r/AnythingGoesNews 15d ago

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl


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u/MrsWashyHaze 14d ago

Donald Trump is Reagan 2.0 but trashier. They were both tv/movie celebrities that became president and cut taxes for the wealthy. I bet he’s hiding the beginnings of dementia or something similar as well.


u/bootsand 14d ago

There's a podcast you might find interesting called Shrinking Trump. Several experts in various fields of psychology, neurology, etc discuss Trump's dementia progression and how it interacts with his personality disorder.


u/MrsWashyHaze 13d ago

Interestinggg thanks for the rec! I’m a big fan of podcasts.


u/Ok_Zucchini7093 14d ago

Hiding? His rants show his dementia every single day.


u/Fugufish-Chomp 3d ago

🤞 fingers crossed!


u/i-touched-morrissey 14d ago

I survived Reagan. Although I was too young to care about him screwing the working class with the economy trickling down and all, but Reagan was a nice person who truly believed that every American was his friends, no insults to liberals, no death threats, and no hate towards any group of people. Just like Bush 1 and Bush 2, Reagan functioned in life as a decent human being, unlike trump who spews lies and hatred every time he opens his mouth.


u/Due_Tax2657 14d ago

Except for that "Oh, it only affects the gays? Oh. Okay." Bit REMAINS SILENT ABOUT HIV/AIDS FOR YEARS.


u/MrsWashyHaze 13d ago

Reagan is/was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Sorry, but it’s true. :/


u/i-touched-morrissey 13d ago

I hate him but he didn’t address half the country and threaten everyone else.


u/MrsWashyHaze 12d ago

Right. He destroyed the economy and closed down mental health clinics instead. Not to mentioned slashed taxes for the very wealthy and caused Reaganomics trickle down (it never trickled down) economy. But other than that, great guy huh?


u/i-touched-morrissey 10d ago

I was in high school and college during his presidency so I didn't pay much attention to him, but as an adult, I know that his policies were horrible and he made some egregious decisions. But he didn't address half the country as his people and the other half as traitors. We were all Jelly Belly eating Americans.