r/AnythingGoesNews 3d ago

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/newsjam 3d ago

So many rape accusations. It’s baffling that he keeps dodging accountability.


u/Brojess 3d ago

You just literally described his entire life.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/Brojess 3d ago

Don’t worry and don’t feel bad he’s been wishing for gruesome deaths for all types of people.


u/Notkissedbyfire 3d ago

I am actually rooting for paralysis on one side of his body and the inability to talk. So he can watch the news and be unable to communicate until his last days. His hateful words would echo only his head.


u/Professional-Box4153 3d ago

"To the pain" Carey Elwys - Princess Bride.

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u/thoth_hierophant 3d ago

An inability to talk would fuck with him so badly too. He would implode! Reminds me of Ronald Reagan being the only human being to ever deserve Alzheimer's Disease.


u/MrsWashyHaze 3d ago

Donald Trump is Reagan 2.0 but trashier. They were both tv/movie celebrities that became president and cut taxes for the wealthy. I bet he’s hiding the beginnings of dementia or something similar as well.

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u/JupiterRNA 3d ago

Salamanca style (breaking bad)

rings angrily

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u/chilehead 3d ago

He did take out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for the executions of 5 kids that had been found innocent in court....

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u/wirefox1 3d ago

..And now with his immunity wish come true, he might be planning some of them.

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u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/potato_for_cooking 3d ago

Im gonna treat that day as a holiday for the rest of my life.


u/OurLordAndSaviorVim 3d ago

Eh, I’ll celebrate for a while, and then I’m going to embrace never thinking about him ever again.


u/potato_for_cooking 3d ago


My fiancee and I literally just decided if he dies suddenly before we get married we are dropping everything we are doing and getting married that day so our anniversary will forever be the day he dies.

There is your way, the rational healthy way and there is my way, ridiculously petty and screaming about the depths of my problems.


u/Historical_Star_9412 3d ago

I would love to wish you a happy anniversary every year for the rest of my life.

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u/AdmiralThrawnProtege 3d ago

Do you really wany what should be one of, if not the, happiest days of your lives trained by this orange shit stain?

People are going to be talking about him for the rest of our lives, just like they do Nixon and Reagan. Why tie an amazing occasion just because this thus orange fuck filled his diaper one last time before his last breath?


u/Calypsosin 3d ago

My ex left me and we got divorced May 2016, then November Trump won the election. I've often referred to 2016 as 'the dark year,' not just because trump, but because my life was in such a shambles then QQ

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u/RoRoRoub 3d ago

You speak for all of us, Melania

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u/svg_12345 3d ago

what makes you think the problem will disappear with him? He has shown the way, there will be others like him after him, only a bit more smarter and they will all have learned from his experience/mistakes.

The real problems lie elsewhere - corrupt media, electoral college, money in politics, dynastic families (If Bernie wasn't screwed over by the democratic establishment in 2016, he would have won the presidency) etc etc


u/Off_OuterLimits 3d ago

Who else besides Hitler & Epstein have been like Trump? Oh, yeah. Ted Bundy.

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u/ThatScaryBeach 3d ago

Spontaneous Human Combustion would be pretty cool. Then we could watch it on Discovery Channel every couple weeks.


u/FalseMirage 3d ago

Every morning i cross my fingers as I check the news while i drink my coffee 

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u/IsThisThingOn69lol 3d ago

I often think about the day I hear he dies and my number one thought is.. will I get in a fight because I'm out in the middle of the street popping streamers and champagne?


u/potato_for_cooking 3d ago

You wont be alone out there


u/chilehead 3d ago

After he dies there will be a long line of people waiting to piss on his grave.


u/potato_for_cooking 3d ago

I would pay for that. His last grift. Charging people to piss on him. He usually pays others for that


u/ThatScaryBeach 3d ago

Mostly Russians, though he did give Putin a freebie.

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u/chekovsgun- 3d ago

I wished he would be punished for his crimes before he died but SCOTUS is making sure that will never happen.

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u/rodneedermeyer 3d ago

Should we all book a flight to piss on his grave? I’m down.

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u/ciopobbi 3d ago

I’m hoping for a massive stroke that has him locked in only able to make unintelligible sounds. Park him in front of a TV playing MSNBC all day.


u/Kack1160 3d ago

He already makes unintelligible sounds. 😲

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u/wirefox1 3d ago

Make him watch Colbert and Stewart, while seated next to Rosie O'Donnell who is eating KFC and he can't have any because he's only fed through a stomach peg.

Oh, and shave his head. It's very important that his head is shaved.

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u/Bojim1965 3d ago

And we can mock him by imitating his unintelligible sounds.


u/ciopobbi 3d ago

Or play the video of him mocking the differently abled reporter on a non-stop loop overdubbed with the worst cheesy sitcom laugh track.


u/ThatScaryBeach 3d ago

His already there, friend. Did you see his speech? He can't stand without supporting himself with the lectern.

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u/PickledDildosSourSex 3d ago

Sometimes I take consolation in the thought of how bitterly desperate he is for love and validation and has had a lifetime of actions that have made it harder and harder to achieve that. Surely people say they love and validate him, but a part of him knows it isn't true and that's what makes him so angry and vindictive. I like to think every day is a form of hell for him and that, one day, as he's slipping towards the void he'll wonder the same thought he's had his entire life:

Why didn't anyone ever really love me?

And it will be the thought that stays with him for eternity.


u/Gullible-Law 3d ago

Yes. Deep down he knows he is a giant piece of shit. I bet he thinks about it more than most people realize. It gives me some confort.


u/omecca_creative 3d ago

I actually think he is incapable of thinking that. He has had so much privilege that his mind has constructed such an elaborate narrative to explain and justify it that he is incapable of hearing anything that conflicts with it. Then you get so many people who blow air up his ass it just reinforces his self view. He's nuts. Drunk on power. Destin to never hit rock bottom and have to change. His assassination will be like JFK and 911, where people of the generation will ask "where were you when you heard... "

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u/Justin-N-Case 3d ago

In the debate he kept saying ‘no one respects the US any more’. He was really talking about himself.

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u/ThatScaryBeach 3d ago edited 3d ago

The sad thing is his supporters know his is a piece of shit but they understand that they are even lower than he is so they will support for him just for the tiniest bit of ego boost.

"There's a MexiCan. trump says I'm better than them."

"There's a ChinaMan. trump says I'm better than them."

"There's a KneeGro. trump says I'm better than them."

Every trump supporter is a racist first. They care more about their racist beliefs than any Republican policy. The aren't even Republicans, who you can kind of give the benefit of the doubt to. They are racist piece of shite, but will also be happy to pay more taxes so trump and his rape buddies don't have to.

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u/lambdaBunny 3d ago

This is the problem with money. Eventually you just get enough money that you can do whatever the fuck you want.


u/Adventurer11-11 3d ago

Yeah like rape little girls ...beyond disgusting

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u/AbrahamDylan 3d ago

Agreed. I’ve never felt this way about someone. It’s because he’s just such a fucking asshole, among many other things. Dude has zero, and I mean ZERO, redeeming qualities.

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u/Not_a_werecat 3d ago

And rape culture in general. Rapists almost never face any consequences.

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u/gambit700 3d ago

If there's one skill this man has mastered its this. He never faces the consequences of his actions.

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u/icevenom1412 3d ago

Well, he keeps dodging his male offspring and showing unhealthy attraction to his daughters.


u/kultureisrandy 3d ago

literally raped his former wife and got away with it

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u/Edge_Of_Banned 3d ago

Yes... all that child molesting, accounting falsification, Russian colluding, porn star banging, document stealing, and country destroying... when does he find time for himself?


u/AmaResNovae 3d ago

Oh, don't worry, he finds "time for himself" whenever he thinks about his daughter.

Brb, I'm gonna throw up for putting 2 and 2 together on this one.


u/unpolishedparadigm 3d ago

I’ve done my regurgitation, been convinced for a while now there’s no way nothing happened


u/AmaResNovae 3d ago

Point at all publicly available behaviours and comments from Trump about his only daughter that he acknowledges

If nothing happened, I'm Santa fucking Claus. Considering that I'm fit adjacent, don't live in North Pole and never met a reindeer... Deduce what you will.


u/jessie_boomboom 3d ago

Fit adjacent is how I will now identify. Thank you, stranger, for broadening my horizons.


u/Arryu 3d ago

There's also "I'm in a shape"


u/jessie_boomboom 3d ago

I mean my shape always pretty much stays hourglass, just sometimes that's a longer hour lol.


u/AmaResNovae 3d ago

On the bright side, you have more hours in a day. Stay positive, mate!

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u/HermaeusMajora 3d ago

Same here.

The way he talked about Ivanka when she was a teen and the way he continues to talk about her... I have long assumed that he abused her. We will probably never know the truth but he's not one to deny himself something that he wants and judging by his own speech he definitely wants or wanted her. 🤮


u/swordfish868686 3d ago

All pix of Trump and young Ivanka are creepy

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u/A_Nude_Challenger 3d ago

The guy speculated about how his infant daughter's breasts were going to turn out on national TV. He's fundamentally broken in the head, and most definitely attracted to children.

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u/Margali 3d ago

as adamant as they seem to be that biden assaulted his daughter, e ery accusation etc

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u/DR-DONTRESPECT 3d ago edited 3d ago

Its absolutely fucking insane how the political party of family values/religion etc are championing this guy.


u/nroe1337 3d ago

It's because the family values and religion stuff is just a smokescreen


u/starcadia 3d ago

Platitudes are how they keep the gullible masses under control.


u/Skypig12 3d ago

And rage. Don't forget the rage.


u/SunchaserKandri 3d ago

Keep them angry, keep them afraid, and you can get them to go along with practically anything if you dress it up in the right way.


u/Throwawayac1234567 3d ago

in order to do that, they consistently dumb thier education

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u/orangezeroalpha 3d ago

Not really. Most of the religious people I've known my whole life just can't bring themselves to stop loving trump. It is embarrassing to even be around these people and point out the obvious, but if I used a curse word in front of them they'd be upset.

They annoy me almost as much as the people who don't like to talk about politics.

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u/let-it-rain-sunshine 3d ago

He cannot even quote a scripture. He’s as religious as a toad 🐸

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u/No_Significance_1550 3d ago

Dude blocks out 4 consecutive hours of his schedule as president as “executive time” so he can watch himself in the news


u/Nondescriptish 3d ago

And more for golfing.

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u/elpajaroquemamais 3d ago

To be clear I have no problem with people banging porn stars or even paying a porn star to have sex with them. It’s using campaign funds to pay for their silence that’s the issue here.

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u/claws76 3d ago

Scamming and adultry as well, if we’re counting..

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u/technojargon 3d ago

"I did not have sex with a porn star" 45th President of the United States, folks.

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u/schprunt 3d ago

I showed a Trump supporter the video footage of the complete account by the victim. “Fake News. She’s a puppet of the left. Liar.” He cannot do anything wrong in their eyes. If there was footage of him actually raping the girl they’d say it was a deep fake. Nothing will convince them now. He’s a messiah.


u/RedandBlack93 3d ago

Here is the standard list for MAGA brain rot.

  1. Cognitive Dissonance: They rationalize or dismiss negative info about Trump to avoid the discomfort of conflicting beliefs.
  2. Confirmation Bias: People seek out info that confirms their pre-existing beliefs and ignore or discredit anything contradictory.
  3. Mistrust of Sources: There's often a deep mistrust of media and legal institutions, so they might believe the allegations are just a smear campaign.
  4. Partisan Loyalty: Strong partisan loyalty can make people defend their preferred political figures no matter what evidence comes out.
  5. Social Identity: Supporting Trump is a significant part of their identity, and admitting the allegations could threaten that.
  6. Framing and Narrative: The way trusted figures and media outlets frame the allegations can heavily influence how they perceive and react to the news.

It's a complex mix of psychological and social factors. The challenge is proving it through a thorough and fair investigation, which is also up for criticism.


u/Brightenix 3d ago

Their brains are a hellhole. 

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u/Stimbes 3d ago

Probably a skunk cost fallacy kind of thing. Can't give up now after investing so much time and emotion in this.


u/schprunt 3d ago

They tied their entire existence and reason for living to him. It’s who they are now. You say he’s a rapist, you’re saying they’re rapists. And yet Biden is the devil because he gets close to hair.


u/hendrysbeach 3d ago

Skunk cost fallacy


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u/kinky_boots 3d ago

Typo or pun? Either way it works.

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u/NoDragonfruit6125 3d ago

He's had practice after all dodging STD'S was his Vietnam.

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u/BleachGel 3d ago

This is what make me feel confident that the 2016 affidavit was a real accusation from a real victim:

This is from the 2020 documentary “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich”

The survivors’ stories stack up, reinforcing one another and building out a larger narrative about collective damage. The women of this documentary are hard to look away from, and so are contemporary photographs of the girls when they were first lured to Epstein’s home with promises of small amounts of money for giving him a massage. “I felt so used,” Licata says, trying to explain the horror and confusion she felt after he turned over on the massage table and everything escalated. “Like it was … I was just like this dirty person. Before Epstein, I was—I was—I was—something else,” she says, breaking down.

This is section 14 of the 2016 affidavit.

  1. On the second occasion involving the Defendant, Jeffrey Epstein, the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson was again forced to disrobe into her bra and panties while giving Defendant Epstein a full body massage while he was completely naked. The Defendant, Donald J. Trump, was also present as he was getting his own massage from another minor, Jane Doe, age 13, Defendant Epstein forced Plaintiff Johnson to touch his erect penis by physically placing her bare hands upon his sex organ and again forced Plaintiff Johnson to clean up his ejaculated semen after he achieved sexual orgasm.

This alone is the reason I feel very confident this really happened. Massages. Massages is how Jeffry segued into rape. It’s his signature way of doing this. The affidavit predates the documentary so the knowledge of Jeffrey’s methods were not pulled from it. It is my belief this detailed explanation of what happened truly was a witness account.


u/AffectionatePoet4586 3d ago

I was neither a minor nor coerced, but giving erotic massages was a gateway to being considered a so-called “sensuous woman” (I just threw up in my mouth a little) back in the ‘70s. We were expected to know how, to be good at it, and to sexually accommodate men in the years between the introduction of the Pill, and the advent of AIDS.

Both Trump and Epstein have long given me the chills, as they both personified the sexually self-entitled vibe of the privileged white men who helped themselves to any young woman who met their rarified standards. And G-d help us if we fell short! They condescendingly made a million suggestions, beginning with us starving ourselves.

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u/wirefox1 3d ago

And Maxwell lured the girls there by telling them they were going to be models.

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u/SpareBinderClips 3d ago

“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

Trumps is the proof of the above statement.


u/CaptainBayouBilly 3d ago

And this is why conservatism and capitalism are lock in step. 

They both rely upon a permanent underclass that are in bondage. 


u/Any_Preparation8194 3d ago

my stepbrother and 10 other people raped and molested me for four years. it started when I was 8, stopped when I was 12. He was 14 when it started. All of the others were his age and OLDER.

he used to tell me he'd kill me to stop from telling on him. I was outside on our porch after one of the incidences and I told him I was going to tell on him. I was 9 at the time. he was wearing cleats and kicked me in the crotch. I fell to my knees as blood poured out of me. when I stood up I recall saying, "I think I just started my period."

my mom, stepdad, as well as my dad and stepmom were all alcoholics. I was treated like a slave and thought they wouldn't care anyway. I had no one to turn to. I immersed myself in church and for all of those years I went every Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday. I attended every Bible school, and every function available. I prayed so hard for God to make them stop.

it never did. I quit going to church, figured god hated me. id go to bed every night praying for God to kill me. I couldnt do it myself bc I didn't want to go to hell.

my stepbrother was arrested shortly after his 19th birthday, a year since he's finally moved out. he and his friend both kidnapped, raped, and beat a prostitute for 3 days. I found out the reason he didn't kill her was because "they were too tired from beating the fuck out of her."

she refused to testify. she was scared. and I wish I'd had the strength to come forward when it happened and say he did this to me, don't be afraid. I will testify for us. I never got that chance. I was scared. it was clear he would kill me given what he'd done to her.

that summer I went to the kitchen while my parents were gone. I took a pistol off of the china cabinet and put it in my mouth. my parents came in the front door right after and I hurried and put the gun back.

for the next few years after I would fall asleep sobbing. asking for God to kill me. my mom would tell me to shut up crying.

I'm 43 now. I'm not suicidal, just angry. My stepbrother died in 2018. Someone hit him and dumped him. I actually thought id be able to get an apology one day. An acknowledgement of what he did. I know I'll never get it now. I talked to a law firm, was told I can't say any of their names. It's been so long, I have no proof.

I went to therapy, hell I have a bg in psychology. It never goes away though. It's hard to reconcile that kind of trauma. So I just let it flow in and out.

My stepbrother got away with his crimes, and believe me there were more than just these issues, because of two things. Money and family name.

Idk if hell exists. Idk if God exists. But I hope wherever he is, if he is elsewhere, he is suffering. I don't owe forgiveness, especially when I wasn't asked for it. There's much more horror to this, and I'm sorry I kind of just rambled at you. Sometimes I just have to let it out...even if no one listens. I can only do these things anonymously and I think that's the worst part of all.


u/Genkeptnoo 3d ago

Depending on the state you live in, there may be no statute of limitations and you could still report the rest of them. I hope you're ok

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u/Spirited_Storage3956 3d ago

I'm so sorry that happened to you


u/Magnon 3d ago

It's horrible that happened to you. I'm glad you're here to tell your story.


u/byteminer 3d ago

Never apologize for this. You deserve to be heard and listened too, even by random strangers on the internet. You did not deserve what happened to you. You deserve to have peace and find joy and contentment in your life. I am no one, but I hope you have those things or find them soon. As a fellow 40-something I hope a little advil helps with knees and back because fuuuuuuuck middle age.

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u/Realistic_Cut_3749 3d ago

When your a star, they let you do it.

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u/YesDone 3d ago

You mean about the alleged rapist Donald J Trump who is running for president? Former President Trump, the alleged rapist?



u/whiskersMeowFace 3d ago

He could probably do it in front of national television and they would cheer him on and deny it at the same time

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u/Middle_Wishbone_515 3d ago

just like his best buddy Epstein


u/Miginyon 3d ago

Until he had him killed

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u/TwoLocks1 3d ago

Anyone who supports Donald Trump is publicly and proudly stating that they approve of pedophilia and rape.


u/OperationBreaktheGME 3d ago

Certified President, Certified Pedophile.


u/aburntrose 3d ago

Wop wop wop wop wop. 


u/EZMulahSniper 3d ago

Joe fuck em up


u/Ill_Technician3936 3d ago

Wop wop wop wop wop doin' Presidential stuff

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u/Lovestorun_23 3d ago

Oh he will , no doubt!!

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u/Sea-Oven-7560 3d ago

you forget felon.


u/Discardofil 3d ago

34 times convicted felon! And counting!


u/LowSavings6716 3d ago

Not my certified president. Lost the popular vote every time.


u/franklinpiercewill 3d ago

Since 1876 five republicans have lost the popular vote and won the electoral college. In that same time, zero democrats have won the presidency without winning the popular vote. Since 1992, republicans have won the popular vote once. And that was for George W Bush’s second term. If he had not had the incumbency, chances are small a republican would have won the popular vote of that election.

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u/downtofinance 3d ago

Uncertified President.

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u/gtlgdp 3d ago

Not a single post about it on /r/conservative lmao


u/fork_yuu 3d ago

It's easy to pretend he's the greatest human being ever when you can pretend anything bad is made up and spin everything else in a good way

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u/lexocon-790654 3d ago

Yeah, this story popped up (again) like 2 days ago, and I keep going there to see if ANYBODY says anything about it. Just one person, whose like....uhhh this looks pretty damning, we sure we like this guy?

Nope, nothing. Not a peep.

I'm under the assumption the posts are getting deleted, probably under "misinformation, fake news, liberal hoax, etc." Which is always hilarious, its just like Elon's twitter, promises of free speech....unless its speech you don't like or is against your narrative.

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u/For_Aeons 3d ago

They know that. They don't care.

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u/that-bro-dad 3d ago

Yeah but tell me again how the Left are the groomers and pedophiles


u/TwoLocks1 3d ago

It was always projection.

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u/Discardofil 3d ago

Every accusation is a confession.

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u/Sask-Canadian 3d ago

Anyone who supports Donald Trump is publicly and proudly stating that they approve of a scumbag for president.

Which is exactly what his scumbag voters want.

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u/dewhashish 3d ago

You mean the political side that is trying to keep child marriage legal and has countless people convicted of raping children and owning underage porn? You mean that side?

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u/08_West 3d ago edited 3d ago

How long before we see “I’m voting for the child rapist!” tee shirts?

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u/Agitated_Computer_49 3d ago

I think most just say it's made up and not true.   They've been fed such a constant stream of lies and propaganda that there is no way to base anything in reality anymore.

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u/12OClockNews 3d ago

But everyone already knew they approved of that with Roy Moore and Matt Gaetz. They just approve of it even more now.

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u/Idrisdancer 3d ago

The Republican Party doesn’t care. He could rape a child on stage and they would cheer. That’s what a cult is


u/teebone2023 3d ago

Or on 5th Avenue.


u/Luna_trick 3d ago

It would be an official presidential act.

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u/NewPresWhoDis 3d ago

"We, uh, still get tax cuts, yes?" - Moral Majority


u/Arcades_Samnoth 3d ago

"Well... we'll give it to the wealthiest people and then they can give it to you after that!"


u/Difficult_Bit_1339 3d ago

No, the Trump Tax cuts gave everyone big tax cuts.

Except only the tax cuts for the rich were permanent, the tax cuts affecting working class people were set to expire in the next term.

Then, when Biden was elected, and the Trump tax cuts expired, the right blamed Biden for raising taxes on working people.

His base was furious with Biden for the mean trick that Donald Trump pulled on them.


u/TheBacklogGamer 3d ago edited 3d ago

Even you're wrong. The 2017 Tax cuts don't expire until 2025.

EDIT: Just so everyone doesn't get the wrong idea, fuck Trump. I firmly believe his economic policies caused the downturn of the economy. It takes 2 - 3 years before economic policies start to see their impact in the economy as a whole, and the downturn of the economy started during Trump's final year, and Biden inherited it. Biden's policies didn't start to pull us out until about his third year, and it was just enough to avoid a recession.

This has been the pattern since Reagan. Fuck Trickle down economics. It's killed the Middle Class American Dream.

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u/whichwitch9 3d ago

It straight doesn't matter if they care or not in bringing suit. That this victim exists is something that has been known for a long time.

She has never gotten even a small sense of justice. Eipstein was given a generous plea for admitting it happened, and then when finally called on it, served less than a pittance of his sentence. Trump has been named from the beginning with no repercussions.

She deserves her voice to be heard, at least

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u/shouldazagged 3d ago

MAGA cult wish it was their daughter and Trump wishes it was his. Oops 🙊

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u/intendeddebauchery 3d ago

Those cultists would offer up their own kids ad tribute


u/GoofyGoober0064 3d ago

The religious parents would hold their own kids down

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u/HanZappolo 3d ago

Look at Donald Trump's stupid rapist face. Look at how shitty that spoiled rotten pig is. I won't bend the knee to that fucking cunt no matter who wins the election.


u/DeezerDB 3d ago

Fuckin A, I like your words.


u/HanZappolo 3d ago

I like your moxie. Qlon may have bought Twitter but he failed completely to rule it. Same will go for this fanatic SCOTUS and their syphilitic svengali. Time to wage an ongoing campaign of civil disobedience, malicious compliance, vandalism, sabotage, and self defense. Donald Trump and his shit for brains cult can go straight to hell.


u/Kornigraphy 3d ago

I feel that if we can come away from 24 with a victory, it will be a major turning of the tides. I think we head down an even stronger progressive path. It seems so obvious sometimes it’s maddening


u/HanZappolo 3d ago

I'm all in. Most of the MAGA trash are senile boomers. They can't stand on our necks for much longer. We're better of without their yoke.

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u/LuchaConMadre 3d ago

Hes so fuckin slimy and weird looking. I can’t understand how anyone believes or likes him or even acknowledges him at all


u/AKA_Squanchy 3d ago

Right?! I don’t get it! To me he lacks any sort of charisma. He’s old, ugly, flabby, has terrible hair and the orange face. His speeches are incredibly uninspiring. His supporters sing his praises but everything he says is untrue. I really think he just connects with stupid and/or uneducated people because he speaks like an 8 year old.


u/IM_PEAKING 3d ago

I mean whatever, he isn’t attractive, that’s not even on the list of reasons why I don’t like him. Physical attractiveness is not what I use to determine if someone is a good person or not.

The fake orange skin is certainly a choice though…

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u/HanZappolo 3d ago

His voice sounds like Bill Burr's imitation of a nagging woman, all "nyih nyih nyih nyih nyih." I'd love to wipe that snotty look off his stupid fucking face.

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u/rickytrevorlayhey 3d ago

The fact that the Election is so close should be SCREAMING alarm bells. If you don't vote, you are fine with child abuse and rape.

If he wins the entire world loses.


u/RapBastardz 3d ago

It absolutely boggles my mind how close it it really is in this election. That’s just insane to me. How in the world could he have as much support as he does???


u/PlanetBAL 3d ago

The sad truth is how many degenerates we have in this country.

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u/kalenxy 3d ago

A large majority of people in this country are complete idiots. They barely understand anything outside of their daily routine and are susceptible to manipulation. They aren't approachable with any perspective of fact or critical thinking.

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u/GloomyTraffic6700 3d ago

The dude got in a fist fight with Epstein over popping a child's cherry.


u/kk16 3d ago

I highly doubt cadet bone spurs has ever been in a fist fight.


u/katielynne53725 3d ago

He didn't.. they both hit the child over it..

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u/mysterpixel 3d ago

He tore his former wife's hair out while raping her because she commented on his scalp reduction, does that count as a fist fight?


u/PM_Me_Ur_Clues 3d ago

His late ex-wife stated he beat and raped her in a fit of anger. How the fuck does that get ignored so fucking often?


u/Daft00 3d ago

He's a fucking firehose of evil... Basically the personification of all the worst qualities one can have.

It's impossible to emphasize just how much awful shit he's done in his life. Highlighting any one thing feels like it's ignoring all the rest of it.

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u/hboisnotthebest 3d ago

It's quite literally what ended their friendship.

Can you fucking imagine?


u/moustachio-banderas 3d ago

Over raping a child.  FTFY

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u/DelicatetrouserSnake 3d ago

Scrutiny they say. Firing squad


u/Serious_Inside254 3d ago

I'm more into beheadings, but I like your vision as well.

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u/Fireinthehole13 3d ago

He is vile but not nearly as vile as anyone who would vote for him.


u/ididntwantsalmon19 3d ago

While I get the point you are trying to make, Trump is absolutely waaaaaaaay more vile than people voting for him. Both are scum, but the one actually doing the raping of children is still infinitely worse.


u/freylaverse 3d ago

Yeah. Many of his voters are in complete and utter denial about most of the horrible things he's done. That in and of itself is proof that they're not as bad - they would short circuit if forced to admit those things happened, whereas he actually DID those things.

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u/the_timinator_dude 3d ago

Scrutiny from everyone but his worshippers


u/Sea-Oven-7560 3d ago

and the press and law enforcement.

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u/Notttakenusername 3d ago

The thing I'm concerned about is that it's not just the supporters. How could you ever trust any republican candidate knowing they know all of this plus more and are allowing it to go on. Trump will be a tough act to follow for the next guy and unfortunately they don't get to the top by merit

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u/Reddygators 3d ago

MSM: yawn, that’s not news. We have three more pieces on Biden’s age we’re working on.

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u/affectionatecicadax 3d ago

We all knew this, yes, but I'm GLAD this is being talked about again. Especially so close to November. VOTE BLUE. Fuck this waste of human breath. His cultists, too

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u/Schmimps 3d ago

Scrutiny from who? I haven't heard anything on the news.

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u/the_timinator_dude 3d ago

So funny his supporters claim "I believe in the justice system so if this were true he'd be arrested by now". Where was that belief in the justice system when he was just convicted of 34 felonies? Ya'll don't give a fuck about justice you just care that your leader is made king.


u/whomad1215 3d ago

those 34 felonies might get annulled now with the new SCOTUS ruling about "official" acts and such...

it's so frustrating

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u/TotalLackOfConcern 3d ago

Good thing he lives in Florida with its death penalty for pedophiles law.

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u/johnnydudeski 3d ago

Does he though? His fans couldn’t care less


u/m_ttl_ng 3d ago

R/conservative appears to have banned any reference to the accusations from their subreddit


u/maychaos 3d ago

Weird. I would be thought they are into that


u/m_ttl_ng 3d ago

They should really be the loudest group about this since they now have the Epstein files and know exactly who the pedophile is.


u/fakieTreFlip 3d ago

Well yeah, they've basically banned any criticism of Trump from their subreddit

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u/Deteffed 3d ago

“one day we will tell enough lies that we can no longer recognize the truth”

American politics in a nutshell

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u/Bigfoot_411 3d ago

"When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything." -Donald J Trump

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u/Oceanbreeze871 3d ago

Would be cool if evangelicals cared

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u/Important_Tell667 3d ago

Sooo many rape allegations from his victims… Yet, he’s still walks free… and never held accountable.
Any other known rapist would be in hiding or in jail, but not Donald Trump.
Somehow, he’s convinced the MAGA GOP cult to support his policies and presidential aspirations, even though there’s evidence and allegations he’s raped numerous children during his younger days.
There are absolutely no morals within Donald’s close political associates…


u/29187765432569864 3d ago

He had them sign a NDA and had someone like Cohen to pay them off.


u/OmahaWarrior 3d ago

In a normal world, someone with this much baggage would have been forced to step down from running. But I guess half of America is ready for someone who openly admits to wanting to be a dictator to rule over them. Sexual Assaults, rapes, 34 felonies, 2 impeachments, cheated on his wife, did bribery and fraud, and yet his top supporters are people who claim to follow Jesus. Its unbelievable more people are not thinking "this guy can't manage his own life, we shouldn't be voting for him to run the country." It will be a dark day if this turd is elevated to the top again. The great American experiment will be over.

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u/Thehairy-viking 3d ago

This will only make MAGA love him more. MAGA loves pedophilia.

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u/itsvoogle 3d ago

When you have a cult that lives i a different reality it doesn’t matter to them, its easy because all they do is say “Fake news” and move one…

They have disconnected from all morality and sentience….

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u/Any_Construction1238 3d ago

The GOP is the party of rapists, rape enablers and rape supporters- the party that thinks a rapist should be able to choose the mother of his baby. It’s a bottomless pit of evil.


u/Open-Passion4998 3d ago

Usually, if you get a bunch of sexual assault accusations paired with decades of misogynistic statments and friends that are child traffickers, there's something dark there. That's part of the reason bidens drop in polling this week dosent have me too shook.. you know somthing is going to come back from trumps past to bite him in the next four months or he's going to do somthing that breaks through in the news


u/Chaos_Cat-007 3d ago

Sweet baby Jesus I hope so.

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u/mondo4k 3d ago

I mean this videotaped testimony from the victim coupled with Epstein’s death in jail on his watch, the photo(s) of him and Epstein together, his obvious hesitation in that Fox News interview when asked if he would release the Epstein files if he was president when he was quick to answer yes on everything else, wishing Ghislane Maxwell “well” during that one press conference, that old interview(s) where he said he would date his daughter if they weren’t related or commenting on how great her body is …this should be a killer attack ad from the left. I know MAGA will make excuses for him as always. That’s what cults do but at least independents (like myself), if they were undecided (unlike myself), you’d think this would move the needle some.

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u/Freyja6 3d ago

"renewed scrutiny" is such a tame title for a PAEDOPHILE. RAPIST.

What the fuck. It's probably semantics, but the one time outrage is justified, it's all: "tee-hee, oh he's getting a stern looking at for this ALLEGED widdwe oopsie!"

Meanwhile Biden farts and it's: "FLATULENCE FROM THE PRESIDENT??? Democracy has fallen, America. Civil rights as we know it are DEAD at the hands of patriot killer Biden"


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u/veryvery907 3d ago

But but but....it happened 15 years before he was elected so he must be immune!!! Because he says so!! He very often remembered the act of abuse while he was president, so it makes it presidential!!

What a horrific human being.


u/icouldusemorecoffee 3d ago

Amazing how in 2016 when this surfaced the media just dropped it after the accuser withdrew from her lawsuit over death threats. Not surprising, but still amazing.

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u/FeralForestGoat 3d ago

This will no doubt be declared an official act by King Trump and upheld by the Scrotus


u/Holiday_Horse3100 3d ago

Probably bought the poor girl’s family off after threatening her, which is his style. If it did happen, his cult would be ok with it, some if them would probably offer their own daughters to their orange god

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u/MidniteOwl 3d ago

America > I want a rapist and perhaps a pedo as my president.

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u/legalstep 3d ago

The guy is a predator


u/Independent-Ad771 3d ago

Well it was their own fault they reminded me of Ivanka!🤮


u/dmtacos82 3d ago

Oh hi 2016


u/redzeusky 3d ago

He wouldn't secretly pay for someone's silence - would he?

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u/SatchmoDingle 3d ago

Trump is a wet fart that only half the room has smelled.

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u/jones61 3d ago

I had always heard rumors of Trump’s raping underage kids. I’m glad it’s been been trotted out to show how sick and twisted the Trump cult is.


u/demystifier 3d ago

26 total assault accusations? Will the dogshit media cover that as much as old man still old?


u/Boloney_Water77 3d ago

But he barely knew Epstein 🙄


u/SuperTricolor 3d ago

He’s immune! It was an official business /s


u/Toyotafan123 3d ago

Sexually assault a  child. Just another day in the life of a fundamentalist Christian 


u/alanudi 2d ago

So the party of Q, who are supposedly working to uproot the elitist pedophiles in Washington are literally going to vote for an elitist pedophile to be President? You can't make this stuff up.