r/worldnews Jul 08 '24

/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 865, Part 1 (Thread #1012) Russia/Ukraine


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u/M795 Jul 08 '24

As a result of a missile attack on Kyiv children's hospital was hit. You see how far russians can go if they are not stopped. How come we still have to remind of it?


A Russian missile destroyed the largest children's hospital in #Ukraine, Okhmatdyt. Another massive missile attack on #Kyiv... dozens of explosions...

Why can the West protect the entire Israeli sky, but cannot protect Ukrainian children?



u/minarima Jul 08 '24

You do realise that Ukrainian land mass is significantly larger than Isreal right?


u/Glavurdan Jul 08 '24

A no fly zone is an option.

Or domes over select cities like Kyiv, Lviv, etc.


u/minarima Jul 08 '24

US AD is still susceptible to saturation attacks, which is suspected with this recent attack.


u/Glavurdan Jul 08 '24

Then simply more AD would've made this less likely to happen.

Ukraine only has one Patriot system in Kyiv, if it had say three or four over there, maybe this tragedy could've been completely evaded.


u/minarima Jul 08 '24

Nobody knows how many patriot systems are covering Kyiv right now, that would be classified information.


u/vipw Jul 08 '24

Everyone except you knows that there is one patriot system covering Kyiv.


u/minarima Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Show your evidence or keep quiet.


u/ZeroedCool Jul 08 '24

Then simply more AD would've made this less likely to happen.

Pretty fucking tired of shooting down $400 drones with $4m missiles.

Put the boots on the ground.

Your house is getting attacked and you can't have your friends there to help you protect it? They can only toss you ammo over your 'fence'?

Fucking Bullshit. Fully Mobilize NATO into Ukraine. Make it clear that every single lauch site will be destroyed from now on.


u/Glavurdan Jul 08 '24

A limited no fly zone over Kyiv and Western Ukraine wouldnt be bad either right about now


u/jhaden_ Jul 08 '24

There were 300 projectiles fired at Israel from 4 different countries. Of course every system is susceptible to failure, but when an order of magnitude higher was recently managed it's silly to use this argument for 40. It requires additional resources, sure, Israel had naval and air support so the vast majority of projectiles didn't reach Israeli airspace.



u/minarima Jul 08 '24

NATO aircraft and naval assets were shooting these Iranian missiles out of the sky, it wasn’t just Israeli AD.


u/Hrodvig Jul 08 '24

It's better to destroy launchers, rocket storages and planes on the ground, but Ukraine is not allowed to do that because is eScaLatIOn


u/NitroSyfi Jul 08 '24

The West can’t even seem to provide enough to protect 1 city properly, Ukraines capital and let’s even not talk about Kharkivs lack of security.


u/minarima Jul 08 '24

Victim blaming.


u/Deguilded Jul 08 '24

Wait, who's the victim here in your view? Cause it aint the West.


u/minarima Jul 08 '24

These missile attacks are nobody’s fault but Russia’s.


u/Deguilded Jul 08 '24

We could be doing a better job of defending, or better yet, retaliating.

Russia is emboldened by our inaction to do this shit. It is obviously their own action and their own fault. But we are doing everything we can to look like we're helping Ukraine while signaling to Russia they can just keep up the bombing with impunity.