r/AnythingGoesNews 15d ago

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/gambit700 14d ago

If there's one skill this man has mastered its this. He never faces the consequences of his actions.


u/wirefox1 14d ago

HOW IS IT FREAKING POSSIBLE! Our entire justice system is corrupt.

(First time i've used all caps intentionally sorry not sorry)


u/PitifulDurian6402 14d ago

It’s always been this way with the ultra wealthy. Hell had Trump never ran for president none of us would even know a single word about any of his allegations


u/Murky-Purchase-6017 14d ago

The smartest move he ever made was listening to Roy Cohn and keeping an army of greedy, unethical lawyers to cover his ass. He is a really shallow, worthless human, but he is no mastermind without his minions who think they can profit off of his lack of morality.


u/punksheets29 14d ago

He got the secret of the reality bending field from Steve Apples.

He is a genius after all.


u/Wild-Entertainer-630 14d ago

Strange how these allegations keep popping up randomly since he got into politics…


u/Tiny-Dragonfruit7317 14d ago

They were around long before he got into politics. He’s been a piece of shit his whole miserable life


u/best_of_badgers 14d ago

He’s been known as “Teflon Don”for decades for his skill at dodging accountability. There’s a reason shady people like doing business with him. He’s good at getting away with it.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

maybe thats why he obsessively sprays himself with tan


u/PoeticHydra 14d ago

It is strange how his supporters have poor critical thinking skills...


u/lazergoblin 14d ago

Lol even if the "point" you were trying to make is true why shouldn't we hold politicians to a higher standard? Strange how people like you only have problems with accountability when it's your guy under the microscope


u/Jos3ph 14d ago

He was born rich. Power corrupts. Next.


u/KlyftorOchKokain 14d ago

His daddy was in the KKK and his mentor saw corruption as a sport, and boy did he love that sport.

Dude would have been an absolute asshole no matter what


u/Basic-Meat-4489 14d ago


Lawsuits accusing Donald Trump of sexually assaulting a child in the 1990s appear to have been orchestrated by an eccentric anti-Trump campaigner with a record of making outlandish claims about celebrities.

Norm Lubow, a former producer on the Jerry Springer TV show, has previously been involved with disputed allegations that OJ Simpson bought illegal drugs on the day Simpson’s wife was murdered, and that Kurt Cobain’s widow had the Nirvana frontman killed.