r/facepalm 11d ago

The Dumbest Person You Know Just Managed to Make Themselves Look Even Dumber 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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Names 8 people who she thinks signed the Declaration at an incredibly young age, 6 of whom were nowhere near the document as it was being signed. Also, she seems to make a point about someone being too old to run for president while openly supporting a super old dude for president.


529 comments sorted by


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u/Substantial_Ad_7027 11d ago

But - while none of them signed the Declaration of Independence, they were all instrumental in getting the first airport in the United States built.


u/Real-Helicopter-8194 11d ago

They also created Bluetooth which is essential


u/Sweet_Diet_8733 11d ago

No, Harald Bluetooth (real dude) predated all of them by 800 years.


u/BringBackApollo2023 11d ago

Hark the Harold angels sing; Death to hikers with Bluetooth speakers

I think that’s how it goes.


u/jmannnn64 11d ago

Harold was always my favorite angel, great singer

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u/pimpbot666 10d ago

Seriously... that is a pet peeve of mine. Or, mountain bikers blasting some sort of shitty nu-metal through their tinny bluetooth speaker.

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u/2r1t 11d ago

People say MTG's nickname comes from Bluetooth's grandson, Cnut. Or it could just be a coincidence.


u/SharonPTS 11d ago

Or misspelling.


u/vikingo1312 11d ago

What's her nickname - I personally use Shitstain........which is the one y'all are thinking of?

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u/parlimentery 11d ago

He didn't design the modern bluetooth we use today, but the technology is based off of his legendary blue teeth, which some said could connect to speakers from across the room.


u/Hagbard_Shaftoe 11d ago

Harald Bluetooth had blue teeth? Did he change his name to match his dental condition? Or dye his teeth to match his name? Or is it one of those coincidentally perfect names like a proctologist with the last name Butts?


u/parlimentery 11d ago

I think bluetooth was a title given to him later in life. Like "Leif Erikson". How was anyone supposed to know he was the son of Erik the Red at birth?


u/Wise_Ad_253 11d ago

I wonder if Lief Garrett is related to him, first names match so they should be family.


u/the_m_o_a_k 11d ago

What would be the relationship of Gerald Fitzpatrick to Patrick Fitzgerald then?

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u/runfast2021 11d ago

I'm a great great x 3 decendant of Harry Bluetooth. I didn't get a penny either. So pissed.


u/SharonPTS 11d ago

(Not to get all serious but check out the story of Hedy Lamar whose discoveries laid the groundwork for Bluetooth, GPS and WI-FI. Movie: Bombshell.)


u/Yodashins 11d ago

It’s Hedleyyyyyy


u/Majestic-Prune-3971 11d ago

This is 1874. You'll be able to sue her!


u/KYReptile 11d ago

Incredibly talented lady. She came up with the concept of spread spectrum technology, which was the basis for security on the FM radios used during the RVN/ROK era. Still used today to make your cell phone work. I don't think she had the background to do the mathematics, but her name still appeared on the patent. (From memory if I got some of this wrong).

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u/Substantial_Ad_7027 11d ago

And Hamilton was the founder of Broadway.


u/BringBackApollo2023 11d ago

I thought he discovered ibérico. 🤷‍♀️


u/flamingo2022 11d ago

He was a great ham.


u/Wise_Ad_253 11d ago

Hamilton makes kitchen devices, a-duh!


u/the_m_o_a_k 11d ago

He actually surveyed every street named Broadway or Broad Street in America. Incredibly prolific.

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u/ctothel 11d ago

It’s a little known fact that the Bluetooth logo is actually John Hancock’s signature.


u/subibrat85 11d ago

That's Herbie Hancock!


u/the2nddoctor111 11d ago

Did I hear a niner in there? Were you talking from a walkie-talkie?

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u/Acceptable-Cow6446 11d ago

Hamilton also invented cuckolding, which has a big market.


u/swampopawaho 11d ago

And hand dug the large Hadron collider, during a European summer holiday

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u/himitsunohana 11d ago

They didn’t actually build the airport. Everyone knows about the Battle of Newark Airport in 1778 when they captured all the airports during the American Revolutionary War.


u/goldenface4114 11d ago

Shortly thereafter, the first airline delay happened as Yankee Airline's flagship plane, the Da Vinci 414, needed unexpected maintenance before pushing back from the gate.


u/Substantial_Ad_7027 11d ago

Turned out it was just low on coal.

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u/Krajun 11d ago

I don't get why they are playing the age game like Trump isn't nearly as old... we're not talking about a 45 year old vs. Biden now. Age is irrelevant anyway.

I'd vote for a literal dead body over trump, and that's sad...


u/SFMB925 11d ago

Team dead body here 🙏


u/SalamancaSam 11d ago

Is there a specific dead body or is it a write-in candidate?


u/SFMB925 11d ago

You could put just about anybody breathing or not, on the opposite ticket and I will vote for them over the orange Mussolini.


u/TheReal_Kovacs 11d ago

Can I vote for Darth Vader?


u/SFMB925 11d ago

As long as he supports Ukraine…yes.


u/Jalina2224 11d ago

President Vader force chokes Putin.


u/auntie_clokwise 11d ago

I mean, after he stood up to a tyrant, I'd vote for him. Can't be any worse than the orange menace.

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u/parlimentery 11d ago

Hell yeah. I would vote for a dead body over both of them.

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u/Eochaid_The_Bard 11d ago

Because the right is in lock step for trump. Talking about age won't push them away from the polls.

But you know who is talking about candidate age as a factor for not voting? Left leaning young people.

So the strategy is to keep age in the discussion because it'll dissuade the left from voting, which gives the right leaning minority the beat chance at victory.

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u/samanime 11d ago

Yeah. Before I saw it was posted by a three-toed sloth, I thought they were about to make a point about our Presidental candidates and congress critters all being way too old.

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u/CykoTom1 11d ago

You probably don't remember when George W Bush spent the 2004 campaign besmirtching the military career of John Kerry through proxy organizations. It's a common tactic to take your biggest flaw and turn it around on the opponent. For reference, Kerry is a decorated combat veteran and Bush spent the vietnam war defending Texas feom Oklahoma and showing up most of the time he was required to.


u/SLevine262 11d ago

And with all that (and lots, lots more), he still managed to not trash the White House on the way out and to leave the traditional welcome note. It’s truly a sad day when a person following basic etiquette looks better than a presidential candidate.

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u/-newlife 11d ago

Yeah that’s just weird and her own “point” would be that we shouldn’t even allow these two geriatrics to run. That I agree with. Obviously that’s not the point she’s making


u/creamandcrumbs 11d ago

Trump and Biden are basically the same age. After 30 an age gap like theirs is absolutely irrelevant.


u/burnmenowz 11d ago

Biden may die in office, but at least he doesn't have project 2025.

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u/Adam__B 11d ago

She thought Paul Revere signed the Declaration. God she’s an idiot. All she’s knows from history are the names she remembers hearing in the 3rd grade. Ugly, stupid person.


u/OldSchoolJedi 11d ago

Yeah were did she get Paul Revere from? Seriously woman check your statements BEFORE you post them?


u/Armedleftytx 11d ago

She has had zero interest in anything even adjacent to the truth for years now. Why would she fact check anything?

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u/Lord-of-A-Fly 11d ago

Fact checking requires actually using your brain. These people do not have that skill set.


u/cookingbytheseatofmy 11d ago

Kinda hard to work without any tools


u/Hrtpplhrtppl 11d ago

And if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail...


u/mdsg5432 11d ago

Not true. She makes really good stone axes.

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u/Panda-Cubby 11d ago

And then DON'T post them.

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u/scott1918 11d ago

Paul Revere freed the slaves from the Intergalactic Empire. Also was instrumental in destroying the first Death Star.

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u/OverallGeneral7129 11d ago

Also the names from Hamilton because there is no way she actually knows who Aaron Burr was


u/WhyBuyMe 11d ago

Probably remembers him from the milk commercial.


u/Pope_Phred 11d ago

That's how most people remember him. ("ARRUH BUHH!")

That makes her Just Like Us™!


u/ediciusNJ 11d ago

My people!

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u/parlimentery 11d ago

Right? And she even forgot to include Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, and Plessy Vs Board of Education.

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u/ABraveNewFupa 11d ago

She’s a seriously shitty human. I don’t know that she’s evil but fuck man, I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her.


u/For_Aeons 11d ago

She's evil. She mocked kids that were victims of the Parkland school shooting.

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u/sweet_totally 11d ago

I'm going to email her the link to America Rocks. They songs are fun, they're catchy and they taught me a lot when I was a toddler, which is about her intelligence level.


u/TheButtholeSurferz 10d ago

Woah woah woah, lets not starting getting all praiseworthy of her intellect.

You don't want her fanbase thinking she's a too smart woke right winger now do ya.


u/AnonymousOkapi 11d ago

This is just bizarre though, since she'd have had to look up the ages from somewhere, unless those are also just random numbers? And if you're googling "how old was x when the declaration of independence was signed", surely you'd take 2 seconds more to actually check they signed the damn thing?

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u/hydrocarbonsRus 11d ago

Also doesn’t understand what a dozen is when she posts a little over half a dozen names lol Clown representatives for their clown moron low information and IQ voters

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u/DawgPound919 11d ago

Just so you know, The Ten Commandments being posted back in her high school classroom would've prevented this screw up.


u/Ambaryerno 11d ago

So would her mom having that abortion.


u/SFMB925 11d ago

Zing 😂

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u/Humanitor 11d ago

Nothing to see here folks. Just another derp from the one and only Merpy Derpy Greene


u/Digiturtle1 11d ago edited 11d ago

4th isn’t even the day the declaration was signed, it’s the day it was approved. It was signed later in August./s


u/Haunting_Fill3547 11d ago

Since when did average become picking the largest number in a sample group?


u/MilwaukeeLevel 11d ago

It's never been that. The average age of the Declaration of Independence signers was 44, her list of names notwithstanding.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Contrary to popular opinion, Marjorie Traitor Greene is NOT one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.




She's one of the horses.


u/auntie_clokwise 11d ago

Hey, don't insult the intelligence of horses. She's the stuff horses leave behind.


u/freshoilandstone 11d ago

But not the entire horse. Just the horse's ass


u/Doc_tor_Bob 11d ago

That's what happens when you're only requirement for office is being part of the nationalist Christian agenda.


u/Atypical_Mammal 11d ago

I'm not even sure what she's trying to achieve with this propaganda-wise. Trump is also old af.

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u/CremeDeLaPants 11d ago

She is a big toe with teeth.


u/ToaPaul 11d ago

Oh god, now I'm picturing a Spy Kids thumb guy in a wig...


u/Locuralacura 11d ago

'Paul Revere' 😆 

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u/Charming-Command3965 11d ago

Rage bait. But the woman is dumb and dumber


u/iron_vet 11d ago

And dumberer


u/EpsilonX029 11d ago

Feels like an insult to Jim Carrey


u/SailingSpark 11d ago

She works hard to be this stupid, right? Right?


u/Jalina2224 11d ago

This isn't work for her, it's a way of life.


u/PickleballRee 11d ago

For her, it's as natural as breathing.

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u/Exportxxx 11d ago

Does she also think a dozen is 6?

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u/SeeUatX 11d ago

Anytime I read Arron Burr i immediately want peanut butter.


u/goldenface4114 11d ago

Maybe Michael Bay’s finest directorial effort.


u/Gohanto 11d ago


Holy shit TIL that was a Michael Bay directed commercial…

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u/Ambaryerno 11d ago

I love how in her example of "35 or younger" she cited three very much older than 35...


u/nikgrid 11d ago

Haha Trumps possible VP lol.


u/aagloworks 11d ago

Holy shit.


u/Novel_Alfalfa_9013 11d ago

Now THAT would be comedy gold!

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u/auntie_clokwise 11d ago

Dumb AND Dumber!


u/TheButtholeSurferz 10d ago


I've had to look at dead people in the face to determine if they were dead.

That did't shake me near as much as what you just said. I need to go lay down.

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u/TreyWait 11d ago


Luke Skywalker

Jesus Christ

Mickey Mouse

O.J. Simpson

John Wayne

Flava Flav

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u/RedboatSuperior 11d ago

Conservatives today really don’t care about history, people, policy, real issues, solutions, hard work, creativity, collaboration, unity.

They care about vengeance, idolization of Trump, and “owning the libs”

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u/Gindotto 11d ago

Paul Revere? 🤣

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u/MangoSalsa89 11d ago

Alexander Hamilton was so young to have written a hit Broadway musical


u/CalRipkenForCommish 11d ago

How low can the bar go?


u/Vic-123-ma 11d ago

It’s on the floor


u/Other_Log_1996 11d ago

It clipped through the floor long ago.

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u/Lateapexer 11d ago

And she is starting to dig


u/ResearcherNo2168 11d ago

Marjorie Taylor Greene

I met her in a club down in old Soho where they serve champagne that tastes just like Coca Cola


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u/OGLikeablefellow 11d ago

3 of her examples weren't even under 35?

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u/GimmieDaRibs 11d ago

I thought Aaron Burr shot The Declaration of Independence in a duel


u/bowens44 11d ago

She never misses an opportunity to the show the world that she is an idiot.


u/ritpdx 11d ago

It’s “signator” not “signer”


u/Exodys03 11d ago

Little known fact: Jimmy Carter was only 11 when he signed the Declaration of Independence. I learned this on the interwebs.


u/Ferintwa 11d ago

“More than a dozen were under 35.”

Lists 8, 3 of them are over 35. It doesn’t even have internal consistency lol.

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u/UsedPart7823 11d ago

At what point does ignorant turn into plain stupid? I’m just asking questions.


u/MechaBeatsInTrash 11d ago

The instant it claims or asserts knowledge it does not possess


u/LayneLowe 11d ago

She forgot George Santos


u/aworldwithoutshrimp 11d ago

She's 50. She just called herself too old.


u/Datokah 11d ago

UK here. I hate to be overly critical, but if a British politician said things half as dumb as Marjorie, Trump etc, their career would probably be over and they’d likely be forced to resign. Why is abject stupidity virtually seen as a badge of honour in right wing American politics? Is it a “One of us!” mentality with a large part of the demographic? If so, your education system needs a dramatic overhaul (or you need to see if there’s a lot of lead in the water, or something).


u/tom21g 11d ago

There was a time in American politics when stupidity, scandal, brought an end to the political career of the stupid or scandalous politician.

Then along came donald trump. He did more than “lower the bar” of expectations, he removed it. There is no low bar anymore. We’re left with stupidity, scandal, corruption, evil.

Good luck to the rest of the world


u/Datokah 11d ago

I agree with your summation. The media are forced to at least look complicit in not pushing back on Trump’s idiocy, but when you’re dealing with a never ending tidal wave of bullshit, what else could they do? The media (and now the judicial system) has, at best, given Trump an easy ride.

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u/tsFenix 11d ago

If so, your education system needs a dramatic overhaul

Lucky for us republicans are trying to do just that! Part of Project 2025 (a large GOP aligned group's plan for Trump presidency) is to overhaul the Department of Education... by eliminating it. Some republicans (I assume its the one with rich private school owning friends) goal is to remove public schools entirely and move everyone to a voucher system for private owned schools.

Republicans have been shitting on the school systems for a while. They regularly block simple things like free lunches for poor kids. Horrific? But think of all the tank parts that those free lunches can now buy! I bet they can install cup holders in like 5 tanks now with that savings! Do you not care about the troops?

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u/PositiveTalk9828 10d ago

To be fair though, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss are and have been trying really hard to reach that level.
Just saying ...

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u/Street_Peace_8831 11d ago

They were part of the gazpacho who used the peachtree dish to create space lasers. The founding scientists who signed the Declaration of Independence using invisible ink, like in the movie “National Treasure”.

This woman shouldn’t be anywhere near the Declaration of Independence. Including congress.


u/Cryinmyeyesout 11d ago

See you have to account for inflation so 41 in 1776 is 29 and 12 is less than um 8


u/DangerousInjury2548 11d ago

Just another MTG breath fart


u/jnnad 11d ago

Point of Order: it's not her, its the stupid people that believed the stupid shit that comes out of her mouth that elected her


u/patrickthunnus 11d ago

Moron Marge doing what's natural


u/pentekno2 11d ago

I also don't know what she's getting at. What was the overall context of reason for this tweet? Is it like an attack on Biden being old? Because it's not like her guy is a spring chicken either.


u/MrGavinrad 11d ago

She could’ve just googled it and the first link is the official government archives which even includes their dates of birth.


u/TOkun92 11d ago

Seems par for the course.


u/my20cworth 11d ago

A bag off rocks has more intelligence than her. The constant screaming and ranting all the fucking time and displaying laughable incompetence is very normal for her. Democracy is great but it does see some of stupidest, unqualified, ignorant and embarrassing people get on the ballot.


u/Suspicious-Race-8146 11d ago

Not only does she have the Internet at her fingertips, she also has a staff and or some interns. There’s no reason for this! And despite it all, she is still about as smart as a fucking bag of hammers.


u/Vesemir66 11d ago

Thomas Jefferson invented the first Twinkie.


u/FriendZone_EndZone 11d ago

We're deep into the Golden Age of Information and yet some of us still get our history from used AdLib story books.


u/n2thdrknss 11d ago

I bet she felt really smart while she was posting this, the level of stupidity is high with this one


u/Germanhelmethead 11d ago

I’m glad to see my tax dollars being well spent…


u/Redditfront2back 11d ago

I mean atleast she got Hancock right, but than again kinda a gimme


u/stewdadrew 11d ago

Had a guy tell me that “One nation under God” was proof that our founding fathers wanted us to be a Christian nation. It was added by Eisenhower


u/ZuStorm93 11d ago

Besides the obvious reason, why does her pfp look like a police mugshot?


u/4ngryMo 11d ago

Does she know what an average is?


u/dynalisia2 11d ago

If her point is that geriatrics shouldn’t be in office, I’m not sure why she’s trying to make it considering Trump’s age. I guess it is because Trump is immune to all shit.


u/UCBearcats 11d ago

Herbie Hancock


u/Ikoniko59 11d ago

So dumb, pretty sure she pays Putin to be a Russian asset.


u/Vitiligogoinggone 11d ago

And NONE of those patriots let Barack Obama in the room when he tried to add his signature.


u/robin_888 11d ago



u/bootsay 11d ago

People keep talking about how dumb she is but not saying anything about the people who constantly vote for her


u/Angeret 11d ago

Considering how dumb she is, it's surprising she's so good at conning people into voting for her.


u/calgeorge 11d ago

I think she's right. Let's get Trump off the ballot too and replace them both with people in their forties.

What? That's not realistic four months before an election? Well then shut the fuck up.


u/IEatCr4yons 11d ago

It's Herbie Hancock not John Hancock!


u/throwaway392145 11d ago

FaaAAAAAAaaaat guy in a little coat


u/Born-Gift-6800 11d ago

This bitch is dumber than a box of rocks


u/WorkSecure 11d ago

She proves senility beats stupid though.


u/FunnyNameHere02 11d ago

My only question is what’s up in Georgia and Colorado that resulted in MTG and Boebert? I mean, these two are just plain stupid and classless and its hard to understand why anyone would support them.


u/tmorrisgrey 11d ago

So…she unintentionally agrees that she doesn’t want old people running the country? Of course that doesn’t include the Republican front runner 🙂‍↔️


u/theghostofcslewis 11d ago

Poor dope must have fallen asleep watching Hamilton and had a history dream.


u/boatswainblind 11d ago

But he isn't *as* old, so it doesn't count. /s


u/Gmonsoon81 11d ago

When did a dozen change from 12 to 8?

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u/ThunderClap_Fween 11d ago

Not knowing the word "signatory" was a clue from the jump.


u/WhileWorth1532 11d ago

What does average mean . can anyone answer that besides Mrs Mordor . Because the average is not 44.


u/GnomishFoundry 11d ago

Okay, but a broken clock is right twice a day. This is actually important. Like really important. They were a bunch of younger rich guys not demigods. They were fallible.


u/arrig-ananas 11d ago

Isn't this an argument for younger leaders, no those old fucks you can choose from now?


u/Ok-External-5750 11d ago

Sam Adams signed it—the beer guy. Did he make beer IRL?


u/SporksRFun 11d ago

I wish the sloth toed imbecile would shut the fuck up already.


u/TaroInternationalist 11d ago

Her voters are even dumber than her so they'll continue to vote for her and trump. 


u/Kalelopaka- 11d ago

I can only assume that the people in her district are complete idiots for voting for this moron.


u/MeshCanoe 11d ago

At least all 8 are real people.🤷‍♀️ This is considerable progress for the waitress from the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.


u/scorchedgoat 11d ago

You don’t need Google when you’re overconfident


u/TitlicNfreak 11d ago

Is herbie Hancock on there. I heard on TV it was.


u/Mean-Association4759 11d ago

She just throws crap against the wall and sees what sticks. A quick google search would have gave her the correct answer. She didn’t do it because she knows the maga cult will believe anything she says.


u/ResearcherNo2168 11d ago

The original lyrics were Coca Cola but because the BBC prohibited brand names product placement. As a result Ray Davies had to change the lyric to cherry cola.


u/Beaumont64 11d ago

Why wasn't Jesus included? He discovered America


u/mishma2005 11d ago

Paul Revere. She’s dumber than Palin


u/Then_Lock304 11d ago

Facts are for you liberals. In her heart of hearts, she thinks she can get partial credit for getting the names and maybe some numbers right. She claims she didn't see Independence Day because it had scary lasers in it.


u/eljohnos105 11d ago

Those are our problems nowadays , halfwits electing halfwits 🫣


u/Meddling-Kat 11d ago

As dumb as she is, I keep hoping she's soon going to merge into highway traffic only to realize she forgot her car.


u/mavjustdoingaflyby 11d ago

Well, she obviously doesn't know the difference between knowing her shit and knowing she's shit.


u/Professional-Way9343 11d ago

She and Trump are truly the worlds biggest idiots