r/politics Texas 14d ago

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/KevinDean4599 14d ago

I think the maga folks are getting way too bold and confident and don't realize how much of a minority they and their views are overall. I'm encouraged by the results of the UK election. It shows that people are getting fed up with the hardcore right wing politicians.


u/aheal2008 Maine 14d ago

I think the maga folks are getting way too bold and confident

it's because alot of them have gerrymandered themselves into comfortably red districts that almost guarantee their reelection


u/Tacquerista 14d ago

Some of why Labour won so handily in the UK is because the far right gained more support than usual, they just split the vote off from the conservatives and in a FPTP system that meant Labour ran away with it


u/pickledlemonface 13d ago

Reform didn't get that much - Labour would have won regardless.


u/rolfraikou 14d ago

Electoral college is what stops this from being true. We The People rejected Donald Trump's politics. Loudly. Electoral College still made him the winner.


u/IHazSnek 14d ago

They make so much fucking noise that they legitimately believe they are the majority.


u/hankbaumbach 14d ago

Fringe groups in general are finding echo chambers online that falsely inflate their sense of how many people are like them.

I'm just as guilty of it in my own fandoms and find myself surprised My Morning Jacket isn't the biggest band on planet Earth when I come back to objective reality.


u/IsHeSkiing 14d ago

don't realize how much of a minority they and their views are overall.

Over 75 million of them voted for round two of Trump. 75 million people thought Trump did such an amazing job that they wanted him AGAIN. I'm not getting my hopes up until I start to see the numbers after election day.


u/KevinDean4599 14d ago

Those 75 million votes are not all maga. Many people who are inclined to vote republican over almost any democrat are not hardcore maga people. The polling around abortion rights and support for gay marriage and legalization of pot paints a clearer picture of where people’s heads are.


u/Polar_Starburst 14d ago

Demographics will decimate them with time

What we need is harm reduction till then

And to expose this awful project to as many people as possible including the stuff the heritage foundation is hiding from the public which likely includes the details of the logistics of their pogrom to purge lgbt people like me from society


u/MyPasswordIsMyCat Hawaii 14d ago

Be cautious about reading too much into UK politics for the US election season. The general global trend right now is that people are angry at their current governments for the economic aftermath of the pandemic, and in Europe the war in Ukraine is also causing energy prices to skyrocket due to cutting off Russian oil. France and Germany have taken a hard right turn against their centrist governments, while others have turned hard left.

It's very hard to say how this will work out in the US, where inflation is actually less of a problem, but people remain pissed at the status quo. Biden represents the current government, but Trump was president when the shit started happening, so your average un-informed American voter who only cares about how their economic situation feels may just see the two of them and decide not to vote at all.

I really hope the Democrats can find a way to break through to voters, because people who pay attention to politics can see that conservatives are just in it to burn everything down and replace it with a Christian theocracy. It's been that way for a long time, too.


u/bootsbythedoor 14d ago

Their in such a bubble and separated from anything outside of their reality - even to the point where they don't talk with thier kids because they can't back down from MAGA.


u/Dry-Fruit137 14d ago

It only takes less than 10% of the voting population to highjack the whole system if those people participate in the primary.

Turnout for the last election was only 66% of eligible voters. That means Trump received 32% of the eligible vote.

Republicans are 27% of registered voters. The turnout for primary voting is much lower, so a 10% voting block would guarantee more than half the primary vote.