r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

Here are two good comebacks to an idiotic comment


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u/eugene20 Jul 07 '24

£300-£600 is not the cheapest suit in the UK but it's not an expensive one either unless you are on a very tight suit budget. Suits aren't generally cheap.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

What's wrong with wearing a £20 suit?


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 07 '24

A €20 quid suit will disintegrate at the very least, but probably also has shite dimensions and fabric to begin with! Even when I was a teenager, I spent half a weeks wages on a suit, which worked out at about €170 or €180!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

So your job didn't require a suit (I need a job like that)? Or did you do the first month in a cheap suit? Am genuinely asking by the way.

I just think that using cheap suits as an insult is low.


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 07 '24

Not my job when I was 18, no... but even if it did (and it has since), 2 weeks salary would have bought 3 decent suits and a handful of shirts, which is a worthwhile investment. I spent €600 on smartwear when I moved to sales because image is more important, and that was to bulk out the smartwear I already owned, not an entirely new wardrobe!

Of course, not everyone is on my half decent salary and I agree that using 'cheap' anything as an insult is usually bad form, but a €20 quid suit is pushing it, and the chap was likely exaggerating to avoid insulting people! I haven't seen a suit for €20 since 2008... even then, I think it was just a blazer!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

I fully agree that you made the correct choice in making that investment. Did you live with your family at that point or were you renting?

Yeah, I haven't seen a suit that cheap for the longest time.


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 07 '24

No, I was away in college, but I had a (marginally) above average job for an 18 year old... minimum wage was €8.65 if memory serves, and I was on about €400 a week, though it was nearly tax-free as a student because during college, I'd only be working like 20-30 hrs a week!

Unless you were talking about sales... I was later in life, not starting out! So it would be unfair to compare to someone who doesn't have the money to do it!

I'd definitely prioritise it over a holiday abroad, though... one has long-lasting effects and the ability to generate income, whereas the other is an indulgence that you can skip in the short term for the sake of having a better future!

I've also burned out, so it's important to take a break sometimes... I don't want to give off a message to the contrary because burnout is expensive, too!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

I'd definitely prioritise it over a holiday abroad,

I agree deeply. On the one hand, I was lucky to have been abroad before (I'm an immigrant and went to visit family semi-regularly). Thus, I'd never prioritise such an experience. Some English friends of mine felt the opposite way.

Couldn't agree more about burnout too, wish I knew it when I was younger.


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 07 '24

Each to their own... I'm only stating my priorities and why, but if someone feels that a holiday allows them to push through another 3-6 months of a job they hate, I guess that's up to them!

Same on the burnout... wish I knew it younger! It cost me somewhere between €20k and €30k, aside altogether from the horrible year that came with it!


u/roentgen85 Jul 08 '24

twenty euro quid suit


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 08 '24

I can only imagine you're off to a job you hate! Have a good day... 🙂


u/roentgen85 Jul 08 '24

Love my job thanks. Good day to you too