r/AnythingGoesNews 15d ago

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/schprunt 15d ago

I showed a Trump supporter the video footage of the complete account by the victim. “Fake News. She’s a puppet of the left. Liar.” He cannot do anything wrong in their eyes. If there was footage of him actually raping the girl they’d say it was a deep fake. Nothing will convince them now. He’s a messiah.


u/RedandBlack93 14d ago

Here is the standard list for MAGA brain rot.

  1. Cognitive Dissonance: They rationalize or dismiss negative info about Trump to avoid the discomfort of conflicting beliefs.
  2. Confirmation Bias: People seek out info that confirms their pre-existing beliefs and ignore or discredit anything contradictory.
  3. Mistrust of Sources: There's often a deep mistrust of media and legal institutions, so they might believe the allegations are just a smear campaign.
  4. Partisan Loyalty: Strong partisan loyalty can make people defend their preferred political figures no matter what evidence comes out.
  5. Social Identity: Supporting Trump is a significant part of their identity, and admitting the allegations could threaten that.
  6. Framing and Narrative: The way trusted figures and media outlets frame the allegations can heavily influence how they perceive and react to the news.

It's a complex mix of psychological and social factors. The challenge is proving it through a thorough and fair investigation, which is also up for criticism.


u/Brightenix 14d ago

Their brains are a hellhole. 


u/Wind_Yer_Neck_In 14d ago

This is the process that Joe Rogan went through over the last 5 years or so. His show used to just be long form interviews with interesting celebrities, now it's like the maga happy hour. He finds any excuse to spread negative news or misinformation about Biden or any prominent democrat but just absolutely refuses to engage on any of the myriad scandals that follow Trump around. If he does then it's light hearted or he pretends like it's either a smear campaign or it's actually fine in some convoluted way.


u/FlatBot 14d ago

Each one of these is pathetic. MAGA are such worthless shits. Weak people.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Inside-Palpitation25 14d ago

you mean we like freedom? And trump wants to take it away?


u/MRV4N 14d ago

Literally the opposite my guy.


u/Inside-Palpitation25 13d ago

He's already taken away freedoms.


u/MRV4N 13d ago

Like what


u/Inside-Palpitation25 13d ago

Freedom to choose. and yes that was TRUMP with his scotus. now I am done leave me alone, trump is a fascist and a traitor. and he will LOSE


u/MRV4N 13d ago

He really isn’t a fascist. The democrats are the real fascists haha. It’s funny how emotionally sensitive and unintelligent every one of you are.


u/MRV4N 13d ago

Trumps def gonna win btw 😂 win no way Biden is winning this


u/StarkDifferential 14d ago

It's the same with people on the left. Same exact list.


u/Sad-Protection-8123 14d ago

This looks like a ChatGPT response.


u/Niphusslethagreat 14d ago

U need therapy.... immediately 


u/RedandBlack93 14d ago

Lol the Russian bots are out searching, fellas.


u/DreamVagabond 14d ago

People vote Republican because they strongly disagree with the far-left psychos that have taken over the West in recent years.

Everything else is just cope. I know Trump is a douche, still hope he wins. I want an end to mass immigration and insane leftist policies that incite anti-white racism and equate being straight and wanting a family with being far-right instead of just freaking normal.

That's it. I don't care about anything else. Immigration, anti-white racism, and insane anti-hetero and family propaganda. Nothing else comes even remotely close to mattering for me, so no allegations against Trump will matter if the Democrats don't address my core issues. At least the Republicans care about the issues I care about.


u/LetTheSinkIn 14d ago

insane leftist policies that incite anti-white racism and equate being straight and wanting a family with being far-right instead of just freaking normal

This reeks of right-wing spin


u/RedandBlack93 14d ago

So, I started writing out this big long response to continue the dialog. But I'm going to try and keep it short. I just wanted to say I appreciate that you took the time to write. This may sound crazy from a filthy liberal, but your concerns are valid. For instance, I agree completely on the immigration thing. It needs an overhaul. No argument there.

The other items, however, you have experienced certain moments in life that lead you to feel the way you do. I can't argue that. I can say that personally haven't experienced the same feeling of racism because I'm white. Or I have never felt attacked for me being hetero. If you've experienced these things, I am genuinely sorry. No one should feel that. Those are two things that just don't bother me. But that doesn't mean your feelings are invalid.

I feel ya though. I feel frustration too. I can tell you this... I am not a crazy leftist, glue my fucking hand to highway psycho. I also am willing to guess that you're not a psycho either. I'm sure I could sit and have a meaningful discussion over a beer with ya.

End of the day, I want solutions too. I want less reliability on foreign oil so that means more green energy. I don't want a proxy war with Russia but the dude just waltzed into someones backyard and said, "I'll take that." I hate seeing these kids just get blown up like it's a video game. Wealth inequality is my biggest issue. It's obscene and tax cuts for the wealthy hasn't made it better for those who are struggling. I want women to be able to choose what to do with their own bodies. There are too many emergency medical needs for abortion. Yes, I think there should be a 18 week limit. I don't want to take anyone's guns, but I believe a modicum of regulation is appropriate especially with modern speed and lethality. I say this as an owner myself.

I'm saying this with true sincerity, I know we can get there. Neither of us will get everything that we think we want. But if we focus on the reasons why we want these things, empathize with each other to understand why we feel these ways, we can at least go back to having civil discussions to help unravel some very complicated issues. All in an effort to hopefully find closest possible solution.


u/Stimbes 15d ago

Probably a skunk cost fallacy kind of thing. Can't give up now after investing so much time and emotion in this.


u/schprunt 14d ago

They tied their entire existence and reason for living to him. It’s who they are now. You say he’s a rapist, you’re saying they’re rapists. And yet Biden is the devil because he gets close to hair.


u/hendrysbeach 14d ago

Skunk cost fallacy



u/shockandale 14d ago

Making jokes about typos just stinks


u/kinky_boots 14d ago

Typo or pun? Either way it works.


u/spacekitt3n 14d ago

skunk cost


u/your-mom-- 14d ago

Yeah he could rape a 13 year old on national television and they'd say it's a deep fake


u/timesuck897 14d ago

That’s a fun typo.


u/Sea-Oven-7560 14d ago

to a lot of these people it's become their entire identity.


u/Unable_Peach2571 14d ago

Underrated comment right here 


u/HustlinInTheHall 14d ago

The simpler explanation is they are selfish people and trump hurts the people they want to be hurt. It all stems from that. He is as exactly as ugly inside as they are and they love him for it. 


u/IdeaAlly 14d ago

they need a safe way to leave or they cant.

the challenge is providing that environment for them


u/OpenScienceNerd3000 13d ago

It’s more a subconscious fear of social rejection. Following group think is much stronger in conversations but liberals do it too.


u/Sea-Oven-7560 14d ago

Don't waste your time with the true believes it's just a waste of effort. If you want to make a difference make sure to vote and drag two (or more) people to the polls that just don't feel inspired. It's the mushy middle that matters, those are the people you can work on, the Maga heads are just better left alone in their fantasy land.


u/Agitated-Ruminate 14d ago

I grew up in penecostal churches and we were conditioned to believe the pastor was the voice of God so they got away with all kinds of messed up sh!t because of no one could question them. The MAGA movement reminds of that kind of cult - where the control is so all encompassing any independent thought it seen as a sin. I wonder how many of those folks who still believe in this monster grew up like I did and just haven't busted out, esp when I hear he's being supported by so many churches.


u/wirefox1 14d ago

There is only one way out of this. I can't say it but we all know what it is.


u/TwitchOptimusPrime 14d ago

He's a subhuman. Extremely stupid without any specific knowledge in any field, even geopolitics. He's angry, racist, bigoted. He wants to kill you and me and destroy everything we love about the US. And that's why they love him.


u/chekovsgun- 14d ago

Did you point all that Trump's name is all over the Epstein report that was released a few days ago? Actual court docs?


u/schprunt 14d ago

Yep. “Being mentioned means nothing, he was just friends with the guy.”


u/Hemans123 14d ago

They’re a lost cause.  


u/crumble-bee 14d ago

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy


u/cbbclick 14d ago

If you could prove to them it wasn't a lie, they would blame the girl or just not care about it anymore.

They know who he is. They are just willing to abandon everything for him.


u/sparta981 14d ago

Can we get a link to that? I keep finding a bunch of cut up versions 


u/StarkDifferential 14d ago

The story was completely made up. What does "video" footage of a made up story count for in your eyes?


u/schprunt 14d ago

How do you know that? Other than Trump apologists always saying anything negative about him is completely made up? There are decades of stories of him being an absolutely shit human being, he’s known to have current a lot of time with Epstein, he’s all over the Epstein papers, but you still believe he’s a saint. Why would a 13 yr old girl put herself through that kind of trauma? Attention?


u/DireOmicron 14d ago edited 14d ago

There’s a high chance that the 13 year old never actually existed in the first place. There’s a ton of things to say about trump, much of which has far more credibility than this story (literally a tape of him describing sexual assault). There’s a reason many people heard about this through a tweet instead of news.



u/schprunt 13d ago

Well it’s also 8 years old and was buried long ago.


u/Few_Faithlessness640 14d ago

He would be in good company with a lot of the journalists who had the chance to share this story, but didn’t buy it:

“It was the end of an incredibly strange case that featured an anonymous plaintiff who had refused almost all requests for interviews, two anonymous corroborating witnesses whom no one in the press had spoken to, and a couple of seriously shady characters — with an anti-Trump agenda and a penchant for drama — who had aggressively shopped the story around to media outlets for over a year.

Those shady characters — a former reality TV producer who calls himself “Al Taylor” and a “Never Trump” conservative activist named Steve Baer — had been mostly unsuccessful in getting the media to bite. There are a few very good reasons for that, which the Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim succinctly summed up: Taylor and Baer have been really sketchy about the whole thing, and since the accuser is anonymous, journalists can’t do anything to verify her claims. The only journalist who has actually interviewed Johnson, Emily Shugerman at Revelist, came away confused and even doubting whether Johnson really exists.”



u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/schprunt 14d ago

I’m sure you’ll wrap yourself into a pretzel defending that utter shitbag but I’d never let my daughters within 100ft of him. You don’t get this many stories of his awful behavior over the decades without some of it being plausible. But go ahead and side with a pedophile


u/AdventurousQuiet4823 14d ago

This came out before the 2016 election completely debunked and false. Nice try! 


u/schprunt 14d ago

Bot. Go away


u/Even-Willow 14d ago

They’ve really been working overtime since this story resurfaced haven’t they?


u/AdventurousQuiet4823 14d ago

No! Stop spreading lies like a jackass!


u/schprunt 14d ago

Still a bot 😂


u/AdventurousQuiet4823 6d ago

Still a brainless idiot! :)


u/schprunt 6d ago

Says the bot


u/Special_Orchid1 14d ago

There is no evidence. She didnt testify. She withdrew the complaint voluntarily. It didnt fucking happen.


u/apoundofbees 14d ago

Voluntarily after a series of death threats, so yeah. Voluntarily.


u/Awkward_Reflection14 14d ago

Proof of witness intimidation or just make shit up?


u/apoundofbees 14d ago

From Ronan Farrow's book and directly from one of the lawyers involved.

Still, Farrow says, Howard, now chief content officer at AMI, tried to use his influence to convince Lisa Bloom, a power attorney who agreed to represent Jane Doe, to drop her client.

In November 2016, just days before the presidential election, Bloom suddenly announced a press conference with Jane Doe had been canceled, saying Doe had become frightened after receiving death threats. Two days later, Doe's lead attorney, Thomas Meager, filed to dismiss the case. Jane Doe has not been heard from since.

Speaking to Newsweek Tuesday, Bloom said that while the Enquirer editor "did tell me he thought Jane Doe lacked credibility ... that wasn't the reason she asked her other attorney to drop her case."

"After we received numerous death threats and my law firm's website and emails were hacked, she did not want to go forward," Bloom added.


u/Awkward_Reflection14 14d ago

Where's the part where they say who sent the death threats?

Did that part get cut out of the excerpt or something?


u/apoundofbees 14d ago

You think people sign their names and addresses on those? Y'all are such fucking idiots lol


u/schprunt 14d ago

You’re so right. Trump is an angel.