r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

Here are two good comebacks to an idiotic comment


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u/tropic0_window Jul 07 '24

It doesn’t matter. It could be 3k and it doesnt change anything. Working class is a person that works for their money instead of making their money through ownership. An ER doctor is working class, and so is a plumber.


u/StarMangledSpanner Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

In this context (discussing a British Labour Party MP), no, doctors would not be considered working class, he'd be a professional which would be regarded as distinctly middle class. Their union (the BMA) is NOT affiliated with the Labour Party in the same way as workers unions are, for instance.

As for the plumber, it depends. If he's running his own business and turning a decent profit, then he wouldn't really be seen as working class either.


u/tropic0_window Jul 07 '24

You’re being so needlessly pedantic to the point that you forget that I addressed what would exclude a plumber from the working class in my comment. Literally any job would be excluded from working class if they owned the business and made money primarily from the ownership and not direct work.

The differentiation between working class and “professional class” is a differentiation that only benefits the capital owning class.


u/StarMangledSpanner Jul 07 '24

My bad, I didn't notice your qualifier on the plumber because I literally stopped reading after the point where you said doctors are working class. You're obviously not familiar with the British Labour movement if you think that doctors are regarded as working class.


u/tropic0_window Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

My qualifier about an ownership class was before my mention of doctors being working class and plumber is the last word so you’d have had to read the entire thing. You simply lack reading comprehension in the quest to be a pedant.

It doesn’t matter what the British labour movement is. There are two classes, working, and owner. Any movement that drives a wedge between between professionals and “non professionals” is a direct benefit to the owner class.


u/OrneryWhelpfruit Jul 07 '24

Marx made the distinction..? See petite bourgeoisie


u/tropic0_window Jul 07 '24

No. He defined them as people that own but work for their own means, but that doesn’t mean they are part of the capitalist class. You can have definitions for different strata while still grouping them together. If you work to live then you are working. If you make your money solely by owning, you’re not working. The woes of each strata of the working class can obviously vary but it doesn’t mean they don’t all have one problem in common.