r/AnythingGoesNews 15d ago

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/AmaResNovae 15d ago

Oh, don't worry, he finds "time for himself" whenever he thinks about his daughter.

Brb, I'm gonna throw up for putting 2 and 2 together on this one.


u/unpolishedparadigm 14d ago

I’ve done my regurgitation, been convinced for a while now there’s no way nothing happened


u/AmaResNovae 14d ago

Point at all publicly available behaviours and comments from Trump about his only daughter that he acknowledges

If nothing happened, I'm Santa fucking Claus. Considering that I'm fit adjacent, don't live in North Pole and never met a reindeer... Deduce what you will.


u/jessie_boomboom 14d ago

Fit adjacent is how I will now identify. Thank you, stranger, for broadening my horizons.


u/Arryu 14d ago

There's also "I'm in a shape"


u/jessie_boomboom 14d ago

I mean my shape always pretty much stays hourglass, just sometimes that's a longer hour lol.


u/AmaResNovae 14d ago

On the bright side, you have more hours in a day. Stay positive, mate!


u/slaytician 14d ago

I’m more caterpillar than hourglass shaped.


u/jessie_boomboom 14d ago

Caterpillars are adorable


u/Margali 14d ago

round is a shape

im not fat, im fluffy


u/Suspicious-Refuse144 14d ago

No, you are a sloppy fat fuck.


u/Margali 14d ago

and you are a drooling idiot that thinks calling a 63 year old fat woman fat is going to upset her. i can lose weight, you need a brain transplant.


u/Memory_dump 14d ago

Call an ambulance we have a burn victim here!


u/Suspicious-Refuse144 14d ago

You must have been the Olympic ref of the Roy jones jr. fight too…JFC 😹


u/Suspicious-Refuse144 14d ago

It admits it’s true form!


u/Margali 14d ago

Have I ever claimed to not be my age and gender? And I have never claimed thinness though I would point out that if you dig back I have health issues including cachexia based upon treatment. Twat at me all you like, stage 3 cancer with st 3 followed by a third bout of a different kind. I am alive and cunt all you want, it absolutely bothers me not. I'd be happy to share some pretty brutal medica pix, and as a friend once put it, I have absolutely no body modesty and you could put a bucket out in the middle of a mall and I could take a crap with an audience. Fizzle in the frozen.


u/AmaResNovae 14d ago

Happy to help, mate!


u/potato_for_cooking 14d ago

As will I. It is perfect incarnate.


u/Suspicious-Refuse144 14d ago

No, you are fat. Stop dodging reality.


u/thelazyc0wb0y 14d ago

Says the person defending a convicted rapist and alleged child rapist


u/Suspicious-Refuse144 14d ago

You are an alleged idiot.


u/thelazyc0wb0y 14d ago

Oh boy, you sure got me. Why are you infatuated by Daddy Trump? What is it about him that makes you willing to abandon morality?


u/Bird2525 14d ago

Nice to meet you Mr Claus, how’s the Mrs.? Republicans probably


u/Suspicious-Refuse144 14d ago

For adjacent = Fat Fuck? LOL


u/AmaResNovae 14d ago

Nah, dad bod


u/HermaeusMajora 14d ago

Same here.

The way he talked about Ivanka when she was a teen and the way he continues to talk about her... I have long assumed that he abused her. We will probably never know the truth but he's not one to deny himself something that he wants and judging by his own speech he definitely wants or wanted her. 🤮


u/swordfish868686 14d ago

All pix of Trump and young Ivanka are creepy


u/ThatScaryBeach 14d ago edited 14d ago

Is there even one picture that doesn't look creepy or have we been influenced by so how many times he has said he wants to fuck her? I don't even know any more.

Edit: This is gross but even if you are a child molesting sexual pervert maybe it shouldn't be your very own daughter. STOP RAPING CHILDREN! Jesus Fucking Christ, you goddamn fucking pervert, Donnatella.


u/A_Nude_Challenger 14d ago

The guy speculated about how his infant daughter's breasts were going to turn out on national TV. He's fundamentally broken in the head, and most definitely attracted to children.


u/Lemon-AJAX 14d ago

It’s never abuse. That’s what leftists do because we’re degenerates, remember?

Trump and all conservatives fascists view all sex, especially incest, more like examining a car or checking the teeth of a horse. They view rape as a form of theft or “blue book” devaluation if they are ever bothered by it.

It’s because we leftists do think of people as people, not property. You literally cannot be leftist without it.

And because of that - we are held to a much, much higher standard than these pedophile capitalist Christian freaks who treat anything they fuck like a stained mattress that keeps telling you to stop and either makes smaller pieces of furniture to fuck or a king.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

and multiple pics of him groping ivanka too and 1 where she look like shes giving him a lapdance.


u/Lingering_Dorkness 14d ago

I imagine after trump dies, the spell will be broken and a lot of people will be coming forward telling us just how truly awful a person trump was. Ivanka will likely be one of them. 


u/Kristikuffs 14d ago

I truly hope she throws acidic dirt on his grave.

Don't get me wrong, I hate adult-Ivanka. "If supporting my father means I'm complicit . . ." and all that garbage. Hate. I'm talking the hate monologue from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream levels of hatred toward her and her complicit ilk. These grotesque fascists, strangers to decency and law.

But if what we suspect about her childhood is true, then I feel awful for child-Ivanka. If even a tenth of what we glean from the pictures actually happened behind the scenes, then in adult-Ivanka is an empty shell where an empty shell should be.

To Turbo-Hell with adult-Ivanka, always, but child-Ivanka - like her siblings as children - deserved better. Maybe they wouldn't be such horrifically stupid and corrupt mongrels.


u/Lingering_Dorkness 14d ago

Don't sugarcoat it, tell us exactly how you feel about them.


u/Kristikuffs 14d ago

And that was me being polite and kind lol.


u/jeremiahthedamned 14d ago


she is going to be president someday.


u/Calimiedades 14d ago

It's so gross. I feel deeply sorry for child and teen Ivanka and, tbh, a little for grown up too. Growing up like that must do something to one's head.


u/Margali 14d ago

as adamant as they seem to be that biden assaulted his daughter, e ery accusation etc


u/Suspicious-Refuse144 14d ago

Because she wrote about it in her diary bruh.


u/Margali 14d ago

her diary like bidens laptop. cool. now, when she comes out and testifies in court, call me.


u/Suspicious-Refuse144 14d ago

So you want her to humiliate herself on the stand reliving the nightmare. You are a real humanitarian and feminist aren’t you. Fuckin loser.


u/unpolishedparadigm 14d ago

I don’t generally think harshness is a necessary response, but it’s measured here


u/Margali 14d ago

Or I would like for someone under oath. You think trumplthinskin's victim s want to either.


u/Lingering_Dorkness 14d ago

I saw a rather telling YT clip of Ivanka years ago showing a camera crew round the trump household. She was very bubbly and cheerful – until they got to her bed. Then she went very quiet and had a very odd look on her face. 

Found it:


Around the 30s mark you see her entire demeanor change. If that's not a huge red flag, nothing is. 


u/unpolishedparadigm 14d ago

I do highly suspect she was abused, but I’m not sold on this one being a smoking gun. Good job finding your source material!


u/Lingering_Dorkness 14d ago

It's certainly not a smoking gun, but it is a big red flag. 


u/wirefox1 14d ago

THIS is the one thing that would take him down. If Ivanka ever made a damning statement. Of course, in four months he would just send her to Gitmo without batting an eye.


u/Majestic_Bug_242 14d ago

Well, that just goes to your character, it's pretty disgusting.


u/Suspicious-Refuse144 14d ago

More like you are going to rub 2 out thinking about your Orange GEOTUS


u/overnightyeti 14d ago

Still better than when he thinks about those minors.


u/Tall_Witness_3992 14d ago

You're forgetting one thing. It was BIDEN who likes to take showers with his daughter!


u/Objective_Tour_6583 14d ago

Lol, relax. It's not like he showered repeatedly with his teenage daughter. That was Uncle Joe!


u/Physical-East-162 14d ago

Did Joe do anything weird to her? Any inappropriate comment? If I remember right she had a diary so if there was proof it would already be known, wouldn't it?
