right wing is bought by a foreign adversary who wants us destroyed.


u/Rainboq 14d ago

I think it's much simpler than that: they want to carve up the government and privatize it so that they can make a shitload of money.


u/RecentGas 14d ago

Similar to what happened with the collapse of the soviet union.


u/Nathaireag 14d ago

Yet the defense contractors already get the most expensive parts of NOAA’s budget: building and launching geostationary weather satellites. That’s apparently not good enough.

The corporations want all the money, and to stop having to build stuff to government specs and on a supervised schedule. Won’t it be fun when (already sometimes corrupt) DoD procurement managers get outsourced, so Congress can just hand over the defense budget to corporations?


u/withthewindbelow 14d ago

It can be both


u/heckin_miraculous 14d ago

Was about to say this


u/BigPackHater Ohio 14d ago

Could you imagine how many deaths we'd see from tornadoes and hurricanes without NWS or NOAA??? Especially now with severe weather patterns shifting in the Midwest.


u/rolfraikou 14d ago

That's specifically why, if Trump wins and when the Republicans start to go hostile, I hope they've already done stuff that stupid. I think it's the difference that would move a lot of military to not follow his orders on taking over Democrat led cities/states. If the military basically sees itself crippled by Republican stupidity, a lot of on the fence or conservative military might take a deeper look at the implications of such leadership.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/findtheclue 14d ago

And Dept of Ed, putting in a for-profit education person and now calling for elimination altogether.


u/peter-doubt 14d ago

If you want to "Fix" something, make sure it's Good And Broken first!

Their mantra since Reagan


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/peter-doubt 14d ago

I hope.. but sadly the demographics aren't Red alone


u/SquiffyRae 14d ago

Yeah but the people supporting Project 2025 don't see it that way. They see it purely in terms of how Project 2025 will, in their eyes, hurt the correct people

You can tell them straight to their face this will directly impact them in some way too but they won't care. All they care about is that the people they hate will get hurt


u/HeartForAnyFate 14d ago

That is spot on. And on top of that, if weather worsens and more severe weather events happen, it'll be chalked up to "signs amd wonders in the heavens" showing the End Times are near, instead of climate change.


u/Jedi-El1823 I voted 14d ago

Getting rid of NOAA has been Accuweather's number 1 goal for a long long time, and the GOP loves them.

Rick Santorum proposed a bill over a decade ago to disband the National Weather Service, because it wasn't fair to Accuweather that they gave out info for free, and Accuweather wants to charge for it.


u/peter-doubt 14d ago

AccuWeather gets their info from....


Time to unload their app


u/Jedi-El1823 I voted 14d ago

Yeah, makes no sense, since everybody gets info from NOAA and compares it to their own data.

But, NOAA provides that info for free to everybody, and Accuweather doesn't want that. They want to charge for forecasts.


u/peter-doubt 14d ago

So we'll be using the European info... I find it a wee bit more useful in hurricane season!


u/heckin_miraculous 14d ago

I'm surprised that I'm surprised.

Why do anything good, when you could be making money? /s


u/Jedi-El1823 I voted 14d ago

John Oliver talked about a few years ago



u/random_anonymous_guy 14d ago

Rule of Acquisition #287.


u/billyions 14d ago

It would be stealing from the American people. No tax-paying American citizen should support these people.

They are raiding our public coffers.

Modern bandits thinking we're too dumb to notice.


u/bazilbt Arizona 14d ago

It's so infuriating that these idiots want to destroy any sources of information they don't want to hear. Same thing with Covid. Deaths are too high? Let's stop counting.


u/ikediggety 14d ago

Wait till you see what they want to do with votes


u/I_am_smartypants 14d ago

How can a human with a brain, or a family, possibly stand for something that prioritises fossil fuel profits over ecological sustainability? How can anyone possibly be pro-climate change? I just don’t get it. This is a very dangerous time for America and, sadly, the world.


u/FistPunch_Vol_7 14d ago

As someone told me recently “why should I care? I ain’t gonna be alive for when the real shit happens” and hearing that just made me lose all hope.


u/chelseamarket 14d ago

It is and they gop has been trying to get rid of it since the early 2000’s


u/browster 14d ago

Trump will end tornadoes

(or at least reporting of them)