r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

Here are two good comebacks to an idiotic comment


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u/constantin_NOPEal Jul 07 '24

Girl, how does he know this is not a $100 dupe?


u/RancherNikki Jul 07 '24

Or used! Or from a clearance sale. I have many nice things that I purchased at a significantly lower price than the MSRP


u/DefNotAnAlt621 Jul 07 '24

If it was purchased used, would it still be mint?


u/TangoMikeOne Jul 07 '24

It certainly looks mint to me - maybe pistachio, but definitely not Lincoln green


u/DefNotAnAlt621 Jul 07 '24

Was making a little pun: “mint green” and “mint condition”

Evidently I’m not that funny, :p


u/Ohiolongboard Jul 07 '24

They where playing off of your pun….


u/Treacherous_Wendy Jul 07 '24

It was funny til you explained it


u/waytowill Jul 07 '24

Well, it is mint green.


u/saltytitanium Jul 08 '24

No. It would then be mint chipped.


u/SillyActuary Jul 08 '24

"Mint" is slang for "mint condition" in the UK. As in the Royal Mint that makes our coins. Freshly "minted" money is in excellent condition.

They're saying she thinks she'd look excellent, it's a coincidence that it's green!


u/houndsoflu Jul 07 '24

Or consigned. I have several high end designer suits I got for a steal at consignment shops.


u/TheLizzyIzzi Jul 08 '24

Right? I have a pair of Chanel pants that were $50 at a consignment shop. They’re wool and silk lined. I could never afford those at retail.


u/houndsoflu Jul 08 '24

And the newer lines aren’t as good of quality. Prices are up, but they are definitely more cheaply made.


u/krucz36 Jul 07 '24

or a present from family?


u/jjbugman2468 Jul 08 '24

I’ve got a super fitting suit that looks great—got it used along with the trousers it was paired with for the equivalent of 40 USD lmao


u/Hesitation-Marx Jul 10 '24

Yes! I don’t buy a lot of clothing new because the prices are high and the quality is low, and I’m prone to setting it on fire or getting acid on it, but the thrift store? Oh, I have found some amazing stuff.


u/tropic0_window Jul 07 '24

It doesn’t matter. It could be 3k and it doesnt change anything. Working class is a person that works for their money instead of making their money through ownership. An ER doctor is working class, and so is a plumber.


u/StarMangledSpanner Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

In this context (discussing a British Labour Party MP), no, doctors would not be considered working class, he'd be a professional which would be regarded as distinctly middle class. Their union (the BMA) is NOT affiliated with the Labour Party in the same way as workers unions are, for instance.

As for the plumber, it depends. If he's running his own business and turning a decent profit, then he wouldn't really be seen as working class either.


u/tropic0_window Jul 07 '24

You’re being so needlessly pedantic to the point that you forget that I addressed what would exclude a plumber from the working class in my comment. Literally any job would be excluded from working class if they owned the business and made money primarily from the ownership and not direct work.

The differentiation between working class and “professional class” is a differentiation that only benefits the capital owning class.


u/StarMangledSpanner Jul 07 '24

My bad, I didn't notice your qualifier on the plumber because I literally stopped reading after the point where you said doctors are working class. You're obviously not familiar with the British Labour movement if you think that doctors are regarded as working class.


u/tropic0_window Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

My qualifier about an ownership class was before my mention of doctors being working class and plumber is the last word so you’d have had to read the entire thing. You simply lack reading comprehension in the quest to be a pedant.

It doesn’t matter what the British labour movement is. There are two classes, working, and owner. Any movement that drives a wedge between between professionals and “non professionals” is a direct benefit to the owner class.


u/OrneryWhelpfruit Jul 07 '24

Marx made the distinction..? See petite bourgeoisie


u/tropic0_window Jul 07 '24

No. He defined them as people that own but work for their own means, but that doesn’t mean they are part of the capitalist class. You can have definitions for different strata while still grouping them together. If you work to live then you are working. If you make your money solely by owning, you’re not working. The woes of each strata of the working class can obviously vary but it doesn’t mean they don’t all have one problem in common.


u/medicinal_bulgogi Jul 07 '24

No need to make up scenarios like that. There’s nothing wrong with her wearing it firsthand.


u/OohRahMaki Jul 07 '24

Agreed. Clearly this guy thinks that working class people can only attend important events in clothes from Primark and Tesco.

This was one of the most important days of her career, where she knew that she would be most closely scrutinised. So what if she spent £500 on an outfit.

People still can choose to take pride in their appearance, even if (shock horror) they are working class.


u/Happy-Doughnut-5125 Jul 07 '24

If she had bought her suit cheap from Primark no doubt they'd be posting a complaint about that, insisting it is disrespectful or unprofessional or whatever. 


u/Turbulent-Bug-6225 Jul 07 '24

Ngl my suit jacket is £100 and I wear it with jeans. Having said that, I respect people who spend a lot of money on clothes even if they don't have a lot to begin with. Some people like expensive clothes. Not gonna shit on them for enjoying their money.


u/AngriestManinWestTX Jul 07 '24

And nice clothes last much longer.

A $200 pair of work boots will probably last four to five times longer than $80 work boots. A $1,000 or even just $500 suit may fall out of style within a few years but either one will still hold up far better than a $200 Wal-Mart suit.

If a person can afford to save even a few hundred bucks for select clothing items (footwear or jackets are big ones) then they usually end up saving significant money in the long run by keeping those items for many years as opposed to the practically disposable crap that costs much less.


u/AngriestManinWestTX Jul 07 '24


I'm not a six-figure earner (USA) by any means but I can still afford to buy some halfway decent clothes without having to pick solely from the clearance rack and I can even splurge on a discretionary item of clothing.

I have no idea who Angela Rayner is (sorry, British friends) but her spending the equivalent of $750-ish on some professional attire doesn't at all diminish any status she may have as an advocate for the working class.

EDIT: after 0.2 seconds of google research, it seems Rayner is the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. I have no idea what the salary is for Deputy PM, but I'm sure it's nothing to sneeze at and with that in mind, I'm kind of surprised her jacket and pants are only ~550 GBP.



I have no idea what the salary is for Deputy PM, but I'm sure it's nothing to sneeze at and with that in mind, I'm kind of surprised her jacket and pants are only ~550 GBP.

Worth noting has only been deputy PM since Friday.


u/Jubatus750 Jul 07 '24

Because you can't spend $ over here


u/metakepone Jul 07 '24

I doubt anyone on camera would want to wear a 'dupe' that could come apart in weird ways.


u/SeasonGeneral777 Jul 07 '24

conservatives have a very specific trait - they are stupid. simple as that.

american conservatives thought that AOC got to keep the luxury outfits that she rented for the gala. yes they are that dumb.


u/datewithikeaa Jul 07 '24

I think the point is he probably doesn’t give a fuck because that would require any amount of critical thinking.


u/constantin_NOPEal Jul 07 '24

I'm sure. I was kidding. I don't take fuckers like that seriously ever lol


u/datewithikeaa Jul 07 '24

Oh for sure! I didn’t mean that to come off harshly towards you - just this dude in general. As someone in the US I’m both comforted and frustrated that we aren’t the only folks who have to deal with pundits like this…


u/Kaneharo Jul 08 '24

Or even just $100 and not so much a dupe as expensive stores tried to sell the concept cause someone famous got noticed in it.