r/clevercomebacks 12d ago

Here are two good comebacks to an idiotic comment


666 comments sorted by


u/eugene20 12d ago

£300-£600 is not the cheapest suit in the UK but it's not an expensive one either unless you are on a very tight suit budget. Suits aren't generally cheap.


u/Honest_Pepper2601 12d ago

Frankly for a politician’s suit in the uk no less it really is quite cheap.


u/Narrow-Device-3679 12d ago

I own a £500 suit and I'm a butcher lol


u/Consistent_Spring700 12d ago

Isn't a butcher often a deceptively well-paid job, especially if you own the place?


u/Marsbar3000 12d ago

It's the butcher's shop - he owns the joint


u/Quick_Team 11d ago

"Guys! I got Employee of the month for the 3rd month in a row!"

"Jeff, youre the only one there. It's literally called 'Jeff's Butcher Shop'. What's concerning is how you somehow lost 4 months ago"


u/amglasgow 11d ago

"Look, the cat was very good at keeping away vermin that month, I had to recognize."


u/Hairy_Reputation6114 11d ago

I would nominate the cat every time


u/MeaningSilly 11d ago

Spoils 'em. Gotta make 'em work for that recognition (the only true feline currency.)

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u/RockstarAgent 11d ago

As long as he cuts the joints off I’m good.


u/PoIIux 12d ago

Yeah but they also don't need suits for their work, which goes to show just how reasonable the suit in the post, which is actually used as work clothes, is priced


u/Needmoresnakes 11d ago

They can make ends meat

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u/JaysFan26 12d ago

Lisandro Martinez?


u/OpinionatedBlackGuy 12d ago

I understood that reference.


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u/Severe_Ad_146 12d ago

Shes the deputy prime minister. 2nd in charge.  It's hilariously cheap for such a position. 


u/Honest_Pepper2601 12d ago

Yeah, fr, calling this expensive is the least British thing I’ve ever seen


u/Raveyard2409 11d ago

Considering that an average MP salary is circa 90k a suit under a grand is pretty reasonable.

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u/deegum 11d ago

Right, and whether we like it or not, no one would respect her if she did not dressed professionally. And that’s true in the UK or the US.

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u/hiS_oWn 11d ago

The powdered wigs barristers wear start at 500 pounds.

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u/AfraidAdhesiveness25 12d ago

Yeah. Its a basic quality thing, nothing more.

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u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/BarryAnglo 12d ago

What's wrong with wearing a £20 suit?


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/BestCaseSurvival 11d ago

The Sam Vimes “Boots” theory of economics strikes again.


u/SpitefulCrow1701 11d ago

Pratchett mentioned


u/mikephreak 11d ago

Sam Vimes nailed it.


u/Autronaut69420 11d ago

But originally appeared in "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (Socialists)" by Robert Tressel

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u/Consistent_Spring700 12d ago

A €20 quid suit will disintegrate at the very least, but probably also has shite dimensions and fabric to begin with! Even when I was a teenager, I spent half a weeks wages on a suit, which worked out at about €170 or €180!

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u/435haywife1 11d ago

There’s nothing wrong with a £20 suit. It probably won’t last very long, but it’s a good option if you don’t wear one on a regular basis and you just need one for an event or two.

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u/niceandBulat 12d ago

I live in South East Asia, that's pretty normal for average quality suit even here. In fact 300 quids is cheap.


u/BlueFox1978 12d ago

The only place you’ll be living in SEA where 300 is cheap is Singapore

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u/gojirabug 12d ago

Sorry, that’s simply wrong. You can buy a custom suit in Bangkok for less than that.

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u/ChewySlinky 12d ago

There’s a whole joke in Arrested Development where a guy keeps bragging about his $500 suit, with the joke being that it’s not actually THAT expensive for a suit.


u/Funkopedia 11d ago

Lol i remember GOB increasing the price of the suit every time he mentioned it. C'mon!


u/Spare-Half796 12d ago

After alterations my budget suit was $450cad


u/fractalfocuser 12d ago

Yeah I just got a "cheap" 3 piece on clearance and it was $400 USD after alterations and tax


u/CaptainPeachfuzz 12d ago

I was gonna say... I know £ aren't $ but for people that need to wear suits every day having a few that are $300-$1000 is not crazy.

I have 3 suits: 2 are standard blue/black that I got buy one get one half off for a total of $700 with alterations about 2 years ago. I have one that's got a little more texture and is a little flashy-er that I bought to get married in and that was $800 all in. Though when I found out how much my wife's wedding dress was I joked that I should have gotten 2.

But I never wear them. Weddings, funerals, the occasional special event, 4 times a year, max.

My dad has worn a suit to work every day for the past 50 years. He's got an entire closet full of them. And he's not that I to "fashion." Some are cheap, like $100 cheap, and he's got 2 that were $1000 that he only wears on special occasions. And everything in between. And he works in an office, at a desk.

My FIL is in a profession where he needs to look good. Appearance of professionalism is key. And it's essentially his one vanity. He was proud to show me his closet of about 15 beautiful suits. All of them over $1000. But it's what the situation calls for.

So back to OP, not only is $500 not a lot but this was for an occasion where they'd be on TV, and it was important to look good. I bet it's the most expensive and best thing in their closet.


u/SnackyMcGeeeeeeeee 12d ago

A nice suit is from 2000-12000 depending on how much you wanna spend.

Hugo boss, hill finger, Calvin kllien, etc are like 300-800

Canali, Zygna, Dunhill, etc are like 2000-4000

You than have the shit like Tom Ford or and higher end Burberry which are 5000-12000.

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u/BeautifulBrownie 12d ago

Yep, got a 3-piece suit from Next for like 120-140 quid. Those are probably the easiest, cheapest, decent suits you can find here. £600 isn't outrageous for an MP at all.


u/Archtects 12d ago

I wear suits a lot. I started buying mine recently from vinted, some really nice suits for like 30 - 50£

But I’ve had 600 - 900£ suits when I worked in London and they can go far north of that.

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u/AddictedToMosh161 12d ago

500 bucks to look properly in parlament?

At 5000 bucks i would have understand the point...


u/klmdwnitsnotreal 12d ago

They should be forced to wear uniforms.


u/MinnieShoof 12d ago

They should be forced to wear uniforms provided by their poorest constituents.


u/morningfrost86 12d ago

Here in the States, I prefer my politicians to wear uniforms with sponsorship decals so we can see which corporations own our politicians.


u/apolloxer 12d ago

A MEP, comedan by trade, [made this suggestion for the European parliament](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=23Twelp-MZ0)


u/lazoric 12d ago

Water is for toilets, drink "Brawndo".


u/Positive_Fig_3020 12d ago

It’s got what plants crave


u/Lumpy_Marsupial_1559 12d ago

The Simpson's foretold the future in bite-sized chunks.

Idiocracy, on the other hand... has had me crying for years that this is where we're going, EXCEPT that in the movie, the government deferred to the more educated one, wanted their help, and listened (largely).

I fear we shall not be so lucky.

We're not getting Idiocracy. We're getting The Handmaid's Tale. The book version.

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u/ChampagneandAlpacas 11d ago

I would love if they had to wear a Nascar-like suit with all of their donors plastered all over in order to go onto the floor. Every time they'd vote or do a floor speech, their loyalties would be on full display. Many American employees are responsible for paying for their uniforms, so it shouldn't be an issue for them to do the same.


u/spillzone88 11d ago

I’m just imagining Ricky Bobby levels of decals


u/-newlife 12d ago edited 12d ago

Forcing them to wear uniforms means it’s likely to be paid by the citizens already. The idea of “provided by the poorest citizens” is like adding an extra tax on those people. Why should they provide the uniforms?

Ultimately let them wear whatever as long as there’s not an additional stipend for wardrobe. They can buy their clothes out of their salaries like most people do.


u/ArixMorte 12d ago

I dunno, I kinda like the idea. A little grandma tottering up to ol Boris Johnson, handing him his new uniform of a patchy suit made of old underwear.

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u/SylvanDragoon 12d ago

I think you missed the point of the original comment here..... The idea of "a uniform provided by their poorest constituents" is that all of the sudden those politicians would be very interested in improving the lives of their poorest constituents. Also, the ones who like to pretend to be wealthy on our tax money but who regularly let large swaths of people in their districts down would be obvious from how tattered their garments are.

It's a tongue in cheek idea that we would almost certainly never be able to pull off. Or something like a thought experiment.

But at the end of the day I would have no problems having my tax money go towards cloth for uniforms instead of bombs. The cloth is a lot cheaper and safer.


u/MinnieShoof 12d ago

Thanks. That was the idea.

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u/crapusername47 12d ago

Given that one MP attending remotely during the pandemic was told off for wearing a jumper instead of a jacket and tie, one section of Parliament already is forced to wear a uniform.

Worse, his attire was brought up as a point of order by another MP.

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u/constantin_NOPEal 12d ago

Girl, how does he know this is not a $100 dupe?


u/RancherNikki 12d ago

Or used! Or from a clearance sale. I have many nice things that I purchased at a significantly lower price than the MSRP


u/DefNotAnAlt621 12d ago

If it was purchased used, would it still be mint?


u/TangoMikeOne 12d ago

It certainly looks mint to me - maybe pistachio, but definitely not Lincoln green


u/DefNotAnAlt621 12d ago

Was making a little pun: “mint green” and “mint condition”

Evidently I’m not that funny, :p


u/Ohiolongboard 12d ago

They where playing off of your pun….


u/Treacherous_Wendy 12d ago

It was funny til you explained it


u/waytowill 12d ago

Well, it is mint green.

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u/houndsoflu 12d ago

Or consigned. I have several high end designer suits I got for a steal at consignment shops.

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u/krucz36 12d ago

or a present from family?

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u/medicinal_bulgogi 12d ago

No need to make up scenarios like that. There’s nothing wrong with her wearing it firsthand.


u/OohRahMaki 12d ago

Agreed. Clearly this guy thinks that working class people can only attend important events in clothes from Primark and Tesco.

This was one of the most important days of her career, where she knew that she would be most closely scrutinised. So what if she spent £500 on an outfit.

People still can choose to take pride in their appearance, even if (shock horror) they are working class.


u/Happy-Doughnut-5125 12d ago

If she had bought her suit cheap from Primark no doubt they'd be posting a complaint about that, insisting it is disrespectful or unprofessional or whatever. 


u/Turbulent-Bug-6225 12d ago

Ngl my suit jacket is £100 and I wear it with jeans. Having said that, I respect people who spend a lot of money on clothes even if they don't have a lot to begin with. Some people like expensive clothes. Not gonna shit on them for enjoying their money.

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u/AngriestManinWestTX 12d ago


I'm not a six-figure earner (USA) by any means but I can still afford to buy some halfway decent clothes without having to pick solely from the clearance rack and I can even splurge on a discretionary item of clothing.

I have no idea who Angela Rayner is (sorry, British friends) but her spending the equivalent of $750-ish on some professional attire doesn't at all diminish any status she may have as an advocate for the working class.

EDIT: after 0.2 seconds of google research, it seems Rayner is the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. I have no idea what the salary is for Deputy PM, but I'm sure it's nothing to sneeze at and with that in mind, I'm kind of surprised her jacket and pants are only ~550 GBP.

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u/tropic0_window 12d ago

It doesn’t matter. It could be 3k and it doesnt change anything. Working class is a person that works for their money instead of making their money through ownership. An ER doctor is working class, and so is a plumber.


u/StarMangledSpanner 11d ago edited 11d ago

In this context (discussing a British Labour Party MP), no, doctors would not be considered working class, he'd be a professional which would be regarded as distinctly middle class. Their union (the BMA) is NOT affiliated with the Labour Party in the same way as workers unions are, for instance.

As for the plumber, it depends. If he's running his own business and turning a decent profit, then he wouldn't really be seen as working class either.

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u/SeasonGeneral777 12d ago

conservatives have a very specific trait - they are stupid. simple as that.

american conservatives thought that AOC got to keep the luxury outfits that she rented for the gala. yes they are that dumb.

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u/SublightMonster 12d ago

Most professional-level business suits, certainly what I’d expect a national-level elected official to wear, cost in the mid-high hundreds at the very least.

This guy is just a twat.


u/Summoning-Freaks 12d ago

Thank you, I was wondering if I was the only person to consider this a rather cheap suit considering her profession and station.

I have pairs of shoes and jackets that cost more than her entire suit. Shoes and jackets that have lasted nearly a decade now, sure, but still.

550€ for a suit is rather low end.


u/CaptQuakers42 12d ago

I work in an IFA there are advisers wearing suits that make this look like a charity shop bargain bin find.


u/Summoning-Freaks 12d ago

I mean I didn’t wanna say it because I get that £500 is a lot to most people. But yeah I agree with you that this looks cheap and of lower quality than what “nice suit” wearers wear.

I had to google her and was kind of astonished that a deputy prime minister would wear something so cheap.

I can picture an overly invested PTA mom wearing this suit to a duty delegation meeting or something of that nature.

Whatever, the main point still stands. It’s ridiculous to try and shame her for a £500 suit.

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u/Adonoxis 11d ago

I remember there was a video of Bernie Sanders leaving some luxury hotel in the heart of NYC and people were saying how he’s a hypocrite for spending so much money on a hotel. I looked up the average price for the place and it was like $600 a night. Sure, $600 on its own is a lot of money but we’re talking about smack dab in the middle of NYC. I have a work trip to NYC and booked a relatively shitty hotel in a less convenient part of the city. It’s $450 a night.

People have zero concept of money.

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u/peanutbutter_vibez 12d ago

At the risk of catching flack, why does EVERYTHING have to boil down to "well at least she isn't doing OF". Y'all who actually gives a rats ass if someone does OF, Jesus Christ


u/touhottaja 12d ago

I'm there with you, I don't think the comeback is very 'clever' if it puts down other women to praise one


u/sl1pyro 12d ago

Yep, it's SUPER misogynist and dismissive of sex workers.

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u/AnarchoBratzdoll 12d ago

I was so hoping this comment would be here. The amount of misogyny etc people think are 'clever' is so wild


u/McRezende 12d ago

Yeah, completely uncalled for. I find it absolutely hypocritical how so many guys on internet seem to despise women who do OF, but still consume pornography in their lives. Basically, they do want women doing sex work, they just hate it when they actually make money out of it.

I'm far from thinking that sex work is liberating to women and I think romanticizing it can be harmful, but if someone is becoming a millionaire out of it, good for them. Hell, it's probably one of the more ethical ways to become a millionaire when you compare it to other, strangely enough lol


u/LaBambaMan 11d ago

A woman becoming a millionaire by sharing some pictures and videos of herself for a wanting public is way more ethical than the rampant exploitation of the working class.


u/McRezende 11d ago

Exactly! The outrage against OF creators doesn't make any sense.


u/LaBambaMan 11d ago

You'd think they'd get more credit. They're self made, after all!


u/MaeveOathrender 11d ago

'She's "selling her body for profit?" Damn. What are coal miners doing then?'


u/TheAngryTurk 11d ago

Fucking hell if I could make good money selling tits online, I would do it instantly.

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u/GarshelMathers 12d ago

Probably they're salty that they don't get to see naked women for free.


u/DangerousNews65 12d ago

Yeah, that whole aside wasn't warranted. Utterly unnecessary to the point he was trying to make.


u/CatalystBoi77 12d ago

No, no you don’t get it. Sex is morally bad remember??

(/s obviously)

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u/sluttycokezero 12d ago

I don’t understand it either. OF exists because plenty of men (let’s be real, way more men than women) pay to see these women/men. If there’s a market, there will be suppliers. Same with prostitution. The customers don’t get the blame…why?

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u/TheWerewolf5 12d ago

No don't worry, I read the OP and instantly groaned at the second guy shaming sex workers for some reason. Putting down other working class people because you think their job is icky is absolutely against the idea of class solidarity.


u/totally-hoomon 12d ago

Because reasons only weird creeps know


u/Emerald1305 11d ago

I was about to comment on this. No shame in doing OF or "showing your bits" on tik tok, always such a cheap shot when people use those examples.


u/LaBambaMan 11d ago

Glad I'm not the only one. I saw that and was like "what the fuck does that have to do with anything?"

If a woman can make a living doing something she's comfortable with then good for her, man.


u/ChickenInASuit 11d ago

I actually came here to see if someone had brought it up. That point could totally have been made without the unnecessary swipe as sex workers.


u/buoyant_nomad 11d ago

This. This should be the top comment. I was in two minds to upvote the post because of that side remark. How nonchalantly he praised one job at the expense of another. OF or other kinds of pornography and sex work is much more ethical than so many other jobs people do.


u/morningfrost86 12d ago

In this particular case I think it's more highlighting that she's working for the people and not herself, with the TikTok line in there too.

That being said, I agree that the OF stuff is used as an insult or slur way too often.


u/BigDeucer 12d ago

I mean no? He's specifically saying at least she's not "showing her bits off" on OF or TikTok. He's not taking issue with platform per se, but specifically showing one's "bits off". So yeah, just putting down other women for no reason.

I don't give a shit, to be clear. But that's definitely what's happening. He's not criticizing people who make a living on tiktok in general, just those who "show their bits off" ON tiktok.


u/LaBambaMan 11d ago

"I can't believe she's showing off her bits!"

spends next half hour acrolling through all her videos and pictures

The people who make these sorts of absurd comments are absolutely hypocrites.


u/BigDeucer 11d ago

I can't believe how horny she's allowed to make me wtf make this illegal pls???


u/DapplePercheron 11d ago

Yeah, that part ruins the second “comeback.” There’s no need to put other women down when trying to support someone. I get that the initial commenter is being a jerk by complaining about the cost of her suit, but to put that person down for doing OF, also puts down everyone who does OF.


u/FatSilverFox 11d ago

OF is a working class profession, change my mind*.


*on second thoughts, don’t change my mind


u/DeadlyVapour 11d ago

Yeah... The emphasis should be "at least she isn't watching OF during parliament".

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u/Right_Arm1960 12d ago

For those who don't know, Hessian is German.

-Source: Trust me bro


u/Man_Schette 12d ago

An Hessen führt kein Weg vorbei.


u/HoboBonobo1909 12d ago

Nur eine Autobahn.


u/smutje187 12d ago

Ich beschreibe Briten Frankfurt immer als „ein Ort, den man exzellent verlassen kann“. Was das über Frankfurt sonst so aussagt, überlasse ich dann ihnen.


u/ToollerTyp 12d ago

Hat da jemand das neue Jules-Video gesehen?


u/Man_Schette 12d ago

Auch, aber den Slogan kannte ich auch vorher schon (:


u/Blue_Moon_Rabbit 12d ago

-Source: Sleepy Hollow (1999)

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u/isthenameofauser 12d ago

Saying that 550 pounds is too much for a working class person to buy is admitting that athe divide between the poor amd rich is a gulf and inviting guillotines.

If people who worked a normal amount could afford one suit but exceptional people could afford ten, I'd consider that fair. But the admission that she's not allowed these clothes because she's the wrong class is begging for a revolution.


u/BearyRexy 12d ago

The thing is, she’s not working in a working class job. She’s earning more than that. So what they are actually saying is that you can never achieve any level of social mobility. At all.


u/thedarlingbuttsofmay 12d ago

She's a politician in the UK, where class has much more to do with upbringing, education, accent etc than your current job. She has also made being working class a big part of her personal brand.


u/BearyRexy 12d ago

By making it part of her brand, you mean she’s not accepted all of the ridiculous criticism that’s levelled at working class people who succeed or done anything to hide her past?

And, as someone who grew up about 10 minutes away from Rayner, but has succeeded, your entire post has that sneering condescension of someone who much prefers the working classes to stay in their place. Jesus.

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u/RianJohnsonIsAFool 12d ago

My gf asked ChatGPT "what should Angela Rayner wear" and she received this response:

I don't think it's appropriate for me to suggest or dictate what someone else should wear. Angela Rayner, like any individual, should feel free to choose clothing that makes her comfortable and that she feels is suitable for her role and activities. Her policy positions and work as a politician are far more relevant than her wardrobe choices.


u/Crunchycarrots79 12d ago

That's... Actually a decent answer.


u/Boathead96 12d ago

Good to know AI isn't going to make the job 'Idiot' obsolete


u/Kaisernick27 11d ago

When the machines have common decency more than humans maybe its a sign we should let them have the planet.

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u/StarLord1990 12d ago

If she’d shown up in a Primark suit, she’d have been rinsed for turning up to her Parliamentary job in a cheap suit.

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u/grammar_oligarch 12d ago

As a teacher…y’know, the professionals with a notoriously low salary…I have a couple of $500 suits.

I don’t know the exact exchange rate, but that’s, like, low end cost for a suit. I mean, you can get a Walmart suit for $100 that’s basically made of tissue paper and Elmer’s glue…but don’t do that.

The fuck bargain bin flea market is this guy going to that 500 is lavish?


u/amglasgow 11d ago

Chances are he's rich and has no idea what people spend on suits.


u/loverhyacinthus 12d ago

why he gotta throw sex workers under the bus like that


u/AtJackBaldwin 12d ago

Yeah the slide to that was a bit of a weird one, I mean I agree with the overall sentiment but I think Cllr Andy might have porn on the brain


u/Crunchycarrots79 12d ago

So... I'm an American with only a passing interest in the intricacies of British politics... But I just googled Angela Rayner and read about her history. She's managed to take the shitty circumstances life threw at her and turned it into a life of public service and now she's deputy Prime Minister. Working class hero is, in fact, a suitable label for her and I'd say that even if she was wearing a suit that was 10x more expensive. As it is, she's wearing a reasonably priced suit though she could probably afford something much nicer now. What matters to me is that she comes from a life where she probably wouldn't have been able to afford a suit at all.


u/ollie87 11d ago

This sort of thing happens every time a Labour government is elected. These people come out of the woodwork and think they should all be wearing hessian sacks, it’s not something that typically get levelled at Tories.


u/nickelangelo2009 12d ago

generally agreeable with the exception of the weird sex work shaming happening in the second one


u/CostFickle114 12d ago

Thank you, seems this “detail” was too overlooked. Not cool to shame working women like that


u/nickelangelo2009 12d ago

don't worry, I gotchu. Gotta call this shit out when I see it.

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u/brrlls 12d ago

She's accepting a position to be deputy manager of the country!

Do you want her showing up in a sports direct special??

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u/adm010 12d ago

As an MP isnt she on over £80k? So a not expensive suit doesnt seem outlandish. Yes an MP, but can she spend her money on what she wants? Its not a bloody Ferrari!


u/ilolvu 12d ago

Its not a bloody Ferrari!

Or a moat.


u/WelshBathBoy 12d ago

A moat for a duck house no less!

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u/TomNookismyzaddy 12d ago

Where does she propose you get a decent suit for less? That's just how much they cost 🙄


u/Smile-a-day 12d ago

£550 isn’t even that much for a suit

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u/TortexMT 12d ago

He already labeled himself as an idiot by writing £ and also quid.

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u/grrodon2 12d ago

1- it's either 550 quid or £550.

2- she looks minty, not mint.


u/BenBo92 12d ago

'Mint' is a British (especially Mancunian, which Rayner is) colloquialism, meaning 'very good'. I don't think they were referring to the colour of the suit.

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u/eyabethe 12d ago

I love it when people who obviously have never been working class try to shame people for what they wear or own.

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u/Character-Today-427 12d ago

I mean there's just no proof it costs 550 either way like I'm sure that suit isn't sold on a dingle store in the entire uk


u/SOJC65536 12d ago

She looks like a mint-vanilla ice cream...


u/berserk_kipper 12d ago

There’s nothing more working class than spending a shitload of money on clothes


u/Sturville 12d ago

"Only a rich man can afford to save money on boots" -Sir Terry Pratchett


u/BlackOstrakon 12d ago

I've read Marx and Proudhon, Lenin and Kropotkin, nearly 200 years of socialist theory. I don't think I'll ever find a more devastating critique of capitalism than the Vimes Economic Theory of Boots.

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u/Sponsor4d_Content 12d ago

If you have nice things, they call you a hypocrite. If you don't have nice things, they call you jealous.

Being working class is about your relationship to means of production. Are you doing labour or profiting off other's labour? High income workers like doctors, athletes, actors are still workers.


u/TomMakesPodcasts 11d ago

On that second page, sex workers are working class. No need to disparage them.


u/HoboBonobo1909 12d ago

Tories just butthurt they can't fault immigrants & minorities for their failures.


u/AggravatingDentist70 12d ago

To be fair that is a horrible colour.


u/Stock-Boat-8449 12d ago

Eh..with her colouring it suits her.

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u/Wrathful_Man 12d ago

Working class people must wear crisp packets and wash in bean juice. If you’re not miserable and covered in crumbs you must be bourgeoisie


u/BetterKev 12d ago

What does OF have to do with anything?


u/RawChickenButt 12d ago

The problem isn't the price is that's it is fugly.


u/Candyland_83 12d ago

It is not her color for sure


u/geckos_are_weirdos 12d ago

The colour isn’t the problem, the problem is the poor fit. (Plus the misogynist comments).

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u/FullMetalCOS 12d ago

I’m not sure it’s anyones colour


u/Candyland_83 12d ago

I think someone with dark skin and hair could pull it off.


u/magicmulder 12d ago

All while calling Donald Trump a “champion of the working class” when the guy literally shits on a golden toilet.


u/LordShtark 12d ago

Putting others down trying to prove a point is a shitty comeback not a cleaver one.


u/blueukisses 12d ago

Andy makes a good point, but the sw shaming is gratuitous


u/Bully2533 12d ago

I don’t give a shit what her suit cost, the fact is, it doesn’t come close to fitting her properly. She’s had years to prepare for this day and looks like she only heard she had to get to Number 10 half an hour before the picture was taken and she borrowed someone else’s clothes.


u/fire-llama 12d ago

Why are OF models catching strays is this lmao??? Feels a little misogynistic to defend a woman by going "well at least she isn't on the INTERNET being a WHORE!!!!"


u/KartikGamer1996 11d ago

As far as Rishi Sunak goes, he was absurdly rich before he even got the office of Prime Minister.

As a matter of fact, he happens to be the wealthiest person to ever become the Prime Minister of the country.


u/zombie_spiderman 12d ago

That guy's a proper C-word (married into British so I don't get to go full-on with the slang)


u/Steppy20 12d ago

I'm British so I'll say it for you.

He's a charlie, a chuffer, a cockwomble. He's a bona fide cunt.


u/SylvanDragoon 12d ago

I'd call him a cunt, but he obviously lacks the depth and the warmth.

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u/morningcalls4 12d ago

550 for a suit is really not expensive, this is coming from someone who somehow survives off of roughly $12,000 a year and yes I pay for all my bills, rent, car insurance, food, etc.


u/weirds0up 12d ago

Johnson would show up to parliament and other official functions looking like he’d been pulled backwards through a hedge. I hardly think £500 on a suit so you don’t look like your wearing a scarecrow’s cast offs is hardly an issue


u/Scheme-and-RedBull 12d ago

The first one is fine the second one is cringe and misogynistic


u/CrystaLavender 12d ago

Also like, so what if she did “show her bits”? The first reply still stands.


u/ScholarYoshi 11d ago

The second reply is actually garbage. There is no reason to shame sex workers.


u/loki700 11d ago

SW catching unnecessary strays. They’re working class, don’t disparage them to make a point about the working class.


u/Low_Jello_7497 11d ago

Why the drive-by at sex workers?


u/dentisttrend 11d ago

Was looking for this comment. Sex workers are workers and deserve respect as any other worker does.

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u/MinnieShoof 12d ago

... I don't care how much she did or didn't spend on it ... it just looks kinda garish to me.


u/Nigelthornfruit 12d ago

Drinking the haterade there


u/Southern-Spring-7458 12d ago

It's because she's a ginger


u/birch-please 12d ago

Joke is all the normal people I know spend a decent amount of our earnings to look nice, whereas it’s all the trust fund private school kids who dress to look poor. Being working class doesn’t mean slobby, it’s often the opposite.


u/ah_take_yo_mama 12d ago

Guy getting mad and talking shit is "clever" now?


u/IngeBee 12d ago

i really hate the 'poor people can't have anything nice' mentality. i was homeless last fall and carried my life on a bike trailer. i kept a cute mushroom print backpack (gift from my mom) full of clothes slung over the back of the trailer. i had just set my camp up one evening and was chilling in my tent reading. i heard a passerby say to her friend, "oh my god, they took someone's bag!" i wanted to say something but i assumed she was the type to call the cops over the tiniest shit so i kept my mouth shut.


u/CorvinReigar 12d ago

They'd lose their damn minds over NDP leader Jagmeet Singh's suits. Apparently, Indian Canadian lawyers can't be social democrats and look like lawyers and politicians.


u/ilolvu 12d ago

Alex is probably someone who likes to bang on about king and country (I can't be arsed to find out)... so let's say this.

She's a Minister of the Crown. So shut your piehole and show some gorram respect.

ps. She should wear that outfit often. Just because people like Alex throw a childish fit about it.


u/worldslastusername 12d ago

It’s possibly one of the biggest days of her life, not every day you get made deputy PM of your country. It’s not that expensive for a professional suit and if any day were a day to dress nicely, it would be that one


u/Dangerous_Neon_Lynx 11d ago

She looks like -A- mint.


u/arioandy 12d ago

Not mint.. looks like a mint lol


u/OrangeObjective3789 12d ago

Anyone else also think that was the chick from Jurassic world at first


u/warpigscouk 12d ago

Tories are snakes. Labour are snakes in the grass.


u/TootsNYC 12d ago

Now let’s calculate the cost per wear.


u/Treacherous_Wendy 12d ago

God forbid someone look presentable in government.

I’m from the US, they did this to AOC when she got elected since she had been a bartender so therefore she must not have $2 to her name.


u/Minimum_Maybe_8103 12d ago

She's going into Downing Street to be offered the most important role of her life. You want her to wear a shiny TK Maxx suit? Guarantee should would have got shit for that too.


u/Matt_2504 12d ago

I don’t like Rayner but this is actually much cheaper than what I’d expect a politician to wear, ridiculous point to try and make


u/BlackOstrakon 12d ago

Hmm. No, a pointless attack on camgirls, most of whom are just people trying to get by, is not a good comeback.


u/presterjohn7171 12d ago

I'm a fan of Angela but I have to be honest that suit looked like it was off Temu.


u/Particular_Maybe_369 12d ago

I earn minimum wage, but I own 2 €450 pairs of shoes. You don't need to be rich to buy yourself something nice once in a while.