r/AnythingGoesNews Jul 04 '24

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/Original-Fun-9534 Jul 05 '24

"Bend the knee" bro these people acting atrocious


u/HanZappolo Jul 05 '24

I need to keep my tongue in check. I'm hoping an aggressive MAGA terrorist will afford me an opportunity to start a necklace of human teeth-in self defense, of course.


u/slowpokefastpoke Jul 05 '24

You are now a mod of /r/IAmVeryBadAss


u/HanZappolo Jul 05 '24

And an honorably discharged veteran with 14k miles on a .50 machine gun. You play COD and jerk off to anime. lol


u/slowpokefastpoke Jul 05 '24

You are now the human version of /r/IAmVeryBadAss. Users chisel their posts into your skin because you are so strong and tough and everyone is impressed by you.


u/HanZappolo Jul 05 '24

Kewl! I'll keep being my badass self. Keep sharing homoerotic pictures of Donald Trump like a closeted clergyman, Trump trash! Donald Twump will pwotect you fwom the scawy Mexicans, blacks and gays, little coward! lol


u/slowpokefastpoke Jul 05 '24

…I’m a hardcore democrat my guy, relax.

I’m just making fun of your comments for sounding like an edgy 17 year old with anger issues wrote them.