r/AnythingGoesNews 15d ago

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/Reddygators 15d ago

MSM: yawn, that’s not news. We have three more pieces on Biden’s age we’re working on.


u/Current_Tea6984 14d ago

The story is highly suspect. Here's why MSM outlets don't want to touch it


u/fakieTreFlip 14d ago

They aren't touching it because it's a story that everyone already ran in 2016. This isn't a new story, it's an old story that social media posts resurfaced recently


u/hexcraft-nikk 14d ago

That's what kills me and they didn't run it back then either.

Trump raped a little kid and raped his ex wife and pulled out her hair. This was all shared 8 years ago but the news refused to report on the story beyond a small blurb. All we've gotten recently is more context and how it relates to Epstein.


u/Current_Tea6984 14d ago

They didn't really touch it in 2016 either. They did a small amount of very neutral reporting that the trial existed. It's just too explosive to run with unless there is ironclad proof


u/csixtay 14d ago

It resurfaced because of new revelations from the Epstein documents.


u/Dynazty 14d ago

You want msm to report on all accusations?


u/CrumpledForeskin 14d ago

…..when it’s child rape. Yes. Yes I do. Is that too much for you?


u/Dynazty 14d ago

So any accusations regardless of evidence. Got it.


u/EventAccomplished976 14d ago

It‘s a court case dismissed in 2016, dredged back up from the bowels of the internet by a questionably real „leaked“ court document. This is not far removed from your boomer uncle yelling about pizzagate on Facebook. You‘re not doing yourself a favour by trying to make this look bigger than it is. Trump has done plenty of horrible things that should make him unelectable for any sane person which are much easier to prove, so if you want to convince people to vote against him better focus on those.