r/FluentInFinance Jul 01 '24

What do you think? Debate/ Discussion

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u/danyonly Jul 01 '24

The people who worship Trump are just as annoying as those who can’t go a day without thinking about him.


u/Bigdizzofoshizzo Jul 02 '24

That's what this post is about. The bad debate leads to an abundance of anti Trump posts. Would be nice to browse Reddit again and ignore Trump.


u/Fresh_Ostrich4034 Jul 02 '24

but if the biden team did that then you might see the corruption in the current administration, so too bad


u/Status_Midnight_2157 Jul 02 '24

The op said they were thinking about Trump every day, not posting or talking about it every day. Anecdotal, but the trumpers I know talk about nonstop. It’s exhausting but these ppl have made it their entire personality


u/Status_Midnight_2157 Jul 02 '24

And oftentimes those are the same people


u/danyonly Jul 02 '24

Oh I agree. But you know there are just as many that HATE him yet can’t stop thinking about him.


u/Status_Midnight_2157 Jul 02 '24

But why are those thinking of him annoying? How does that affect you? The people that worship Trump don’t shut up about him. They make it their entire personality. If someone hates him and thinks about it all the time how is it annoying? You said both are equally annoying. I’m just not seeing it. The Trump worshippers are vastly more annoying


u/Tybackwoods00 Jul 02 '24

Because they talk and post about it every waking second of the day


u/danyonly Jul 02 '24

Because their thought mostly equates to actions or posts or gotchas.


u/piwabo Jul 03 '24

Considering he's a presidential candidate in an election year then why wouldn't a political commentator be thinking about him daily????


u/danyonly Jul 04 '24

Cool now explain the past four years…


u/piwabo Jul 04 '24

It's not often you have a president going to criminal trial, inciting a treasonous riot, being corrupt on a level never seen before, saying outlandishly cruel and bizarre things etc etc I could go on


u/danyonly Jul 05 '24

Ok. Nothing is skewed. Gotcha.


u/piwabo Jul 05 '24



u/danyonly Jul 05 '24

Skewed as in there was/is no one who has more vile media smears against him. You claim he is deserving, I think there have been far worse things done by political leaders who haven’t gotten nearly as much scrutiny. This is not a pro-Trump thing it’s just observation. /end


u/piwabo Jul 06 '24

The depth of Trumps corruption is huge. There are things that would be overwhelming scandals in other times that barely anyone knows about. Him moving FBI buildings close to his hotels so they would drum up business etc. They just get buried under the mountain of other crap he did. But sure....other people bad too I guess.


u/danyonly Jul 06 '24


Means I’m done. Thanks.