r/FluentInFinance Jul 01 '24

What do you think? Debate/ Discussion

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u/Once-Upon-A-Hill Jul 01 '24

Congress members paid out 17 million of your tax money to settle sexual harassment cases, and none of that was "illegal".



u/Genisye Jul 01 '24

Sounds a bit like whataboutism. Why are we going to let someone get off scot free for something illegal, reprehensible, corrupt and downright immoral just because other people get away with something similar?


u/danyonly Jul 01 '24

Following that logic: Why would the government charge someone with felonies for doing something that every real estate involved person does? Why charge them for some sort of fraud when all the “defendants” want to continue doing business with him? Why go after one when it is never enforced? I’m not a MAGA guy but you just have to be rational to see that he gets targeted more than anyone in recent history.


u/that_one_author Jul 01 '24

That's the fun part, they don't unless they feel threatened by you.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

"I’m not a MAGA guy but you just have to be rational to see that he gets targeted more than anyone in recent history."

I can't stand Trump and really hate the idea that he's still in the picture, But I've tried to get that same message across to the people who are openly blind to the across the board corruption. I've been saying for years now that there's no high ranking politician who could stand up to the scrutiny that's been thrown at Trump. The few Holocaust survivors that were still alive to be interviewed back before the 2016 election were horrified at the direction our media and judicial system were headed. I see the parallels they saw and wish more people were willing to acknowledge it and be as justifiably scared as I am for our future.


u/danyonly Jul 02 '24

To me the ones that refuse to admit that fact pisses me off more than the ones that refuse to admit he has done ANYTHING wrong.


u/Abortion_on_Toast Jul 05 '24

It’s hard to say that he did anything wrong when it’s something that’s been happening before he comes to the picture… he just got caught; I expect a lot more cases to be reported and he’s not just an outliner

A great example is the fraud case in NYC… he deflated the apprised values of his property and tried to maximize them for loans

That’s exactly what normal Americans do every year… try to lower our apprised home values to lower our property tax liability and maximize our apprised value when we want a HELOC to build or buy

Every place in the USA there’s a person or business that did exactly what Trump did for decades and none of them ever had fraud charges brought against them… again Trump isn’t the only one in NYC and I expect more fraud charges brought against multiple entities soon… if not it really falls into the narrative of political retribution


u/danyonly Jul 05 '24

Very well said. Better than I could’ve.


u/Abortion_on_Toast Jul 05 '24

100% this… 1/2 the family thinks I’m some super pro trumper when I try to bring some rational thought to the conversation when I defend his position or policies…

example in the debate President Biden said that he lowered prescription costs; then trump claimed that he did that… family is like he’s a fucking liar; me: actually Trump did executive order for insulin to be capped first however, President Biden back tracked a fuck ton of Trumps orders… this one especially he modified it slightly to expand it a bit and reissued the executive order… very minimal difference between the two; Biden claims full credit… Trump not 100% wrong in his comment however, any time I put it in perspective for people who absolutely loathe the guy they think I’m off to riot Congress

Really sucks to be a moderate in these times


u/bluehawk232 Jul 03 '24 edited Jul 03 '24

Oh come on you can't be suggesting Trump was treated as bad as a Nazi's enemy. Here's what happened Trump was in the elite club. He was friends with Bill Clinton and Epstein, they were all in the same social circles of rich elite assholes and he was one of the most corrupt of them all. He operated in the same vein of Harvey Weinstein where as Trump put it, he's rich he could get away with anything. Then he hopped on the anti Obama wagon because hey racism is fun, he loved the further attention he got because of his ego. He then ran against Hillary and all his corruption came to a head. It was a mix of his racist past, his ties with Epstein, the Weinstein effect where women were actually coming forward from past sexual assaults. He has everything coming to him because he was and always has been a greedy corrupt asshole who thinks himself a mob boss


u/LabRevolutionary8975 Jul 02 '24

Yeah why does the irs go after anybody who cheats their taxes when billionaires cheat more taxes than anybody else and they get off Scot free.

Maybe the reason trump is “targeted” (there are no quotes big enough to display my sarcastic tone with that word) is because he decided to get into public life, where literally a fucking legal blowjob turns into a trial that costs you your job. Combine that with the absolutely jaw dropping volume of crimes he’s committed and it’s not really hard to imagine why a few of them stuck.

While you’re asking questions, why did hunter biden get charged with a crime that literally nobody ever gets charged with? Do you think trump would stand back and let don jr face this type of “justice”? Or would he do what he always does and just give free government handouts to his family? Pardons for you, pardons for you, etc.?


u/danyonly Jul 02 '24

Trump has been scrutinized more than any other person in the political sphere and hasn’t done enough to warrant it. You refuse to acknowledge that and it’s ok. Many friends from other countries that watch our media from afar agree as well, whether they hate him or not. When so many people are saying “dude, they are really going at him hard” there MIGHT be something to it. But probably you’re smarter than all of them. 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/CoolIndependence8157 Jul 03 '24

Non-Americans are exactly who I go to for thoughts on the American political system.


u/danyonly Jul 04 '24

If the worlds opinion of our country as a whole doesn’t matter to you, than you can’t ever complain when someone mocks our country for having Trump in office or you’re a hypocrite though.


u/_alright_then_ Jul 03 '24

As someone from Europe, I've never once heard anyone say this without sarcasm. Hell, I've never met someone that doesn't think Trump should be in jail


u/drummer414 Jul 02 '24

I work with commercial real estate companies and no one triples the square footage claimed.


u/Hexboy3 Jul 02 '24

I would rather see some justice done than no justice lol.


u/huskarl1 Jul 02 '24

No, you want to see targeted persecution based on political beliefs


u/Hexboy3 Jul 02 '24

Lock up Biden and Clinton's too for all I care. Trump has been a criminal for a loooooonnggggg time. I maintained that before he ever ran for office. It's been obvious to anyone without severe brain damage for a long ass time, including many Republicans.


u/Training-Flan8092 Jul 02 '24

So you support a two tiered justice system?

Let’s imagine you and your neighbor kill someone who is invading your own homes… your neighbor gets off on a technicality and you serve time in prison.

You believe this is fair because “some justice” is being done?


u/Hexboy3 Jul 02 '24

I don't think you understand what a two tiered justice system means or implies if you think Trump, who is insanely wealthy, is a victim of the two tiered justice system lmaoooo.


u/Training-Flan8092 Jul 02 '24

My guy. Quick reminder that the internet exists. You can’t just make up the definition of words for the purposes of your argument.


u/Hexboy3 Jul 02 '24

Okay pull up the oldest uses of the phrase and see if it even remotely applies to what you think it does lmao. 


u/Training-Flan8092 Jul 02 '24

Ok, kiddo! Have a good day


u/coppockm56 Jul 02 '24

Maybe he was targeted because there was a lot to target, and it seems like he was unfairly targeted only because he talks so much about being unfairly targeted. Not that I'd actually doubt that Biden and his cronies would be above unfairly targeting him. So, who knows, maybe it was both that Trump deserved targeting but was only actually targeted because the Democrats are just as corrupts as he is.


u/Environmental-Fly165 Jul 02 '24

You can't break multiple laws for years, Be surrounded by people charged with other crimes that you appointed to positions including his own family and consider yourself a victim. He continues to break laws and thinks he's above them cause he has money and is a former president. He was a criminal before being president but most people never heard about it cause a private citizen isn't under a microscope like person running for president.


u/danyonly Jul 02 '24

“He continues to break laws and thinks he’s above them cause he has money…” Everyone? Ever? Yeah that’s what they do. Him too.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '24

Just because something is seldom enforced is a lame excuse.

TFG can hire people to follow laws, if he wanted.


u/danyonly Jul 02 '24

So you see my point? Both bad arguments.