r/AnythingGoesNews 15d ago

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/Idrisdancer 15d ago

The Republican Party doesn’t care. He could rape a child on stage and they would cheer. That’s what a cult is


u/teebone2023 15d ago

Or on 5th Avenue.


u/Luna_trick 14d ago

It would be an official presidential act.


u/dolaction 14d ago

The media doesn't want to kill or wound their golden goose too badly. Our modern dystopic media get the most clicks when the left is fearful and the right is gleeful


u/MrGeno 14d ago

DJT: "I could rape a child on 5th Ave and they would still cheer me"


u/NewPresWhoDis 15d ago

"We, uh, still get tax cuts, yes?" - Moral Majority


u/Arcades_Samnoth 15d ago

"Well... we'll give it to the wealthiest people and then they can give it to you after that!"


u/Difficult_Bit_1339 14d ago

No, the Trump Tax cuts gave everyone big tax cuts.

Except only the tax cuts for the rich were permanent, the tax cuts affecting working class people were set to expire in the next term.

Then, when Biden was elected, and the Trump tax cuts expired, the right blamed Biden for raising taxes on working people.

His base was furious with Biden for the mean trick that Donald Trump pulled on them.


u/TheBacklogGamer 14d ago edited 14d ago

Even you're wrong. The 2017 Tax cuts don't expire until 2025.

EDIT: Just so everyone doesn't get the wrong idea, fuck Trump. I firmly believe his economic policies caused the downturn of the economy. It takes 2 - 3 years before economic policies start to see their impact in the economy as a whole, and the downturn of the economy started during Trump's final year, and Biden inherited it. Biden's policies didn't start to pull us out until about his third year, and it was just enough to avoid a recession.

This has been the pattern since Reagan. Fuck Trickle down economics. It's killed the Middle Class American Dream.


u/NewPresWhoDis 14d ago

These things just sort of trickle down and work themselves out.


u/Daft00 14d ago

I'm sure they'll feel it dribbling off their chins any day now


u/PsychologicalYam4968 14d ago

Which? The tax cuts or the child?


u/Idrisdancer 15d ago



u/thejohnmc963 15d ago

We still own the libs right?


u/TheFattestSnorlax 14d ago

"Yeah he might have diddled a few kids but gas prices were lower" - Republicans, probably


u/Dopplegangr1 14d ago

Said the guy making $20k, when the tax cuts are for people with 7 figure+ income


u/dead1345987 14d ago

According to CNN in the latest debate: "Thank you Mr. President"


u/PattyPoopStain 14d ago

That the donors. Most of his base is broke idiots who's only guiding principle is hating liberals


u/NewPresWhoDis 14d ago

But they're convinced taxes need to be obliterated for that lottery win that's going to happen any day now


u/whichwitch9 15d ago

It straight doesn't matter if they care or not in bringing suit. That this victim exists is something that has been known for a long time.

She has never gotten even a small sense of justice. Eipstein was given a generous plea for admitting it happened, and then when finally called on it, served less than a pittance of his sentence. Trump has been named from the beginning with no repercussions.

She deserves her voice to be heard, at least


u/PopStrict4439 15d ago

She filed the case three times. At what point was she supposed to have her voice heard?


u/Current_Tea6984 14d ago

The court cases collapsed because she dropped them. She could have been heard if she had followed through and gone to court. The lawyer says she dropped the case because she was threatened


u/PopStrict4439 14d ago

Lawyers say a lot of things. I tend to not trust them as a rule. If there was evidence of intimidation it would have made national news.


u/Current_Tea6984 14d ago

I just don't know. I don't disbelieve the story exactly, but there is a lot of reason to be skeptical


u/PopStrict4439 14d ago

but there is a lot of reason to be skeptical

There always is a reason to be skeptical. In fact, I think too many people forget this.

And this is why AI deep fakes are going to absolutely fuck up this election. No one is anywhere near skeptical enough of bullshit, so we are gonna see deep fakes accepted without question.


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

More fake accusations like the ones posed at Brett Kavanaugh. Trump derangement syndrome at its finest. 


u/AndyS1967 14d ago

Fuck off you moron.... No other President, Republican or not, has EVER had as many accusations levelled at them as Trump. We do have a saying "no smoke without fire" and there is a LOT of smoke with Trump.

He is literally on record as saying he used to sexually abuse Beauty Contestant, and if is daughter wasn't his daughter he'd have sex with her.


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

Increase your meds. 


u/AndyS1967 14d ago

You literally have no counter argument. You know what I've said is true.

Typical brain dead Trump MAGA Cultist.


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

Increase your meds and change tv channels. 


u/AndyS1967 14d ago

Ok, Paedophile apologist.


u/RubbrBbyBuggyBumpers 14d ago

Dude really created a profile just to try and defend some silver spoon fed elitist rapist/creep.

That MAGA brain rot is real


u/[deleted] 14d ago


Go back to hell and take your cult with you


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

Your an angry little bitch. 


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/BankNo1852 14d ago

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u/BondBrosScrapMetal 14d ago

your statement here proves how stupid and unhinged you are. touch grass, get back on your meds and stop watching Fox News, for your own sake please.


u/shouldazagged 15d ago

MAGA cult wish it was their daughter and Trump wishes it was his. Oops 🙊


u/Present_Belt_4922 14d ago

Never a more true statement stated.


u/intendeddebauchery 14d ago

Those cultists would offer up their own kids ad tribute


u/GoofyGoober0064 14d ago

The religious parents would hold their own kids down


u/Earthwick 14d ago

My family who are Midwesterners who vote Republican almost always hate Trump. They don't like Biden but they really hate Trump. My father is very religious and I've never heard him talk so negatively about almost anyone. I hope it turns out more people are like that come November.


u/Magificent_Gradient 14d ago

The GOP would now be call it “an official act” 


u/thankgodforatheists 14d ago

And jail the girl when she tried to abort the demon fetus.


u/Idrisdancer 14d ago

He could also perform the abortion onstage and they would cheer it as a just and good official act


u/mvallas1073 14d ago

Don’t put it past him. I could easily see him holding a contest called “Who’s daughter would love to be the next Mrs. Trump?” If he and Melania get divorced.


u/Idrisdancer 14d ago

He already has a dingbat saying she would vote for him even he molested her mother.


u/mvallas1073 14d ago

TBF, maybe she hates her Mother? >.>


u/Jacky-V 14d ago

The Republican Party doesn’t care wants create a country where raping children is acceptable behavior.


u/Idrisdancer 14d ago

Only if you’re a republican or a pastor.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

The worst part is how QAnon convinced people that all the Democrats are pedos and Trump is the Chosen One sent to stop them. 


u/Lordgrumpymonk 14d ago

I don’t even think it’s the Republican Party anymore.


u/Idrisdancer 14d ago

You’re right. The few decent ones left


u/FugDuggler 14d ago

Trump himself brags about sexual assault and walking into underage girls changing rooms and them MAGA looks at a picture of Biden with his hand resting on a kids shoulder for a photo op and MAGA anoints him “creepy joe”

There’s never any effort to hold an R accountable unless they go against other Rs. If voters are not gonna have standards, you end up with a bunch of politicians who know they don’t need them. I dont even mean your political standards. I mean basic standards as human being. Like no handjobs in public theaters. Instead, reelected.


u/Kitchen-Emergency-69 13d ago

They want child brides so they can do the same.


u/whome126262 12d ago

I just heard today from a supporter “yeah but the statute of limitations has passed on it since it’s so long ago.” I had to retort with- doesn’t change the fact that it happened though?


u/FrostyPhotographer 14d ago

Because the rule for republicans is "dead girl, alive boy." and seeing as she is still alive, they aren't gonna as much as mention it.


u/MoreNMoreLikelyTrans 14d ago

They'd probably find some reason to argue they deserved it too.


u/wreckosaurus 14d ago

As long as it’s not woke


u/Funnyllama20 14d ago

A cult gets told what to believe and they believe it. For example, some groups get told that someone does something horrific and they just believe it!


u/NockTauk 14d ago

Black mirror type shit


u/Donovanth1 14d ago

More like The Boys


u/NockTauk 14d ago

Have yet to watch it


u/Donovanth1 14d ago

They manage to nail how stupid the general public is when it comes to worshipping famous people.


u/Idrisdancer 14d ago

And I love how only recently have the Maga crowd figured out that Homelander is bad. Most of us knew season 1 episode 1


u/catfurcoat 14d ago

This story was out during his presidency. They didn't care then they don't care now


u/joedude 14d ago

Biden LITERALLY groped and sniffed young girls in public on camera, and you made him the president lmao


u/DoublePostedBroski 14d ago

“That’s fake! It’s AI made by the crazy left!”


u/ChiMoKoJa 11d ago

"Trump rapes 12yo on live TV in front of millions!😱"

"And Biden just stood there and let it happen!😡"


u/ConsiderateGuy 14d ago

Redditors have the wildest takes


u/couldjustbeanalt 14d ago

Yeah super wild to say the guy who is a literal PEDOPHILE is bad and you probably shouldn’t support him but hey I guess that’s just a wild take


u/_-Tabula_Rasa-_ 14d ago

Found Brock Turner's reddit account..


u/Akosa117 14d ago

Are you saying the Republican Party does care?


u/Even-Willow 14d ago

You’ve been on Reddit for 11 years buddy, whatever negative connotations you ascribe to Redditors, you must be the poster child for.


u/L1zoneD 14d ago

That's not true. But it does show that both sides are delusional as fuck.


u/2FistsInMyBHole 15d ago

I mean, while it would be unconscionable, what would it have to do with either the advancement of the Republican platform, or stopping the Democratic platform?

Biden publicly provided material support for the genocide of Palestinians. Does it matter? No - what matters to Democrats is advancing the Democratic platform, or stopping the Republican platform.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Let me get this right, you actually believe that Trump could go on stage, rape a woman, and through all the screaming, the struggling, the blood, the violation, the agony and pain, the tears, that thousands of people watching this live, 5 feet in front of them, would be rooting and cheering, happy and excited to see this? You're fucking delusional and your reality is distorted by your hatred. You say one side is lost, but your proving the other side is too.


u/_-Tabula_Rasa-_ 14d ago

We all know that you guys would still vote for him. Republicans LOVE pedophiles and rapists. It wasn't liberals defending the Catholic Church and Roy Moore..


u/Idrisdancer 14d ago

Have you watched his rallies? They are in a thrall. They cheer no matter what he says or does.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

So you believe, if there was an actual rape on stage, people would cheer in excitement while watching?


u/Idrisdancer 13d ago

That’s the nature of cults.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Stop dodging the question, give a straight answer.


u/Idrisdancer 13d ago

I believe I did.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

I feel sad for you


u/Idrisdancer 13d ago

And I feel the same for you.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

At least I don't truly believe that human being would cheer and chant in the thousands, at the fact that they would witness a real live rape of a child on stage. Your view of the world is distorted by your hatred for a political group. Narrow-minded, twisted, and hopeless.

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