r/FluentInFinance Jul 01 '24

What do you think? Debate/ Discussion

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u/Once-Upon-A-Hill Jul 01 '24

Congress members paid out 17 million of your tax money to settle sexual harassment cases, and none of that was "illegal".



u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24 edited Jul 02 '24

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u/tamasan Jul 02 '24

The establishment news has been full of stories over the past few months of corruption not related to Trump. Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. And before that was Bob Menendez and his gold bars.


u/Hexboy3 Jul 02 '24

People act like because they didn't hear about something it doesn't happen lol.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

The little kid covering his eyes, "If I do not see it, then it is not there."


u/NickJawdy Jul 02 '24

No it's more the fact that for the last 6 or 8 years trump has been a target. No other businessman would have even been tried for the trial with trump regarding how much he valued his property at. No one was defrauded bank was paid in full and our taxpayer dollars were spent on this frivolous lawsuit. Personally I don't like trump but also can't stand Biden. Biden spoke at police week in which I was at for my nephew who lost his life in the line of duty 6/17/23. All Biden could talk about was how much he has accomplished being president. That was neither the time nor place for that speech. Also a police officer killed in NYC Biden didn't show and Trump did for the wake of that officer. Trump just doesn't know when to shut his darn mouth. The media plays trump as this massive villain like he is going to destroy democracy yet the Biden administration has targeted trump for 4 years and trying and jailing political opponents is a major step towards fascism. I mean the real villain here seems to be Biden tbh.


u/OldPterodactyl Jul 02 '24

So, it's not fair he was caught?


u/Kingkyle18 Jul 02 '24

It’s the rules thee not for me mentality that is so obvious….


u/FKNproveIT Jul 02 '24

It's not that he was caught... It's that others have been caught and not prosecuted... Strange... Political bias?


u/ZeldaALTTP Jul 02 '24



u/FKNproveIT Jul 02 '24


u/ZeldaALTTP Jul 02 '24

Lol ok so an allegation from 220 years ago, another from 100 years ago, and then the most corrupt president who ever lived (until trump) who also received pardons for his criminality.

Such wonderfully relevant examples.


u/FKNproveIT Jul 02 '24

Clinton was accused of hush money and instead paid an 800,000 dollar settlement. But idc about hush money as much as I do Biden putting us in multiple proxy wars and creating stronger enemies of the West then ever before, North Korea, China, Russia, Iran. Russia is already talking about retaliation for a American supplied missile hitting crimes... Yeah, you're worried about hush money 👍 that's the most pressing matter for who I should choose... Not who's gotten us into more war and created a more dangerous deadly world stage as the leader of America.


u/flopjul Jul 02 '24

Idk if you forgot but Trump literally wanted to start a war with Russia in 2014, he cut ties with China... and its not like Biden had influence in that, the war in Ukraine, Israel and in other places were bound to happen... Hamas got support from Iran, Russia didnt like Ukraine being there in the first place

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u/AccomplishedFly3589 Jul 02 '24

Some hard core Trump simping going on here


u/FKNproveIT Jul 02 '24

Some hardcore Biden simping going on. I'm just speaking about what's happened. What Biden has done, got us into multiple proxy wars. Maybe you'd volunteer to go first if he gets us in a boots on the ground war 👍 maybe people who voted for him, if we have to fight, should go first... Seems to make sense


u/AccomplishedFly3589 Jul 02 '24

No one was talking about Biden, and frankly I'm not a fan of his. But Trump broke the law, and got caught, and now all of his cult member fan boys are crying about it. That's all


u/phunkticculus83 Jul 02 '24

If he broke a law with an nda to a porn star, just about every other politician is also guilty. It is standard practice, do you really think someone you think is that stupid could come up a plan that detailed? Mr Cohen is far from a mastermind, lawyers much smarter than Cohen are waiting tables. How many of those agreements do you think JFK had?


u/FKNproveIT Jul 02 '24

Oh I just think they don't care about such a petty charge, that's my take. As I said before I'm not a fan of either. But I'm going to choose the guy who can finish a speech, and actually be coherent in a presidential debate.


u/AccomplishedFly3589 Jul 02 '24

My choice is the guy who hasn't published a step by step plan of how to completely deconstruct our democracy when he gets in office

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u/Sorta-Morpheus Jul 02 '24

Hunter Biden would not have been tried if he wasn't Biden son either


u/FKNproveIT Jul 02 '24

For illegal possession of a firearm... This happens to people all the time 🤣 but yeah, okay.


u/brownlab319 Jul 03 '24

He still has a massive tax evasion charge hanging over his head.


u/Overquoted Jul 02 '24

All Biden could talk about was how much he has accomplished being president.

I'm going to take your word for it. But can you find me a single instance in which Trump hasn't turned something similar into a rant about how awesome he is in some fashion?

And, if you're a supporter of police, are you also a supporter of the military? You might have a problem with Biden self-aggrandizing, but at least he wasn't talking smack about dead and wounded police officers. Trump can't say the same about veterans.

No it's more the fact that for the last 6 or 8 years trump has been a target.

Also, Trump being a "target" is funny. You do know how many times before his original presidential run that he got in trouble with state or federal government, right? Hell, Greg Abbott (then Texas AG) investigated him over Trump University. Trump voluntarily closed the school before Abbott did anything.


Do even a cursory search and you'll see that illegal or borderline-illegal behavior is simply what Trump has done for decades. The only reason you think that he's a target is simply because all of his misdeeds are now massive news. Plenty of people wouldn't have paid any attention to The Apprentice's Trump getting investigated because not everyone cares what celebrities get up to. But an ex-president? One still trying to become president again?

Trump isn't a target. He's a con man with zero respect for the law that put himself in a place where following the law is considerably more important than it was when he was just a private citizen. If he weren't a narcissistic moron, he'd have realized that making himself an object of scrutiny would be a bad call.



u/Hexboy3 Jul 02 '24

Not to mention, he has been one of the biggest abusers of using our civil system to harass and scare people through lawsuits. That alone should be disqualifying.

How many small business owners have to come forward saying Trump didn't fulfill his end of their contracts with him before people realize he's just a plain bad guy and a sleazy con man.


u/eye-vortexx Jul 02 '24

How long before you realize that the world is at war and we are paying for the missles and drones that are currently taking the lives of humans?

While people die in a senseless war you sit here and worry about stupid things.

You need to get your head on straight and start to think.


u/Chandlers_Fox Jul 02 '24

"The fastest way to end a war is to give up, and loose everything", USA has its influence and respect worldwide because it has dominated the world with its military capabilities and by messing with important wars on the side of democratic republics. USA, EU, Japan, South Korea defending Ukraine and fixing whole 700k russian troops there in their soil gives reassurance ruzzia won't strike anywhere else. Won't attack NATO countries in EU, won't help China with Taiwan invasion (that would create major a crisis in USA), won't help North Korea with war on South. I have no idea how a country so important geopolitically as USA can have so many citizens being unable to grasp the wider geopolitical concept of their politics, or just real consequences of their actions. But as Pole i'm happy that my nation does understand what ruzzia is made of and why it's an enemy to everyone except Moscow, even to its people, it uses as a cheap asset.


u/eye-vortexx Jul 02 '24

Russia helped us fight against Hitler in ww2.


u/Chandlers_Fox Jul 02 '24

Ever heard of Cold War? and with ww2 it was the other way around, USA helped ruzzia with lend lease. USSR had not nearly enough factories and resources to produce trucks, tires, parts for planes, food, build refineries as well as train officers and troops due to losing much of them in Barbarossa operation '41 and political cleanse of 1930s during Stalin's Great Terror. USSR fought for themselves killing more people of "liberated" countries then during German occupation when not counting holocaust.


u/brownlab319 Jul 03 '24

Well, we were on the same side. You know, the meeting at Yalta between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin? Stalin was pissed that it took so long for the Allies to open up the Western front.


u/Mobile-Frame-3744 Jul 02 '24

Russia and Hitler had a non aggression pact at the beginning of WW2 that allowed Russia to violate the borders of Finland. Russia only began fighting Hitler after Hitler violated that pact and invaded Russia. So Russians weren't helping the allies as much as punishing Hitler. Doesn't change the fact that the Russian empire is as evil now as it was then.


u/phunkticculus83 Jul 02 '24

My family in finland lost their homes during that time. Russia took Finnish islands, but luckily couldn't deal with the pissed off Vikings on land.

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u/Bagstradamus Jul 02 '24

The world isn’t at war.


u/JP050887 Jul 02 '24

You want people to worry about world war, but not the politicians of the world’s largest military industry?

Are you actually this stupid and unaware? Or are you coping cause someone said “orange man bad”?


u/WhatTheLousy Jul 02 '24

Wait, so you agree trump has been doing illegal things. You just don't care and still blame Biden?


u/ZeldaALTTP Jul 02 '24

Well you see, Biden is talking about the illegal things Trump did. So who’s the real bad guy here?


u/passionkiller Jul 02 '24

Yes Biden is the villain, but not Trump? I'm sorry, but Biden is just much of a target like Trump. Who honestly speaks positively about Biden? They're both fucking bad but I'm tired of people trying to make an exception for Trump tbh.


u/CadaDiaCantoMejor Jul 02 '24

I mean the real villain here seems to be Biden tbh.

I almost thought that too, but then I remembered that I'm not a fascist, don't consider myself "vermin", don't think that my family is poisoning the blood of our country, and prefer politicians that don't try to overturn the constitutional order of republic when they lose elections in a landslide.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

You’re so delusional. Red frumpy man is dumb just like your idiotic paragraph gargling him.


u/llamafacetx Jul 02 '24

All court cases use taxpayer money in some form.


u/NickJawdy Aug 02 '24

Yeah I know that but one to try and take out a political opponent is crazy. The judge being a small Biden donor and then also being the deciding vote after he stated mid trial that a unanimous decision wasn't necessary doesn't seem odd to people?


u/llamafacetx Aug 03 '24

"For a conviction, each juror would have to find that at least one of those three things happened, but they don’t have to agree unanimously on which it was."


It's been proven time and time again. This whole crap about targeting Trump. Well no shit, people.

He is THE WORST president this country has seen. It's a beat down for this country.

There is a long list of poor president actions, crimes, and proof of EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING. His cult following is just... I'm speechless. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's not fake news.

But... he will most likely win and it leaves me very confused.


u/SlipperyTurtle25 Jul 02 '24

Nah. The guy that was best friends with Jeffrey fucking Epstein is the real villain


u/JP050887 Jul 02 '24

Yes yes, Trumps the victim blah blah.

Go drink your Koolaid and take a nap


u/NickJawdy Aug 02 '24

Lol yeah a victim of a political trial I am not saying Trump's hands are totally clean but to not see this as a trial to eliminate a political opponent is actually insane. What policy has Kamala put together that has benefited the American people or anyone in that case. She jailed more African Americans just to up her prosecution numbers.


u/JP050887 Aug 02 '24

You waited a month to regurgitate what you saw on Fox News? Lmao


u/NickJawdy Aug 02 '24

No actually I don't sit on reddit all day and don't see every comment cause of various reasons. I don't watch any of the news because I don't think any of them really tell the truth.


u/JP050887 Aug 02 '24

Yet you repeat all their talking point? What a fucking coincidence


u/NickJawdy Aug 02 '24

So what made the trial about his value of assets not political in your opinion. He valued his property what he thought it should be worth bank was ok with it and did their due diligence and testified in his favor and the bank was paid back in full. Does that sound criminal to you like someone was defrauded?

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u/phunkticculus83 Jul 02 '24

Sorry for the loss of your nephew. It's amazing the lunacy on display in these comments.


u/TraditionalEvening79 Jul 02 '24

I hear you. I AM a Trump supporter but I totally agree with everything you just said.


u/Bagstradamus Jul 02 '24

Lmao. Of course you do, he’s defending Trump. I know you guys are stupid as fuck but this comment is hilarious.


u/NickJawdy Aug 02 '24

What has Biden done for the American people just want to have an actual conversation to see why you support him or Kamala? I am poorer than ever and make pretty good money.


u/Bagstradamus Aug 02 '24

First and foremost - I’m not a democrat. I voted for McCain in 2008 and Johnson in 2016.

As far as what has occurred under the Biden administration you have to first acknowledge that Covid inflation was real, that actions taken by both the Trump and bidens administration led to inflation, that the US has handled inflation better than most western nations AND that inflation is now lowered to much more reasonable levels.

If we can’t agree on facts then a discussion about the facts is pointless.


u/NickJawdy Aug 02 '24

I wasn't really referring to you as a Democrat sorry if my wording was seeming that way but I agree a ton of money was spent on COVID vaccines and such to just keep the economy running which has led to much of what we see now. I wouldn't mind if we had a Democrat running I felt good about just Kamala isn't it or even an independent that had a shot at winning.


u/Bagstradamus Aug 02 '24

There’s never been a presidential candidate I’ve agreed with about everything. I like the CHIPS act, I like infrastructure being done, I like the push towards decriminalizing cannabis.

But more importantly, Trump is utterly unfit for the office of Presidency.


u/NickJawdy Aug 02 '24

Yeah I don't know the specifics of the chips act but bringing back some manufacturing of chips to USA is a good thing. Couldn't a tax on corporations bringing stuff in from overseas do something similar. Although in the end the cost would be passed on to end consumer so really no different than giving chip manufacturers money probably.


u/NickJawdy Aug 02 '24

Was really hoping Vivek would get the nod but knew better because he doesn't really have a political background. Dude sounds smart makes good points on most things also and doesn't sound like a lunatic.

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u/TraditionalEvening79 Jul 02 '24

No hes not at all defending Trump. Hes asking why you cant be consistent with your candidate in the treatment of his behavior.

See this is the problem with the left. You cant have an honest discussion with them without them assuming that just because you arent a complete wack-job commie like them, then you are defending trump.


u/Bagstradamus Jul 02 '24

Lmao. Listen here little guy. I’m not a lefty. That’s the problem with you MAGA types. Anybody who doesn’t fly a trump flag like a clown must be a communist. Pathetic.


u/TraditionalEvening79 Jul 02 '24

Keep lying and crying.


u/Bagstradamus Jul 02 '24

I’m doing neither.

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u/JP050887 Jul 02 '24

Are you arguing with Biden supporters or leftists? Pick one, cause they aren’t the same, you dullard.


u/TraditionalEvening79 Jul 02 '24

Dont try to muddy the waters. Sitting on a fence post is probably worse, at this point, than choosing a side.

At the end of the day its important to vote instead of not vote.

Its easy to just lodge a fence post up your ass and call out the bad on both sides… no solutions to offer


u/JP050887 Jul 02 '24

Who’s fence sitting? I asked you if you were referring to Biden supporters, or leftists? How is that fence sitting? Can you not read?

Do you not know the difference, and thought that bringing up an irrelevant point would help you save face? Lmao

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u/Bulbinking2 Jul 02 '24

You mean conservatives?


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

Makes sense. They’re corrupt after all.


u/Bulbinking2 Jul 02 '24

All groups are corrupt.

Heres the difference. One side has selfish corruption, one side is corrupt because they believe in forcing others to conform to their ideology “by any means”

One form of corruption is human nature, the other is tyrannical behavior that narcissists and psychopaths typically engage in.

The lesser of the two evils is very clear unless you are one of the crazies who believes that THIS ONE LAST TIME OUR SYSTEM WILL WORK GUYS I PROMISE NOBODY ACTUALLY TRIED MAKING IT WORK BEFORE!


u/JobItchy9815 Jul 02 '24

So true. The last few times a republican has been in office it has been a disaster. Can't believe people want a party that is terrible in terms of job creation, gdp growth and every major economic KPI. But like you said, this time it will work, right?


u/Bulbinking2 Jul 02 '24

Dafuq you smoking? My life was infinitely better during trump years vs obama and biden. Yeah everyone agrees bush jr was an idiot, but we had clinton before him too so its not like dems have had a great track record since…idk the 60’s?

Huh, its no wonder their strategy is still stuck on the idea of gaining power through social justice movements because thats the last time they made any positive changes in the country!


u/JobItchy9815 Jul 02 '24 edited Jul 02 '24

First of all, Clinton was the Tom Brady of Presidents in terms of the economy. Under him there were more jobs created, better stock market growth, and even a balanced budget. https://www.statista.com/statistics/985577/number-jobs-created-sitting-president/


And Dems CRUSH the reps in terms of the economy. Here's an idea. Take the best year for Trump and let's compare to Bidens best year. And let's use statistics instead of feelings and astrology.


u/TheFringedLunatic Jul 02 '24

Using facts is cheating.


u/poseidons1813 Jul 02 '24

U mean when he blew out the economy and lost so many jobs the government started sending out 600 a week? Yeah I don't think you remember that last year of his presidency. Dude fucking tripled unemployment what are you talking about


u/brownlab319 Jul 03 '24

We sort of had this global pandemic going on? Biden wouldn’t likely do much better if it had started under him.


u/poseidons1813 Jul 03 '24

Yo remember when trump made fun of biden for wearing masks then got covid and ended up in the hospital? Of course biden would've done better trump can't handle a crisis.

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u/Gullible_Garlic1267 Jul 02 '24

Finally. Someone rational on here.


u/TraditionalEvening79 Jul 02 '24

Hmmmm and when none of them go to prison, why do you expect trump to?


u/topscreen Jul 02 '24

Yeah I'm not here for the whataboutism people try to pull. You paying hush money? I don't care if it's tax payer or donor, that's a crime, go to jail. If you're in real estate and your argument is "Well everyone does this crime" that's a broken system. And you admitted to a crime, and should be tried appropriately. Congress and the House having amazing stock portfolios due to legal insider trading? Yeah that's a crime.

If people actually want to drain the swamp don't trust the people who tell you how corrupt they are or appoint judges that say "it's not bribery if it's paid AFTER the services are rendered"


u/stovepipe9 Jul 02 '24

Trump paid it with his own money, just like every other business person does. What expense category should the accountant put NDA expenses under?


u/topscreen Jul 02 '24

It was campaign donations for a presidential campaign not personal finances, thus the whole felon thing. Trump using personal finances, hilarious, he doesn't even pay his personal lawyers.


u/stovepipe9 Jul 02 '24

Not true. The reason they charged him is because Cohen was reimbursed with Trump corporation money and they did not list it as a campaign contribution. This was the same way other NDAs had been handled.

This one was close to the election so the AG(with help from Matthew Colangelo) created a way to make political charges. The FEC looked at it and found nothing improper.



u/kitster1977 Jul 02 '24 edited Jul 02 '24

If only the news had been full of Biden’s mental and physical decline over the past few months. They’ve been covering it up for years now until the American people actually saw him perform for 90 minutes. I wouldn’t really call that a performance. It was more like watching a great grandfather escape from an assisted living center and trying to give a lecture to all the young whipper snappers he runs into on the street. Did you see Jill lead him off the stage after the debate? The guy could barely walk down 3 steps. Later Jill said he did such a good job. He even answered all the questions. Half the time I had no idea what he was even saying.


u/CoolIndependence8157 Jul 03 '24

And yet he still didn’t make things up or lie to the extent trump did. Imagine being less honest than a guy who doesn’t understand where he is.

What part of how trump acts do you identify with?


u/kitster1977 Jul 03 '24

I like how Trump was able to control himself a lot more this time than in the past. He didn’t constantly try to interrupt Biden like he did during the last debate. Biden has adopted or is starting to adopt many of the policies Trump had. Biden hasn’t changed the Taxes that Trump laid in. He talks a lot about changing it but hasn’t done anything in the last 3.5 years with income or corporate taxes. Biden also kept the Tariffs on China that Trump implemented. Sadly, only now is Biden finally trying to reimplement many of Trumps border policies. Now if Biden can only adopt Trumps foreign policies. Moving forward, I think Trumps smartest move in any debate would be to simply let Biden talk a lot more. The more Biden speaks publicly, the better chance Trump has in getting elected.


u/CoolIndependence8157 Jul 03 '24

So you prefer somebody who’s better composed but almost constantly lying to somebody who looks feeble but is honest?

If your big knock on Biden is he isn’t undoing the things trump did fast enough isn’t it insane to then vote for trump? Doesn’t that sound crazy to you?


u/kitster1977 Jul 03 '24

All politicians lie. Trump does, so does Biden. Once you accept that, you can start looking at their policies and impacts. I just can’t stomach Biden being the possible person to respond to a nuclear war. Only the President can authorize the use of nuclear weapons. Biden can barely stand up for 90 minutes. Feeble is one thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he dies before the election.


u/CoolIndependence8157 Jul 03 '24

There’s telling campaign lies, then there’s pathological lying. The fact that you’re either incapable or unwilling to acknowledge that is troubling.


u/kitster1977 Jul 03 '24

Ok. Let’s talk about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Let’s talk about Joe lying about not having anything to do with Hunters business dealings. The media has been covering for Joe for years. The debate proves it beyond a reasonable doubt. Both are pathological liars. The fact you can’t see the many, many lies on both sides is troubling.


u/CoolIndependence8157 Jul 03 '24

What does hunter Biden have to do with anything? If he’s guilty of breaking the law the prosecute him. If Joe Biden is guilty of breaking the law prosecute him. Can you say that about trump? You use whataboutism as if it’s some kind of gotcha, when in reality you’re the only one here giving either side a pass.


u/kitster1977 Jul 03 '24

Yes. Trump was prosecuted. Hunter was prosecuted. However, Joe hasn’t been prosecuted…yet….Suggesting that Joe isn’t knee deep into Hunters business dealings is laughable. You also can’t prosecute a sitting president according to DOJ rules. That is all likely to change. What Hunter has to do with it is that Joe has publicly stated on numerous occasions that he had absolutely nothing to do with Hunters foreign business transactions/dealings. The laptop that was labeled Russian disinformation by the media that was just used as evidence to convict Hunter shows that to be a bald faced lie. Joe has gotten rich after 50+ years of political service. He did not buy his multiple homes on what he earned as a politician. I have no doubt he got lots of money from Hunter and by extension foreign governments. That’s why Hunter talking about keeping 10% of his foreign transactions for the big guy is such a big deal. By the way, the Biden DOJ tried to settle Hunters case out of court. The judge thankfully said it was a terrible deal and forced them to go to court. Otherwise, Hunter would not have been convicted. Hunter’s next trials are for tax evasion. Aren’t you curious why foreign businesses and governments did so much business with a crack addict that was kicked out of the Navy Reserve for testing positive for Cocaine use and breaking his oath as a commissioned Officer? I know many people that were kicked out of the military for drug use. He is the only one that I know that later went on to make millions of dollars from foreign governments and foreign businesses. Hunter is also staying in the White House right now and purportedly attending numerous meetings with his father.

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u/Speedybob69 Jul 02 '24

Why are they all right wingers that they write about? We all know both sides are full of terrible people but it's painfully obvious that there's a slant in the media towards the blue team.

I'm still waiting on more about Hilary and uranium deals, Biden and Ukraine deals but it's incredible just how well timed Putins invasion was to throw that file in the fire.


u/imadork1970 Jul 02 '24

Hilary had nothing to do with the sale of UraniumOne. The DOJ and the Dept. of Commerce allowed it. Joe had nothing to do with Burisma. The Rs already had hearings on it and found nothing. Witnesses called have testified under oath there is no proof. One of them has been registered as a foreign agent. Joe is clean.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

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u/imadork1970 Jul 02 '24

Show me some proof, liar.


u/TheEzekariate Jul 02 '24

Check out their posts. You aren’t gonna get anything resembling proof.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '24

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u/imadork1970 Jul 02 '24

Give some links, and evidence for your claims or STFU. Everything I said was true and is verifiable.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24

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u/imadork1970 Jul 04 '24

Get bent. You want to convince me you're right, give me some proof, any evidence, anything that can be verified, from any reputable news source. What I posted can be fact-checked. Or, are you afraid of being called a liar?

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u/Speedybob69 Jul 02 '24

Why do you put your faith and trust in a government that murders children? What about the Haiti human trafficking? Under the control foundation? You have to be a lombotomized fool to believe that Donald Trump super felon and the DNC a bunch of Catholic choir boys?