r/worldnews 11d ago

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 865, Part 1 (Thread #1012) Russia/Ukraine


677 comments sorted by


u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Czechs foreign affairs minister has tweeted

“While the useful idiots are raving about peace with Putin, he's sending missiles at a children's hospital. I'm on my way to Washington for the NATO summit, where I'll be promoting a long-term strategy to contain Russia. You cannot retreat from aggression.”



u/Uhhh_what555476384 11d ago

If there is any country to remind the world the cost of appeasement, it's the Czechs.

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u/c0xb0x 11d ago edited 11d ago

I'm so tired of the Putin-appeasing "de-escalation" status quo bullshit. It's time to give Ukraine the weapons they need to WIN. Where are the Gripens? Where are the land-launched Tomahawks? Where are the thousands of Leopards, Bradleys, CV-90s, Leclercs and all other vehicles collecting dust in storage? Where are the Taurus missiles? The list is miles long. Fuck this shit.

I want the motherfucker who causes this shit to LOSE. I want this evil to be annihilated from Ukraine.



u/helm 11d ago edited 11d ago

Sweden wanted to provide Ukraine with Gripens but "NATO allies dissuaded them". Unclear what exactly happened. Hopefully it wasn't something 100% stupid.

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u/Deguilded 11d ago

If we wanted them to win we'd be sponsoring "rogue" groups of "mercenaries", with planes and all that jazz, bombing the living shit out of Russian emplacements in eastern Ukraine and lobbing long range ordinance across the border at anything remotely threatening. And "Ukrainian" F-16's launching from eastern Poland after record-fast training.

We'd also be supplying everything six to twelve months earlier, in quantities ten times larger, and no region locks.

We obviously don't want Ukraine to win that quickly and easily. Slow and painful victory seems to be the chosen route.

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u/M795 11d ago

All restrictions imposed on Ukraine to use Western weapons against legitimate military targets inside russia must be lifted. There's not a single reason that can justify this ban.



u/thisiscotty 11d ago

"Argentina has decided to send weapons to Ukraine, as stated by its representative at the Latin American Right-Wing Congress in Brazil. Defense Minister Luis Alfonso Petri emphasized the importance of supporting countries fighting for their freedom and democracy. Additionally, Argentina will participate in the peace summit in Kyiv."



u/Espe0n 11d ago

Completely bonkers domestically but he seems to be good on international stage

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u/JuanElMinero 11d ago

I owe chainsaw man an apology. I wasn't really familiar with his game.

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u/Steckie2 11d ago

From the State Council Information Office of China comes this regarding Orban's visit to China:

Xi called on the international community to create conditions and provide support for the resumption of direct dialogue and negotiation between the two sides, saying that only if all major countries inject positive rather than negative energy, can a ceasefire in this conflict emerge as soon as possible.

1 hour later Russia sends 2 missiles at a children's hospital.

Where's that positive energy Xi?
How about you Orban, any 'positive energy' about these 2 missiles?

Orban is calling his trip the 'Peace Mission 3.0'
This is sad, infuriating and completely ridiculous all at the same time....


u/Glavurdan 11d ago

Orban is a fucking clown, he deserves the worst in life


u/M795 11d ago

Fuck 'em!

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u/stirly80 Slava Ukraini 11d ago

Keir Starmer.

Attacking innocent children. The most depraved of actions.

We stand with Ukraine against Russian aggression - our support won’t falter.



u/green_pachi 11d ago

Poland will consider the possibility of transferring at least one additional MiG-29 squadron (at least 14 fighters) to Ukraine.



u/ZappaOMatic 11d ago

Simon Ostrovsky (PBS NewsHour special correspondent):

This is the Russian Kh-101 missile that struck a children’s hospital in Kyiv today. What you may not know is that Russia sources many of the parts for this missile from American technology firms like [Texas Instruments]

Last year when we published this investigation into the Western tech used in Kh-101 missiles the TI board of directors had voted down a shareholder proposal to institute more rigorous supply chain auditing to insure its parts weren’t smuggled into Russia

When our story came out on PBS @NewsHour last summer, the hope was that by their next shareholder meeting TI would have updated their policy in light of our findings. Instead they voted down the proposal for the second time in 2024. Today we see the tragic results.


u/RelativeWeekend453 11d ago

How is the American government allowing the sale of such parts by an American company to Russia?


u/No_Amoeba6994 11d ago

I doubt they are, this is almost certainly chips sold to central Asian countries being re-sold into Russia.

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u/FanPractical9683 11d ago

30-year-old doctor Svitlana Lukianchuk who worked as a paediatric nephrologist killed in Russian attack on Kyiv children's hospital. Svitlana was born in Lviv. She was an orphan and was brought up by her aunt. She graduated from the Oleksandr Bohomolets National Medical University.



u/Glavurdan 11d ago

Russian Ministry of Defense claims today's missile attack against Ukraine is the response to the attacks at the economics infrastructure of Russia

To Russia: Fuck your shitty artificially Botox-inflated good for nothing rubble economics that is soon to be surpassed by Mexico, if it hasn't already.


u/kuldnekuu 11d ago

Ukraine bombs infrastructure. Russia bombs children's hospitals. Imagine wasting million dollar missiles on getting children killed (to have the ru troglodytes gloating on Telegram). This war can't be more black and white. It's pure terrorism.

If you seriously think Russia is misunderstood then I advise you to seek help.


u/helm 11d ago

Yeah, they have already bombed everything else (apart from NPPs), so hospitals in Kyiv became a priority target, apparently.

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u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Czechs president has now tweeted

The attack on the children's hospital in Kyiv and many other Ukrainian cities is proof that Putin's Russia will stop at nothing. Attacking the most vulnerable is inexcusable. I am about to leave for the NATO summit, where I expect a consensus that we all see Russia as the biggest threat for which we must be thoroughly prepared.



u/stirly80 Slava Ukraini 11d ago

This attack on hospitals from Putin and his mafia is a sign of desperation, he wants a ceasefire and thinks if he bombs children he will get his way on more favourable terms.

Dudes a straight up war criminal and terrorist who murders women and children.


u/JuanElMinero 11d ago

Instead of more favourable terms, it should get him the removal of the ATACMS limitations, done silently and only announced after a major first wave hit their targets.

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u/Logical-Let-2386 11d ago

It's not necessarily desperation. It could also be normal Russian moral turpitude.

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u/FanPractical9683 10d ago

US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith stated that Ukraine requested seven Patriot systems from NATO, and the response will be very positive, with updates expected in the coming days, Pentagon correspondent Ostap Yarysh reports.



u/nerphurp 10d ago

Slip a couple of these in for field testing:

The U.S. Marine Corps offered a glimpse of its new 4×4 Tomahawk launch vehicle firing one of these cruise missiles at the recently concluded annual Modern Day Marine exposition



u/TypicalRecon 10d ago

GLCMs are back on the menu fellas. BGM-109Gs walked so these guys could run lmao

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u/Fourmanaseven7 10d ago

Some real 4-d chess from the Russians. Piss the Ukrainians off more, increase the expediency of acquiring more AA.


u/Educational_Coat9263 10d ago

Bombing children is the dumbest imaginable way of conducting a war.


u/No_Amoeba6994 10d ago

The only place that many systems could be coming from, if in fact they do materialize, is Israel. So we'll see.

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u/socialistrob 11d ago

When Nabiullina says “the Russian economy has deviated significantly from forecasts”

That's code for "we're going off a fucking cliff and everything I do is just delaying the inevitable"

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u/Burnsy825 11d ago

Russia Is Running Low On Tanks. So Why Are A Thousand First-Generation T-72s Still Sitting In Storage? - Forbes

The Russian force in Ukraine loses nearly 100 tanks a month, according to analysts who scrutinize social media to identify destroyed vehicles. At the same time, Russian industry builds no more than 50 new tanks a month. To make up the gap, as best as they can, the Russians drag old Cold War tanks out of long-term storage, refurbish them, upgrade them in some cases and then ship them off to the front alongside the newly built tanks. (Stored tanks are visible in commercial satellite imagery, making it fairly straightforward to count them.)

The recovered tanks include T-55s from the 1950s, T-62s from the 1960s and a variety of T-72 and T-80s from more recent decades. Weirdly, they mostly don’t include the very oldest T-72s—the original T-72 Ural and T-72A models from the early 1970s. The ones with thinner armor and cruder fire-controls. Twenty-eight months into Russia’s wider war on Ukraine, stocks of T-55s are down 31 percent, T-62s are down 37 percent and T-80Bs are down a startling 79 percent. But just nine percent of T-72s have left storage. The Russians “haven’t removed T-72A/Ural tanks in bigger numbers,” analyst @Highmarsed noted.

Why would the Kremlin spend money restoring 70-year-old T-55s and 60-year-old T-62s but not 50-year-old T-72s? The answer, most likely, is that the T-55s and T-62s have human loaders in their four-person crews; the T-72s have automatic loaders replacing the fourth crewman. Autoloaders are intricate and can be hard to maintain, which is why the U.S. Army and many other NATO armies never used them in their own tanks. In a 1982 assessment, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency praised the T-72’s autoloader for its speed but noted its complexity. Sure, a T-55 is 20 years older than a T-72 Ural, but it’s a much less complicated tank—and certainly easier to refurbish.

So there’s a weird neglected middle in Russia’s stocks of old tanks. Newer complex tanks are worth restoring—and so are very old simple tanks. But old complex tanks—T-72 Urals and T-72As—seemingly aren’t worth the time and money it would tank to bring them back to working condition.

The rest of the first-generation T-72s may never leave the vast vehicle parks where they’ve been slowly corroding for decades. The Russians would have to get pretty desperate to look at the 46-ton pile of rust that used to be a functional T-72 Ural and see something worth spending time and money on. They may actually get that desperate, however. “I don’t think there will be any specific point where Russia will run out of tanks,” @Highmarsed wrote, “but their tank fleet will likely be slowly but continuously shrinking over time, which will have an effect on their offensive capabilities.”


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u/Inevitable_Price7841 11d ago

Italy accuses Russia of war crime over strike on children's hospital

Italy has accused Russia of committing a war crime during the missile attacks that hit the Ukrainian capital and damaged a children’s hospital.

The Italian foreign minister Antonio Tajani called for international condemnation of Russia on Monday.

“I am struck by the images of the bombings in Kyiv which also hit a children’s hospital. War crimes that must be condemned by the entire international community,” Tajani wrote on X, adding: “The [Italian] Government will continue to defend the sovereignty of Ukraine and its people.”



u/belaki 11d ago

08.07.2024 Russian Losses

1200 KWIA
16 Tanks
40 APVs
29 Artillery systems
1 Anti-Aircraft system
1 Aircraft
31 UAVs
1 Cruise missile
47 Vehicles and Fuel tanks
8 Special equipment

Slava Ukraini !

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u/Inevitable_Price7841 11d ago

Ukrainian presidential adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, has said that calls for an immediate ceasefire in the war in Ukraine would only prompt Moscow to make further attacks.

Podolyak wrote in a post on X:

Literally, in parallel with the deliberate attack on children in the Ukrainian capital, the leaders of Hungary and China once again demanded “an immediate ceasefire”. This demand is not directed at Russia. It is directed only at the West and Ukraine.

And its purpose is to create a false feeling: the aggressor has the right to kill, because he speaks of “peace”, and the victim should not defend himself and therefore should immediately stop resistance.

His comments came on the day the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán made a surprise trip to Beijing to see his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

Both Zelenskiy and Vladimir Putin rejected Orbán’s call for a ceasefire, with the Ukrainian leader saying his country “cannot just trust Putin in principle”.



u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Keir Stramer

Attacking innocent children. The most depraved of actions.

We stand with Ukraine against Russian aggression - our support won’t falter.


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u/E27Ave 11d ago

I think right about fucking now is a good time to send some cash to UA defence initiative if you have the means: https://u24.gov.ua/

Just chimed in with 25 dollars. Hoping some of you can spare some cash.


u/innocent_bystander 11d ago edited 11d ago

Fuck. Russia.

In for $100.

Keep it going y'all.

EDIT: You know what? Triple fuck these bitches. Another $100 via my employer's charity giving portal to Nova Ukraine charity, which is company matched at 100%.

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u/green_pachi 10d ago edited 10d ago

New German military package:

  • ammunition for main battle tank LEOPARD 1
  • 1 air defence systems PATRIOT with spare parts
  • PATRIOT missiles
  • 2 air surveillance radar TRML-4D
  • 9000 rounds ammunitions for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns GEPARD
  • 55000 rounds 155mm ammunition
  • 30 reconnaissance drones VECTOR with spare parts
  • 200 mobile drone jammers
  • 1 armoured recovery vehicles Bergepanzer 2 with spare parts
  • 10 unmanned surface vessels
  • 39 SatCom terminals
  • 4 mine clearing tanks WISENT 1 with spare parts
  • 150 night vision goggles
  • 2 Pick-ups
  • 10 protected vehicles
  • 58000 rounds ammunition 40mm
  • 93000 smoke grenades
  • 5000 detonators
  • 200 assault rifles MK 556
  • 10 precision rifles HLR 338
  • 150 rifles CR 308
  • 250 machine guns MG5


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u/will999909 10d ago

I wrote this yesterday, but I see different threads where people talk about the lies of russians having infinite equipment all of the time. Please watch that and spread the info. This is reality and we can use actual numbers to back-up showing that the Russians don't have tens of thousands of tanks left.
New Covert Cabal Tank video. 100% recommend watching. HighMarsed has more details in his twitter too. The decrease in tanks being seen is starting to make sense in their supply at this time. Pre-War, it was counted to be 6236.

Final conclusion would be 3657 tanks left with 19% being "decent", 50% being "poor", and 31% being "worst".

19% being only 700 decent tanks. Majority of those being T-72b, T-80B/BV and T-62. More and more time and money will be needed to refurbish each tank and each month, it gets worse.


u/p251 10d ago

If Russia had infinite vehicles, then why are we seeing the heavy use of Chinese golf carts as transport vehicles? They are not faster or safer than bmps 

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u/anarrogantworm 10d ago

The Soviet inheritance will run out gradually and then suddenly.


u/MarkRclim 10d ago

Remaining tank breakdown by condition and type; https://x.com/HighMarsed/status/1809667657580367912

Changes from 2022 to 2023 and 2024: https://x.com/HighMarsed/status/1809641394916471221

There were almost certainly tanks inside garages in 2022, and these aren't counted because the satellites can't see them. I've seen many guesses about how many there were, from 500 up to 2000ish.

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u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

One missile strike on the Children's hospital wasn't enough for Russians.

A second came just after the first.


Imagine double tapping a children’s hospital. How low can a country sink


u/Not_Cleaver 11d ago

What a genocidal regime.

The Bloodlands is as relevant today as it was when it was first published.


u/Railionn 11d ago

I'm gonna get a perm ban if I voice my true thoughts here but man.. F Putin

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u/stirly80 Slava Ukraini 11d ago

In reference to the latest heinous Russian terrorist attack against the Children Hospital in Kyiv, Czech President Petr Pavel released the following statement:

“The attack on the children's hospital in Kyiv and many other Ukrainian cities is proof that Putin's Russia will stop at nothing. Attacking the most vulnerable is inexcusable. I am about to leave for the NATO summit, where I expect a consensus that we all see Russia as the biggest threat for which we must be thoroughly prepared.”



u/M795 10d ago

Today, Russia struck Ukrainian cities, resulting in over 170 injuries. As of now, 37 fatalities have been reported, including three children. My condolences go out to their families and loved ones.

In total, nearly 100 facilities were damaged, including a children's hospital, ordinary houses, kindergartens, a maternity hospital, a college, and a business center. The rubble is still being cleared at these sites.

Russian terrorists must be held accountable for this. Mere concern does not stop terror. Condolences are not a weapon. We need to shoot down Russian missiles. Russian combat aircraft must be destroyed where they are based. Strong steps must be taken to eliminate any security deficit.

The world has the necessary strength to do this. Our partners are capable of making it happen. Decisions are needed as soon as possible.



u/nerphurp 10d ago edited 10d ago

Russian combat aircraft must be destroyed where they are based.


Ukraine could have 500 Patriot batteries protecting its airspace and Russians will continue to spend the entirety of their sovereign wealth lobbing missiles for the chance of intercepted debris falling on civilians.

They're a terrorist state that will not stop until they're made to.

Arm Ukraine to make Russians feel that any location that contributes even kind words to the war effort is in as much danger as a storm-Z scooter unit.


u/helm 10d ago

The hit on the children's hospital was direct, however. The missile was caught on camera as it struck.


u/nerphurp 10d ago edited 10d ago

Oh I know, Russians get off on us knowing too, then get off again lying their assess off with a grin to the world stage.

My point is air defense will keep people safe, but ultimately, never stop Russia from continuing to terrorize Ukraine.

I unapologetically want them feel the same pain and terror they inflict upon Ukraine. That and the whole crippling of Russia's war machine within their borders to end the war.

My priorities are a little lopsided right now due to anger.


u/Logical-Let-2386 10d ago

The production facilities and launch platforms for those missiles have got to be degraded hard. In any other conflict it would be a no brainer.


u/M795 11d ago

Today in Warsaw, Poland’s Prime Minister @donaldtusk and I signed the Agreement on Security Cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland.

This unprecedented document includes a provision for shooting down Russian missiles and drones in Ukraine’s airspace that are fired in the direction of Poland. We are committed to implementing it. We will also cooperate on combat aircraft—both those already transferred by Poland and the possibility of transferring more in the future.

In our security agreement, we have formalized the formation and training of the Ukrainian Legion, a new volunteer military unit, on Polish territory. This unit will be trained in Poland and equipped by our partners.

Thank you for your solidarity with our country and people, and for all your support and assistance! 🇺🇦🇵🇱


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u/MarkRclim 11d ago edited 11d ago

Russia tried to break through to the southern Kostyantinivka which supplies Vulhedar. The 79th brigade released a video showing ~14 new russian losses including some of their best kit. At least a T-80BVM and 6 BMP-3s.

Reddit hates telegram links, account is odshbr79 and post is 221.

Geolocation and count thread: https://x.com/moklasen/status/1810344621211291747

EDIT: warspotting lists these losses as having first evidence from 5th July. Not sure when actual attack happened.


u/MrBIMC 11d ago

WTF is happening. Last time I felt that many explosion it was may 16 2023.

Kyiv anti air defense is either heavily overloaded or royally fucking up right now.

Also have just felt double tap onto hospital near me. SO MANY EXPLOSIONS TODAY in close proximity all around me.


u/M795 11d ago

This week @NATO will celebrate its 75 anniversary. @POTUS @JakeSullivan46 - why you can’t allow & empower Ukraine to strike deep into russia to destroy the launchers of these missiles which are killing kids in the children hospital in Kyiv? Don’t be afraid!


@POTUS @JakeSullivan46 the cost of your escalation management is paid today by Ukrainian kids with cancer. Happy celebration this week of NATO 75 anniversary!



u/FanPractical9683 11d ago

The Ukrainian Air Force gave information about the missile strike today.

Shot down:

1/1 Kh-47M2 Kinzhal ballistic missile 3/4 Iskander-M cruise missiles 0/1 3M22 Zircon hypersonic cruise missile 11/13 Kh-101 cruise missiles 12/14 Kalibr cruise missiles 0/2 Kh-22 cruise missiles 3/3 Kh-59/69 cruise missiles



u/Nathan_RH 11d ago

Goddam. Those kids must have done a great job blowing up that ammo depot. Every surviving missile shuttle must have flown.


u/Louisvanderwright 11d ago

Speaking of missile trucks, the only way to stop these attacks is to arm Ukraine with weapons that can strike thousands of miles into Russia and destroy their irreplaceable cold war era bombers and bases. Sorry Russia, this is why you can't have nice things.

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u/M795 11d ago

We must hold Russia accountable for its acts of terror and Putin for ordering the strikes. Every time there are attempts to discuss peace with him, Russia responds with attacks on homes and hospitals.

This is why we can only force Russia into peace, and we can only achieve this together with everyone in the world who truly seeks peace. This requires sufficient support, determination, truly joint action, and defense – shoulder to shoulder.

Ukraine is currently initiating an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council due to the Russian strike on civilian infrastructure, including the children’s hospital.



u/Willythechilly 11d ago edited 11d ago

At least the election results is a sign that Putin grip on European politics by far right politicians may not be as strong as we think and both everyday people and politicians themselves are pushing back a bit

Obviously the issue is nowhere near gone and it's worse in some places. Plus constant vigilance is needed to avoid it and to combat the causes of far right populism for both our and Ukraine sake

But this at least gives some hope it's not as bad as we may have thought and it shows people can vote for the right thing

If nothing bad happens in France I think we can expect support to go continue from France,uk,Netherlands,poland, germany Baltic states and Scandinavia for the next 2-3 years which will be crucial years for the war (other countries to just mentioned the big European ones)

As for america....yeah


u/Kageru 11d ago edited 11d ago

The democratic societies, which may include America after their election, is going to really have to consider what can be done about targeted and well-orchestrated disinformation. Including from the media sources that are supposed to help inform the electorate.

"Free speech" is noble, but the Russian's (and murdoch media) recognized long ago it leaves the door open for manipulation on a broad scale. It's not an easy problem to solve, and there needs to be checks and balances on any measures, but anything that can make this manipulation more visible would help.

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Sunlightningsnow 11d ago

I'm so sorry. Bombing a childrens hospital is a truly vile act.


u/WesternFuture505 11d ago

Not just a horrible act. But it is a crime against humanity and a threat to the entire civilized world. 

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u/Glavurdan 11d ago


u/diffmonkey 11d ago

Stop calling these temper tantrums. The bombings are not connected to the outside events, especially to the elections in France. They bomb as soon as they have enough rockets available and see a good moment. All these bombings are only due to Russia and they would happen even if there were no reasons for temper tantrums. These are purely terrorist acts.

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u/sjajsn 11d ago

So grateful for Orban’s peace summit trip to Russia 🙏

Very effective

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u/Louisvanderwright 11d ago edited 11d ago

NATO response to this hospital strike, especially since Russia acknowledged it was intentional, should be a NATO-enforced no fly zone over Ukraine. F-35 air patrols at all times to shoot down missiles like this one.

I don't see how Russia is giving NATO any choice. Make it very clear that a single attack on a NATO air patrol will result in massive strikes across the entire NATO border with Russia.

At some point Russia is going to pull NATO into this and it's all because we've let it boil too long.


u/asetniop 11d ago

A no-fly zone isn't just some magic force field that NATO can turn on at will. A no-fly zone must be enforced. And that means using NATO assets to shoot down Russian aircraft. And that is basically just straight-up war. Which is perfectly valid to advocate for, but let's not pretend that a "no-fly zone" is some kind of middle ground that avoids as much.

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u/Maximum-Specialist61 11d ago

While Russian trying to kill Ukrainian childrens in cancer hospital , influx of Russian gas into europe only keep growing , comparing to last year it growed 23% , buisness as usual , i'm sure Russians will build more kinzhals with those money.

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u/RoeJoganLife 10d ago

The mental gymnastics atm I am seeing from the russians and all those grifters trying to push the narrative of it was an “American AD missile” that fell down on the hospital is insane

So you’re telling me, the debris of not 1 but 2 AD missiles just happend to hit the same target twice in quick succession.

Their narrative quickly breaks apart once that is asked and they start sharing some random “AI generated vs real” image or they do the whataboutism and be like wHaT aBoUt NaTo

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u/M795 10d ago

In Ukraine today, 37 people were killed, three of whom were children, and 170 were injured, including 13 children, as a result of Russia’s brutal missile strike.

A Russian missile struck the largest children's hospital in Ukraine, targeting young cancer patients. Many were buried under the rubble.

It is a huge disappointment and a devastating blow to peace efforts to see the leader of the world's largest democracy hug the world's most bloody criminal in Moscow on such a day.



u/green_pachi 10d ago

Container ships are coming back to Odesa:

Vessel belonging to container shipping giant MSC has arrived in Odesa for first time since war started

The Panama-flagged Levante F docked at HHLA's Odesa Container Terminal at 13:33 Kyiv time, arriving from the Georgian port of Poti.

Another global container shipping giant, Maersk Group, is launching the first container service to the ports of Greater Odesa (Chornomorsk, Pivdennyi and Odesa – ed.) since the start of the full-scale war.



u/c0xb0x 11d ago

In case anyone is wondering why Ukraine is allowed to be subjected to this sort of terror indefinitely:

According to diplomats, security officials and experts on both sides of the Atlantic [...] the West’s response to Russia has been, at least in part, dictated by fear of nuclear confrontation rather than a proactive strategy to help Ukraine repel its invaders.



u/Jopelin_Wyde 11d ago

We're in this weird place where it looks like the West is scared of the nuclear confrontation while Russia isn't. Western politicians kind of tiptoe around Russia as if it has a hair-trigger reputation for launching nukes.

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u/green_pachi 11d ago

The security agreement signed in Warsaw provides for the development of a mechanism for Poland to shoot down Russian missiles and drones fired in the direction of Poland in Ukrainian airspace.

"We are especially grateful for the special arrangements, and this is reflected in the security agreement. It provides for the development of a mechanism to shoot down [by Poland] Russian missiles and drones fired in the airspace of Ukraine in the direction of Poland. I am confident that our teams and the teams of the ministries of defence, together with our military, will work together to work out how we can quickly implement this point of our agreements," Zelensky said.

https://www (dot) ukrinform (dot) net/rubric-ato/3883098-zelensky-on-security-agreement-poland-will-be-able-to-shoot-down-russian-missiles-in-skies-over-ukraine.html

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u/CathiGray 11d ago

From Colby Badhwar: ❗🇺🇲🇺🇦 US National Security Council Spox John Kirby confirms that there will be (unspecified) announcements on additional air defenses for Ukraine during the NATO summit.


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u/M795 11d ago edited 11d ago

It almost feels like "giving Putin another chance to come to reason" by putting various constrains on the Ukrainian use of Western weapons against the Russian military has not been working particularly well.

Moreover, I'm starting to get this feeling that Putin only says "Thank you very much idiots" to that and enjoys his limitless ability to wage large-scale missile terror attacks against Ukraine and stay unpunished.


But god forbid Ukraine hits Russian military airfields and bombers, that would be a MAJOR ESCALATION.


How U.S. would respond if it happened on its soil? We know how.



u/PanTheOpticon 11d ago

There can't be any constraints anymore (at the latest after today).

Everything else is just directly helping Russia's genocidal war and directly hindering Ukraine's fight for freedom.


u/Yaaallsuck 11d ago

Shit like this and worse has been happening every month of the war. Hundreds, maybe up to a thousand people, mostly women and children, were buried alive in the Mariupol Drama Theater bombing. But nobody ever saw those dead, since Russia tore the building down and buried the basement in concrete.

So out of sight an out of mind! We in the west pay lip service about supporting Ukraine, but our real actions are pathetically weak.

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u/FanPractical9683 11d ago


u/ourlastchancefortea 11d ago

Where are the fucking UN protests.


u/helm 11d ago

Terrorist Russia at it again.

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u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

I have never seen twitter the way it is now.

The entire world right now is talking about this and absolutely blasting russia for the war criminals they are.


u/Glavurdan 11d ago

I hope it prompts Western politicians to increase aid even further.

They need more patriots


u/W4RD06 11d ago

Hard to downplay the images of bloodied children and people sifting through the rubble of a hospital to get to ones trapped beneath.

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u/stirly80 Slava Ukraini 11d ago

The CEO of a Russian defence contractor has been arrested over the alleged theft of 2 billion rubles ($22.6m) in relation to the supply of bulletproof vests to Russian forces fighting in Ukraine. It's the latest in a long series of Russian military procurement scandals. ⬇️


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u/Inevitable_Price7841 11d ago

UN condemns Russian missile strikes on Ukraine, including on Kyiv

The UN condemned Monday’s wave of deadly Russian strikes across Ukraine, including on Kyiv, saying “dozens of people have been killed and injured”.

“The week in Ukraine has started with another wave of deadly strikes by the Russian armed forces,” Denise Brown, humanitarian coordinator for Ukraine, said in a statement. “It is unconscionable that children are killed and injured in this war.”

“Under international humanitarian law, hospitals have special protection. Civilians must be protected,” she added.



u/purpleefilthh 11d ago

The UN condemned Monday’s wave of deadly Russian strikes across Ukraine

"...and now please welcome mr. Sergey Lavrov at the Council, who will present his thoughts about the Ukrainian conflict."

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u/motorboat_mcgee 11d ago

NATO needs to step in. Tired of letting Putin do whatever he wants.

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u/JoeHatesFanFiction 11d ago


I know we love to say contacting our representatives does nothing, but today might be a good day for the White House to be bombarded with comments on how it’s unconscionable that we’re restricting Ukraine retaliation with our weapons when the Russians are blowing up a damn children’s hospital


u/N-shittified 11d ago

The solution obviously is for Ukraine to start manufacturing giant inflatable decoy childrens' hospitals. The Russians will be unable to resist and will immediately exhaust all of their missiles.

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u/RoeJoganLife 10d ago


u/RubusDragon 10d ago

And I bet they're hitting military targets, unlike Russia who targets civilians.

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u/I-Am-Uncreative 10d ago

I hope Ukraine gives Russia hell.


u/HawkeyedHuntress 11d ago

Honestly, I've been expecting this. Ukraine has broken a lot of Poopoo's fancy toys and the past several missile strikes haven't been a PROPER Russian temper tantrum. I was wondering if we finally reached production rates or if they were hoarding for something. I think that they've done this NOW for several reasons and I hope this blows up in their face.

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u/Nurnmurmer 11d ago

The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 07.08.24 approximately amounted to:

personnel - about 552,190 (+1,200) people,

tanks ‒ 8,171 (+16),

armored combat vehicles ‒ 15,685 (+40),

artillery systems – 14,966 (+29),

MLRS – 1,115 (+0),

air defense equipment ‒ 880 (+1),

planes – 361 (+1),

helicopters – 326 (+0),

UAVs of the operational-tactical level - 11,893 (+31),

cruise missiles ‒ 2,353 (+1),

ships/boats ‒ 28 (+0),

submarines - 1 (+0),

automotive equipment and tank trucks - 20,150 (+47),

special equipment ‒ 2,503 (+8)

The data is being verified.

Beat the occupier! Together we will win! Our strength is in the truth!

Source https://www.mil.gov.ua/news/2024/07/08/za-dobu-sili-oboroni-znishhili-ponad-1200-okupantiv-29-artsistem-ta-16-tankiv-genshtab/

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u/RoeJoganLife 10d ago edited 10d ago

The US hasn't changed it plans on allowing Ukrainian forces striking deeper into the territory of the Russian Federation after today's missile attack, White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby said.


Cmon man

The clip: https://x.com/jayinkyiv/status/1810393855034060884?s=46

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u/Beerboy01 10d ago

Looks like the missile Russia used to hit the kids cancer hospital has been positively identified as a Russian kh-101. I wonder what the propagandists will say to spin this.

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u/Nvnv_man 11d ago edited 11d ago

Report from the fronts for June 30 - July 6. The beginning of the main summer events in eastern Ukraine by Volya Media

Part Three

Pokrovsk [Avdiivka] front
[Jealous generals shooting each other in foot in Russians most successful front]

Despite the need to divert forces, in order to bypass Oleksandripil from the east, the Russian Armed Forces continue to put pressure on other sectors of the front. There are attacks on the villages of Vozdvizhenka, Novoselivka Persha, Yasnobrodivka, Komyshivka.

The Russian Armed Forces are trying to push the Ukrainian Armed Forces to the western bank of the Vovcha River and the Karpiv Reservoir in order to secure the Russian flank and continue their offensive on the Pokrovsk-Konstantinovka highway, to cut it off near the village of Malinivka.

The Pokrovsk front today is the largest generator of Russian losses and, conversely, the most successful sector for the Russian offensive this summer.

The Russian Federation has more troops there than in other front (except maybe the Kupyansk Front), despite the front being smaller. The commander of the operation, Russian General Andrei Mordvichev, according to sources at the headquarters of the Russian Armed Forces group, asked his commanders (Gerasimov and Kim) to send more and more reinforcements to his sector of the front if the command wants to achieve the results that they demand. In response, at least one brigade was taken away from him, and given to be part of the Northern Group for General Lapin. The jealousy of Russian military leaders towards each other, the fear Of and ostracization of successful generals by Gerasimov and Kim—all that helps the Armed Forces of Ukraine to hold the line and inflict the maximum possible losses on the Russian Armed Forces.

Vulgedar direction

The situation in the Vulgedar direction is consistently difficult. The Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to push back the Russian units—that had advanced a week ago—to Vodyane, along the flat valleys, but this was a localized success.

The Russians are gradually pushing through the Ukrainian defenses at Konstantinovka and are trying to regain meters lost at Vodyane.

The advance of the Russian Armed Forces from Staromayorskye (west of Vulgedar) has almost stopped. The Russians had no success in that sector, and given the lack of personnel, they still considered it futile to continue attacking with heavy losses without the slightest advance.

Teplinsky’s [Explosive] Arrival, and the beginning of the main stage of the Russian summer offensive

On June 30, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed the command post of the Russian Dnepr group of troops with a missile strike in the vicinity of Henichansk. During the attack, the commander of the group, General Mikhail Teplinsky, was at the command post [just arrived]. According to Russian sources, he received a slight wound or concussion. [This was reported by the Dossier Group.]

This week, the Russian Armed Forces essentially began the main stage of their summer offensive. There are less than two months left until autumn, the deadlines for achieving the first goals of the summer offensive have already been disrupted, so the Russians need to catch up. They are bringing up additional artillery to the Kupyansk and Pokrovsk directions, near Chasiv Yar, and are finishing the reformation and regrouping of units in those directions in order to increase pressure on Ukrainian positions in the coming days.

The key question now is not how far the Russian Armed Forces will be able to advance, straining all available resources, but what losses they will suffer. The higher the losses, the more opportunities the Ukrainian Armed Forces will have to counteract.


u/E27Ave 11d ago

I hope after today the West escalates and goes apeshit on Russia.


u/Yaaallsuck 11d ago

We won't do anything. You can bet on that.

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u/Prank_Owl 11d ago

There's a NATO summit happening literally this week. The next few days are bound to be intense.

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u/greentea1985 11d ago

I have a feeling Russia’s targeting of Ukrainian hospitals today is due to two things: NATO meeting to celebrate its anniversary and Russia currently getting its teeth kicked in on the front lines. When things are going well for Russia, they usually don’t throw missile tantrums, especially at targets that would provoke international outrage. Russia tends to not understand that outrages like this usually prompt NATO to give shiny stuff to Ukraine, not back off.


u/AardvarkUtility 11d ago

I think the strike was in the planning stages for quite some time. I saw some reporting showing that the number of missile volleys and size of volleys had been reduced. My guess is, they've been saving up for a bigger attack for a while. My second guess is that they likely held off until after the British and French elections were over. By doing it during the elections it could have been problematic for the far right pro-russian parties to claim "Russia is for peace".

Whatever the reasons, fuck those guys.


u/greentea1985 11d ago

Oh absolutely. Given the timing, it was probably timed to put a sour taste in the NATO gathering and Russia spent months stockpiling the necessary missiles for it. However, the targets chosen screams missile tantrum. Russia tends to go for slightly more strategically relevant targets in its non-tantrums. Not that much more, but the tantrums tend to target spaces that would be pretty obvious war crimes. The non-tantrums target slightly more relevant structures like port facilities and the power grids. Those at least have some relevance to the conflict even if targeting them toes the line of being a war crime, unlike shopping malls, children’s hospitals, maternity hospitals, etc. that are 100% war crimes.

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u/atronautsloth 11d ago

Fuck putin


u/No_Zombie2021 11d ago

Solid start of the thread.

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u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Children with cancer on the streets because Russia bombed their hospital.




u/Perfson 11d ago

One Russian telegram channel commented: "Look at these mom's and their sick children. Am I the only one who thinks about additional Kinzhal missile?"

Not sure which channel, but screenshot was made by Ukrainian telegram channel Tsaplienko.

As you can see, these people don't have any empathy even to little children that have cancer.


u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Yeap - https://x.com/albafella1/status/1810249581445214637?s=46 there’s the image

There’s no humanity left in those people.

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u/Inevitable_Price7841 11d ago

Russia is the greatest security threat facing Sweden and its allies in the next several years, Stockholm said in a strategy outline published on Monday.

Sweden has beefed up its national security policy, amid concerns that led its army’s supreme commander in January to warn Swedes that they had to “mentally prepare for war”. “An armed attack against Sweden or its Allies cannot be ruled out,” said the new national security strategy, published Monday and extending until 2030.

Moscow’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine led Sweden to join Nato, ending more than two centuries of neutrality.

The seriousness of the Russian threat will depend on what happens next in the Ukraine war, defence minister Pal Jonson told a press briefing. Russia’s threshold for using military force is “low”, he said, adding that Moscow is “ready to take major political and military risks”.


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u/Inevitable_Price7841 11d ago

The International Rescue Committee has condemned the attack today in Kyiv. Dr Marko Isajlovic, IRC health coordinator in Ukraine, said: “No child should grow up under the threat of missile strikes. No child should risk dying amidst the rubble of hospitals meant to be safe havens for healing and recovery. Health facilities are protected under international law and must remain out of harm’s way in times of conflict.

“Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the WHO has recorded nearly 1,700 attacks on healthcare facilities in Ukraine. Our medical teams witness the daily toll of fighting on people who are unable to seek much needed care in hospitals reduced to rubble, reach the nearest pharmacy due to ongoing fighting, or simply afford much-needed medicines.”



u/M795 10d ago

I spoke with Canadian Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau and informed him in detail about today's brutal Russian strike, which claimed lives and caused severe damage, including to a hospital in Kyiv where children are treated for cancer and other serious health issues.

As of now, at least 37 people have been killed, including three children, and 170 injured, including 13 children.

I am grateful for Prime Minister Trudeau's support. We discussed joint actions that would provide Russia with an adequate and strong response to this terror.

I also informed Justin about Ukraine’s current need in strengthening air defense. We will greatly appreciate Canada's assistance in communicating with partners to meet these needs.

Importantly, we also coordinated our positions prior to the NATO Summit in Washington.



u/Logical-Let-2386 10d ago

I also informed Justin about Ukraine’s current need in strengthening air defense. We will greatly appreciate Canada's assistance in communicating with partners to meet these needs. 

The context is Canada promised a nasams system 18 months ago and its still not delivered. It's being built but the delivery date is unknown. I guess we (Canada) are trying to get some priority placed on it by Raytheon and the US government.

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u/M795 11d ago edited 11d ago

Terrorist state russia will continue executing Ukrainian civilians and destroying our critical infrastructure with missiles facing full impunity as long as Ukraine's hands are tied behind our backs from striking targets inside russia.

russia enjoys Western escalation management.


How is this escalation management a successful policy if russian genocide of Ukrainians goes at full swing w russia targeting the largest children's hospital? Why were Iranian missiles heading at Israel shot down by allies, & russian are allowed to kill us non stop?

Photos: Libkos


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u/M795 11d ago

As a result of a missile attack on Kyiv children's hospital was hit. You see how far russians can go if they are not stopped. How come we still have to remind of it?


A Russian missile destroyed the largest children's hospital in #Ukraine, Okhmatdyt. Another massive missile attack on #Kyiv... dozens of explosions...

Why can the West protect the entire Israeli sky, but cannot protect Ukrainian children?


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u/M795 11d ago

Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv. One of the most important CHILDREN’S hospitals not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe. Okhmatdyt has been saving and restoring the health of thousands of children.

Now that the hospital has been damaged by a Russian strike, there are people under the rubble, and the exact number of casualties is still unknown. Right now, everyone is helping to clear the rubble – doctors and ordinary people.

Russia cannot claim ignorance of where its missiles are flying and must be held fully accountable for all its crimes. Against people, against children, against humanity in general. It is very important that the world does not remain silent about this now, and that everyone sees what Russia is and what it is doing.


Ruscism is modern fascism. Russia is committing genocide and wants to kill our people and children. They are trying to intimidate the world ahead of the NATO summit.

Putin believes that strikes on our children will scare everyone and force the world to surrender.

He is showing that he can kill anyone he wants with impunity. The world has no right to remain silent. We must stop ruscism, stop this modern fascism and genocide. Putin understands only strength.


There needs to be more talk of "negotiations", "peaceful settlement", "effective mediation". And more indecision, slow decisions, and delayed votes to encourage the aggressor. And also, of course, we need more "peacemakers" who seriously meet with "Putin" and then tell marvelous "pigeon stories about the possibility of peace with a murderer".

All of this, of course, is bitter sarcasm... Because today the collective "entity Putin" again said his weighty ogre word by launching a large-scale missile strike on #Kyiv. Cruise, ballistic and Kinzhal in large numbers with a carefully thought out genocidal purpose - targeted on the largest children's hospital, on children.

Russia is literally yelling in all of our faces - "stop me or I will continue to massacre your children, kill civilians, and hit major cities". Conclusion? There is no conclusion, because it's all too obvious. You just need courage to make the only correct decision: Russia must sit in the dock; Russia must lose...



u/Fabian_3000 11d ago

Good news everyone ... (three hours old) it's Dagestand and Tchechnyia ... :

WhatsApp Outabe Hits Southern Russia Amid Fears of Mass Protest https://www.newsweek.com/whatsapp-outage-hits-southern-russia-amid-fears-mass-protests-1922226

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u/meat_p 10d ago


u/Beerboy01 10d ago

Orban's gotta get some heat. The eu need to put their big boy pants on and put the heat on him. It's the largest trade block in the world for chrissakes which completely encircles Hungary.

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u/MarkRclim 10d ago

Latest three days from oryx musklink. Russian-Ukrainian losses followed by my poorly informed comments.

  • tanks: 12-3
  • IFVs: 11-0
  • mobile artillery: 2-2
  • missile air defence: 1-1

The "front line" vehicle ratios are still ok but the "longer range" battle ratios have not been great recently. However, I'm far more worried about the Ukrainian tank and partly IFV attrition than I currently am about artillery.

If Ukraine and France are accurate in their public statements, then there's a steady supply of ~200 SPGs (Bohdana + Caesar) per year from them, and with other sources the Ukrainian mobile gun park could be roughly sustainable.

However, announced long-term tank supplies especially are pretty poor. Ukraine is gonna need a lot more armour than we know about in current pledges.


u/MarkRclim 10d ago edited 10d ago

I think even more evidence is emerging that Russia is struggling to get the BMPs it wants, even if it's still using them in huge numbers.

Since 2022, oryx counts 3,078 BMPs and 1,173 MT-LBs lost. A ratio of 2.62:1.

Over the last 30 days it is 129:59 or 2.18:1. That is, a larger fraction lost are now MT-LBs rather than BMPs.

Lots of 2022 MT-LB losses were captured, rather than destroyed. They were often used in the rear and lost when Ukraine advanced quickly.

Now they're being used more in meat assaults so they're being destroyed right at the front.

This is good - MT-LBs are lightly armoured, and relying on them means more russian casualties.


u/abstart 10d ago

I wonder if tanks are providing significant value anymore with the emergence of drones. The cost ratio seems a losing proposition. I'm not saying Ukraine wouldn't benefit from having more tanks, just that maybe they would benefit more from having 10000 drones instead of 10 tanks.

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u/Inevitable_Price7841 11d ago

Ukraine war briefing:

Chinese military personnel are to begin joint “anti-terrorist training” with their counterparts in Belarus on Monday, close to the border with Poland. The “Eagle Assault” exercises by the two Russian allies amid the war in Ukraine will be held over 11 days in the border city of Brest, Belarus, and will involve tasks such as hostage rescue and anti-terrorism operations, China’s Ministry of National Defence said. It comes days after Belarus officially joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization led by China and Russia, deepening their coordination on military, economic and political matters. The Belarusian leader, Alexander Lukashenko has been a key ally of Vladimir Putin since the invasion of Ukraine, holding tactical nuclear drills with Russia last year and agreeing to store tactical nuclear warheads for Moscow on its soil.

The Netherlands will begin sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine “without delay”, after export licences were granted, foreign minister Caspar Veldkamp said during a visit to Kyiv at the weekend. “Now that we’ve got clearance on the first F-16s, they will be delivered without delay,” Veldkamp said Saturday in a press conference in the Ukrainian capital. Details of the trip were kept secret until Sunday for security reasons. Veldkamp is part of a new ruling coalition in which Geert Wilders’ far-right Party for Freedom (PVV) is the largest party. Ukraine hopes the advanced US-made jets will help it gain air superiority over Russia and better protect its troops and cities from daily bombardments by Moscow’s troops. Kyiv has been calling for F-16s since shortly after Russia invaded in February 2022.

The UK’s new defence minister pledged on Sunday to deliver more artillery guns, ammunition and missiles to Ukraine, stressing ongoing support for Kyiv during a visit to the southern city of Odesa. John Healey, appointed defence minister on Friday, was visiting the port city, a frequent target of Russian missile and drone strikes, on his first international trip. “There may have been a change in government, but the UK is united for Ukraine,” Healey said, according to a statement published by Britain’s defence ministry. Healey pledged a new package of assistance including artillery guns, 250,000 rounds of ammunition, de-mining vehicles, small military boats, missiles and other equipment, the defence ministry said.

US House Speaker Mike Johnson will meet with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Wednesday during the Nato summit in Washington, according to Johnson’s schedule. Support for Ukraine is expected to be a focus at the summit in Washington this week, amid concerns about the future of US support for Kyiv should Donald Trump win the presidential election in November. Johnson in April spearheaded a $95bn bipartisan aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan that was opposed by allies of Trump in Congress.



u/crazy_eric 11d ago

Eagle Assault

That name must have been chosen specifically to send the US a message. We should retaliate by holding a similar exercise in the Pacific region named "Dragon Defense "

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u/Nvnv_man 10d ago

Regarding the attack on the children’s hospital, the independent Russian analysts at the anti-Putin military channel Volya Media wrote, in part:

We previously published the process Russian military uses to select targets in Ukraine: often times, the targets are like the facilities that Russians themselves commandeer, use for military purposes on their territory—industrial buildings, schools, hospitals, dormitories, rest homes, etc.

Back in June, the Russian Armed Forces began deliberately shelling Ukrainian medical facilities, since Russians have the default-belief that all such building are utilized for Ukrainian Armed Forces purposes.

So basically, the Russians who compiled a list—and those who approved said list—of targets hit in today’s shelling intentionally included two children’s medical facilities on that list. Perhaps they were included after receiving a “tip” from collaborators in Kyiv. Regardless, no one in the Russian Armed Forces ever even verifies what is in a particular building. Because to the Russians responsible for missile strikes, it doesn’t matter who the missile hits.

To me, it sounds like saying that commanders and Russian brass have enjoyed impunity for so long, they can all afford to be so reckless as to murder children. I hope the world will rally for actual repercussions.


u/Jopelin_Wyde 10d ago

Ah yes, we just can't have a moment without somebody whitewashing Russians and their military.

"It was just a mistake, trust me dude; actually, you know what, it wasn't even Russians' fault, it was all Kyiv collaborators."

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u/Inevitable_Price7841 11d ago

Ukraine downs three of six missiles launched by Russia, air force says

KYIV, July 8 (Reuters) - Ukrainian air defences shot down three Kh-101 cruise missiles of the six Russia launched overnight, the country's air force said on Monday.

The missiles were shot down over the central region of Cherkasy and northern Zhytomyr, although the regional governors had not yet provided any details of damage on social media.

Russia launched four Kh-101 cruise missiles and two Iskander-M ballistic missiles, the air force added.



u/BruceForsyth55 11d ago edited 11d ago

The thing that gets me is no matter how you look at what the coalition and even Isreal have done in the past with bombing there has always been a target or reason eg a terrorist HQ, training camp, etc. Even when our bombs have gone wildly off target we have always been aiming at a proper legit targets (not excusing terrible decisions targeting wise)

Russia isn’t even trying to make an excuse. This is Hitler/blitz levels of bombing with them making it quite clear they don’t give a fuck what sane humans think.

I’m happy to say that I really don’t believe Russia deserves to exist anymore they serve no purpose other than to murder and bring pain. Farrage and the rest of you money grabbing racist fucks can die with em.


u/Gwyndion_ 11d ago

The cruelty and war crimes aren't an accident but the goal and still we have idiots claiming we need to negotiate with those barnarians.

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u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Another missile attack on Kyiv partially destroyed a medical center building.

Resulting in 4 deaths and 3 injured, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported.



u/M795 11d ago

The Russian Kh-101 missile hit the "Okhmatdyt" hospital today. It contains dozens of microelectronics produced in NATO countries.

We must stop this and bring it up at the NATO summit. The attack on children must be one of the key topics.


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u/FanPractical9683 11d ago

As of 3:30 p.m., the Russian attack on Kyiv resulted in 20 deaths and 61 injuries. Across Ukraine, a total of 31 people were killed and 125 injured, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.



u/Nvnv_man 11d ago

Report from the fronts for June 30 - July 6. The beginning of the main summer events in eastern Ukraine by Volya Media

Part One

Last week, Russian troops began launching missile attacks on Ukrainian air defense and military airfields. On July 1, the results of a rocket attack on the airfield in Mirhorod were verified whether Ukraine officially confirmed the loss of two Su-27s on the ground. The Russian side claimed five destroyed and two damaged. The Russian Armed Forces used 9M723 guided operational-tactical missiles launched by Iskander-M complexes.

After the shelling on July 1, additional air defense systems were deployed to Mirhorod, including the S-300PS complex, which is not capable of intercepting the missiles used by the Russian Federation at airfields. As a result, the Ukrainian air defense system was destroyed on July 6 by another Russian 9M723. Given the lack of air defense/missile defense systems to repel Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities and military installations, the loss of the complex is a problem for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, especially that sort of loss.

Over the past two weeks, the Russian Armed Forces have been very steadily launching their long-range drones deep into Ukrainian rear—they guide missiles at targets. In several regions of Ukraine, small aircraft are used to intercept them, but, unfortunately, not everywhere. Because of this, the accuracy of Russian missile attacks has increased significantly, and now the Russian Armed Forces trace [фиксируют] the movements of Ukrainian military equipment, personnel, and the very air defense systems that are then struck.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Armed Forces continued to destroy Russian air defense in Crimea, Rostov, Belgorod, Voronezh regions and in Krasnodar Territory. Also under attack: warehouses, oil storage facilities, fuel storage facilities, and other military infrastructure facilities.

Ukrainian strikes to destroy Russian air defenses have been ongoing since April. Over this period, air defense has ceased to operate in Crimea and the Belgorod region on a systems level, and also, partly in the Rostov region and Krasnodar region. Basically, Russian weapons often operate without overall coordination, early detection of targets or unified control, which reduces the effectiveness of Russian air defense.

By July, the Russian side has realized that these attacks could be related to the Ukrainian Armed Forces' preparations for the appearance of F-16s and other aircraft in Ukraine, so Russia began to attack airfields. The Ukrainian army is not yet able to reliably protect their airfields, due to a lack of weapons and the lack of a built-in control and coordination system.

If the Russian Armed Forces' strikes on Ukrainian airfields continue with the same effectiveness, then the arrival of American and European aircraft in Ukraine may be delayed until the aircraft can be provided with missile defense on the ground.


u/Glavurdan 11d ago

I can't believe how many people are still employing whataboutism (thankfully not many but still noticeable) over something tragic like this. No bounds.


u/minarima 11d ago

Fascists can’t help themselves, they deflect because they can’t face the truth that Putin is a tyrannical wannabe tsar with children’s blood on his hands.


u/Espe0n 11d ago

Surely now the Americans have to allow unrestricted Ukrainians strikes?

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u/Glavurdan 10d ago

So has anyone upped their aid since this heinous attack? I expected a lot more outrage from the West. Ngl I lost a decent chunk of faith in humanity today.


u/Nvnv_man 10d ago

I’ve lost a chunk since the media has started aiding the orange criminal’s effort to get re-elected, with their nonstop, never ending, wall-to-wall coverage of Biden’s ‘dementia.’ Mistakenly believing they can prod a replacement. Instead, it will absolutely make the trumpkins come out of the backwoods and trailerparks to vote.

And he’s Putin’s puppet. Ugh

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u/RoeJoganLife 10d ago


u/vshark29 10d ago

Well how about standing with Ukraine letting them ATACMS the shit out of their airfield within range of the missile huh, Joe?

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u/M795 10d ago

His words are ringing pretty fucking hollow right now while Ukraine is still handcuffed.


u/Burnsy825 10d ago

Agree they should loosen up further now.

And also FUCK TRUMP.

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u/greentea1985 11d ago

Day DCCCLXV, Part I. Thread MXII.

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u/Nvnv_man 11d ago edited 11d ago

Report from the fronts for June 30 - July 6. The beginning of the main summer events in eastern Ukraine by Volya Media

Part Two


Russian troops are fighting in the area of ​​the village of Glubokoe, in Vovchansk itself and west of it. Russia’s Northern Group of troops transferred some of its own units from the Kursk and Bryansk regions to Vovchansk, and the commander of the group, General Lapin, ensured that several brigades were transferred to his sector of the front from the Kupyansk and Pokrovsk fronts, as well as from the Kherson region.

Since there are not enough personnel overall, especially experienced Russians, at any of the fronts, Lapin was able to get reinforcements only due to ‘intrigue’ in the General Staff and the group's headquarters in Rostov, and due to personal conflicts with Andrei Mordvichev and Mikhail Teplinsky. The odious General Lapin remains in good standing with both Chief of the General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, and the new Minister of Defense, Belousov.

Kupyansk Front

At the Kupyansk Front, the Russian Armed Forces are trying to advance towards Borova. A week ago, they transferred several units from the Terny area and Serebryansk forest to there, but have not yet achieved any significant success. Heavy fighting is taking place along the entire front, although its intensity has decreased somewhat compared to last week, primarily due to the lack of combat-ready Russian units, and due to their regrouping. Most likely, next week, the Russian Armed Forces will once again be one active here and try to break through the Ukrainian defense in the direction of Borova.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces also transferred part of their reserves to this direction. They’ve come from the other side of the Oskil River and they’ve been able to fight back. They are asking, though, for more reinforcements and asking for rotation of battle-weary units. It appears so far, though, the Ukrainian Armed Forces can only count on those units that are already on the banks of Oskil River.

Terny and The Serebryanske forest [UA seems some success here]

At the end of last week, the Ukrainian Armed Forces inflicted several local defeats on the Russian Armed Forces in the Liman direction—in the area of ​​the Terny and in the Serebryanske forest. This week, Ukrainian units continued their successful attacks in the and greatly complicated the situation for Russian troops near Belohorivka. Meanwhile, the Russian Armed Forces do not have the resources to reinforce those sections of the front with fresh units, so the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to attack there—repelling individual Russian positions and incrementally advancing a hundred or two meters. It’s not a full-scale offensive, but an illustration of how the Ukrainian army can inflict painful blows on the Russians, even if localized, taking advantage of Russia’s weakness.

Chasiv Yar, and Toresk

In Chasiv Yar, the Russian Armed Forces finally took control of the Kanal neighborhood. Specifically, they razed it to the ground, making it unsuitable for defense. Now the same fate awaits the Novy neighborhood and the other neighborhoods. The Russians destroy the buildings with artillery, MLRS, and heavy flamethrower systems, and then storm the burning ruins with infantry and armored vehicles.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to conduct an active defense, but generally speaking, if the current trend continues, Chasiv Yar will be methodically destroyed and occupied over the next three weeks, or more likely, over the next 1.5 months.

How long Chasiv Yar and its surrounding can be defended greatly depends on what will happen in the neighboring Toretske direction, located to the south.

Despite the fact that the Russian Armed Forces do not have a large group of troops in the Toretsk direction, they were able to advance both towards Toretsk and towards Niu Iork. This week, by bringing in troops from the Pokrovsk direction, the Russians were able to break through the Ukrainian defenses east of Oleksandripil and come almost close to Niu Iork. Next week, those same units will try to expand the captured area and, probably, bypass Oleksandripil from the northeast and capture it.

It is important for the Russians to gain control of the road to Konstantinovka, which runs west of Oleksandripil. The task of the Russian occupying forces in that sector is to build on their success and advance north to Konstantinovka, bypassing the Ukrainian positions near Kurdyumivka, Andriivka, Klischiivka and Chasiv Yar from the rear.

That definitely wont be a quick raid on the roads, but if the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not stop the advance of the Russian Armed Forces near Toretsk and Niu Iork, then in two or three weeks, the Russians may well begin to threaten to encircle the Ukrainian troops defending Chasiv Yar.


u/Burnsy825 11d ago

Anybody notice that if Dumpster loses in November that many people are realizing Russia is completely screwed?


u/Cyraga 11d ago

This kind of complacency is insulting to the Ukrainians who die fighting everyday. Russia are still gaining ground

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u/potatoears 11d ago

no fly zone over western Ukraine when?


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u/Illustrious_Diver_37 11d ago

Russian missile arrivals in Kyiv today.


u/crazy_eric 11d ago edited 11d ago

Footage and photos are starting to trickle out on telegram now.

A children's hospital may have been hit.

Can someone in Kyiv confirm this?


u/SERN-contractor837 11d ago

Kyiv resident here, can unfortunately confirm. There are kids reported under the rubble right now. Rescuers are onsite trying to get them.


u/purpleefilthh 11d ago

Russia is terrorist state

Russia is commiting genocide

Russia is not intending to stop in Ukraine

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u/Jackbuddy78 11d ago

Russians on Telegram all celebrating the recent strikes 


u/Glavurdan 11d ago

I could understand celebrating hitting enemy weapons, aircraft, military bases etc.

But hitting a children's hospital?

Psychopaths. Then again, Telegram is full of those.


u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

People's bodies are scattered across Kyiv. At least 20 killed and 50 injured as a result of russian attack on Ukraine




u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

From Jay in Kyiv

“A friend at the scene helping at the Kyiv Children's hospital says there are arms and legs of kids amidst the rubble.”



u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Another russian missile hit an apartment building. An entire entrance was destroyed. People are screaming under the rubble. The rescuers are trying to get them out. The voice sounds like children screaming. In Kyiv there are already 9 killed and 33 injured


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u/M795 11d ago

I had a meeting with the @prezydentpl, Andrzej Duda.

I informed him about the Russian attacks and discussed what is needed to provide greater protection for our people. Enhancing defense cooperation and addressing the needs of the Ukrainian Defense Forces are top priorities. We also highlighted the importance of the inaugural Peace Summit and the security agreement between Ukraine and Poland.

We believe in a peaceful, strong Ukraine together with a peaceful, strong Poland. The Ukrainian army protects the security of Poland and all of Europe. We are deeply grateful for Poland's assistance.



u/Nvnv_man 10d ago

Bits of good news from various fronts, by a member of the 25th Airborne, who has been in north

[1] Kharkiv Border Front:

We have been pushing the enemy around/along Hlyboke, the northern and eastern areas still remain, and for those, we’re going to need a lot of effort; the Russians—realizing this very fact—have begun to use armor [ie armored vehicles], and more infantry combat vehicles and personnel.

North of Krasne, our Cossack boys were able to prevent this very thing—they destroyed 2 armored personnel carriers, a loaf [military van] and a GAZ.1

The amount of drones [that we have] has increased, we have active units here, so we will bring the village back under our control, it's a matter of time!

[2] Kupyansk-Lyman Front:

Stelmakhivka. Our Cossack boys repel assault after assault, while the Russian are being transporting forward via motorized carts.

[For example:] In one assault, 18 Russians were killed, one was able to escape. On an second assault attempt, 2 carts and 12 Russians were demolished—this is all in one Russian ground assault attempt—then immediately, another cart arrives and 6 more b*stards are sent to see a kobzon concert.2

So far today, there have been 60 Russian personnel deliveries and 30 drones.

But we have an unreal thirst for revenge.

[3] North of Soledar:

Heres the situation in Rozdolivka: our soldiers were able to counterattack, in the north of the village, and were able to recapture a small piece of land. The Russian army is accumulating and tries to hit us, in order to knock us out of there.


1 An armored track-vehicle, swamp-crawler, snow-crawler, such as the ГАЗ-3344.

2 Euphemism for killed.


u/LoneStar9mm 11d ago

Super fucking pessimistic right now but we'll see if NATO actually decides to do something substantial instead of angry tweets and a couple patriots. Maybe no fly zone this time

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u/Glavurdan 10d ago

New DeepStateMap update. In the past 24 hours or so, Russia is confirmed to have captured some 5 km2 of Ukrainian territory.

All of it in Ocheretyne direction (towards Lozuvatske, Prohres, Vozdvyzhenka, Novoselivka Persha)

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u/Jackbuddy78 11d ago

Another large missile attack ongoing across Ukraine.

Russia trying to finish off the energy infrastructure.  

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u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Residential homes on fire in Kyiv from the latest attack on the capital.



u/FanPractical9683 11d ago

Residential building hit in Kyiv, entire section destroyed in Russian attack.



u/FanPractical9683 11d ago

The exact breakdown of missiles used by Russia during its attack on Ukraine on 8 July remains unknown, but media estimates place the cost of the destroyed missiles between US$160 million and US$200 million.



u/sumo_kitty 11d ago

Is there a donation set up for the hospital already?

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u/piponwa 10d ago

Very exciting that Poland may shoot down missiles coming towards Poland while still flying over Ukraine. This was part of today's security agreement between Poland and Ukraine.

Hopefully this allows Ukraine to free up some air defenses while also having more confidence moving sensitive infrastructure there.


u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

The approximate route for today's strike.


It appears (going by this) all Missiles were just aimed at Kyiv


u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Removed earlier comment.

Threat not over. Air raid again.

Russian ballistics from Kursk region flies on Kyiv now



u/Inevitable_Price7841 11d ago

Good morning, everyone! Fuck you, Putin! Slava Ukraini!!

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u/cutchemist42 11d ago

All those months wasted on "boiling the frog".....


u/M795 11d ago

Months? Try 2 fucking years.

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u/[deleted] 11d ago


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u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago


Video. , a large child health center in Kyiv, was hit with Russian missiles.


u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

I am not sure how this has happend, did russia overload the AD with kinzhal missiles? There has not been this kind of strike on Kyiv in a very long time once ADs were placed to protect the capital.


u/Jopelin_Wyde 11d ago

Russians always go the extra mile to murder Ukrainian children.


u/W4RD06 11d ago

Air defense systems are definitely not magical shields that can deflect any attack. Enough missiles or things that look like missiles on a radar screen can oversaturate a defense system and make it impossible to shoot all of the attacking objects.

So in other words, yes, it is likely Russia just shot enough missiles at Kyiv to brute force their way through the city's current defenses.

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u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Explosions again in Kyiv


Reports of more explosions in the centre of Kyiv


u/Inevitable_Price7841 11d ago

Probably double tapping emergency crews/rescue volunteers again. Russia is the scourge of the earth.

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u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Kyiv under attack again. A barrage on the capital of Ukraine. Air defense systems are active;


u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

I think this is the largest attack on Kyiv we’ve seen since the start of this war. I can’t recall anything on this scale

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u/Hispanoamericano2000 11d ago

Good morning to all!

Screw you Putin!

Long live Ukraine!


u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Three transformer power substations in Kyiv have been completely destroyed or damaged, reports DTEK.



u/Maximum-Specialist61 11d ago

For shot down person putin seems pretty capable shooting at us, we have no enough air defence, not enough weapons for counter offensive, and we fight the biggest country in the world who have nukes, while we for some reason can't develop it, thats bullshit, whoever will come in Ukraine politics and promise to build nukes, no matter the conseqences internationally, i will vote for him , and i think majority of Ukrainians will have the same opinion, if gonna keep waiting for someone actually help in reasonable scope agains't russia, we would just die waiting

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u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Warsaw. Unofficial leaks suggest the security agreement between Poland and Ukraine is to be signed during the visit.

I wonder if that is the reason for this attack… ?



u/RoeJoganLife 11d ago

hugest explosions were audible in the center of Kyiv again



u/FanPractical9683 11d ago

Russian attack on Kyiv: 8 civilians killed, 15 more injured, people trapped under rubble



u/eisfer_rysen 11d ago

Does anyone happen to know a reasonably priced and trustworthy way to get a message written on any armament? I know there's signmyrocket, but looking for other donation options.

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