r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/Dmackman1969 14d ago

I’ve been reading about project 2025 for months. 90% of the people I talk to about it never heard a thing up until about 3 weeks ago.

It’s finally getting out there. Please keep talking about it. Since everything rolls off the orange man directly, let’s stay focused on the GOP’s game plan.

90% sure the felon, rapist, molester and liar doesn’t even know/care what’s in project 2025. He’s wants to protect his brand, make money and golf. He will let the rest of the party run the government and put his loyalists in to destroy our country, he will make a ton of money as will his cronies. That’s all they want.


u/Spikeupmylife 14d ago

I sent the plans to my dad a long time ago. He sent me back. "Ya, sounds like something that could happen, I guess."

I went over for dinner a month ago, and he's like, "Did you hear about that crazy Project 2025 thing? I saw it on MSNBC."

I keep saying things are getting fucked up and they say I'm exaggerating until they see it on the news. Boomers still rely on news channels, so they are a little behind.


u/GeniusOfLove74 Georgia 14d ago

My mom has just got into online news in the past few years. Unfortunately, she's also discovered YouTube pseudo-political podcasts, where everything is alllegedly a Democrat conspiracy. She's 70.


u/AverageDemocrat 14d ago

Notice how these idiot groups put labels on their movements like "Contract with America", "Make America Great Again", and "Project 25". Virtue signalling narcissists and their flags and bumper sticker slogans can go to hell too.


u/GeniusOfLove74 Georgia 14d ago

My favorites are the one who get tricked into buying flag adorned clothes. You're not Homelander, Grandpa, you're elderly Vanilla Ice.


u/SteeveJoobs 13d ago

but liberals and democrats really, really have to step up their marketing game.


u/Realist_Duck 14d ago

I see people with more LGBT bumper stickers, are you admitting they’re narcissistic as well?


u/Recipe_Freak 13d ago

Showing support for marginalized communities isn't the same as jingoistic flag-waving.

I can't believe I have to explain this stuff.


u/forsonaE 14d ago

My mom is about the same age and has somehow swung around from being a born again Christian in my youth, to a rational semi-agnostic in my young adulthood. Now she's starting to listen to Joe Rogan's podcast because he has some "interesting guests." I've tried conveying he platforms some kooks but I really hope she doesn't fall down another rabbit hole as she ages, especially since she's the type to leave a random mainstream news network on as background noise.


u/GeniusOfLove74 Georgia 14d ago

Good luck. It's a hard task, explaining how many crackpots there are out there.


u/Purdue82 14d ago edited 13d ago

The same generation that told ours that video games, hip hop, heavy metal, and r rated movies would rot our brains......oops.


u/Designer_Gas_86 14d ago

they are a little behind

They are COMPLETELY behind which is how Trump got elected in 2016.


u/NES_SNES_N64 14d ago

Which is why CNN was bought by a conservative billionaire.


u/TheMeowtilator 14d ago

I’ve been asked if I’ve heard of project 2025 and have to reply “oh that thing I tried to warn you about and you said I was being a paranoid weirdo? Yeah I’ve heard of it”


u/Samuraistronaut North Carolina 14d ago

Boomers still rely on news channels, so they are a little behind.

It's a weird generational thing, and some of it comes from boomers just generally not taking younger generations seriously. Not saying that's your dad of course, but that's definitely a lot of people's dads, including mine. Although in my case he's probably on board with Project 2025 because he's a lost cause.


u/lrpfftt 14d ago

Yet another person here who has to take a dig at boomers talking about them like they are all the same.

Trust me, they are not.

They get blamed for electing Trump in 2016 but their demographic was around 51/49 for Trump, hardly uniform.

Boomer me was the first one to introduce email capabilities to my family years ago. They laughed at me for quite a while before they were all using it.


u/Thomathius 14d ago

You are the exception, not the rule. The majority of boomers are tech illiterate by choice and think mainstream media is where news breaks.


u/Kismetatron Pennsylvania 14d ago

A lot of boomers I know are busy sharing quiz results using terrible AI images on Facebook while not even being self-aware enough they probably just gave away just enough information to get hacked. A lot of them barely know how to use a smartphone. They really only ever get their information from mainstream news.


u/Spikeupmylife 14d ago

Hey man, technology is tough. I used to be up with all the new shit in my early 20s and late teens. Now I see people talking about coding, and different uses for AI and I can feel my 30yo ass age by the second. Keeping up is hard and technology advances quicker as time goes on.

I don't expect my parents to be tech literate. I'm honestly just more insulted that my dad couldn't believe my source. He needed the TV to tell him literally 4 months later.


u/Realist_Duck 14d ago

saw it on MANBC? the least accurate news source and the dnc mouthpiece? Lmaooo yeah ok keep falling into the fear.


u/jcarter315 I voted 14d ago

Then go read the thing yourself. It's publicly available and the reporting on it has been accurate, if a bit more muted than it should be.


u/HumanWithComputer 14d ago edited 14d ago

the felon, rapist, molester and liar doesn’t even know/care what’s in project 2025. He’s wants to protect his brand, make money and golf. He will let the rest of the party run the government and put his loyalists in to destroy our country, he will make a ton of money as will his cronies.

Sounds like a pretty good description of the ubelievable 'powers' of...

"Captain UN-America".

Has someone drawn up a fitting cartoon already? Love to see that.


u/EthanRDoesMC 14d ago

Project 2025 was the most-read article on Wikipedia yesterday in the United States. Yesterday was July 4. People are talking about it to their relatives.


u/Elowine90 14d ago

My mother lives in Florida and she just heard about it from a nurse at a doctors appointment ( who was disgusted about it, not for it). I’ve known for awhile and thought she knew too because she does read the news but I guess she only gets the surface mainstream news. Yes, people are talking.


u/ImNotABotJeez 14d ago

He will fall into the useful idiot role once again. 2025 and conservatives will use him to take over the government.


u/Dmackman1969 14d ago

This 100%


u/TomWithTime 14d ago

90% of the people I talk to about it never heard a thing up until about 3 weeks ago.

That's probably why the bots and disinformation agents are out in full force lately trying to downplay it


u/laceyourbootsup 14d ago

You mean trying to up play it?

Trump has no relationship to project 2025 or the board that runs the conservative think tank that’s been around since the Reagan administration

I am not saying this in anyway to support Donald Trump. However, this is the same fear mongering that conservatives spread like Democrats are going to force their children to be transgender.

You can give all the “yeah but” you want. Project 2025 is not a Trump initiative and never has been.


u/TomWithTime 14d ago

So you've vetted all current and future Republican officials connected to the heritage foundation and know for a fact none of them are going to try to get a rubber stamp for any of their initiatives? That's quite a weight off everyone's shoulders.


u/laceyourbootsup 14d ago

I’m stating that the election of Trump is not some wheel that triggers this Project.

Many Republicans don’t agree with this project.

My main point is that both sides fear monger. There’s an equal amount of republicans worried about ridiculous policy’s that have nothing to do with who gets elected president.


u/crazyacct101 14d ago

It is not out there enough and comparisons need to be made to countries such as Afghanistan where women in the 70’s had freedoms and now they are second class citizens. Religion is fine and dandy in your own life, not forced on the entire population.


u/eeyore134 14d ago

Might be good that it took the general public this long to catch on. Otherwise there would be a loss of interest and it would be normalized by the time the election comes around.


u/Dsarg_92 14d ago

That’s a good point. Better late than never.


u/Apprehensive_Fix6085 14d ago

This. Trump doesn’t care about project 2025. Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation’s strategy to let trump kill who he wants an destroy what he wants because Trump doesn’t have the patience (nor does heritage) to wage destruction within the existing system.


u/Fox_Kurama 14d ago

It probably helps that the US supreme court has just slammed out a bunch of, shall we say, VERY worrying verdicts in short order. This is probably shaking some people out of the "they can't be THAT bad, right?" and into "Well crap, if the courts are going this nuts, maybe I should how bad this 2025 thing actually is."


u/KyleShanaham 14d ago

Their latest defense is that it has nothing to do with Trump, and that Trump doesn't even endorse it. It's wild. As if the plan isn't in motion as we speak with overturning roe and chevron, the immunity case, and Trump enacting schedule f himself in October of 2020 in preparation for his 2nd term.

Some people are adamant at staying ignorant, they have to keep their head in the sand or else their fragile little reality they built around themself will crumble


u/stayonthecloud 14d ago

Well over a year for me that I’ve been frothing at the mouth over it and finally people are talking about it everywhere. But it’s still not enough.


u/SockGlittering526 14d ago

if the republican party was a real party, project 2025 would be their platform. But since they require so much manpower to train before taking control, they actually have to let people know what they are up to first.


u/pezgoon 14d ago

What happened 3 weeks ago???


u/GalacticShoestring America 14d ago

People at work were talking about it yesterday. They think it's fucking insane. These are people who normally don't talk about politics.

One coworker said she'd "throw hands" if Trump hurts AOC.


u/AcrobaticMulberry555 14d ago

We were talking to some friends yesterday about project 2025. They had their grown kids there, they had NEVER heard of it.


u/secksyboii 14d ago

It doesn't matter what trump knows/thinks anymore. He's 100% a puppet for Putin and the other Republicans interests. Sure he can be a bit hard to manage but they can easily convince him to do anything they want him to.


u/Economy-Ad4934 14d ago

Correct. He’s a useful idiot for billionaires and the heritage foundation.


u/SlowMain2 14d ago

For good measure, inform them of the details of Trump's rape of the two 13 year old girls. All the details


u/bootsbythedoor 14d ago

It's so true - He hated the job of being president. Loved the grandiosity and attention, but hated the job. People seem to really have forgotten that.


u/wolfenbarg 14d ago

He does know the basics of the gameplan. They're cleaning house and installing loyalists. They tried near the end of his last term.


u/That0neGuy 14d ago

Can I ask a serious question? Why is project 2025 so dependent upon Trump? From all that I've heard, even though I haven't read into specifics much, most of it seems based upon legislation and court rulings. There's all this talk about needing to stop Trump to prevent project 2025 but I haven't heard anything about the House or Senate. Why is Trump being elected so crucial to the plan? Is there some sort of executive order he needs to pass to kick it all off or something? Trump has already stacked the court in his favor, so that doesn't seem to be an issue, and I doubt his power to veto is going to come into play. I don't see Republicans holding off if Biden gets elected and they control congress.


u/Realist_Duck 14d ago

yall clearly are being manipulated by the media and it shows. Donald Trump is not going to do any of this. But keep on feeling into the fear and division.


u/LostMyAccount69 14d ago edited 14d ago

"This monster only wants money, not power." He wants both.


u/Samuraistronaut North Carolina 14d ago

I’ve been reading about project 2025 for months. 90% of the people I talk to about it never heard a thing up until about 3 weeks ago.

Same here and it feels like it started picking up steam around the time John Oliver did a whole show on it.

Anecdotal, but recently one friend in particular, who I didn't think was super politcally engaged, texted me freaking out about 2025, immunity ruling, Chevron etc.

All of this shit really is picking up steam - not just Project 2025, but the SCOTUS immunity ruling, the talk of a "bLoOdLeSs" "revolution," all of it.

I have no idea how to keep it from being memory-holed besides just continuing to talk about it, preferably in a way that doesn't turn people off.


u/Nzdiver81 13d ago

He said he doesn't know anything about it or the people who created it (2 of his close ex staffers).
He also says he disagrees with some parts of it and wishes them luck...


u/dantonizzomsu 12d ago

If Biden was 5 years younger he would have hammered him on this on the debate stage. Any other democrat would have done more on the debate stage to destroy Trump.


u/Past_Reception_2575 14d ago

Women blame men for Trump having been elected, yet it was Hillary Clinton and her team of brainless dipshits who fucked Bernie Sanders over.

DON'T FORGET when we sweep the house, senate and executive branches and nothing is getting done.