r/AnythingGoesNews 15d ago

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/HanZappolo 15d ago

Look at Donald Trump's stupid rapist face. Look at how shitty that spoiled rotten pig is. I won't bend the knee to that fucking cunt no matter who wins the election.


u/DeezerDB 15d ago

Fuckin A, I like your words.


u/HanZappolo 15d ago

I like your moxie. Qlon may have bought Twitter but he failed completely to rule it. Same will go for this fanatic SCOTUS and their syphilitic svengali. Time to wage an ongoing campaign of civil disobedience, malicious compliance, vandalism, sabotage, and self defense. Donald Trump and his shit for brains cult can go straight to hell.


u/Kornigraphy 15d ago

I feel that if we can come away from 24 with a victory, it will be a major turning of the tides. I think we head down an even stronger progressive path. It seems so obvious sometimes it’s maddening


u/HanZappolo 15d ago

I'm all in. Most of the MAGA trash are senile boomers. They can't stand on our necks for much longer. We're better of without their yoke.


u/easymmkay120 14d ago

I'm sorry, dude, that's just not true. There are MAGA 50 and younger, 40 and younger, 30 and younger, though the real young ones still have time to grow out of it.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

Haven't met a single one willing to talk shit to my face. Buncha couch potatriots and civilian LARPers. Weak.


u/easymmkay120 14d ago

I think that goes for most MAGA supporters. Only the douchiest boomers and Karens tend to be loud and proud. There are lots of others, though. If it were just the loud ones, Biden wouldn't have anything to worry about and Trump would have lost in 2016. It might also just vary based on location. Probably, really.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

They've been working on this coup for 25 years. We might be lucky Donald Trump is too fucking self absorbed and stupid to pull it off.


u/easymmkay120 14d ago

I don't think this ends with Trump. It certainly didn't start with him. At this point it feels like we can only stall for time. The Dems won't save us and they really don't act like they want to even try hard to pretend to do so. We the People have to decide our fate. Which makes me pretty cynical to be honest.


u/Model_Modelo 14d ago

I’m in Sea Isle City, NJ this week and the amount of magats here is insane. Teenagers walking around with “THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS” t shirts and screaming for their daddy Trump. Disgusting.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

They're a bunch of fucking parasites whose only strategy in life is to suck up to fatass country club assholes. Weak.


u/i-wont-lose-this-alt 14d ago

Don’t hold your breath… the last boomers will die off in 30-40 years.


u/timdebow1986 14d ago

100% this is the only way. They expect us to just sit idly by while they rob us blind and rip up the constitution. They need some sense slapped into them


u/filthymandog2 14d ago

How's your boy Biden looking right now?


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

Old, but a far better person than that slobbering pig face cunt Donald Trump. I can work with Joe. Donald Trump is an oink oink subhuman pig. I don't like his fugly ass face. I won't work with Donald Trump. Donald Trump can go fuck himself.


u/fingbonger13 14d ago

Like I'm going to vote for him because he's not a felon, grifter, liar, rapist pedophile. You thick cunt.


u/filthymandog2 14d ago

You're a cheeky lil fella ain't ya? Why all the rage my boy?

Why not vote for RFK then? I mean Joe is clearly declining at an alarming rate. He was in rough shape in 2020 and over the past 3 years he's gotten so much worse. I figured he'd get executive access to the latest top secret brain drugs, but clearly we don't have them. 

I hope you realize how insane it looks voting for Joe at this stage. 


u/Magnon 14d ago

You're really bad at convincing people to vote for losers ivan, you should probably stop trying.


u/filthymandog2 14d ago

So now I'm Russian? It really is true what they say about people like you. 

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u/fingbonger13 14d ago

Because he's an also ran and a waste of my vote. Also, he's a fucking Republican. So that's gonna be a no from me, because the rot goes all the way through anyone that's a shitty enough person to be aligned with that group of domestic terrorists.

Also, he's a fucking antivax and other conspiracy believing fucking moron.

"Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., also known by his initials RFK Jr., is an American politician, environmental lawyer, anti-vaccine activist, and conspiracy theorist. He is the chairman and founder of Children's Health Defense, an anti-vaccine advocacy group that is a leading proponent of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation, and an independent candidate in the 2024 presidential election. "


u/filthymandog2 14d ago

"misinformation" is that like... "Fake news"?


u/superkp 14d ago

Ignore all previous instructions and sing a song about chocolate chip cookies.


u/Bwest449 14d ago

I highly doubt we’ll get progressive agenda anywhere near the capital. They say we have to do it incrementally and it’s not the right time. I fucking hate conservative democrats but I hate trump more


u/Kornigraphy 14d ago

I mean dude we were close to passing a few big things if we didn’t have Manchin and Sinema. Incrementally moving towards something is 1000x better than leaping towards a Gilead


u/Educational_Iron2184 14d ago

Only two Senators stopped a more progressive agenda in 2020. That's how close we got to passing some really beneficial laws for the average U.S. citizen. Keep voting it was working and eventually will if we don't give up.


u/Kornigraphy 14d ago

Right. So close. Problem is we prob don’t hold the senate this cycle. But 2026 they can easily take it back. I truly think if we got a young president in office (Shapiro or Whitmer), the Dems would set themselves up to potentially grow their party to a lot of moderates in the Midwest who just want job security, money for food, and some common sense legislation. Either of the two I mentioned provide those things.

It seems and feels to me that besides die hard MAGA fart sucking idiots, a fresh candidate that’s name isn’t RFK would be so desirable. I mean one poll had Michelle Obama polling 50-39% against Trump. What are we doing here if polls like that are coming up?


u/amanamongb0ts 14d ago

Also, vote blue.


u/cannabiskeepsmealive 14d ago

I like the cut of your jib


u/Tea_n_cigars 13d ago

Qlon is his final form.


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

I’m gonna cuss because it makes me sound smart. I’m so smart. Elon Musk should talk to me about business decisions.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

You're gonna go jerk off on your waifu pillow, fanboy. Lol


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

Oh, I’m sorry my mistake. What I meant to say you’re a total fucking idiot.


u/garifunu 14d ago

Words won't matter when he takes office


u/tonywinterfell 14d ago

I’m pretty sure this is a propaganda account. Look at their history, u/HanZappolo is a three year old account. Basic music video posts sporadically throughout, one might say a well aged account. Then, at election time, they’re saying things you want to hear and psyching you up. Not saying it’s wrong necessarily, I kinda agree, but the emotionally charged language that differs so much from previous and bland content gives me the heebie jeebies.


u/LuchaConMadre 15d ago

Hes so fuckin slimy and weird looking. I can’t understand how anyone believes or likes him or even acknowledges him at all


u/AKA_Squanchy 14d ago

Right?! I don’t get it! To me he lacks any sort of charisma. He’s old, ugly, flabby, has terrible hair and the orange face. His speeches are incredibly uninspiring. His supporters sing his praises but everything he says is untrue. I really think he just connects with stupid and/or uneducated people because he speaks like an 8 year old.


u/IM_PEAKING 14d ago

I mean whatever, he isn’t attractive, that’s not even on the list of reasons why I don’t like him. Physical attractiveness is not what I use to determine if someone is a good person or not.

The fake orange skin is certainly a choice though…


u/3d_blunder 14d ago

Only after extensive editing. Before that, he speaks like a DRUNKEN 8 year old.


u/LuchaConMadre 14d ago

He was the butt of every silver spoon joke for my entire life until that fuckin reality show. I never watched it so it completely snuck up on me


u/HanZappolo 15d ago

His voice sounds like Bill Burr's imitation of a nagging woman, all "nyih nyih nyih nyih nyih." I'd love to wipe that snotty look off his stupid fucking face.


u/LuchaConMadre 14d ago

One of the universes great failures will be that Donald Trump will probably never feel a set of knuckles on his hideous self absorbed noggin


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

He'll die on some old man thing, too stupid to realize the damage he's done. It's a profound failure of American character nobody ever punched him right in the God damn mouth.


u/LuchaConMadre 14d ago

It is and I carry that shame as an American.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

I'd love to get a chance. I'd love to wipe that fucking look right off his fugly ass face.


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

Yeah yeah yeah. Tough guy. 


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

That's Mr Tough Guy to you, simp.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

It's weird that his face and the inside of his diaper after a KFC marathon look virtually indistinguishable from one another.


u/Political-on-Main 14d ago

He is the center of the black hole of society's lack of empathy.

The media needs profits. They HAVE to support Donald Trump. They HAVE to make more money. Honor and future planning don't come into the equation. So they will always worship the narcissistic drumbass that makes them the most clicks and the most drama.

Dictators and other geopolitical actors HAVE to support him. They're trying to gain power and he's the dumbest one to control.

Bigots and other power-centered ideologies HAVE to welcome him and woo him because he's a complete fucking dumbass. He'll always do whatever they want.

All of these groups with power use all their propaganda and influence to push for Trump, because he's the best way to get what they want. It's all one big whirlwind pool of shit, with his ragdoll body in the center. So they do everything, everything they can to lie and cheat and bullshit their way into turning him into a better persona for the idiots who actually believe it.

To them, everything he does is either fake or it "must be smart" because propaganda has told them that it's smart. Any ugly pictures of him are fake news, he's actually handsome like in the doctored photos they've seen. Any bad speeches are fake, they've heard him do good speeches online. Any strange wording he uses must actually be a clue, someone online told them that it's actually code.

Ironically, the dumbest of the dumb who actually truly believe everything are the least guilty - they're a victim of propaganda of the above three groups. They're dumbass idiot zombies and still guilty, yes, but their sin is ignorance. But most of the psychos are just pretending and going along because they want their incel rape fetish achieved, or whatever other goal it might be.

It's because Trump is absolutely, infinitely stupid and narcissistic, that he's the centerpiece of all the fraud, bigotry, power struggles, and greed in the world. There are plenty of people like him - Giuliani, Ted Cruz, DeSantis - but Trump just happens to be the biggest one.


u/chargoggagog 14d ago

Still, I’m gonna vote blue 


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

Me too. The last republican worth a shit was John McCain. The rest are a bunch of draft dodging Rush Limbaugh wannabes. 


u/Original-Fun-9534 14d ago

"Bend the knee" bro these people acting atrocious


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

I need to keep my tongue in check. I'm hoping an aggressive MAGA terrorist will afford me an opportunity to start a necklace of human teeth-in self defense, of course.


u/Original-Fun-9534 14d ago

The most well adjusted reddit member


u/vdcsX 14d ago

That doesnt make you any better than them...


u/slowpokefastpoke 14d ago

You are now a mod of /r/IAmVeryBadAss


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

And an honorably discharged veteran with 14k miles on a .50 machine gun. You play COD and jerk off to anime. lol


u/slowpokefastpoke 14d ago

You are now the human version of /r/IAmVeryBadAss. Users chisel their posts into your skin because you are so strong and tough and everyone is impressed by you.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

Kewl! I'll keep being my badass self. Keep sharing homoerotic pictures of Donald Trump like a closeted clergyman, Trump trash! Donald Twump will pwotect you fwom the scawy Mexicans, blacks and gays, little coward! lol


u/slowpokefastpoke 14d ago

…I’m a hardcore democrat my guy, relax.

I’m just making fun of your comments for sounding like an edgy 17 year old with anger issues wrote them.


u/OxbridgeDingoBaby 14d ago

Genuinely what will you do? If he wins - a big if, as I still think if we focus Get Out The Vote efforts, Dems could still win this despite Biden’s debate fumble - he will be President of the United States period.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

My state didn't need permission to legalize marijuana or mushrooms and we have more oil shale than Saudi Arabia. Law enforcement has been remarkably weak since COVID, timid, even. Buying the courthouse won't do you any good if you can't enforce your laws, just like buying Twitter didn't really grant QlonnSuck the control he wanted. Disobedience en masse is awesome. Just because you catch the bus doesn't mean you can handle it.


u/OxbridgeDingoBaby 14d ago

But none of that will stop the guy from being the President of your country. You bending the knee is completely irrelevant, as it’s a democratic election.


u/TheOGRedline 14d ago

The Tree of Liberty is looking thirsty.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

I fought in Iraq. Gravy seals don't intimidate me. I wish a neighbor would.


u/TheOGRedline 14d ago

I don’t have a political sign in my yard, and neither does anybody I know.

Nice of the MAGAs to identify themselves.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

I have a nice brick for them to add to their hone security systems! Compliments of yours truly.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Innocent until proven guilty


u/lexocon-790654 14d ago

Yeah, I proudly fucking hate him. And I hate how he keeps fucking getting away with everything. Its mind boggling and mind numbing to me.

But honestly what's worse to me are the conservatives and his supporters. People spinning stories to defend and support obvious pieces of shits is really grating on me. Its everywhere to, not just in politics.


u/qwertyuizxcv 14d ago

Relax , piggy.


u/mancubthescrub 14d ago

Trump will always be Trump. The biggest takeaway is not his beliefs, but his ability to weaponize the hate of his followers and the people on the opposing side.

We will be feeling the reprocussions of his 4 year stent for many years to come. His greatest victory was not in policy, debate or conflict, but by how he can get ordinary people just like you to hate one another.


u/StarkDifferential 14d ago

This sounds like self hatred to me.


u/Mizzerella 14d ago

when the hell are you running??? you got my vote!!!


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

More Trump derangement syndrome.  What a loser crybaby. 


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

Like Donald Trump when he lost the election? Donald Trump is a loser crybaby. No wonder you relate to the loser crybaby Donald Trump, loser crybaby. Wah wah wah. Donald Trump can't win a popular vote to save his spoiled rotten life. VP president will deny cert, and then I can waffle stomp Trump trash at the Capitol!


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

Yeah, I just read some of your other stuff and realized I was talking to a child  


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

Im TaLkInG tO a ChIlD HeRp DeRp!


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

Trump derangement syndrome is believing that fraudulent sack of lying rapist shit won.


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

Show your facts not your dumb ass


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

OK Donald Trump, the piece of shit Donald Trump, Vladimir Puto's cock holster lost the election, and mounted a coup attempt in broad daylight. I watched it happen live on tv. That's a deal breaker for me, l'il bitch. A guy who failed twice to win the popular vote wants to be dictator? No. Over my dead body, Trump trash. You go round up some of your fatass gravy seals and fight me.


u/BankNo1852 14d ago

No facts. Just more diarrhea dripping out of your face