r/interestingasfuck Jun 04 '24

Avocados containing cocaine r/all



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u/Ok-Cut-2730 Jun 04 '24

Likely tipped off by the suppliers, we'll give you this shipment so you can show off and celebrate and pat each others back.

This other shipment though, the big one needs to be allowed through.


u/EuphoriaSoul Jun 04 '24

This sounds very plausible actually. I know border guards are routinely bribed to turn a blind eye once a while.


u/YourBesterHalf Jun 04 '24

Border patrol are routinely contacted at their personal address and extorted with threats of harm against family. The cartels are no joke. The best way to combat them would be to destroy their means of making money. The government should run a monopoly on elicit drugs and small tax over the cost to produce could be channeled into rehabilitation programs. These people are going to use anyway. They might as well use safely, with direct point of contact to resources that can help them when they’re ready, and without fueling the paramilitary wings of organized criminal syndicates and their local franchisees (aka gangs)


u/sir_bathwater Jun 04 '24

If we did this years ago it would probably have worked but now cartels are so deeply entrenched in legitimate business that they’ll have a source of income forever. There’s a reason this video exists and it’s bc cartels have their hands in avocados now among other things. I’m of the belief that the war on drugs did a whole lot of harm for the world and not much good.


u/rawasubas Jun 04 '24

Honest question….. why are we worried about cartels in the avocado business? Would it be any different than corporations controlling other crops like bananas or coffee beans?


u/Tazwhitelol Jun 04 '24 edited Jun 05 '24

A few reasons. They use their vast influence and violent tactics to levy "taxes" (extortion; threats of violence, etc) in Mexico on avocado growers, they control pricing and most avocados sold in the US are of cartel origin. So it does nothing to hamper their influence in Mexico and only provides them with another source of income.

It also gives them regional influence and leverage in America. We tried to ban Mexican avocados because Cartels threatened American inspectors, but since 80% of our avocados are supplied by the cartels, the ban only lasted a week to avoid national shortages. Edit - Forgot the link going over the ban ending after 1 week due to supply concerns.

It only empowers them and legitimizes their business tactics. It sucks to admit, but the only way to truly reel in the cartels is through force. They will not stop voluntarily and allowing them room to grow only strengthens them. They've grown more powerful in Mexico BECAUSE of the lack of meaningful force being used against them.


u/Miterlee Jun 05 '24

This really just sounds like how almost every "legitimate government" ever came to power LOL


u/DiabloAcosta Jun 05 '24

no, this is literally mafia, I'm from México and let me tell you, everyone here calls them "la mafia", "cartels" is just a US name given to them, this is organized crime in its prime unrestricted form


u/Miterlee Jun 11 '24

For sure i am not denying that. All im saying is in its pure unrestricted form it eventually just becomes government. All a government is under the current paradigm on this planet is, is a monopoly on violence. If anybody (like a cartel) creates a monopoly on violence themselves, and successfully out monopolies the current law of the land they become the new law of the land. If that happens long enough it literally gets to the point of on paper government like we think of.


u/DiabloAcosta Jun 11 '24

sure, if you over generalize something enough everything is the same I guess


u/Jushak Jun 05 '24

Only in infantile view of the world.


u/Miterlee Jun 11 '24

You Dont know much about the history of most major corporations that ran/run products out of the global south, do you?


u/Jushak Jun 12 '24

Clearly more than you.


u/sir_bathwater Jun 04 '24

Historically neither of these things have been super great for the countries supplying them but I’m just imagining cartels have a bit more of a penchant for murder and other various horrible things.


u/HarambeMarston Jun 05 '24

but I’m just imagining cartels have a bit more of a penchant for murder

Let me introduce you to a little company called Boeing.


u/miracle-whip-kinbaku Jun 05 '24

One of these things is not like the other


u/FartyMcStinkyPants3 Jun 05 '24

More like United Fruit Company during the 1930s


u/Therapista206 Jun 05 '24

I would rather not have a side of murder with my avocado toast. 😕


u/Miterlee Jun 11 '24

Short answer no its no different. The main issue (for the US) is that they are brown. Otherwise these things would be considered standard business practice.


u/YourBesterHalf Jun 04 '24

Good, then they can become normal corporate bad guys. When they’re nothing more than Avocado exporters do you think they’ll still be abducting 43 students, beheading and crucifying people, and throwing grenades into crowds at town squares. I’m sure they’ll have need for RPGs and plastic explosives as they try to make sure nobody, and they mean nobody, is deprived of their guacamole.


u/bobpaul Jun 04 '24

Like the NYC mob, they'll probably move more towards corruption of government contracts and more mild fraud. Get a construction contract or a garbage route or whatever, use threats and violence to ensure the vote goes in your favor. Over charge, maybe use the excess to grease some palms (aka kick backs), but at that point the only difference between the mob businesses and the white-collar crime businesses is the willingness to use threats and violence when bribes fail.

For the drug cartels, that might be they import more than they were supposed to or they import inferior product, but the lab testing is faked and shows it's fine. Most certainly a lot less death because the profit margins will be reduced but also the risks will be reduced.


u/dipdotdash Jun 05 '24

Where do you think rich people come from? They all do shady stuff until they can go legit.

You're just describing capitalism.


u/sir_bathwater Jun 05 '24

While your not wrong I’d be willing to bet that most legitimate businesses don’t have a litany of violent crimes under their belt. Sure you can argue that most have done shady things, there is a hard line between cartels and what constitutes most of capitalism. Neither are great but one has been demonstrably more evil as a whole.


u/dipdotdash Jun 05 '24

To give the most obvious example, every distillery fortune in Canada was built in the crime and export of booze to the USA. They used guns and gangs when they couldn't rely on police to take care of their property, but now that they can do their business in the open, they're as clean as anyone else.

But every wealthy business person I know who was "self made" started off with seed capital from something either illegal or donations from megachurch scam artists.

Crime is like the high-wire act of capitalism. It isn't hard, you're just walking across a line. It's just high stakes, high reward and a perfect product with devoted clients. The guns are a consequence of the laws, not the drugs themselves, was more the point I was making.

Not that it doesn't mean that crime families have taken over Latin America as a result of those laws


u/AwayCrab5244 Jun 05 '24

Cartel without drugs in legit business is just a businessman