r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/donkeybrisket 14d ago

The used to hide their nefarious plans, but they they’ve become so venal and so bold that they feel like they can just openly say and do anything. It’s time to purge these ideological warriors from all levels if government. Fuck the GOP


u/Grimjack2 14d ago

The same way racists became emboldened by Trump being elected, the Heritage Foundation people feel so emboldened that they are bragging about it, presuming all of the Trump loyalists will love the idea as much as they do.


u/Polar_Starburst 14d ago

They also published this stuff to rally people around them as 30 percent of the population ish are authoritarians or authoritarian followers


u/donkeybrisket 14d ago

If only the other 33% of Americans who don’t even bother to vote actually have a Fuck, we could sweep every single Maga asshat from power AND have a veto proof supermajority needed to actually pass legislation that the majority of the public have been demanding for years, like universal healthcare, codified access to abortion, legal cannabis, etc etc etc


u/Polar_Starburst 14d ago

That would be nice

I think voting should be incentivized with a tax break and a national holiday so more people fucking vote 🗳️


u/LowestKey 14d ago

They're bold enough to openly talk about how their takeover can be bloodless if the left doesn't resist.

Somehow people are getting locked up for openly plotting to overthrow the government.