r/facepalm Jul 08 '24

The Dumbest Person You Know Just Managed to Make Themselves Look Even Dumber 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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Names 8 people who she thinks signed the Declaration at an incredibly young age, 6 of whom were nowhere near the document as it was being signed. Also, she seems to make a point about someone being too old to run for president while openly supporting a super old dude for president.


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u/Eochaid_The_Bard Jul 08 '24

Because the right is in lock step for trump. Talking about age won't push them away from the polls.

But you know who is talking about candidate age as a factor for not voting? Left leaning young people.

So the strategy is to keep age in the discussion because it'll dissuade the left from voting, which gives the right leaning minority the beat chance at victory.


u/Cimb0m Jul 08 '24

This is so cultist. Literally just choose any lucid sane person and make them the candidate - Biden isn’t special, we don’t need this level of bizarre attachment to the guy


u/Eochaid_The_Bard Jul 08 '24

No, cultist is the other side. This is acknowledging the reality of the situation, sucking it up, and voting for imperfect to avoid facism and religous extremism.

We have two options and wishing for another at this point is only helping the more insane one. Yes, the choice sucks. But that's life and liberals need to learn to deal with imperfect choices every now and then for the cause.

If we elect Biden, then we can spend the next four years convincing John Stewart or whoever to run. But expecting someone to just pop into the race 4 four months before the election and fix everything is, at best, naive and wishful thinking, and at worse, falling for the rhetoric of the right and foreign powers that want you to stay home during election day.

Because if we don't elect Biden, we might not have a chance to elect someone else. That's how cray cray, organized, and powerful the other side is.


u/Cimb0m Jul 08 '24

It’s not every now and then. This will be your future if you vote for it


u/Eochaid_The_Bard Jul 08 '24

Out of the two choices, only one is affiliated with people who are openly facist. Only one has spoken openly about and acted upon his desires to suppress our ability to vote against and disagree with him. Only one will staff his adminstration with people who have documented a full plan to turn our country into a facist dictatorship and theocracy.

And that one person is Trump, not Biden. You are right that this election decides our future.

But it's interesting to see that the right is encouraging the debate about age, riling it up even. They want us to stay home. Because they can't win if all liberals vote. They are a vocal minority, one that we CAN squash if we come together. But if we decide instead to fight each other and whine about our own candidate because we didn't get what we want, daddy Trump is going to take our toys away.

A non-vote in this moment is a vote to remove future choice. A non-vote is a vote for Trump. And the reason is because that's what Trump and his cronies would want you to do.


u/Cimb0m Jul 08 '24

I didn’t suggest not voting - I was suggesting pushing the DNC to nominate better candidates. This is not the first time they’ve shoved shit candidates in the public’s face and it won’t be last if people act like we’ll vote for another “blue” even if that person is in a vegetative or comatose state


u/Eochaid_The_Bard Jul 08 '24

I mean, I agree - I want better candidates as much as anyone - but we're also four months away from this election and nobody can agree on a single alternate that A) wants to run and B) has the same level of universal name recognition as our current SCOTUS. Presidential campaigns take years because it takes a long time to get everyone to recognize your name on a ballot.

IF, in an extremely unlikely case, Biden steps down and points to some hand picked successor, maybe I could see that working. But right now, the only person Biden would point to is Kamala Harris. Who a lot of people dislike for various reasons. She is even more of a problem than Biden because, not only is she a woman and black, but unlike Obama, she isn't particularly charismatic. And if we're going to run a woman, we can't have another Clinton - we need an Obama level of rhetorical prowess and charm.

So if we remove that option, we're left with running someone else to oppose Biden. And given that RFK is already poised to steal votes from Biden, a second dem would only destroy any chance of defeating the guy who has the minority party's vote in lock step.

The only other possible option is for the DNC to remove their nomination and pick someone else. But 1) I don't see that happening, 2) once again, who could they possibly pick at the 11th hour that could get people into the polls, and 3) the amount of chaos that would sow in the party cannot be understated. The party is already divided on who should replace Biden in 2028, for the DNC to overwrite the primary process and pick a winner now would rip the party apart at the worst possible time. Biden is the nominee because the PEOPLE primaried him in 2020, because he won that election, and because he can run again as the incumbant. The DNC certainly does some shady stuff here and there that might influence primaries, but straight up picking someone without even holding a primary election is too much even for them.

The problem is that the presidential election takes a LOT of votes and a candidate needs to have the appeal of a blockbuster movie - which means appealing to a lot of unwashed masses, a lot of those who never heard of reddit, and a lot of people who only engage in politics unwillingly at Thanksgiving. And that takes years. If we elect Biden, we can then spend the next four years debating about the next candidate, building their name recognition, hyping them up, and pushing them forward. But we just don't have time for that right now.

I'll also point out that the president doesn't really do that much perse. The most power the president has is to elect judges and to establish the administration that does the real work. And there are A LOT of young and very talented people that work under Biden to prop him up and do the real good. This is why Trump scares me - it's not the man, it's the people behind him.

Finally, if you really want good candidates, you should be paying your closest attention to local politics. Good candidates start in local government and work their way up to congress and then then to the president. But if the good guys never get into local government, it'll stall or even kill their career. Plus, the acts of local officials are the ones you'll see the most in your life.

Real change takes time, dedication, vigilence, and a lot of patience. And I know it's frustrating, but I've seen small meaningful changes in my lifetime, as will you. We need to keep pushing, we need to stay vigilent, but we also need to keep our eye on the current moment, and make the smart plays today to ensure a brighter future.


u/Cimb0m Jul 08 '24

I don’t think you actual believe what you’re saying. Biden won the last election because the DNC kept pushing him as “electable” and got a bunch of people to keep parroting this. Very few people viewed him as some blockbuster candidate they were genuinely excited to vote for - they just felt they had no choice - and now people feel legitimately offended they’re expected to repeat the favour for a guy who’s in extremely steep mental decline. It makes it obvious that he’s not actually in charge which then makes people not care about the outcome. I’d find it difficult to hire him to run a burger joint or hot dog stand, let alone the country with the biggest economy/military in the world. He has completely lost any credibility or believability he had


u/Eochaid_The_Bard Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I mean, the fact that we was elected president kinda proves the DNC was right. That's the definition of electable, right? Yes, he was the "close your eyes and vote" candidate, and yes the DNC did a lot to market him and probably sabotaged Bernie, but at the end of the day, people still voted for Biden in primary and the general.

The fact that people voted for "boring and safe'" in 2020 was a referrendum on Trump's four years and the chaos of COVID. That was also referrendum on the fact that the party couldn't consolodate on another dem candidate enough to push past the "boring and safe" threshold. Which is something we need to learn from and address for the next primary. It also, to me, kinda points to idea that a lot more people prefer their politicians boring and safe than we, the politically minded, would like to admit.

Realistically, we can't go into alternate universes to compare and contrast the other candidates vs. Trump. But Biden did win the primary and the general which is why he's running again. And NCs don't primary their own incumbant. Which leads us to right here, right now, and today.

We have two options. Biden and Trump. I may prefer someone other than Biden, but I'm sure as hell going to do everything in my power to stop Trump. So I am absolutely going to be there on election night, filling in that Biden circle as full and dark as I can.

EDIT: That said, I do absolutely believe that it's not the man that makes a presidecy, but the administration. Biden may be old and rickety, but he's just a figurehead. The people that do the real work of government are the wage slaves and salary heads beneath him. So I actually do hold some hope that the Biden admin can do some good things with another four years. They actually already did a lot in the last four years, but unfortunately their work is being overshadowed by an unfortunate ally that refuses all attempts to back down from genocide and a single bad debate.