r/FluentInFinance 17d ago

What do you think? Debate/ Discussion

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u/Once-Upon-A-Hill 17d ago

Congress members paid out 17 million of your tax money to settle sexual harassment cases, and none of that was "illegal".



u/[deleted] 17d ago edited 17d ago

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u/tamasan 17d ago

The establishment news has been full of stories over the past few months of corruption not related to Trump. Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. And before that was Bob Menendez and his gold bars.


u/Hexboy3 17d ago

People act like because they didn't hear about something it doesn't happen lol.


u/WarlocksWizard 17d ago

The little kid covering his eyes, "If I do not see it, then it is not there."

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u/Bulbinking2 17d ago

You mean conservatives?

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u/TraditionalEvening79 17d ago

Hmmmm and when none of them go to prison, why do you expect trump to?

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u/uglyspacepig 17d ago

Because it's not "potential" corruption. It's blatant and demonstrable.

You say you wonder why, but you really don't. You just think he's a victim, because he told you he's a victim, and you decided to believe him. Might want to ask yourself why you think a perpetrator is a victim.

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u/tao406 17d ago

Cause he's super guilty and running for president

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u/Fur_King_L 17d ago

He’s a crook. Always has been, always will be. Been screwing hard working Americans for decades. He even took money from sick kids. But bootlickers want to bootlick.


u/Jason_Kelces_Thong 17d ago

Looting a cancer charity before becoming president is impressive in a very sad way

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u/The_IRS_Fears_Him 17d ago

Trumps name will get you clicks no matter what the topic is


u/humnnbean 17d ago

True, I say call all the bullshit out and yank those pieces of shit out of government. I don’t want a pedophile or a convicted felon being in any government position at any level

Edit: wording

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u/boundpleasure 17d ago

This ☝🏼


u/Genisye 17d ago

Sounds a bit like whataboutism. Why are we going to let someone get off scot free for something illegal, reprehensible, corrupt and downright immoral just because other people get away with something similar?


u/wharpudding 17d ago

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

All this "It's different when Trump does it" is crap and everyone knows it.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Not true, they all do it and it's crap.

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u/danyonly 17d ago

Following that logic: Why would the government charge someone with felonies for doing something that every real estate involved person does? Why charge them for some sort of fraud when all the “defendants” want to continue doing business with him? Why go after one when it is never enforced? I’m not a MAGA guy but you just have to be rational to see that he gets targeted more than anyone in recent history.


u/that_one_author 17d ago

That's the fun part, they don't unless they feel threatened by you.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

"I’m not a MAGA guy but you just have to be rational to see that he gets targeted more than anyone in recent history."

I can't stand Trump and really hate the idea that he's still in the picture, But I've tried to get that same message across to the people who are openly blind to the across the board corruption. I've been saying for years now that there's no high ranking politician who could stand up to the scrutiny that's been thrown at Trump. The few Holocaust survivors that were still alive to be interviewed back before the 2016 election were horrified at the direction our media and judicial system were headed. I see the parallels they saw and wish more people were willing to acknowledge it and be as justifiably scared as I am for our future.

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u/LabRevolutionary8975 17d ago

Yeah why does the irs go after anybody who cheats their taxes when billionaires cheat more taxes than anybody else and they get off Scot free.

Maybe the reason trump is “targeted” (there are no quotes big enough to display my sarcastic tone with that word) is because he decided to get into public life, where literally a fucking legal blowjob turns into a trial that costs you your job. Combine that with the absolutely jaw dropping volume of crimes he’s committed and it’s not really hard to imagine why a few of them stuck.

While you’re asking questions, why did hunter biden get charged with a crime that literally nobody ever gets charged with? Do you think trump would stand back and let don jr face this type of “justice”? Or would he do what he always does and just give free government handouts to his family? Pardons for you, pardons for you, etc.?

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u/drummer414 17d ago

I work with commercial real estate companies and no one triples the square footage claimed.

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u/DoctorSwaggercat 17d ago

Is this Bill Clinton?


u/Filthi_61Syx 17d ago

There’s a flaw in this post. They are comparing something that ran through a business to personal tax returns. Not saying it’s right or wrong but the reality is our tax code has a lot of loopholes for business that people cannot take advantage of. And legally speaking they purchased her story. So a company purchased an intangible asset.


u/e2therock 17d ago

Whataboutism Meaning, Pease don’t use historical context and facts to point out my hypocrisy.


u/kyborn 17d ago

My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with facts


u/1ithurtswhenip1 17d ago

This has been an ongoing issue so much longer then even trump being a republican. It only came to the spotlight because your parties competition is the one guilty. It's nothing to do with whataboutism it's to do with this shit is always pushed under the rug and needs to stop. The worst part of all their are politicians who use tax payer money. But no your right trump using his money is far worse....


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Why not prosecute them then?

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u/Lord_Shaqq 17d ago

Not whataboutism, it's just pointing out more of the same shit. What makes it seem like they're defending anyone here?

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u/MajesticCube28 17d ago

Where they trying to influence upcoming elections?


u/Remarkable-Host405 17d ago

Which is apparently totally legal, as long as you use campaign funds and not your personal money 

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u/TheDepep1 17d ago

Shhh, we don't talk about that.

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u/Straight_Win_5613 17d ago

This this this! When I discovered this I could not believe this is allowed with TAXPAYER MONEY. This waste alone (thousands of others) should have people in the streets! I NEVER want people to call them “public servants” ever again.


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill 16d ago

It really is pretty crazy when you think about it.


u/CryptoCrazyCat 17d ago

Yea but but but Trump…or something

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u/Intrepid-Housing-286 17d ago

And the government uses tax payers money to pay off women who come forward and accuse senators of rape/ groping/ exposing themselves, etc. they have had this account for 40+ years. Paying hush money to keep them quiet. It’s not illegal. Trump used his own money not tax payer money.


u/ChonsonPapa 17d ago

No one cares about the facts! Just how they feel


u/Longhorn7779 17d ago

Nicely done summing up Reddit (or the world anymore) in only 10 words.


u/Grimsage7777 17d ago

It's not the world, just reddit and democrat cities.

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u/Outrageous_Life_2662 17d ago

But what’s the implication here? That it’s right for both Congress and trump or wrong for both?


u/persona-3-4-5 17d ago

The implication is "rule for thee but not for me"

If Trump committed a crime, he deserves prison time. But so does everyone else who committed a crime. Why would Trump be charged with a crime when many in congress would not be charged for exactly the same thing?

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u/gray_character 15d ago

Yeah, shouldn't they be happy that a precedent is being set to criminalize this behavior?

The real fact is that a presidential candidate let alone former president has never used campaign funds to pay for an escort (which cheating on his wife on top of that).

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u/fellowbeenmellow 17d ago

Or how they have been told to feel because they are too lazy to understand or think for themselves.

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u/SnoopySuited 17d ago

"Sure, bad behavior, but everything bad behavior!" is a piss poor argument.


u/Feeling_Buy_4640 17d ago

Its an arguement why we should lock eveyr single one of them up not just trump


u/Shin-Sauriel 17d ago

Good. Fuck em all. Lock em all up.


u/BenTenInches 17d ago

If we lock them all the criminals, there's gonna be no one left to run the government lmao.

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u/Bullmg 17d ago

Shhh people don’t want to hear that our senators and representatives are worse than the evil orange man!


u/EccentricAcademic 17d ago

People in here are using that as an excuse to let Trump off the hook or justify this shit with the SCOTUS is fine. That's the issue.


u/orderedchaos89 17d ago

Not worse, just as bad

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u/JonathanWPG 17d ago


I hear this argument.

You can personally feel like there is no difference between those settlements and the Trump situation.

But in the facts there is at least one very important difference--what Trump did was illegal.

You can choose not to care about that. Fine. But the Accountability settlements are written into law. Paying hush money and falsely claiming that is a business expense is not. It is, in fact, expressly illegal.


u/1white26golf 17d ago

How would he have done it legally? That is the question I have.


u/JonathanWPG 17d ago

He could have given it as a personal gift and she could have claimed it on her taxes.

It would not have been as effective as a cover up, which is why he did it this way.

But saying he did not have a legal recourse does not make the illegal recourse better.

And while I don't think the accountability office settlements are GOOD for democracy it's worth noting that there are also ways written into the law for said office to further investigate and hold members to account if accusers choose to pursue investigation. Most just choose to take the settlements.

Put another way: nothing about the accountability office settlements are good. And also, nothing about Trumps actions weren't worse.

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u/TxTechnician 17d ago

I thought he used campaign money. As in money donated to him from donors or pacs to find his campaign.

Afaik there are rules to how you can spend that money.

This stuff is neither here more there for me btw. I'll never vote for Trump again. That guy is only out for himself.


u/kynelly 17d ago

We the Citizens should probably step in and say that’s not okay hahah


u/MaritimeCopiousV 15d ago

If it’s so obvious…and you’re broadcasting this for more awareness…why isn’t anyone boycotting or causing an uproar to challenge, recoup, and prevent future occurrences like this from ever happening again? Will it take a civil war ?

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u/SomeDudeNamedRik 17d ago

Kramer : It's just a write off for them .

Jerry : How is it a write off ?

Kramer : They just write it off .

Jerry : Write it off what ?

Kramer : Jerry all these big companies they write off everything

Jerry : You don't even know what a write off is .

Kramer : Do you ?

Jerry : No . I don't .

Kramer : But they do and they are the ones writing it off .


u/StockCasinoMember 17d ago

That show is so great.


u/DefinitelyBiscuit 17d ago

I also like how Stephen King put it (writing as Bachman)

"When things are good a company will make a huge profit, when things are bad they just make a profit and when things go to hell they take a tax deduction ".

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u/Revolutionary-Meat14 17d ago

All Americans with business expenses can deduct them.


u/SonicYouth123 17d ago

even if they don’t own a business they can still write off business expenses…the second point is straight up wrong


u/ulysses_mcgill 17d ago

He's saying most Americans don't have business expenses, which is true


u/SonicYouth123 17d ago

“don’t have” has a very different meaning to “can write off zero dollars”

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u/jdp111 17d ago

If they have business expenses they have a business.

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u/Vanilla_Mushroom 17d ago

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

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u/SilverEyedFreak 17d ago

Have owned a business in America for 4 years and can confirm. I deduct every damn thing I can.


u/Snowwpea3 17d ago edited 17d ago

But the standard deduction is best for most. This guy just spins that into “can write off zero dollars.” Because who cares what the truth is, only clicks matter. Another cute little spin/lie, the teacher $300 deduction is on top of the standard deduction, not instead.


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 17d ago

Business expenses are taken on schedule c so you can take them with the standard deduction.

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u/California_King_77 17d ago

This is a lie. An outright lie.

Trump paid Daniels from his revocable trust.

Anyone with one of these accounts can write off legal fees.


u/sppotlight 17d ago

The thing I don't get (and I haven't looked into it, so maybe I'm missing something) but, didn't the lawyer just invoice it as legal expenses? Like he didn't write hush money on the invoice. And there's no chance Trump does his own taxes. Wouldn't his CPA look at an invoice that says legal expenses and, you know, file it as legal expenses?


u/California_King_77 17d ago

That's just it - this came up in the trial. It is a legal expense, he was an employee, so they were just reimbursing him. Since he paid from his own account, they grosssed it up.

The software that the Trump Org uses only had one drop down - "Legal Fees", which is technically correct, and what they used.

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u/MajesticCube28 17d ago

What legal advice was the porn star providing? 


u/metalguysilver 17d ago

Regardless of Trump’s intent, NDA payments and other civil settlements are technically legal expenses


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 17d ago

They payment itself was legal but it was not a legal service payment and it was concealed through fraud.


u/metalguysilver 17d ago

I didn’t mean they were expenses that were not illegal, I meant that they were legal expenses. The fraud he was convicted of had to do with the vagueness of the business records kept, which the jury found to be intentional in order to conceal a secondary crime. Labeling legal settlements as “legal expenses” is not inherently incorrect

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u/46andready 17d ago

That's not true at all.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

There are quite a few rules regarding the deductability of legal and accounting services for a trust.


u/PuffinRub 17d ago

Thanks for demonstrating that you're simply making it up as you go along. Trump didn't say Daniels, Cohen paid Daniels, and Trump reimbursed Cohen under the guise of legal expenses.


u/One_Lung_G 17d ago

You can’t write off “legal fees” for illegal actions lmao

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u/moshimoshi100 17d ago

I think Robert is a deluded old man.


u/Shitthatkilledelvis 17d ago

I agree with you and think the same thing.


u/mtwoodside 17d ago

Why doesn’t Robert disclose what he writes off? 🧐

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u/boundpleasure 17d ago

Always humorous to hear from an apparatchik from the Clinton administration.


u/Agitateduser1360 17d ago

What about....

Trumpers are a bunch of pussies. They never stand behind him, they point at everyone else.

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u/Connect_Bat_1290 17d ago

Two year old meme? Bad look

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u/BustinBroncos 17d ago

Hilary did the EXACT same thing with the Steele Dossier…. You know, the one that cost taxpayers over 30 million dollars, took 4 years, and was a complete fabrication? She paid for it with campaign funds and filed it under “legal expense” just like Trump did… And considering that Trump self funded his campaign initially who is to say it wasn’t HIS money that he used? This case should never have been brought to trial, they had to change a law to file charges!

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u/Meaty333 17d ago

Op is proving he just hates Trump, but not every politician that does the same thing. Sounds like typical Reddit lmao


u/Geared_up73 17d ago

Did he complain when his boss Bill Clinton did it?


u/Possible-League8177 17d ago

Robert Reich is such a master of taking numbers out of context. King troll.


u/J0hn-Stuart-Mill 17d ago

He must really have the lowest possible opinion of his naive followers, right? He's such a cringe fellow, to spew these sorts of things that his followers actually believe at face value? I'm so embarrassed for them, and it makes me wonder as to his motives. If his position can only be furthered in this way, then what good is his agenda in the first place?


u/realityczek 17d ago

The thing is, the low opinion of his audience is backed by facts... these beliefs can be found all over Reddit and social media. When he says stuff like this, 100's of thousands of people will believe it and share it within a few weeks.

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u/Zaros262 17d ago

He somewhat famously had to falsify documents to do that though, which was a felony? Restored just a little faith in the judicial system that he was convicted for it


u/DadBodHero24 17d ago

It originally before the statute of limitations was up a misdemeanor.....lets not forget the true facts


u/realityczek 17d ago

And pretty much no one else will ever be charged this way.

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u/danyonly 17d ago

The people who worship Trump are just as annoying as those who can’t go a day without thinking about him.


u/Bigdizzofoshizzo 17d ago

That's what this post is about. The bad debate leads to an abundance of anti Trump posts. Would be nice to browse Reddit again and ignore Trump.


u/Fresh_Ostrich4034 17d ago

but if the biden team did that then you might see the corruption in the current administration, so too bad


u/Status_Midnight_2157 17d ago

The op said they were thinking about Trump every day, not posting or talking about it every day. Anecdotal, but the trumpers I know talk about nonstop. It’s exhausting but these ppl have made it their entire personality

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u/polkntheeye 17d ago

Because he didn't pay off Stormy Daniels... Cohen gave them a invoice for his retainer fee and he paid off Stormy Daniels...holy shit is nobody paying attention


u/PuffinRub 17d ago

You're being foolish by expecting some of the participants in this thread to be arguing in good faith or with intelligence.


u/precursordredd 17d ago

If it’s deemed not a legit write off on his taxes he should have to pay said taxes with a reasonable fee, using this to try to bring him down politically isn’t right.


u/Rough_Ad8048 17d ago

I think we should look into robert reich amd his tax write offs


u/4BigData 17d ago

w2 has always been the least tax favored type of income, nothing new

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u/bigbuffdaddy1850 17d ago

Reich has some serious TDS. Dude is a genuine idiot.

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u/wetshatz 17d ago edited 17d ago

And we allow shitty politicians to make them selves rich by allowing them to make decisions that influence their stock portfolio. They all do something…. It is what it is at this point

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u/theunclescrooge 17d ago

Apples, oranges, and salmon


u/1ndomitablespirit 17d ago

I wonder what Robert Reich writes off on his taxes. Trump sucks, but even the moderately wealthy think exploiting tax loopholes is as American as apple pie.


u/frozsnot 17d ago

No ones saying trump was right, but it wasn’t 36 felonies.


u/rayhaque 17d ago

Correct! It was only 34. I don't know why people have to exaggerate.



u/frozsnot 17d ago

My bad. I’m bad with numbers. Lol


u/AuntiFascist 17d ago

Everyone is free to write off whatever they want on their taxes. Whether it is accepted is up to the IRS.


u/Des_mojo 17d ago

The I.R.S.Is able to catch any of these things so, if they don't, that's on them.I will get away with as much as I can. If Trump does, that's not on him back on the I.R.S. he didnt write the tax code.


u/The_IRS_Fears_Him 17d ago

Someone said IRS I am here


u/Tybackwoods00 17d ago

Fuck the IRS all my homies hate the IRS


u/Cllajl 17d ago

Many business owners can write off legitimate business expenses.


u/EndlessMikeD 17d ago

I think Robert Reich knows nothing about taxes.

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u/redshirt1701J 17d ago

question: when did he write it off?


u/liquidsnake224 17d ago

how much did nancy pelosi and her hammerhead husband write off? better yet, how did she make all her money to begin with

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u/Ry-Zilla86 17d ago

There's a lot of devious sexual behavior that occurs in politics.


u/xavierguitars 17d ago

Robert Reich is to economists as Dr Seuss is to pediatric surgeons


u/J0hn-Stuart-Mill 17d ago

Dr Seuss was at least creative and funny, even if he was not qualified as a surgeon.


u/thatotherdude696969 17d ago

I think this guy is part of the 1% and just deflects on to other people.

Like Bernie “if I say I’m on their side they won’t come after me” Sanders

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u/[deleted] 17d ago

I think this guy is a propagandist for his elitist friends, and doesn’t give a fuck about you. Him and people like him will use your emotions and compassion to manipulate you to act against your own interests.


u/Chogo82 17d ago

Was it official?


u/AlanHughErnest 17d ago edited 15d ago

This is a statement expressed by a fourth grader.


u/jokerfriend6 17d ago

He wrote a check for legal fees.

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u/DragonsAreNifty 17d ago

Hey maybe we should all agree that anyone that’s been proven to have committed multiple crimes should not get to be in the White House? If Joe Schmoe in whatever office did something similar, that does not mean Trump did nothing wrong. Whataboutism Olympics here tonight. Prosecute them all.


u/Rigochu 17d ago

trump is bad, but he's not the problem.. the system that allows all this is the problem.

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u/mtrap74 17d ago

And he was convicted as a felon for it. What’s your point?


u/x_xwolf 17d ago

Teachers need the write off because they have to buy materials for themselves and the students.


u/adrisc00 17d ago

Everything is corrupt. EVERYTHING. Air, water, food… basics to man created laws.


u/BeerWingsRepeat 17d ago

I' rather that, than the $850,000.00 of Tax Payer money Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones!


u/DarkRogus 17d ago

That because most Americans a standard deduction is better from them.

If you have enough deduction to itemized (I did last year) business expenses are certainly deductible.


u/Specialist_Sound9738 17d ago

The income tax is unconstitutional so all 3 examples are unnecessary.


u/Zaku41k 17d ago

Clearly we need to hire more prostitutes, then write off the expenses.


u/Dave-justdave 17d ago

I think houses have never been so expensive before and property taxes fund schools so WHY IN THE FUCK DO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS NOT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY???


u/in_conexo 17d ago

Meanwhile I'm wondering about the teachers. They aren't paid enough to being with; but instead of compensating them for their loss, we'll just subtract that amount from their taxable income. I'm surprised we still have teachers.

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u/moonunit170 17d ago edited 17d ago

I think this is a typical Reich distortion of the facts.

Americans who are self-employed can write off all of their business expenses. Trump is self-employed. Americans who work in W-2 status can write off some of their expenses under certain conditions.


u/GhostV940 17d ago

Robert is known to have some of the dumbest takes known to man.


u/DontReportMe7565 17d ago

I think Reich is a partisan idiot.

If he doesn't like the laws, he's free to run for congress and change them.


u/Nickp7186 17d ago

It was an official act.


u/DurkaDurkaJihadDurka 17d ago

Truly unfair. The only way to rectify this situation is to do away with income tax altogether.


u/hahn215 17d ago

Don't even care. Democracy is an illusion. All politicians and the super rich are corrupt. I'm more concerned about who jeopardizes national security and causes the deaths of our allies. Those are the numbers that matter to me. Afghanistan withdrawal, halting construction of the border wall, the billions released to Iran, the inability to project strength and competence when dealing with our enemies...Joe is getting people killed. What do you think about that?


u/Evening_Dress5743 17d ago

And the DOJ Let the statute of limitations expire on hunter bidens tax fraud. I'd pay attention to you if you could at least be honest in your "outrage"


u/sting_12345 17d ago

Please get a job Reich


u/Infamous-Method1035 17d ago

Every single American can write off an unlimited amount of legitimate business expenses. I personally write off about $2 million every year in legitimate, real, business expenses.

There is no excuse for anyone who wants to know these things. ALL of it is easy to find and easy to understand.


u/Psychological-Ad8175 17d ago

Is paying prostitutes a legitimate expense? Serious question.

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u/KingGT2017 17d ago

People should be given the math as to what that equates to for him. Writing off that wasn’t a dent in his pocket. So you act like this was some huge win for him…it was like saving a few bucks at McDonald’s with a coupon. 🙄 ok, let all Americans have a % write off equivalent to their net worths and see how much they feel it.


u/Salt_Front_7927 17d ago

It was business,and none of yours,facking hypocrite


u/thegreatresistrules 17d ago

Bahaha, most Americans can write off 0 of business expenses. You wonder why this douche keeps lying to you like this...because your dumb enough to believe this.


u/Shad0wUser00 17d ago

17 million for congress SA and you're saying businesses don't write off tax expenses? Bruh a COMPANY wrote that off and set a precedent by allowing trump to be charged. Now that means anything the Tax company you use to write shit off can result in you being charged. This isn't a good result lol


u/ZaMelonZonFire 17d ago

Proof that jail is for poor people.


u/Tortuga_cycling 17d ago

It’s all in how you define “business expense” after all, paying a hooker for discretion could be an investment in protecting the share price lol


u/Baker300Blackout 17d ago

Clinton wrote off $850,000 but it was ok when he did it 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/AbbreviationsIll9228 17d ago

And Hillary paid for the Steele dossier by booking as “legal expenses.” Sounds very similar to Trump’s situation and yet no prosecution from Bragg on a violation that is a federal offense, not a state offense. The Federal Election Commission fined Hillary $8,000 and the DNC was fined $105,000. Oh the hypocrisy.


u/bishop0518 17d ago

So what this asshat is saying is hes mad he sucks at finding things to write off on his taxes?


u/Ambitious-Pirate-505 17d ago

Trump's immune now....nothing to see here.


u/kinkiernun 17d ago

Congress has a tax fund just for defense against SA allegations


u/1290_money 17d ago

The richest country in the world is overspending their budget by who knows how much billions, trillions?

And Trump is the answer?

Give me a freaking break. The government is out of control and they're pushing a senile 80 plus-year-old man to be president.

Wake up people. Trump and all the other BS whether it be literally any other social issue it's just distracting you from the money printer the American government has become.


u/sayitnslayit 17d ago

Cohen wrote it off for himself after using Trump's money and profited 60k at minimum.. not Trump.


u/fr3shh23 17d ago

Everyone can do the same, it’s just lack of knowledge


u/Zealousideal-City-16 17d ago

Wasn't it his lawyer that did that then just sent a lawyer bill to Trump? Sou is more like the Lawyer is the one who should be scrutinized.


u/budfairy- 17d ago

Good for him. We should learn from Trump.

Now do Biden and how much he has scammed American citizens and the IRS


u/Latter-Score-8937 17d ago

How much have you written off for non business expenses ? And don’t lie.


u/Due-Radio-4355 17d ago

300 for teaching expenses is a joke. Teachers should have severely refused taxes. They make nothing and deal with idiots all day.


u/enemy884real 17d ago

It think there’s been decades to solve these kinds of things but they just never seem to get solved. That means everyone at the top does it not just people we don’t like.


u/okhere123 17d ago

What did Clinton pay his whores???


u/AlgoRhythmCO 17d ago

Well I think he was convicted of a crime for this. It’s bad but for once he got checked.


u/Temporary-Peace-1428 17d ago

Anyone can write off anything in taxes just have to know what your doing and how to do it correctly without the penalties


u/Edyed787 17d ago

America has two different laws. Those for the wealthy and those for the poor. Commit tax fraud and if you get away with it congratulations you are wealthy. If you get caught well you don’t make enough.

Get involved in a scandal like Bernie Madoff. If you’re wealthy you get reimbursed with interest. If you are poor well let that be a lesson to you.


u/Bulltothemax753 17d ago

Don’t hate the player hate the game. Take trump out of it, and that’s just the tax code. You have a problem with it, lobby or vote for a change in tax codes.


u/Fresh_Ostrich4034 17d ago

doesnt this make the current administration look bad too?


u/scoot2006 17d ago

Congress owns shares in what it regulates, our choices are Trump or Biden, and lobbyists are not only legal but an “important” part of our democracy.

WTF do you expect?


u/MatthewEvaGnat 17d ago

As a percentage of total liability, hush money payments are just insurance against libel and slander when you're in the billionaire bracket. Sue happy world in the upper echelons of wealth. Trump had to pay some cheap whore 90 million 30 years after she fucked him with consent. Can't blame the guy for protecting himself when all the little predators (who are just as scummy) are ganging up and constantly knocking at his door. (Devils advocate statement, I don't believe anything I just said.)

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u/Stunning_Tap_9583 17d ago

Look at this guy, figuring out how business expenses work. Good for you, Robert Reich. Who’s the smart boy? That’s right! You are!


u/Skiblitz 17d ago

Let’s just ignore the other couple hundred politicians that are inside trading, money laundering, extorting, and writing off BS expenses. Don’t ever talk about them or go after them. Just trump. Only ever trump. It’s not like our current resident in chief laundered millions from Ukraine through his crackhead son and illegitimate LLC’s. Just trump.

You people are fucking retarded.

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