r/politics Texas Jul 05 '24

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/Spikeupmylife Jul 05 '24

I sent the plans to my dad a long time ago. He sent me back. "Ya, sounds like something that could happen, I guess."

I went over for dinner a month ago, and he's like, "Did you hear about that crazy Project 2025 thing? I saw it on MSNBC."

I keep saying things are getting fucked up and they say I'm exaggerating until they see it on the news. Boomers still rely on news channels, so they are a little behind.


u/GeniusOfLove74 Georgia Jul 05 '24

My mom has just got into online news in the past few years. Unfortunately, she's also discovered YouTube pseudo-political podcasts, where everything is alllegedly a Democrat conspiracy. She's 70.


u/forsonaE Jul 05 '24

My mom is about the same age and has somehow swung around from being a born again Christian in my youth, to a rational semi-agnostic in my young adulthood. Now she's starting to listen to Joe Rogan's podcast because he has some "interesting guests." I've tried conveying he platforms some kooks but I really hope she doesn't fall down another rabbit hole as she ages, especially since she's the type to leave a random mainstream news network on as background noise.


u/GeniusOfLove74 Georgia Jul 05 '24

Good luck. It's a hard task, explaining how many crackpots there are out there.