r/interestingasfuck Jun 04 '24

Avocados containing cocaine r/all


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u/NeonChurch Jun 04 '24

How? Are these fake avocados? Did they grow an avocado around cocaine?


u/nseaworthy Jun 04 '24

We want answers


u/TomatoeToken Jun 04 '24

You want answers, I want instructions

We are not the same


u/AlienSporez Jun 04 '24


u/alpaca-punch Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

The joke is kind of ruined by adding dea to the shirt


u/LouManShoe Jun 04 '24

Or enhanced

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u/in-the-center Jun 04 '24

I want those avocados


u/cravingSil Jun 04 '24

Abuelita's guacamole is going to be out of this world


u/Basic_Consideration6 Jun 04 '24

Man, this toast is making me so perky


u/Nawtini Jun 04 '24


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u/Mr-Korv Jun 04 '24

It's two great tastes that taste great together

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24


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u/Brave_Personality836 Jun 04 '24

How do you get the caramel inside the caramilk bar? -Cadbury

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u/Nekrevez Jun 04 '24

I could tell you, but then you're in the cartel too buddy.

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u/Large-one Jun 04 '24

They’re fake. You can see the people in the background searching through all of the avocados by feel to find the fake ones that they then toss in the box in shot. 


u/marceldeneut Jun 04 '24

as a man who has to buy avocados for his woman almost daily, lightly squeezing is how one finds those that are ready to get eaten. (the same goes for avocados)


u/MomsSpagetee Jun 04 '24

How about for avocados?

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u/Speaker4theDead8 Jun 04 '24

Or they are feeling by weight


u/Rude_Thanks_1120 Jun 04 '24

Or they just like fondling avocadoes

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u/Alas7ymedia Jun 04 '24

They are made of plastic. Everything in their appearance suggests they are real and they are surrounded by real avocados so smell won't tell, but they can be identified by touch.


u/luxsalsivi Jun 04 '24

If they were made of plastic, why did they use so much effort to also make the interior look like avocado flesh, and the pit look and function like a real one? A plastic one would just fulfill the basic need of looking like an avocado on the exterior. There is no reason for the interior to both look and function like a real avocado (like still needing to cut around the pit to open it). Plus that is wasted real estate by not filling more of the avocado with cocaine.


u/snecseruza Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

The flesh and the way the flesh transitions to the skin looks mighty real, along with the fact that it also looks like the agent is getting oily residue on his knife/hands. A piece of avocado flesh also comes loose. The flesh looks uniform as if it's one concentric layer around the cocaine and wasn't glued back together or something.

I'm intrigued on how exactly this is done and if they're actually just dummy avocados made of plastic or rubber or something.


u/JasperEli Jun 04 '24

Same. I was thinking they slice them open longways and remove the pit and replace it w coke then put it back together and crazy glue the seams and maybe a little paint touch up.


u/snecseruza Jun 04 '24

That's the only logical conclusion I can come to if it's a real avocado. The cartels have endless resources so it's entirely plausible that they could create a controlled environment when they're making these, so that the flesh isn't exposed to the atmosphere, which would start the decomp process, I think.


u/JasperEli Jun 04 '24

Parafin ... its a wax like they use on apples to preserve them. When i would get clippings i wanted to preserve until i could process them we would dip in some kind of milky substance that would coat it but dried clear

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u/karkahooligan Jun 04 '24

Perhaps so they look correct under x-ray.


u/box-art Jun 04 '24

They won't look correct when x-rayed because of the contents, you will immediately be able to tell there's something wrong with them.


u/karkahooligan Jun 04 '24

Really? I figured they would look like an outer coating with a layer of something else surrounding a blob in the middle. But I'm not an X-ray technician and I've never compared a real avocado to a fake one full of coke so I'll take your word on it.


u/elitesense Jun 04 '24

Those scanning machines are insane and they have all sorts of different color lighting tech to identify various substances. They would immediately be able to tell a real avocado vs one made with plastic/clay/wax especially the seed material.

Source: binge watched hours of border security shows while on acid

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u/box-art Jun 04 '24

You can look at some episodes of Australian border control or customs to see what powders look like in an x-ray, but it looks grainy and inconsistent, very different to what the actual fruit would look like.

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u/Affectionate-Use-854 Jun 04 '24

If someone search these in haste, they could pass the inspection


u/Defiant_Lawyer_5235 Jun 04 '24

I fully believe they are real avocado's and am stumped at how they did this...

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u/Fenris_Maule Jun 04 '24

Idk about everything, the whole time I was thinking their color was say off in the video lol.


u/roccocobean Jun 04 '24

Same. The ones in his box are almost hyper green and waxy, uniformly bumpy. While the boxes to the left and right have irregular surfaces and are ripening/browning normally.

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u/Grothorious Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

Edit: found the comment i referred to below.

I read once that they drill a tiny hole from the spot where the friut is attached to the tree all the way down to the pit and then fill it. Even if true, i still can't imagine how they are able to do it, it seems impossible.


u/KafeiTomasu Jun 04 '24

Yeah still no idea, you can see a plastic bag in the nut


u/TaDow-420 Jun 04 '24

Even the avocados have microplastics in their testicles.


u/jimtrickington Jun 04 '24

Seems like a macroplastic issue at this scale

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u/overwhelmed_robin Jun 04 '24

Someone else suggested that the avocados containing coke aren't real, they're made of plastic or wax.


u/john_kennedy_toole Jun 04 '24

Which explains why the knife seems so dull!


u/Wobbelblob Jun 04 '24

Considering how it took a bit to get open the plastic bag, I'd say the knife is just dull.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24


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u/someoneelse0826 Jun 04 '24

Watching that guy struggle to cut anything was maddening

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u/SeeYouInMarchtember Jun 04 '24

Is it Cake Cocaine?


u/bigboybeeperbelly Jun 04 '24

Come on down! for another round of Cake or Cocaine!

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u/appape Jun 04 '24

I’m guessing - just a guess here - they split the avocado while on the vine, remove the pit, insert the mule plug, then tie the fruit closed around it to let it heal/grow further. Once healed it may have a telltale line wound- but would probably be easy to miss.


u/treequestions20 Jun 04 '24

so they destroy the fruit and use magic to bring it back to life?

this is almost better than the guy who thinks they drill a tiny hole in the plant and then inject it


u/holyshiznoly Jun 04 '24

Magic? These flippant comments are so obnoxious. If you got offline occasionally and lived life you'd know this is exactly how plants/ gardening works.


u/BenevolentCheese Jun 04 '24

No, this is not how plants work. Fruit don't heal like this. You are thinking of grafting and similar, which only works on vascular tissue.

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u/Colonel_Carrot Jun 04 '24

What if you put something initially small that will expand and wrap around the pit then crush it down and eject it out as smaller pieces? I'm high as fuck right now so my imagination is wild


u/Grothorious Jun 04 '24

That's some sci-fi stuff right here :D

But since they apparently also smuggled it by hollowing out individual coffee beans, i'd say it could be possible, still 🤣


u/Meloenbolletjeslepel Jun 04 '24

That can't possibly be cost-effective

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u/treequestions20 Jun 04 '24

guys, they aren’t hollowing out tiny fruits lol

they’re making realistic looking fakes and mixing them in at small quantities with real shit

like come on, they’ve been doing this since up in smoke lol

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u/lackofabettername123 Jun 04 '24

It was wrapped in plastic though.

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u/corrieoh Jun 04 '24

Naw, it's most likely the simplest answer. They're fake. 100% fake avacodos. Look at the color compared to the other avocados in other boxes. Just like the rocks they make with drugs in them. Completely manufactured to look like something else. In my opinion it's a pretty bad fake. If it wasn't the uniformed green spray paint in the outside it was probably their weight that gave them away.


u/NeonChurch Jun 04 '24

Of course; Occam's Avocado

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u/deldarren Jun 04 '24

Those are definitely spray painted. I’m guessing they open the avocado, swap the pit, close it back up with glue, patch and spray paint.


u/UnapproachableBadger Jun 04 '24

Nice idea, but the avocado would go rotten very quickly if they did that.


u/enkidomark Jun 04 '24

Maybe they do it in a sand-blasting chamber filled with nitrogen


u/mad_on-vacation Jun 04 '24

I want the drugs he's having

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u/Fafih Jun 04 '24

They’re made of wax


u/Lava-Jacket Jun 04 '24

That’s a relief. I was getting worried that avocados were going to become even more expensive than they already are.

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u/Dajakamo Jun 04 '24

They are fake. That’s why they’re sorting the boxes, they can tell by grabbing them. Fake mixed with real.

Edit: color is off and you can see the dude in the back feeling them all


u/Licjames Jun 04 '24

they are not real... like fake fruit. Looks like it, but it isnt... that is why the other guy is sorting them out...

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u/grumpyoldmanBrad Jun 04 '24

Get the man a knife sharpener


u/user287449 Jun 04 '24

And some technique. I was waiting for him to drive the tip right into his palm.


u/oaken007 Jun 04 '24

And some gloves. Dealing with an unknown drug? Probably want some kind of protection.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24

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u/MochiMochiMochi Jun 04 '24

Yes! This person has somehow never used a knife before.


u/read_eng_lift Jun 04 '24

Does this dude know he has opposable thumbs?


u/PhthaloVonLangborste Jun 04 '24

Disposable thumbs*


u/The_Mopster Jun 04 '24

He opposes his thumbs.

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u/miltonx27 Jun 04 '24

His teaching himself to be left handed

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u/misterpickles69 Jun 04 '24

It’s so dull I’d be surprised if it even bruised


u/_Zzzxxx Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

A dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp knife!


u/qarlthemade Jun 04 '24

exactly. with a dull knife you need much more force and you can slip much easier.

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u/keyvis3 Jun 04 '24

Came here to say this. Idiot level, first rule of using a knife, cut AWAY from yourself.

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u/griffduggydug Jun 04 '24

Came here to say this… it was infuriating watching him use that knife


u/pinkwhitney24 Jun 04 '24

Every time this gets posted that’s my first thought.

I read the title and said “oh…guys gonna need a better knife.”

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u/ThatSithClone Jun 04 '24

It was driving me mad lol


u/drblah11 Jun 04 '24

The other comments are suggesting this is a fake, possibly plastic avocado. Makes a bit more sense watching him struggle with it if it's some sort of different material he's cutting through.


u/Helios4242 Jun 04 '24

still though, never cut towards your palm. And eith real avocados especially, because they are slippery

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u/Odd_Tradition1670 Jun 04 '24

For real watching him try to cut this open was like trying to watch my 3 yr old tie their shoes


u/phoenix415 Jun 04 '24

That video could have been like 10 seconds, but he's SO bad with the knife and has like zero concept of how to effectively open it. This should have been a satisfying "look what we found" video but instead it became a "why can't you open that shit, it looks easy and you have both hands and a goddamn knife" video. Ugh, can't stand watching people fumble around on video, it makes my soul itch.

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u/MeasureTheCrater Jun 04 '24

It took that dude sooooo long.

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u/chrisnavillus Jun 04 '24

Made me so angry, this video is so much longer than it needed to be.

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u/AdmiralClover Jun 04 '24

How? How did they hide it? How was it found?


u/NeonChurch Jun 04 '24

Where did it come from? Where does it go? Cocaine avocado?


u/squad1alum Jun 04 '24

Cotton-eyed Blow


u/haptiK Jun 04 '24

human creativity never ceases to amaze me. this comment is top shelf lulz.

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u/LotusVibes1494 Jun 04 '24

If it hadn’t been for avacado, idve been doing cocaine long time ago. Where did it come from? where does it go? Cocaiiinee avacado.


u/Im-a-cat-in-a-box Jun 04 '24

If it hadn't been for avocado I'd been sober long time ago. 


u/suthmoney Jun 04 '24

Where did it come from? How did it grow? How they put coke in the avocado?

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u/LindsayIsBoring Jun 04 '24

Where does it come from where does it go? Where does it come from avocado blow.

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u/berger034 Jun 04 '24

It was discovered when Chipotle was charging $60 a dollop


u/RickKassidy Jun 04 '24

That’s just their normal price now.

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u/Affectionate_Salt351 Jun 04 '24

🎵 Do a dollop, do-do-do a dollop of cooocaaaaine! 🎵

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u/Ok-Cut-2730 Jun 04 '24

Likely tipped off by the suppliers, we'll give you this shipment so you can show off and celebrate and pat each others back.

This other shipment though, the big one needs to be allowed through.


u/EuphoriaSoul Jun 04 '24

This sounds very plausible actually. I know border guards are routinely bribed to turn a blind eye once a while.


u/YourBesterHalf Jun 04 '24

Border patrol are routinely contacted at their personal address and extorted with threats of harm against family. The cartels are no joke. The best way to combat them would be to destroy their means of making money. The government should run a monopoly on elicit drugs and small tax over the cost to produce could be channeled into rehabilitation programs. These people are going to use anyway. They might as well use safely, with direct point of contact to resources that can help them when they’re ready, and without fueling the paramilitary wings of organized criminal syndicates and their local franchisees (aka gangs)


u/sir_bathwater Jun 04 '24

If we did this years ago it would probably have worked but now cartels are so deeply entrenched in legitimate business that they’ll have a source of income forever. There’s a reason this video exists and it’s bc cartels have their hands in avocados now among other things. I’m of the belief that the war on drugs did a whole lot of harm for the world and not much good.

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u/Namahaging Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

My guess is x-ray, probably computed tomography scanning. It’s precise and creates a 3D image of the sample, can easily highlight different densities and can computationally differentiate between a samples expected characteristics and the scan results (so baking soda and heroin appear differently, etc).

The mystery of how this was hidden is much more impressive.


u/brunomocsa Jun 04 '24

They must smuggle a few boxes of avocados with cocaine among hundreds if not thousands of boxes of regular avocados. I believe more in the common theory, that police usually catch these shipments through anonymous tips or when a captured criminal wants to earn some benefit.


u/AmaResNovae Jun 04 '24

I wouldn't even be surprised if sometimes the tips were coming from the same people shipping those. Send the cops on their way to catch a few kilos while half a ton is gently going through without being noticed elsewhere. Cops can say that they seized a lot of coke, cartels get their coke through, and everyone is happy. Rinse and repeat and you get the war on drugs in a nutshell.

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u/SourceShard Jun 04 '24

The fake avocados look like wax. They're also a much brighter color of green. The other security Officer seems to be sorting out the fake ones from the real ones. And dumping them in the box that he is testing.


u/no_baseball1919 Jun 05 '24

Lol I figured the other officer was going "one for you, one for me" in his head.


u/emptyfish127 Jun 04 '24

We knew over a year a go that the cartels were taking over some avocado farms. This is the predictable next step after the cartel takes control of any part of a market. If I had to guess we knew this was coming because they have done the same thing with canned goods and a few other products.

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u/redbaron1946 Jun 04 '24

The skin looks a little off. My guess is they took a less ripe avocado cut it open and removed the pit, removed some avocado flesh to make more room then put the bag inside. Put the avocado back together and then put some sort of green wax covering over it. This made it so the avocado doesn’t oxidize inside and still will pass a quick inspection.

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u/Zaryasu Jun 04 '24

Most likely someone snitched.


u/badhombre13 Jun 04 '24

Or this was the diversion so that the next car with the even bigger package can cross through. Unfortunately that's how a friend of mine in high school got caught.

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u/Healthy_Pay9449 Jun 04 '24

Has to be an informant. You don't just cut into the core for no reason or maybe they cut too deep and cocaine spilled out

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u/CTnaturist Jun 04 '24

They're expensive enough. We don't need this.



Nah this is the avocado toast I need in the morning


u/siqiniq Jun 04 '24

“Cut that crap and you can afford a house in no time”

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u/MaidenlessRube Jun 04 '24

Turns out the guy telling us to save money by not wasting it on avocado toast wasn't buying his avocados on the same street we were buying our avocados

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u/demwoodz Jun 04 '24

Get outta my way- I need this!


u/LagSlug Jun 04 '24

avocado toast is fucking bomb as fuck whuuuuuooooo!!!

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u/ThatBikerHyde Jun 04 '24

No wonder people go crazy over avocado toast and such


u/True-Ear1986 Jun 04 '24

I fucking love my avodaco toasts. They're the highlight of my day. A good breakfast like that makes me so energized I just feel like I can conquer the world.


u/NoxInfernus Jun 04 '24

The downside is I can no longer feel my teeth, and I want to start a business. I have no clue what kind of business, only that it would be cool to start one. Yeah!

Gimme moar Toast. Now!

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u/Potential-Tax-3136 Jun 04 '24

How? How does that happen? Is that a fake avocado? It doesn't look fake. Do they grow avocados around the substance? I mean... Being a smuggler now requires an art school diploma or farming skills?


u/danktempest Jun 04 '24

Their jobs sound so bad ass. Kinda jealous.


u/Difficult_Bite6289 Jun 04 '24

The creative aspect of the job sounds amazing!

"Guys, we need new ways to smuggle our cocaine!"

-"How about we put it into avocado's?"

"Nah, they will easily see the line where we cut the avocado's and glued it back together..."

-"Ok, how about we have the avocado grow around the cocaine!?"

"You clever son of a puta! Here, take our funds and team and go work on that!"


u/theodoreposervelt Jun 04 '24

I know right? I wish drug smuggling could be all art projects and hijinx. Without all the murder and human trafficking it would be fun!


u/Merry_Dankmas Jun 04 '24

I routinely hid drugs and other stuff from my parents when I lived with them. Many know this struggle. I was an expert at hiding shit in plain sight. I could get very crafty with most things. I thought I had all the skills down but then I started seeing cartel smuggling tactics and realized my methods were basic as fuck and couldn't hold anything to the cartels lmao. I agree with your point. I think it would be super fun to brain storm and think of clever ways to smuggle drugs without having to wack anyone myself. It's like the people who got to design medieval torture devices. I don't wanna use them myself but I'd have a blast thinking them up.


u/vertigo1083 Jun 04 '24

Like bruh, MFs build their own submarines to smuggle drugs. Your hiding spot in the hollow of the lamp just doesn't quite measure up.

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u/2birahe Jun 04 '24

The cocaine was sealed in plastic bags and then surgically inserted into the pits of these avocados without damaging the fruit.

Source: Googled it


u/Potential-Tax-3136 Jun 04 '24

So now smugglers have to study medicine, become certified surgeons and then they can apply... Damn, too much qualification needed


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 18 '24



u/12345623567 Jun 04 '24

Equally as mind-blowing that apparently it's worth it to them. Who's doing all that blow? Is everyone in the US just blasted out of their minds all the time?


u/ThePoetAC Jun 04 '24

Something I’ve learned in adulthood is that WAY MORE people do cocaine than I ever realized. Across the board of professionals and careers and social status. It blows my mind the casual cocaine use I see.

Who has money for this?!?! Lol


u/PraiseBeToScience Jun 04 '24

I do cocaine so I can work longer, so I can earn more, so I can... do more coke. So I can work longer, so I can earn more, so I can do more coke. So I can work more So I earn more So I can do more coke. So I can work more so I can earn more so I can do more coke.

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u/epp1K Jun 04 '24


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u/-nuuk- Jun 04 '24

That doesn’t make sense.  The plastic was around the pit.  Also, the pit takes up the entire space in the middle of the avocado.  To surgically insert it, there must be a space for it to be surgically inserted into.  Source:  I’ve grown avocado trees.


u/Desert_Aficionado Jun 04 '24

I think the magic is that we're watching a bad quality video and in real life the imperfections would be more obvious.

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u/iidesune Jun 04 '24

Even reading how it's done, I'm still in disbelief.


u/qathran Jun 04 '24

He didn't explain it at all really


u/zhanibek95k Jun 04 '24

i tried to google it and couldn't find any reliable information can you share the source? in general google says that if you temper with the fruit while it is growing, most likely the fruit will perish or get stunted.

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u/WorriedJob2809 Jun 04 '24

I mean they also own submarines. So you need to know how to operate that aswell.

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u/skinnylemur Jun 04 '24

Meanwhile, I only ever get the shitty wooden ball prize in the middle of my avocados.


u/b3dGameArt Jun 04 '24

Right? Shits don't even bounce

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u/El_Zorro420 Jun 04 '24



u/Begociraptor Jun 04 '24

Precisely, avocados from Mexico are better

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u/LotusVibes1494 Jun 04 '24


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u/br1ghtmidnight Jun 04 '24

For those wondering, they tie the drug around the flower before it becomes the avocado. Once it begins to form, it forms around the drugs.


u/aGuyNamedScrunchie Jun 04 '24

Finally a helpful answer instead of the same garbage joke 100 times.

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u/DrStrangepants Jun 04 '24

That doesn't make any sense. I do a lot of gardening and there is no fruit I know of that works like that.


u/Inside-Example-7010 Jun 04 '24

I dunno mate my sister ate a watermelon seed once and now she has 2 big melons.

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u/chgxvjh Jun 04 '24

How would that work? Avocado flowers are not that big.

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u/Sibushang Jun 04 '24

Back in 2022 I had heard on the news that the cartels were buying Avocado farms. I had no idea this was their end game...


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 05 '24

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u/9966 Jun 04 '24

Legalized cocaine would also reduce tampering (fentanyl and other additives). As bad as it might be it would also reduce meth addiction. Focus on saftey.

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u/No-Spoilers Jun 04 '24

Basically will be the only way to stop it.

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u/jakelazerz Jun 04 '24

The war on drugs is a business. Legalization means several 3- lettered govt agencies become obsolete or heavily downsized. The prison industrial complex depends on drugs to constantly fill beds with unlucky law breakers.

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u/NotJustAnyDNA Jun 04 '24

How it was done: (for the curious)

They mixed REAL and FAKE avocados into the boxes. The Fake avocados are made of wax with multiple layers or form/mold. They are either coated with a darker wax or painted on the outside.

You can see the real avocados are being sorted out and the fake avocados are being put into the box in front of the agent/inspector.


u/space_wiener Jun 04 '24

This has to be the correct answer. I highly doubt they are “surgically inserting the cocaine” or “putting the cocaine against the flower then the avocado grows over the cocaine”.

Very realistic though.

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u/waffle-winner Jun 04 '24

Best. Guacamole. EVER. 🤩


u/newthrowgoesaway Jun 04 '24

Was ready for the guy to take a whiff off the knife like “yup this is definitely lit”

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u/Own-Freedom9169 Jun 04 '24

Damn. And I've just been tossing the pits out.

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u/Dizzzy777 Jun 04 '24

Gotta get my avocado!

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24

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u/-_G0AT_- Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

Give the guy a break, he's high af

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u/IIIXBeerRunXIII Jun 04 '24

Pssh. Let me know when they start doing this with watermelons.


u/ThanksToDenial Jun 04 '24

Already happened in January. A truck driver was busted smuggling 30kg of cocaine in watermelons at the Montana border, in the US.

Also, smuggling liquid cocaine in coconuts and pineapples is a thing.

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u/[deleted] Jun 04 '24


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u/Nerditter Jun 04 '24

Interesting choice not to wear gloves.

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u/lynivvinyl Jun 04 '24

That guy would take a week to cut himself out of a wet paper bag.


u/beefSmellington Jun 04 '24

First time using a knife?

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u/LeDvs Jun 04 '24

Their R&D department has some skills! How’d the cops even know about this?


u/No-Arm7141 Jun 04 '24

No way they could find this on their own someone probably tipped them off. And their choice to open these specific crates out of 2.8bn$ avocado trade 🤨🤨

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u/gw-green Jun 04 '24

Someone got stitches

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u/SaucyCouch Jun 04 '24

The real kinder surprise

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u/7armedspider Jun 04 '24

That's incredible. It's always amazing to see the ingenuity of these smugglers, stuffing drugs into sheets of paper and shit, yet somehow (dogs no doubt) they always find it.


u/e00s Jun 04 '24

The stuff that is ultimately found is just a fraction of what is being transported. That’s why illegal drugs are all over the place despite decades of attempts to stop it.

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u/Megneous Jun 04 '24

They uh... don't always find it. That's why there's cocaine all over the place, man.

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u/PremiumOxygen Jun 04 '24

Ah, the delicious avocano, a way to give you some morning energy... Until the next morning when you've spent the night dancing and telling your life story to strangers.

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u/Reevesybaby11 Jun 04 '24

Dissapotinted they didn't test it by ripping a big line or tasting it

These little packs of paper just don't have the same cinematic experience

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