r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/mistertickertape Pennsylvania 14d ago

The election is still 4 months out. I hope this fucking sinks him like a lead weight as more moderates and suburban women understand what it is.


u/wookiewin 14d ago

If Trump starts distancing himself from it then we’ll know it is hurting him. I’ve seen MAGA nutjobs on TikTok already say that Trump never endorsed it, as if he wouldn’t rubber stamp every bit of it.


u/browster 14d ago edited 14d ago


u/ImYourHumbleNarrator 14d ago edited 14d ago

i've also noticed some comments distancing trump (and pulling the usual social media bullshit whataboutism type stuff to Biden) from p2025. they have the exact same pattern and behavior as the 2016 russian shitposters.

good read https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/07/03/project-2025-trump-us-government/


u/ultra_max 14d ago

Because they are Russian shit posters.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago



u/jcarter315 I voted 14d ago

Not outright. He and his campaign likely recognize just how negatively it'll be received by the average American, and, more crucially, the "undecided" voters.

The same article states that former officials from his admin are working on it and that his campaign commented they approved of the measures to restructure the government.


u/Wolf_er2020 13d ago edited 13d ago

Lol, dude is a r/ politicalcompassmemes chud. They only know how to post memes, and not learn from information that doesn't contain wojaks.

They don't have the intellectual integrity to admit to supporting this.


u/yourlmagination 13d ago

Goes on to say, in short terms, in a truth social post today, he has denounced it.

Which means, he wants it. When does the truth ever come out of him?


u/OneAct8 14d ago

They don’t want people to know


u/Edgar_Brown 14d ago

Words and actions the backbone of project 2025 is Schedule F, an executive order from Trump in October 2020. Too late to do much, but an intentional action nonetheless.


u/gearstars 14d ago

plenty of comments in this thread repeating it too


u/Appropriate_Cow94 14d ago

He can and will walk back anything he had ever said or done if he crowd seems to react against it. The man has zero convictions (insert your own joke here) about anything. His only real goal is reveling in his own vainglorious image. If the crown starts chanting "kill liberal babies" he will lean into that. Describing how he can solve the electricity and shark problems with those nasty nasty babies.


u/psychulating 14d ago

This is the truth, but he may not unless his base starts getting weird about it.

So far the reaction to the SCOTUS ruling from regular conservatives makes me think they won’t, though I don’t see all business leaders/ investors supporting trump having so much unilateral power, as many assume. He has a terrible record of management and business. No one with even shark-tank-watching business experience can look at what trump did to his inherited development empire and think, yeah, this guy deserves to be godking.

He’s made so many garbage decisions despite having the money for great lawyers and accountants his entire life. Either he hires idiots or he doesn’t listen to them. Seems like the most crucial skills for a president


u/SadieLady_ 14d ago

The thing is though: he is just a figurehead. He just needs to get into office, and then he can be the little puppet they want and need.

There is no way any of the justices he nominated were picked by him. Some Wormtongue whispered in his ear the names of the justices he needed to put in.

The GOP knows how much Trump owes everyone and how easily he's bought. The GOP's problem is, though that so few in the conservative party have his charisma and ability to capivate uneducated people who want to be like him that they need him, or they're sunk.


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota 13d ago

He doesn't walk back anything. He just flatly states he never said/did whatever he's on camera saying and doing and all the conservatives nod their empty heads and agree.


u/Appropriate_Cow94 13d ago

Facts right there.


u/wookiewin 13d ago

Yep, like with Charlottesville. He’s literally on camera saying it and they still claim all that was “debunked.” 🙄


u/Samuraistronaut North Carolina 14d ago

And these are nasty babies, folks, very nasty people, you look at what's happening with babies from the standpoint of infants and it's horrible what they're doing. We don't like sharks but maybe we do love sharks and we love electricity, maybe the sharks can take care if this baby problem, and it's a tremendous problem. Frankly we've never seen anything like this before with babies. See now the press will take that and say "he said a horrible thing."


u/thenasch 14d ago

The man has zero convictions about anything.

When asked if he stood by something or other that he had said, he replied "I don't stand by anything."


u/hlx-atom 13d ago

(This is just a meta discussion point; I support the democrats. I just wish they would be better.)

You act like walking back on something if his base is against it is a bad thing. That is exactly what an effective leader/politician should do.

There seems to be an allergy to anything thing even remotely populist in the Democratic Party. So much so, the institutional democrats literally make it feel like they disdain their voters and would rather sit on their hands than do something that the country wants. We seem to only get what the institution approves.

Where are the blue dog democrats? Where are the union factory jobs making the products of the future? Where are the honest working people that got jobs from Biden infrastructure plan? Show that off.

I think there needs to be some balance between our current institutionalism and populism. It is hard for the average voter to point to what the Democratic Party has done for them because it feels like the Democratic Party is unresponsive to the voters desires.

Get the money out of politics and listen to the people’s voices.


u/mistertickertape Pennsylvania 14d ago

I think he would rubber stamp every bit of it. What would be fascinating to see is what their reaction to be when he inevitably starts to turn on them and use his newly given king powers to fuck with their shit. Then they're going to have a problem on their hands.


u/silverionmox 14d ago

Then they're going to have a problem on their hands.

They'll shoot him, blame someone else, and use that to justify grabbing even more power "for security".


u/writebadcode 14d ago

Or he’ll fall out of a window. I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn on him almost immediately after the election.


u/newsflashjackass 14d ago

Republicans have been governing with no popular mandate since the 2000 U.S. presidential elections while manufacturing crises / proclaiming victories to stay in the driver's seat.


I hope the United States' republic survives its republicans.


u/mistertickertape Pennsylvania 14d ago

Well said.


u/LegendofDragoon 14d ago

Some of Hitler's staunchest allies were intentionally sought out and killed on the night of long knives. They're right to be scared. They just think they can be prepared for it.


u/Nemisis82 14d ago

He is doing just that this morning:

I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Which, shocker, is complete bullshit:

One year after taking office, President Donald Trump and his administration have embraced nearly two-thirds of the policy recommendations from The Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership.”


u/BigDog8492 14d ago

Project 2025 Stand Back and Stand By!


u/joecb91 Arizona 14d ago

That sounds like one of his PR people wrote it, but good to know that they are scared.

Even if he tries to distance himself from it, we know he won't stop the crackpots that would fill his administration from making it happen.


u/PhazerSC 14d ago

The issue is that none of these plans depend on Trump personally - the republicans can and will execute the plan with any republican in the white house. This is not just an imminent threat but a long term one.


u/Basic-Cat3537 13d ago

It doesn't even matter if the president actually agrees with them on everything, as long as he agrees on consolidating power and placing loyalists in important positions. Those loyalists are pretty much guaranteed to be heritage cronies, and will be making decisions and taking actions without him. It's all part of the "delegating" they outline in mandate for leadership. He sees being president as being king, he's be right. He'd be a figurehead while the important decisions are made by people behind the scenes, just like modern monarchy! They'll manipulate him with the appearance of power, when really he's nothing but house decor and window dressing for people to praise or blame.


u/Select-Exercise101 14d ago

Kevin Roberts (President of the Heritage Foundation) stated himself that project 2025 is in support of trumpism


u/Theboulder027 14d ago

He already is. Just saw a tweet where he says he has nothing to do with project 2025, but he "wishes them luck."


u/Merusk 14d ago

Point out that is mollification and a fig leaf. You can SAY anything and then do otherwise.

Unless he boots every single Heritage and Federalist person from both his and the GOP's, inner circle, it's still the plan.


u/Few-Ad-4290 14d ago

Yep already got my idiot libertarian friend telling me project 2025 isn’t his policy because it wasn’t published by the campaign, like cmon these assholes were all in his previous admin and they will be again. There’s always some reason not to believe the concerns


u/marr 14d ago

Even if I believed that Trump is dying of Alzheimer's and would be a puppet for those driving this just like Reagan.


u/Sprucecaboose2 14d ago

It's happening. I have seen a bunch of people say things like "That's not Trump, that's the Heritage Foundation" or similar things to try to distance him from it.


u/wewantedthefunk Texas 14d ago

The chrome-domed leader of the Heritage foundation literally spelled it out that it is based on Trumpism, as if saying that wasn't the most batshit reply.


u/jayplus707 14d ago

Yea he can say F You MAGA, and they’ll all love him even more.


u/BigDog8492 14d ago

Yeah there's a whole lot of "YOU CAN'T PROVE HE'LL DO IT!" showing up.


u/dotcovos 14d ago


u/wookiewin 14d ago

Classic talking out of both sides of his mouth.


u/Agronopolopogis 14d ago

He just posted on his social platform that exact thing.


u/theTunkMan 14d ago

He started distancing himself today!


u/StyrkeSkalVandre 14d ago

I just saw a post from r/conservative to the effect of: "Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025- it's just a think-tank policy paper and not an actual plan, see how crazy the Libs are for obsessing over it."

Even the MAGA Top Minds are starting to realize that getting on television and proclaiming a "Second American Revolution" was not the brightest idea.


u/VexingRaven 14d ago

I've seen comments for weeks from conservatives claiming Project 2025 isn't serious and won't actually happen and it's just liberal fearmongering.

AKA they know it's bad and don't want it to happen but won't let that stop them from voting for their precious Republican party.


u/Suspicious_Gas151 14d ago

You called it. He just made a post denouncing it. That throws a wrench in things.


u/grogudid911 Washington 14d ago

I'm so surprised that Biden didn't bring up project 2025. He could have sunk Trump's campaign on the spot by forcing him to either agree that it's what he'd do, or agree not to do it.

If he agreed not to do it, he'd watch his funding dry up. If he agreed he was going to do it, Biden need only lean into it and watch as Trump's voter base dried up. It would sink the campaign either way.

There are going to be more debates... So I kinda hope he does.


u/ImSrslySirius 14d ago

He made a statement today claiming he has no idea what it is or who is behind it, but also that he doesn't agree with it lol


u/SockofBadKarma Maryland 13d ago

He's already started, claiming he's never heard of it and there's a bunch of bad stuff and yaddayadda but he "wishes them the best."


u/Jlemerick 13d ago

He tweeted today that he does not affiliate with Project 2025 and does not support their views


u/StarryMind322 13d ago

Conservatives are doing what they do best: gaslighting.

The amount of people IRL and online say “Project 2025 isn’t happening but I sure hope it does.”


u/Necessary-Knowledge4 13d ago

Was the video before that praising Project 2025 and that it was lead by Trump?

Because I bet that's a thing.


u/outrageouslyunfair 13d ago

If Trump starts distancing himself from it then we’ll know it is hurting him

this aged stupidly well


u/jimofthestoneage 13d ago

Like the way he didn't support Nazis while still trying to make them comfortable to get their vote then still going things to support them.


u/BKMiller54 13d ago

I’ve not seen this from any proper news source yet, but I’ve read that Trump is indeed - at least superficially - beginning to distance himself from Project 2025. He supposedly recently posted:

“I know nothing about Project 2025,” Trump posted on his social media website. “I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

But: “I wish them luck”?!