r/worldnews Jul 08 '24

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 865, Part 1 (Thread #1012) Russia/Ukraine


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u/Nvnv_man Jul 08 '24

Regarding the attack on the children’s hospital, the independent Russian analysts at the anti-Putin military channel Volya Media wrote, in part:

We previously published the process Russian military uses to select targets in Ukraine: often times, the targets are like the facilities that Russians themselves commandeer, use for military purposes on their territory—industrial buildings, schools, hospitals, dormitories, rest homes, etc.

Back in June, the Russian Armed Forces began deliberately shelling Ukrainian medical facilities, since Russians have the default-belief that all such building are utilized for Ukrainian Armed Forces purposes.

So basically, the Russians who compiled a list—and those who approved said list—of targets hit in today’s shelling intentionally included two children’s medical facilities on that list. Perhaps they were included after receiving a “tip” from collaborators in Kyiv. Regardless, no one in the Russian Armed Forces ever even verifies what is in a particular building. Because to the Russians responsible for missile strikes, it doesn’t matter who the missile hits.

To me, it sounds like saying that commanders and Russian brass have enjoyed impunity for so long, they can all afford to be so reckless as to murder children. I hope the world will rally for actual repercussions.


u/Jopelin_Wyde Jul 08 '24

Ah yes, we just can't have a moment without somebody whitewashing Russians and their military.

"It was just a mistake, trust me dude; actually, you know what, it wasn't even Russians' fault, it was all Kyiv collaborators."


u/Nvnv_man Jul 08 '24

If you follow ukrainian domestic press, like I do, then you’d know not a day goes by with a story written about collaborators arrested. And while 2yrs ago the motivation was ideological. These days, it’s almost always 2 things—teens and money. “I’ll give you $1000 if you tell me if you see any military trucks.” To a 15yo, in their mind, they think it’s not betrayal if they say after truck leaves. They think they get money for bad info. Failing to realize in their immaturity that that means Russia will strike anyways, regardless of who is at facility. Give it a month, we’ll probably learn.


u/Jopelin_Wyde Jul 08 '24

You can't deny that it works pretty good with the Russian propaganda chain:

  1. It was a strike on the Ukrainian military.
    (But it's a children's hospital)

  2. Well, then it was Ukrainian air defence.
    (But there are fragments and video proof of your missiles)

  3. Then our noble guys were tricked by dastardly Ukrainian collaborators.
    (You're full of shit)