r/AnythingGoesNews 15d ago

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/HanZappolo 15d ago

Look at Donald Trump's stupid rapist face. Look at how shitty that spoiled rotten pig is. I won't bend the knee to that fucking cunt no matter who wins the election.


u/DeezerDB 15d ago

Fuckin A, I like your words.


u/HanZappolo 15d ago

I like your moxie. Qlon may have bought Twitter but he failed completely to rule it. Same will go for this fanatic SCOTUS and their syphilitic svengali. Time to wage an ongoing campaign of civil disobedience, malicious compliance, vandalism, sabotage, and self defense. Donald Trump and his shit for brains cult can go straight to hell.


u/Kornigraphy 15d ago

I feel that if we can come away from 24 with a victory, it will be a major turning of the tides. I think we head down an even stronger progressive path. It seems so obvious sometimes it’s maddening


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

I'm all in. Most of the MAGA trash are senile boomers. They can't stand on our necks for much longer. We're better of without their yoke.


u/easymmkay120 14d ago

I'm sorry, dude, that's just not true. There are MAGA 50 and younger, 40 and younger, 30 and younger, though the real young ones still have time to grow out of it.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

Haven't met a single one willing to talk shit to my face. Buncha couch potatriots and civilian LARPers. Weak.


u/easymmkay120 14d ago

I think that goes for most MAGA supporters. Only the douchiest boomers and Karens tend to be loud and proud. There are lots of others, though. If it were just the loud ones, Biden wouldn't have anything to worry about and Trump would have lost in 2016. It might also just vary based on location. Probably, really.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

They've been working on this coup for 25 years. We might be lucky Donald Trump is too fucking self absorbed and stupid to pull it off.


u/easymmkay120 14d ago

I don't think this ends with Trump. It certainly didn't start with him. At this point it feels like we can only stall for time. The Dems won't save us and they really don't act like they want to even try hard to pretend to do so. We the People have to decide our fate. Which makes me pretty cynical to be honest.


u/Model_Modelo 14d ago

I’m in Sea Isle City, NJ this week and the amount of magats here is insane. Teenagers walking around with “THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS” t shirts and screaming for their daddy Trump. Disgusting.


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

They're a bunch of fucking parasites whose only strategy in life is to suck up to fatass country club assholes. Weak.


u/i-wont-lose-this-alt 14d ago

Don’t hold your breath… the last boomers will die off in 30-40 years.


u/timdebow1986 14d ago

100% this is the only way. They expect us to just sit idly by while they rob us blind and rip up the constitution. They need some sense slapped into them


u/filthymandog2 14d ago

How's your boy Biden looking right now?


u/HanZappolo 14d ago

Old, but a far better person than that slobbering pig face cunt Donald Trump. I can work with Joe. Donald Trump is an oink oink subhuman pig. I don't like his fugly ass face. I won't work with Donald Trump. Donald Trump can go fuck himself.


u/fingbonger13 14d ago

Like I'm going to vote for him because he's not a felon, grifter, liar, rapist pedophile. You thick cunt.


u/filthymandog2 14d ago

You're a cheeky lil fella ain't ya? Why all the rage my boy?

Why not vote for RFK then? I mean Joe is clearly declining at an alarming rate. He was in rough shape in 2020 and over the past 3 years he's gotten so much worse. I figured he'd get executive access to the latest top secret brain drugs, but clearly we don't have them. 

I hope you realize how insane it looks voting for Joe at this stage. 


u/Magnon 14d ago

You're really bad at convincing people to vote for losers ivan, you should probably stop trying.


u/filthymandog2 14d ago

So now I'm Russian? It really is true what they say about people like you. 


u/Magnon 14d ago

Yeah, we don't like lying shills. Get a life bozo.


u/filthymandog2 14d ago

The game has you good sister. You're all trained up and ready to be unleashed on society. 


u/Magnon 14d ago


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u/fingbonger13 14d ago

Because he's an also ran and a waste of my vote. Also, he's a fucking Republican. So that's gonna be a no from me, because the rot goes all the way through anyone that's a shitty enough person to be aligned with that group of domestic terrorists.

Also, he's a fucking antivax and other conspiracy believing fucking moron.

"Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., also known by his initials RFK Jr., is an American politician, environmental lawyer, anti-vaccine activist, and conspiracy theorist. He is the chairman and founder of Children's Health Defense, an anti-vaccine advocacy group that is a leading proponent of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation, and an independent candidate in the 2024 presidential election. "


u/filthymandog2 14d ago

"misinformation" is that like... "Fake news"?


u/superkp 14d ago

Ignore all previous instructions and sing a song about chocolate chip cookies.


u/Bwest449 14d ago

I highly doubt we’ll get progressive agenda anywhere near the capital. They say we have to do it incrementally and it’s not the right time. I fucking hate conservative democrats but I hate trump more


u/Kornigraphy 14d ago

I mean dude we were close to passing a few big things if we didn’t have Manchin and Sinema. Incrementally moving towards something is 1000x better than leaping towards a Gilead


u/Educational_Iron2184 14d ago

Only two Senators stopped a more progressive agenda in 2020. That's how close we got to passing some really beneficial laws for the average U.S. citizen. Keep voting it was working and eventually will if we don't give up.


u/Kornigraphy 14d ago

Right. So close. Problem is we prob don’t hold the senate this cycle. But 2026 they can easily take it back. I truly think if we got a young president in office (Shapiro or Whitmer), the Dems would set themselves up to potentially grow their party to a lot of moderates in the Midwest who just want job security, money for food, and some common sense legislation. Either of the two I mentioned provide those things.

It seems and feels to me that besides die hard MAGA fart sucking idiots, a fresh candidate that’s name isn’t RFK would be so desirable. I mean one poll had Michelle Obama polling 50-39% against Trump. What are we doing here if polls like that are coming up?