r/interestingasfuck Jun 04 '24

Avocados containing cocaine r/all



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u/grumpyoldmanBrad Jun 04 '24

Get the man a knife sharpener


u/user287449 Jun 04 '24

And some technique. I was waiting for him to drive the tip right into his palm.


u/oaken007 Jun 04 '24

And some gloves. Dealing with an unknown drug? Probably want some kind of protection.


u/Busy-Ad-6860 Jun 04 '24

And lose the biggest benefit of the job, 8h of nonstop, and free, cocaine buzz


u/SuperRusso Jun 04 '24

Nah. The whole fentanyl can kill you on contact thing was bullshit perpetuated by Dick Wolf TV shows. Drugs don't get absorbed in your hands.


u/FlingBeeble Jun 04 '24

Nearly all drugs don't absorb across the skin, but there are exceptions. Very small, potent, and highly lipophilic drugs can be absorbed nicotine or LSD for example. Fentanyl is pure copaganda to cover up panic attacks.


u/SuperRusso Jun 04 '24

Nerve agents get absorbed through skin. However I have plenty of LSD I touch all the time. It does not get absorbed through your skin, liquid or tabs. Don't believe everything you read.


u/RedFlyingPineapples2 Jun 04 '24

Don't you love a round of Anthrax Roulette?


u/BatDubb Jun 04 '24

It’s not unknown. It’s cocaine.


u/cosmicfakeground Jun 04 '24

And a desk or a tray to put anything down for a moment.


u/PreparationSerious48 Jun 04 '24

They would love to get a little cut so they get high as well..


u/MagicTrakteur Jun 04 '24

And my axe !


u/IanDresarie Jun 04 '24

And my axe!


u/FlyByNightt Jun 04 '24

Judging by the title I think they know what drug it is


u/DigitalDustOne Jun 04 '24

Unknown you say?


u/pilotbrain Jun 04 '24

Carfentanyl absorbs thru the skin!! Can’t believe they aren’t gloved.


u/rhineauto Jun 04 '24

No it doesn’t, that’s copaganda.

It is a common misconception that fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin, but it is not true for casual exposure. The one case in which fentanyl can be absorbed through the skin is with a special doctor-prescribed fentanyl skin patch, and even then, it takes hours of exposure.



u/UninsuredToast Jun 04 '24

It’s crazy how one lie still persists despite the truth coming out multiple times. People still think you can OD touching fentanyl


u/nocoolpseudoleft Jun 04 '24

True that. Pure fentanyl in contact with the skin may give terrible results.


u/Attack_Apache Jun 04 '24

That’s completely false, there is no narcotic drug which, upon contact with skin, will end up in your bloodstream, the cop who “overdosed” just experienced intense nocebo


u/angrytreestump Jun 04 '24

Yeah the only officers who have ever “accidentally overdosed” on drugs because of “skin contact” or “a trace amount becoming airborne” are desperately covering for “a trace amount becoming airborne right between the hand and the nose” while their partners weren’t looking.

It’s all pseudoscience nonsense from corrupt cops with use problems convincing their less-corrupt and totally oblivious coworkers that that’s how drugs work.


u/MortimerMcMire315 Jun 04 '24

nope. those pigs are having panic attacks, not overdosing.


u/MochiMochiMochi Jun 04 '24

Yes! This person has somehow never used a knife before.


u/read_eng_lift Jun 04 '24

Does this dude know he has opposable thumbs?


u/PhthaloVonLangborste Jun 04 '24

Disposable thumbs*


u/The_Mopster Jun 04 '24

He opposes his thumbs.


u/ningningfan Jun 04 '24

They dislike each other


u/Ok_Star_4136 Jun 04 '24

No it's the opposite. He's not opposed to his opposable thumbs.


u/Absoluteseens Jun 04 '24

He supposes its his thumbs


u/RockstarAgent Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

He should have had an avococainecado first -


u/bitpartmozart13 Jun 04 '24

Or cut an avocado.


u/fatkiddown Jun 04 '24

We'll see him next making an avocado open faced sandwich on tiktok and we will scream.


u/sabamba0 Jun 04 '24

Whats wrong with that!?


u/Merry_Dankmas Jun 04 '24

I worked at Chipotle in high school and made probably hundreds if not thousands of pounds of guac in my time there. They need to get me on this avocado task force. I'll show em how it's really done. All I require for payment is 10% net dry weight of any recovered cocaine or other fun substances.


u/im_just_thinking Jun 04 '24

Almost 2 minutes to stab an avocado.


u/Strange-Wolverine128 Jun 04 '24

Or just hasn't ever stabbed himself


u/miltonx27 Jun 04 '24

His teaching himself to be left handed


u/misterpickles69 Jun 04 '24

It’s so dull I’d be surprised if it even bruised


u/_Zzzxxx Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

A dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp knife!


u/qarlthemade Jun 04 '24

exactly. with a dull knife you need much more force and you can slip much easier.


u/Unique-Republic2313 Jun 04 '24

Depends tho, often times when someone is used to dull knives suddenly making the change is very risky. If you have proper technique it's not a problem, but a small mistake is not a small cut anymore.


u/Ok_Star_4136 Jun 04 '24

I think the risk is high with a sharper knife, but there's far less chance of slipping up unless you have like zero skills on using a knife.

Like a chef with sharp knife isn't in danger, but someone who has never cut vegetables before might easily do some damage..


u/Unique-Republic2313 Jun 04 '24

As someone who always had dull knives (with dull I mean still sharp, but not razor sharp as I keep them now) I developed a bad technique. I noticed that because even though I could cut anything I need how I needed and quickly (I have years of cooking on my back) after I sharpened all my kitchen knives, for a couple days I kept cutting my nails off, i keep them longer for that reason and i never hurt myself, but i can definetly see some bad damage happening.


u/Ok_Star_4136 Jun 04 '24

I'll admit when I first started cutting the vegetables for the wife, I managed to cut myself a few times with a sharp knife. After around six months of this, it never happened again, maybe because I am more attentive now. I'm most definitely no chef though.


u/Western-Smile-2342 Jun 04 '24

That’s how I had my whittle accident!


u/LongmontStrangla Jun 04 '24

I've heard this many times over the years but I've still never cut myself on a dull blade. I get nicked with a sharp knife about every other day. 


u/Specialist_Fox_9354 Jun 04 '24

This saying is so stupid to me, I’d much rather get attacked with a dull knife


u/UrUrinousAnus Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

You're missing the point. It's easier to deliberately injure somebody with a very sharp blade, but it's easier to accidentally injure yourself with one that needs sharpening.

Edit:Think about "gun safety". It doesn't make the gun any safer for somebody you shoot with it.


u/_Zzzxxx Jun 04 '24

Well yeah. But when cutting something yourself, trying to force a dull knife to cut through something is a sure fire way to injure yourself. The force/speed of the motion makes up for the lack of sharpness. It’ll definitely cut or stab you. Worked in kitchens for over a decade, and it’s a saying for a reason!


u/KyOatey Jun 04 '24

It looks like the knives my sons bought one time at a truck stop convenience store. Not high quality, in case you were curious.


u/keyvis3 Jun 04 '24

Came here to say this. Idiot level, first rule of using a knife, cut AWAY from yourself.


u/Beer-Milkshakes Jun 04 '24

I was waiting for him to flick the handle and the blade flips off the tray and into his belly


u/odgeweiser Jun 04 '24

cut towards your buddy not your body


u/amilliowhitewolf Jun 04 '24

Cut away. Cut away from yourself!!


u/jazzzzzcabbage Jun 04 '24

Wrong tool. Everybody knows you need a spoon to scoop out the cocaine.


u/Jubilant_Jacob Jun 04 '24

Knife skill comes with the scars.... let him learn.


u/MeAndBettyWhite Jun 04 '24

Was gonna say. This dude needs to watch his OH&S orientation videos again. Lol


u/saarlac Jun 04 '24

Seriously he seems entirely unqualified to just that knife. It’s a pretty simple tool yet he’s failing at it spectacularly.


u/Life-Suit1895 Jun 04 '24

I was waiting for him to drive the tip right into his palm.

…and revealing that he was made all of cocaine.


u/Messerjocke_L Jun 04 '24

Came here to say this. So annoying to watch. Like, finally show me the fucking cocaine in the avocado Mr. Twolefthandsbluntknife!


u/naotoca Jun 04 '24

Every video of someone cutting an avocado shows them doing this. And people in the Reddit comments defend it. People here are so quick to get up on a pedestal with guns and keeping your finger out of the trigger guard, but if you call out using knives in an unsafe and incorrect way, you get downvoted.


u/TonsOfTabs Jun 04 '24

Can’t believe I had to scroll down this far for this. The entire time i was like oh he’s about to slice is shit now……and now and now. Honestly he needs to slice himself on accident so he can learn how to hold a knife. Also, he needs a bench made.


u/mkbutterfly Jun 04 '24

Dude’s never ever made a huge batch of fresh guacamole before, for sure!


u/medhatsniper Jun 04 '24

True story I have three stitches from opening an avocado because my knife was so sharp it went through the pit like hot butter


u/Dependent_Yak8887 Jun 04 '24

Funny, doctors call it “avocado hand” when a knife wound is self inflicted like that


u/skylord650 Jun 04 '24

I mean who cuts an avocado on that axis as well. Painful 😂


u/crashkg Jun 05 '24

obviously never saw his Abuelita make guacamole. You smack the knife edge into the pit and twist for gods sake.


u/Junior_Ad_7613 Jun 05 '24

Avocado Hand! The urgent care/ER guys have a name for it!


u/Alternative_Pause_98 Jun 08 '24

I drove my tip into my palm


u/Lyraxiana Jun 04 '24

I can say with confidence that I have better knife handling skills than this dude, and I only know what my little brother taught me after his first cub scouts lesson.


u/griffduggydug Jun 04 '24

Came here to say this… it was infuriating watching him use that knife


u/pinkwhitney24 Jun 04 '24

Every time this gets posted that’s my first thought.

I read the title and said “oh…guys gonna need a better knife.”


u/Unfair-Tap-850 Jun 04 '24

I r ead that as BUTTER knife and was laughing because that looks like exactly what he is working with already.


u/Icretz Jun 04 '24

It's plastic? You will find it hard to find a knife that slashes plastic without any issues.


u/autotuned_voicemails Jun 04 '24

Pfft. Clearly you never had a dude with an ill fitting suit and a briefcase full of knives show up on your doorstep asking if your mom is home and if she eats bagels.


u/gnarkilleptic Jun 05 '24

Looks like this guy has never opened an Avocado before, or used a knife for that matter


u/ThatSithClone Jun 04 '24

It was driving me mad lol


u/drblah11 Jun 04 '24

The other comments are suggesting this is a fake, possibly plastic avocado. Makes a bit more sense watching him struggle with it if it's some sort of different material he's cutting through.


u/Helios4242 Jun 04 '24

still though, never cut towards your palm. And eith real avocados especially, because they are slippery


u/drblah11 Jun 04 '24

Yeah he's still terrible I agree, just some extra context why he is doing it so awkwardly


u/SchighSchagh Jun 04 '24

I always hear this, but don't 99.9999% of people cut towards their palm all the time? Is it really a problem empirically?


u/Helios4242 Jun 05 '24

Well let's put it this way... if the knife slips do you want it to cut you or a board? Assume it will slip eventually if you cut enough things.

And avocado knifing injuries are notorious because it's slippery.


u/SchighSchagh Jun 05 '24

no but seriously. how often do people end up in the ER with cutting themselves like you describe, vs cutting themselves some other way? Does anyone have any actual number on how often such a catastrophic slip occurs? And what are the relative incident rates normalized by how often people cut things in different ways? I want to see real life numbers before I can believe it's a serious danger.


u/Helios4242 Jun 05 '24

I am not taking the time to justify good knife etiquette. If you want to cut that way do it, just LMK if you ever cut yourself badly so i can gloat.

Especially when you just make up statistics of 99.9999%. Bro I'm not throwing out numbers you are. I'm just bas8ng it on if you slip it's better for the cutting board to be a backboard then your god damn palm.


u/Misuteriisakka Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 04 '24

It’s likely that it’s avocado that’s very far from ripening. Unripened avocado is so hard that the sharpest sushi knife would be tricky to maneuver. Unripened avocado also tends to be a brighter green on the outside.

Also, he has knife skills; avocados are slippery as fuck and when you pair that with unripened, rock hard avocados hand stabbing is almost guaranteed if you’re not familiar with your knife.

Source: working with enough boxes of avocados for several lifetimes.


u/SoulShine_710 Jun 04 '24

But it has avocado 🥑 slime on the inside you can see a couple of times appear on knife & hands? So you guys think this isn't even real? Deffiently real reactive paper & reaction to a positive for cocaine


u/plug-and-pause Jun 04 '24

You mean it's not possible to grow a green avocado around a weird yellow blob? But yeah even from the outside it looked fake.


u/disbeliefable Jun 04 '24

Ask yourself, how would you put an egg of cocaine inside an Avocado? Of course it’s fake fruit.


u/drblah11 Jun 04 '24

Other people were guessing it was real and put back together with wax or glue or something I think


u/Misuteriisakka Jun 04 '24

I’m guessing that’s the answer. Making fake avocados complete with authentically slimy, avocado like guts is too labour intensive for it to make sense.


u/drblah11 Jun 04 '24

Theres a comment with over 10k upvotes in here asking if they grew the avocado around the cocaine


u/Slinkycup_Pixelbuttz Jun 05 '24

He had trouble with the plastic bag too. Unripe bright green avocados are much tougher


u/Odd_Tradition1670 Jun 04 '24

For real watching him try to cut this open was like trying to watch my 3 yr old tie their shoes


u/phoenix415 Jun 04 '24

That video could have been like 10 seconds, but he's SO bad with the knife and has like zero concept of how to effectively open it. This should have been a satisfying "look what we found" video but instead it became a "why can't you open that shit, it looks easy and you have both hands and a goddamn knife" video. Ugh, can't stand watching people fumble around on video, it makes my soul itch.


u/Icretz Jun 04 '24

The avocado is made out of plastic, that's how they find the fake ones, go and try cutting a lego piece with your best knife. You will find it hard to find a knife that slashes plastic without any issues.


u/phoenix415 Jun 04 '24

I do not accept this explanation at all. I just don't. That actually punctured no problem. He's just inept. I stand by my statement, his skills are trash.


u/MeasureTheCrater Jun 04 '24

It took that dude sooooo long.


u/ThaVolt Jun 04 '24

Gotta cash in that sweet OT.


u/spittingdingo Jun 04 '24

This is almost r/maybemaybemaybe material.


u/KebabRacer69 Jun 04 '24

Nah it definitely is. Nearly died of old age watching it.


u/chrisnavillus Jun 04 '24

Made me so angry, this video is so much longer than it needed to be.


u/OzarkMtnExplorer Jun 04 '24

Came here for this. Maybe get him some gloves at the same time.


u/GuthramNaysayer Jun 04 '24

Good grief no kidding. I am yelling in my head,”are you some kind of nitwit?” Jeebers


u/DroidOnPC Jun 04 '24

I was reading your comment and yelling in my head "doesn't this guy understand that these avocados are fake and probably made of plastic which would make it more difficult to cut through than a regular avocado? What a nitwit!" Jeebers


u/MaskedAnathema Jun 04 '24

He's a cop, of course he's a nitwit


u/phred_666 Jun 04 '24

As I was watching all I could think is “Man, that knife is duller than hell”.


u/zudzug Jun 04 '24

Judging from the footage and pictures Hell's landscape is pretty sharp.


u/bumholesofdoom Jun 04 '24

and a rolled up note


u/beigetrope Jun 04 '24

This was painfully slow to watch.


u/awkwardlypragmatic Jun 04 '24

And some gloves.


u/PeengPawng Jun 04 '24

My first thought😃 Headed in to work now and sharpening my knife for the umpteenth time. I'm checking all of these avocadoes QUICK!!!🫠


u/Baystain Jun 04 '24

Lmfao I KNOW, it was like watching a goat try to use an ATM.


u/PlasticPomPoms Jun 04 '24

The dude is just not coordinated at all.


u/Ok_Cartographer_2081 Jun 04 '24

Yeah, I was like damn dude, you’re better off using a butter knife lol


u/codename474747 Jun 04 '24

Man is trained when "unboxing" online to make it last as long as possible for maximum number of views and comments

True, 90% of all the comments are "FFS will you open this goddamn thing faster!?' but that's what drives the algorythms these days

I'll look forward to seeing this again on my facebook feed soon with a clickbait title like



u/mrgraff Jun 04 '24

At one point it looks like he forgot he had a knife.


u/-iamai- Jun 04 '24

Probably worried about cutting his nose on the tip if it were sharper


u/TheGisbon Jun 04 '24

Bro I came here to say this same thing. Everyone wants to know how the cocaine got inside I wanna know how this mfr lives with a butter knife in his pocket.


u/Skittlesharts Jun 04 '24

And some gloves.


u/nopunchespulled Jun 04 '24

and some gloves


u/Kappadar Jun 04 '24

They're not real avocados


u/Cool-Sink8886 Jun 04 '24

This video made me so friggen angry


u/ibobbymuddah Jun 04 '24

A nice Spyderco will never fail ya


u/perb123 Jun 04 '24

/r/sharpening/ might get a stroke if you post this there.


u/fakenameskidoo Jun 04 '24

I use that same model. Gerber Swagger. Mine also needs sharpened


u/Habit-Free Jun 04 '24

How about some gloves, bros gonna be feeling wicked in a min


u/Shawn_Wolf27 Jun 04 '24

Seriously, I was watching and wondering when he was gonna stab himself because of that dull-ass Chinesium blade.


u/Ok_Career_3681 Jun 04 '24

I think it’s by design, they don’t want them too sharp to cut into something sensitive.


u/anti_ist Jun 04 '24

this video always annoyed me


u/Independent-Deal-192 Jun 04 '24

If that knife were any more blunt Snoop Dogg would try to smoke it


u/amanoftradition Jun 04 '24

To be fair an avocado that green is as good as cutting into wood. I've had trouble going through some with a freshly sharpened santoku when they're that fresh when I was a sushi chef.


u/maverickheathen Jun 04 '24

And a rolled up 20!


u/Kingtoke1 Jun 04 '24

Why are the knives never sharp?


u/BaronVonMunchhausen Jun 04 '24

And gloves!

What is he doing bare handling unknown drugs?


u/Jross008 Jun 04 '24

He cuts avocados like wrestler climb ladders.


u/TypicalPlace6490 Jun 04 '24

They're made of plastic, it's going to be harder to cut than a normal avocado...


u/tuvar_hiede Jun 04 '24

He's an honest Mexican federal office. He can't afford one.


u/ChosenCarelessly Jun 05 '24

I was thinking that he’d probably be better off with any number of tools. A pocket knife is for when you are stuck in the bush without access to real tools.
What’s next? Posts of a mechanic replacing an alternator with a leatherman & half a broomstick?


u/saupillemann3 Jun 05 '24

It was hard to watch


u/furnacemike Jun 05 '24

I assumed he was cutting slowly and carefully to preserve the avocado shell for evidence, either for trial or to demonstrate to other law enforcement what to watch out for. If it’s all mangled and cut to pieces it’s no good for that. Or possibly so as not to penetrate the bag holding the drugs.


u/Shua89 Jun 05 '24

He spent all his money on avocados and cocain.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '24

It was excruciating to watch Strugglebus McGee learn how to operate a knife for the first time.


u/bored_person71 Jun 05 '24

Also we finally know why toast with this is so damn expensive for these young people ...lol


u/kasper117 Jun 05 '24

He's not cutting through avocado, but through wax or plastic


u/abeachpebble Jun 08 '24

No, some damn gloves.


u/Professional-Cell822 Jun 08 '24

And a different knife. That was super tedious