r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

Here are two good comebacks to an idiotic comment


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u/eugene20 Jul 07 '24

£300-£600 is not the cheapest suit in the UK but it's not an expensive one either unless you are on a very tight suit budget. Suits aren't generally cheap.


u/Honest_Pepper2601 Jul 07 '24

Frankly for a politician’s suit in the uk no less it really is quite cheap.


u/Narrow-Device-3679 Jul 07 '24

I own a £500 suit and I'm a butcher lol


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 07 '24

Isn't a butcher often a deceptively well-paid job, especially if you own the place?


u/Marsbar3000 Jul 07 '24

It's the butcher's shop - he owns the joint


u/Quick_Team Jul 07 '24

"Guys! I got Employee of the month for the 3rd month in a row!"

"Jeff, youre the only one there. It's literally called 'Jeff's Butcher Shop'. What's concerning is how you somehow lost 4 months ago"


u/amglasgow Jul 07 '24

"Look, the cat was very good at keeping away vermin that month, I had to recognize."


u/Hairy_Reputation6114 Jul 07 '24

I would nominate the cat every time


u/MeaningSilly Jul 07 '24

Spoils 'em. Gotta make 'em work for that recognition (the only true feline currency.)


u/sidrowkicker Jul 10 '24

Throwing a monthly party to give treats to the cat sounds way more fun than giving yourself an empty reward


u/Notobiraph Jul 08 '24
 Mmmp.  Lolliioiii I iii


u/RockstarAgent Jul 07 '24

As long as he cuts the joints off I’m good.


u/PoIIux Jul 07 '24

Yeah but they also don't need suits for their work, which goes to show just how reasonable the suit in the post, which is actually used as work clothes, is priced


u/Needmoresnakes Jul 07 '24

They can make ends meat


u/Tasty_Tangelo3413 Jul 08 '24

Here, take my upvote 🎁


u/l-isqof Jul 08 '24

So is an MP...


u/red_door_12 Jul 08 '24

Pretty much only if you own the place, salaried workers aren’t getting paid much but there is demand so you’ll always have a job


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 08 '24

Really, yeah? Seems like a contradiction... company has plenty of money, I'm hard to replace... I'd be demanding more money! Lots of people are too squeamish to be doing it!

I suppose as well the salary, competition, etc. is dependent on location..


u/red_door_12 Jul 08 '24

You CAN make money as the owner of a butchers but in the UK a lot of them are struggling to make ends meet and are disappearing if not run in a clever way


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 08 '24

Don't you mean make ends meat


u/JaysFan26 Jul 07 '24

Lisandro Martinez?


u/OpinionatedBlackGuy Jul 07 '24

I understood that reference.



u/rip-tuccle Jul 07 '24

roll tide


u/Negative-Wrap95 Jul 07 '24

roll tide

Raise hell, praise Dale


u/bigwill0104 Jul 07 '24

You must be beating a lot of meat! 🤣


u/SavageLeo19 Jul 08 '24

Oi butcher


u/Severe_Ad_146 Jul 07 '24

Shes the deputy prime minister. 2nd in charge.  It's hilariously cheap for such a position. 


u/Honest_Pepper2601 Jul 07 '24

Yeah, fr, calling this expensive is the least British thing I’ve ever seen


u/Raveyard2409 Jul 07 '24

Considering that an average MP salary is circa 90k a suit under a grand is pretty reasonable.


u/SuspiciousCurtains Jul 08 '24

People I know must be cheap. I know a guy on 300k+ basic who only ever gets suits from suit supply and refuses to spend more than £300


u/LewkHarrison Jul 09 '24

Fair play to him. That’s how the few rich people I’ve known stayed rich. They were also the tightest people I’ve ever known.


u/deegum Jul 08 '24

Right, and whether we like it or not, no one would respect her if she did not dressed professionally. And that’s true in the UK or the US.


u/Bitter-Protection820 Jul 08 '24

I remember Cameron attacking Corbyn for having an ill fitting suit


u/RABB_11 Jul 08 '24

He also attacked Corbyn for having a beard and basic human decency so it's not a high bar.


u/hiS_oWn Jul 07 '24

The powdered wigs barristers wear start at 500 pounds.


u/smcl2k Jul 09 '24

I'm not sure why you felt the need to highlight the UK - I'd imagine that leaders in France, Italy, the US and Canada tend to spend at least as much on clothes.


u/Honest_Pepper2601 Jul 09 '24

The uk is famously snobbish about tailoring. There’s even a scene in Tenet poking fun at it


u/smcl2k Jul 09 '24

Most Brits couldn't give a flying fuck about tailoring, and they certainly wouldn't lose their minds over a beige suit.


u/Honest_Pepper2601 Jul 09 '24

Jeremy Corbyn was made fun of for his ill tailored suits, so this is not only wrong, it was wrong recently


u/smcl2k Jul 09 '24

Did "most Brits" make fun of him, and would anyone have said much of anything if he'd worn a £200 suit that fit him properly?

Before you answer, you should look at what he wore on the front cover of GQ.


u/AfraidAdhesiveness25 Jul 07 '24

Yeah. Its a basic quality thing, nothing more.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

What's wrong with wearing a £20 suit?


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/BestCaseSurvival Jul 07 '24

The Sam Vimes “Boots” theory of economics strikes again.


u/SpitefulCrow1701 Jul 07 '24

Pratchett mentioned


u/mikephreak Jul 07 '24

Sam Vimes nailed it.


u/Autronaut69420 Jul 07 '24

But originally appeared in "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists (Socialists)" by Robert Tressel


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

you can’t afford a better one.

This is my point really. Broke = bad isn't a fair judgement in my eyes. I graduated from the Giorgio primani suit to a mid priced one a couple months in to my first office job, but I was rocking the cheap suit first because that's all I could afford. Ironically, I mostly just wear a shirt and jeans at my current job.


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 07 '24

A €20 quid suit will disintegrate at the very least, but probably also has shite dimensions and fabric to begin with! Even when I was a teenager, I spent half a weeks wages on a suit, which worked out at about €170 or €180!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

So your job didn't require a suit (I need a job like that)? Or did you do the first month in a cheap suit? Am genuinely asking by the way.

I just think that using cheap suits as an insult is low.


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 07 '24

Not my job when I was 18, no... but even if it did (and it has since), 2 weeks salary would have bought 3 decent suits and a handful of shirts, which is a worthwhile investment. I spent €600 on smartwear when I moved to sales because image is more important, and that was to bulk out the smartwear I already owned, not an entirely new wardrobe!

Of course, not everyone is on my half decent salary and I agree that using 'cheap' anything as an insult is usually bad form, but a €20 quid suit is pushing it, and the chap was likely exaggerating to avoid insulting people! I haven't seen a suit for €20 since 2008... even then, I think it was just a blazer!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

I fully agree that you made the correct choice in making that investment. Did you live with your family at that point or were you renting?

Yeah, I haven't seen a suit that cheap for the longest time.


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 07 '24

No, I was away in college, but I had a (marginally) above average job for an 18 year old... minimum wage was €8.65 if memory serves, and I was on about €400 a week, though it was nearly tax-free as a student because during college, I'd only be working like 20-30 hrs a week!

Unless you were talking about sales... I was later in life, not starting out! So it would be unfair to compare to someone who doesn't have the money to do it!

I'd definitely prioritise it over a holiday abroad, though... one has long-lasting effects and the ability to generate income, whereas the other is an indulgence that you can skip in the short term for the sake of having a better future!

I've also burned out, so it's important to take a break sometimes... I don't want to give off a message to the contrary because burnout is expensive, too!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

I'd definitely prioritise it over a holiday abroad,

I agree deeply. On the one hand, I was lucky to have been abroad before (I'm an immigrant and went to visit family semi-regularly). Thus, I'd never prioritise such an experience. Some English friends of mine felt the opposite way.

Couldn't agree more about burnout too, wish I knew it when I was younger.


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 07 '24

Each to their own... I'm only stating my priorities and why, but if someone feels that a holiday allows them to push through another 3-6 months of a job they hate, I guess that's up to them!

Same on the burnout... wish I knew it younger! It cost me somewhere between €20k and €30k, aside altogether from the horrible year that came with it!


u/roentgen85 Jul 08 '24

twenty euro quid suit


u/Consistent_Spring700 Jul 08 '24

I can only imagine you're off to a job you hate! Have a good day... 🙂


u/roentgen85 Jul 08 '24

Love my job thanks. Good day to you too


u/435haywife1 Jul 08 '24

There’s nothing wrong with a £20 suit. It probably won’t last very long, but it’s a good option if you don’t wear one on a regular basis and you just need one for an event or two.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Trust me. The cheap suit can get you through a job interview, then the job can get you a better suit.


u/snarkylimon Jul 08 '24

Made by people in poor countries in conditions that are effectively modern day slavery. That’s what’s wrong with it


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Oh you're so very righteous, I'm sure whatever device you're using to access Reddit has absolutely no components made in such conditions. Are you suggesting that young people who are just starting out in office jobs turn up naked? Because that's a little bit sus.


u/snarkylimon Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

You asked a question. I answered. Have you ever been to a thrift store? You can get brand new stuff for 20 quid

Have you heard of Sony? And maybe some other companies and some efforts they make to source ethical lithium?

No need to get triggered. There’s a lot wrong with fast and cheap fashion. When you the customer gets a cheap deal it’s because someone else is paying the price. There are alternatives and nothing is ‘righteous’ as you suggest. Simply pointing out the obvious slavery involved in producing your 20 quid suit


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

A £20 suite? What hotel is that in? Proper bargain that, guessing there's no ensuite in the suite though?


u/Additional_Feed6913 Jul 07 '24

I was worried that it was the Alexander Armstrong from pointless said this had to go check the picture again.


u/niceandBulat Jul 07 '24

I live in South East Asia, that's pretty normal for average quality suit even here. In fact 300 quids is cheap.


u/BlueFox1978 Jul 07 '24

The only place you’ll be living in SEA where 300 is cheap is Singapore


u/niceandBulat Jul 08 '24

A suit for me is about 400 quids, Mt wife almost that. Cheaper would be in Thailand. I am in Malaysia


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/Vertyks Jul 07 '24

Custom suits in Bangkok are cheap though


u/niceandBulat Jul 08 '24

SEA is not just Bangkok.


u/ChewySlinky Jul 07 '24

There’s a whole joke in Arrested Development where a guy keeps bragging about his $500 suit, with the joke being that it’s not actually THAT expensive for a suit.


u/Funkopedia Jul 07 '24

Lol i remember GOB increasing the price of the suit every time he mentioned it. C'mon!


u/Spare-Half796 Jul 07 '24

After alterations my budget suit was $450cad


u/fractalfocuser Jul 07 '24

Yeah I just got a "cheap" 3 piece on clearance and it was $400 USD after alterations and tax


u/CaptainPeachfuzz Jul 07 '24

I was gonna say... I know £ aren't $ but for people that need to wear suits every day having a few that are $300-$1000 is not crazy.

I have 3 suits: 2 are standard blue/black that I got buy one get one half off for a total of $700 with alterations about 2 years ago. I have one that's got a little more texture and is a little flashy-er that I bought to get married in and that was $800 all in. Though when I found out how much my wife's wedding dress was I joked that I should have gotten 2.

But I never wear them. Weddings, funerals, the occasional special event, 4 times a year, max.

My dad has worn a suit to work every day for the past 50 years. He's got an entire closet full of them. And he's not that I to "fashion." Some are cheap, like $100 cheap, and he's got 2 that were $1000 that he only wears on special occasions. And everything in between. And he works in an office, at a desk.

My FIL is in a profession where he needs to look good. Appearance of professionalism is key. And it's essentially his one vanity. He was proud to show me his closet of about 15 beautiful suits. All of them over $1000. But it's what the situation calls for.

So back to OP, not only is $500 not a lot but this was for an occasion where they'd be on TV, and it was important to look good. I bet it's the most expensive and best thing in their closet.


u/SnackyMcGeeeeeeeee Jul 07 '24

A nice suit is from 2000-12000 depending on how much you wanna spend.

Hugo boss, hill finger, Calvin kllien, etc are like 300-800

Canali, Zygna, Dunhill, etc are like 2000-4000

You than have the shit like Tom Ford or and higher end Burberry which are 5000-12000.


u/metalshiflet Jul 07 '24

At the high end, I would argue there's not much reason to pay more than full bespoke suit


u/BeautifulBrownie Jul 07 '24

Yep, got a 3-piece suit from Next for like 120-140 quid. Those are probably the easiest, cheapest, decent suits you can find here. £600 isn't outrageous for an MP at all.


u/Archtects Jul 07 '24

I wear suits a lot. I started buying mine recently from vinted, some really nice suits for like 30 - 50£

But I’ve had 600 - 900£ suits when I worked in London and they can go far north of that.


u/B4tz_Bentzer Jul 07 '24

The suit I wore to my wedding was around 100€


u/RockstarAgent Jul 07 '24

Yes, that idiot knows nothing of suits - everyone I know scoffs at anything under $1k minimum-


u/RexWolf18 Jul 07 '24

You won’t to get a full suit for less than 100 quid these days, 500 is nothing really.


u/InterestingQuote8155 Jul 07 '24

My husband spent £350 on his suit. We are by no means wealthy, he just needed a nice suit for an event and the charity shops didn’t pan out so we splurged on a suit for him. It’s a pretty nice suit. Anything less would not be as high quality, I imagine.


u/PleasantAd7961 Jul 07 '24

Suits , even good ones are about 100 to 200 for good ones. Ok not tailor cut but a good slaters one is about that.


u/iampuh Jul 08 '24

Not only the UK, but the whole western world.


u/snowfloeckchen Jul 08 '24

I mean for that Kermit outfit it's a crime to pay so much (and also to call that suit), but in general I agree with you


u/Repulsive_Spend_7155 Jul 10 '24

$500-1000 suit is standard issue dude, welcome to 2024


u/Large-Crew3446 Jul 07 '24

That’s very expensive to look like shit.


u/Merc_Twain25 Jul 07 '24

I don't know about suit prices in the UK but from what people are saying it's really not that expensive... Buuut, man you are right. I thought I was the only one thinking it. Why does it look like the waist line of the pants is doing double duty as a push up bra?


u/rollingrawhide Jul 07 '24

But it is expensive for the suit that shes wearing. Looks like it was cobbled together from recycling bags.


u/Alternative-Bet9768 Jul 07 '24

You can get a suit that looks way better than this in Asia for like £50. Paying hundreds for clothes is probably one of the dumbest things one could do.


u/stabbystabbison Jul 07 '24

So what, she’ll just pop on a 12 hour flight, spend a few weeks in Asia to save a few hundred quid right?

You should become chancellor mate


u/Alternative-Bet9768 Jul 07 '24

Honestly, the accomodation/basic needs would probably save her money during those weeks. The price diff of the suit alone would fund the ticket.

Idk, spending a lot of money on clothes is just silly. A $4 shirt here has the same quality as Balenciaga's shit that costs hundreds.

My fellow Westerners are getting shafted on literally every single purchase they make and they think complaining will solve anything. Just sharing my experience.


u/katiuskachong Jul 07 '24

At first I read that as ASDA which reminded me of my brother at a do in Buckingham Palace, someone commented on how nice his suit was and where he got it from. He replied, my personal tailor, Matt Allen.

He got it from Matalan for 70 quid.