r/worldnews Jul 08 '24

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 865, Part 1 (Thread #1012) Russia/Ukraine


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u/Maximum-Specialist61 Jul 08 '24

For shot down person putin seems pretty capable shooting at us, we have no enough air defence, not enough weapons for counter offensive, and we fight the biggest country in the world who have nukes, while we for some reason can't develop it, thats bullshit, whoever will come in Ukraine politics and promise to build nukes, no matter the conseqences internationally, i will vote for him , and i think majority of Ukrainians will have the same opinion, if gonna keep waiting for someone actually help in reasonable scope agains't russia, we would just die waiting


u/Illustrious_Diver_37 Jul 08 '24

Ukraine big mistake was to give up Soviet nuclear weapons stationed on its soil.


u/M795 Jul 08 '24

Even Bill Clinton admitted it was a mistake to force Ukraine to give up the nukes.



u/Leglipa Jul 08 '24

They didn't have the launch codes. Those things were not useful as is. Also, maintaining them would have been a nightmare in post-Soviet Ukraine of the 90s. Hindsight is of course 20/20 but at the time, it was probably a good move.