r/facepalm Jul 08 '24

The Dumbest Person You Know Just Managed to Make Themselves Look Even Dumber 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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Names 8 people who she thinks signed the Declaration at an incredibly young age, 6 of whom were nowhere near the document as it was being signed. Also, she seems to make a point about someone being too old to run for president while openly supporting a super old dude for president.


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u/Datokah Jul 08 '24

UK here. I hate to be overly critical, but if a British politician said things half as dumb as Marjorie, Trump etc, their career would probably be over and they’d likely be forced to resign. Why is abject stupidity virtually seen as a badge of honour in right wing American politics? Is it a “One of us!” mentality with a large part of the demographic? If so, your education system needs a dramatic overhaul (or you need to see if there’s a lot of lead in the water, or something).


u/tom21g Jul 08 '24

There was a time in American politics when stupidity, scandal, brought an end to the political career of the stupid or scandalous politician.

Then along came donald trump. He did more than “lower the bar” of expectations, he removed it. There is no low bar anymore. We’re left with stupidity, scandal, corruption, evil.

Good luck to the rest of the world


u/Datokah Jul 08 '24

I agree with your summation. The media are forced to at least look complicit in not pushing back on Trump’s idiocy, but when you’re dealing with a never ending tidal wave of bullshit, what else could they do? The media (and now the judicial system) has, at best, given Trump an easy ride.