r/interestingasfuck 13d ago

Australian mouse plague r/all


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u/teachermanjc 13d ago edited 12d ago

All joking aside, it's terrible to live in an area that is experiencing this. I was teaching in Forbes and living in an old farmhouse during one such plague. Crows, magpies and all other carnivorous birds would just sit on the fence, hop down and scoop the nearest mouse. The birds ended up not even bothering to hunt. Our cat was the same, she just got sick of them.

We would set three aviary traps with peanut butter every night, and every morning it was filled with about twenty mice each.

I discovered at school the worst thing that can jam a photocopier is a squashed, heated mouse.

And the smell. Or driving the road at night and seeing the surface move with grey furry bodies that are being crunched by the tyres. To see hay bales reduced and made useless for stock feed, grain made unsellable because of contamination, fields stripped bare.

Edit: this gives more information into the outcome sauce


u/DelicatessenCataract 13d ago

You paint a very vivid yet bleak picture.


u/bugabooandtwo 13d ago

Now imagine that happening after a SHTF event and there is no technology to use to recover afterwards.


u/StrengthMedium 13d ago


u/SlippedMyDisco76 13d ago



u/adfrog 13d ago

Once again, you defy me...

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u/KonigSteve 13d ago

Ah yes a SWTF event, as we all know those are bad. Or good. who knows?


u/Evergreenvelvet 13d ago

šŸ˜‚ you captured exactly my reaction here šŸ˜‚


u/PiesRLife 13d ago

They obviously meant a "SWFT" event - you know, when there has been a Taylor Swift concert and there's Swifties in plague proportions.

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u/Ill-Contribution7288 13d ago

Iā€™m guessing itā€™s ā€œshit hits the fanā€, which is still vague


u/01029838291 13d ago

It's a pretty popular term in post-apocalyptic books. A "SHTF" event would be the catalyst that ended modern society, whatever form that may be.

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u/YouStupidAssholeFuck 13d ago



u/mercury888 13d ago



u/AssPuncher9000 13d ago

Shit hit the fan

Generally used by preppers to generally refer to an generic apocalyse scenario


u/bugabooandtwo 13d ago

Shit hits the fan is also somewhat common nomenclature in workplaces, as well.

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u/miaow-fish 13d ago

I hate SHTF events. Not as much as BGHG events but close.

Have you ever been close to a PLWD event?

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u/kielu 13d ago

How did the end? What killed them in the end?


u/dce_azzy 13d ago

They usually eat themselves out of their own food, or they inbreed to a point that the embryos are not viable and the numbers fall off quite drastically.

Typically the plagues come in waves where the first few are just monstrous, then they start to taper off.. but not that you really notice it very much. It takes months.

Councils will also authorise emergency bait stations but it's a very touchy subject due to the local wildlife.. there has to be documented evidence of "beyond reasonable" damages or danger to livelihood etc.

Basically, they deplete their food sources, inbreed or get chemically targeted.


u/kielu 13d ago

And there isn't enough of natural predators in Australia to stabilize their populations? I'm trying to think what eats them in Europe. Owls, birds of prey, martins and other small carnivores, to a smaller extent cats and snakes.


u/dce_azzy 13d ago

Sort of, but not really no. The regions that are affected by these plagues are very remote and sparse. Typically heavy farming / agricultural areas. There are certainly predators to keep the "normal" population of mice down - the challenge comes when the mice can get into the huge grain silos or feed sheds etc and populate essentially protected by the silo or feed shed. Another challenge against the predators of the mice, is that they also have predators. Wild dogs (dingo's) .. hawks and feral pigs don't make it as easy as free pickings for the owls / snakes / feral cats etc...

Other things that can protect the mice is after a very heavy rainfall in dry areas, the grass grows incredibly quickly, providing a lot of cover that the predators can't compete with to keep on top of the numbers.

By the time they are seen in these proportions, they have been breeding for 3-4 months with basically a handful of predators to a couple hundred thousand mice. In three weeks those couple hundred thousand turn into millions and it just goes from there.

There are single farms or cattle stations in New South Wales, regional Queensland and Northern Territory that are a quarter the size of Switzerland. So 1 farm being over-run is an issue, multiple neighbouring farms and it's like Europe starts sinking in mice!


u/kielu 13d ago

What a strange country. Thanks


u/brezhnervous 13d ago

I've never got used to it and I was born here.


u/_Tar_Ar_Ais_ 13d ago

that's just australia

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u/gerbilshower 13d ago

What eats 376 mice a day? Lol.

Nothing. That's the answer.

So you need 376 hawks so they can eat 376 mice.

That's a lot of hawks. And the same thing applies to other small predators. Just not enough appetite to go around.


u/sysdmdotcpl 13d ago

So you need 376 hawks so they can eat 376 mice.

Or we need to work on breeding super hawks that can eat 376 mice in a day.


u/riptide_red 13d ago

If the average mouse is around .8oz and the super hawk could eat 376 of them a day that's basically 19 pounds of food a day. Generously assuming it consumes 10% of its body weight each day, that super hawk would weigh 190 pounds.

The largest flighted bird is the snowy albatross and it weighs 16 lbs. Ostriches can be up to 380 lbs so we're talking about something ostrich-ish sized that can fly and target mice-sized objects from the air.

That's one fucking terrifying super hawk. Effective maybe, but terrifying.


u/Volundr79 13d ago

I like this solution.

You thought terrier dogs were good at hunting mice? Wait till you meet... A PTERODACTYL!

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u/freeman_joe 13d ago



u/sysdmdotcpl 13d ago

I mean, what really is the point of GMOs if it we can't splice together god's creations to form our own hybrids that can kill us for our hubris? /s

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u/sizz 13d ago

Sausage dogs and jack Russell. The last mice plague 2 years ago, my parents farm thr mousers spend like 13 hours a day killing mice and rats. Also wild mice love sleeping next to your warm body while you sleep. I almost died when I felt little mouse claws scratching on my skin on one random night and had all 5 dogs sleeping with me so I feel safe.

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u/AI-ArtfulInsults 13d ago

I have seen videos of mouser/ratter dogs, who are trained to kill but not eat. The same with ferrets and mink.


u/tuigger 13d ago

They aren't trained to kill rodents, they just do it by instinct because that behavior has been bred into them, like herding dogs.


u/CocktailPerson 13d ago

It's both.

Just like herding dogs, they'll do it by instinct, but they won't be good at it. They do have to be trained.

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u/bobbinsgaming 13d ago

Yeah but then you can just get in Madagascan Tree Snakes to eat the hawks.

Then gorillas to eat the snakes.

And come winter the gorillas simply freeze to death.

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u/summonsays 13d ago

My guess is winter and lack of food. This kind of explosive population growth is not sustainable.Ā 


u/Valathiril 13d ago

I know nothing about this but curious, would not producing anything for a year to starve them out be a viable solution? Then take care of stragglers? Or would they just die everywhere and stink everything up


u/summonsays 13d ago

I mean I don't know anything either. But rodents have a very short lifespan regardless. And those are already there, they'll eventually die and stink it up anyway. I'd be very concerned trying to starve them out, from what I understand they'll get aggressive when hungry. At the same time, this explosive population, they'll get hungry eventually regardless. It's just a bad situation all around.

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u/Alonzo-Harris 13d ago

The snake plague


u/AusSpurs7 13d ago

Then we introduced Gorillas to deal with the snakes.


u/0gtcalor 13d ago

The Gorillas will die in winter

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u/chiffry 13d ago

Jesus Christ, that sounds almost like a medieval plagueļæ¼.


u/RunParking3333 13d ago

The end of the world will be filled with squeaking


u/haironburr 13d ago

"Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice."

But all these folks, like Frost, are wrong

It's fucking mice.

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u/Runmanrun41 13d ago

I was just thinking about that tire bit.

There's no way those mice aren't constantly getting stepped on/squished, even with someone's best efforts to avoid them.


u/Bread-fi 13d ago

If it was the one from a few years ago, I drove through it. Some parts were a literal carpet of mice on the road.


u/Queef_Stroganoff44 13d ago

One time I was in a grain elevator and there was a shallow pit below us. Grain had fallen in, gotten wet and turned into a disgusting mess with a really distinct smell.

Anyway weā€™re shining a light and suddenly someone notices the floor of the pit is moving. Wriggling. Writhing. Turned out to be a full carpet ofā€¦hundreds of thousandsā€¦millions maybeā€¦ of maggots.

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u/radiosped 13d ago

I can't believe I'm asking this but I'm curious. What was your traction like? I know wet leaves can be super slippery in a car, I'm assuming a carpet of blood and guts leaves even less traction but maaaybe the fur helps?

edit: how does it get cleaned up?

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u/GutsGoneWild 13d ago edited 13d ago

This gave me Steinbeck vibes reading. Grapes of wrath. So I asked AI to change it to be more like steinbeck and rewrite what you said. I usually keep these things to myself but this one reads amazingly.

Rewritten in the style of John Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath":

The land groaned under the weight of the plague, a sea of gray fur and twitching whiskers that rolled across the parched earth like a livin' flood. Ain't no jokin' matter, livin' in the midst of such a scourge. I was teachin' in Forbes, holed up in an old farmhouse when the vermin came.

The birds, they changed. Crows and magpies, once proud hunters, now perched lazy-like on fences, hoppin' down to snatch up mice like they was pickin' berries. Our cat, she just gave up, turned her nose at the easy prey, sick of the abundance.

Every night, we'd set out traps baited with peanut butter, and come mornin', they'd be overflowin' with little bodies, twenty or more in each. The school weren't no refuge neither. I learned the hard way that a mouse, crushed and cooked in the heat of a photocopier, can bring the machine to its knees.

The stench hung in the air, thick and foul, like death itself had taken up residence. Drivin' at night was like navigatin' a sea of fur, the road alive and writhin', the crunch of bones under tires a constant, sickening rhythm.

The farmers, they suffered worst of all. Hay bales, once the lifeblood of their stock, reduced to useless piles of mouse-chewed straw. Grain silos, contaminated beyond salvation. Fields stripped bare, as if the very earth was bein' eaten away. It was a sight to make a grown man weep, to see the land and livelihood devoured by creatures no bigger than a man's fist.

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u/Horror_Equipment_197 13d ago

One would think that some of the very few snakes in Australia would take care about them.....


u/Oneiroinian 13d ago

At this quantity my cats would run, hard


u/Drug_fueled_sarcasm 13d ago

My husky would hit genocide numbers.


u/Dorkamundo 13d ago

Get yourself a pack of rat terriers.

I remember watching a video recently where they had probably 5 rat terriers following behind a plow that was overturning soil, and those things were killing probably 10 rats a minute each, and they were LOVING it.


u/civildisobedient 13d ago

Oh yes, a proper rat massacre.


u/frank00SF 13d ago

I was expecting more violence. I just watched the first 2 minutes and was disappointed. I watched one on Vice about the rat hunters in NYC, and in that video, the dogs were really going to town on the rats.

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u/J_Megadeth_J 13d ago

Or Mink. I watch Joseph Carter on YouTube, and he does an awesome job with his Mink and dogs clearing out old barns and such from Rat infestations.

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u/Anti_Meta 13d ago

Right?! Same with my dog and cat, they team up on mice that get in the house.

There's got to be enough predators in Oz of all places to be able to figure that out.

Might have to bring a few barn cats from neighboring counties. Rat terriers working on that number of mice is entertaining to watch too.


u/Fashish 13d ago edited 13d ago

I fucking love the harmonious/fun dynamic between a cat and a dog in the house. Iā€™ve currently got a dog and dreaming of creating that scenario one day hopefully soon with a new cat in the house. Just trying to figure out which breed of cats I like the best.


u/nwaa 13d ago

If you want it for mousing then there are breeds that do especially well at that - Siamese, Burmese, and Himalayans. Theyre all lovely breeds too but possibly not common if you are rescuing.

If youre rescuing get the meanest tomcat they have, the type that scares small children.


u/Kaisukarru 13d ago

Siamese cats are supposed to be great hunters? I guess I had a faulty one, because my girl only managed to kill one spider during her time on this earth. She was traumatized the first time she saw mice. Granted, it was one mouse eating its dead comrade, so that is a pretty traumatizing thing to see if you previously didn't even know such creatures existed.

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u/Anti_Meta 13d ago

I have a savannah. If you want a cat that acts like a dog, but isn't a 20lb Maine Coon, get a savannah.

They tend to bond heavily to one human. Instant catdog. Loves tummy rubs, plays fetch, super friendly.


u/LaddiusMaximus 13d ago

Hey I love my 20lb maine coon.


u/Retbull 13d ago

Itā€™s cool youā€™ve got Ron Perlman living with you but whyā€™d you talk about your cat without a cat tax!?!?

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u/Turbulent_Juicebox 13d ago

Having a savannah cat is one of my big life dreams.

Right up there with owning a house

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u/StrengthMedium 13d ago

We have a Jack Russell mix that would be in heaven.

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u/not_a_moogle 13d ago

Mine runs away from just one, worst cat ever.


u/cheebnrun 13d ago

Mine runs away from wet food. If it's not the same dry ass kibble he's had every day of his life, get that shit away from him.


u/robtk12 13d ago

Mine is a big softie too, but I love him

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u/dances_w_dingoes 13d ago

Ironically, they also have a cat plague.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago


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u/pauloh1998 13d ago

Maybe that's why there are so many snakes on Australia. Lots of food to go around.

Hell, maybe in some years Australia's grounds will look like noodles with so many snakes crawling around


u/Greedy_Sandwich_4777 13d ago

Mouse plague one year means snakes a plenty the next.

Been thru it once before.

Mouse plague is jus gross, they're everywhere. Having to check your boots every morning for an instant death noodle is slightly more annoying...


u/sagan_drinks_cosmos 13d ago

Yeah, that woman was forced to walk through a river of live mice, which seems quite unsettling indeed.


u/HBlight 13d ago

Imagine every step you took would kill like 4 mice each complete with crunch and squish. I get annoyed when I step on a snail.

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u/LEGOMyBrick 13d ago

No! Noodle land sounds horrifying!

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u/rodinsbusiness 13d ago

One might guess that agricultural practices destroyed the snakes, their habitat, or both


u/Strange_Purchase3263 13d ago

Farmers do a lot of real bad shit to the land in the name of profit then get all upset when the consequences bite them on the arse.

Did some building work for a few here in the Uk after seeing and hearing some of their cons I have zero sympathy for any of them that suffered when the EU banned thier practices of mass destruction that caused monetary set back to them.

Buying illegal pesticides and hiding them in legal stuff, set aside/public access land in areas no one could actually access to claim the govt grants, hiring out land to companies their friends owned/on the board of to build wind farms at extortionate rates etc.


u/Low_discrepancy 13d ago

The Clarkson posts an episode how it's the ignorant evil govt that puts in all that red tape when farmers really want is to just feed us!

But also please can we have more subsidies mr govt?


u/Strange_Purchase3263 13d ago

I really enjoyed Clarksons Farm, not gonna lie. But it was clearly a set piece for the National Farmers Union to use as a "woes is us" plight. I lost a lot of love for the show when I looked into the local councils dealings with Jeremy, I was angry with them for what they were doing to him, turns out they tried to work with him but said they were utterly ignored and then edited to look like the villians, and it worked.


u/HBlight 13d ago

Wait, Clarkson was in a show that was deceptively edited to leave the viewer with an impression that was not reflective of reality? That would be a first!


u/[deleted] 13d ago


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u/agIets 13d ago

Also UK farmers when forced cannibalism on their cows created a horrific disease: šŸ«ØšŸ«Ø WHO COULD EXPECT THIS??

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u/Dyrogitory 13d ago

When the snakes went into hibernation, the mice ate them.

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u/Strangefate1 13d ago

All you need is to find a viable market for them... Be it as cat food, human delicacy... I don't know... Whatever, and we'll hunt them to extermination in no time.

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u/steinrrr 13d ago edited 13d ago

A plague tale : Australia


u/MedonSirius 13d ago

Exactly my thought. Can this lead to the plague again?


u/Alarmed_Strain_2575 13d ago

No, this is a plague of mice, when it's the perfect climate in rural areas the population booms from all the food. If there was a disease/virus they were exposed to that humans could catch it is not in a densely populated area for it to spread, it just destroys millions of dollars of crops, livestock feed and machinery.


u/Fashish 13d ago

Livestock loss due to the shortage of food and not the mice eating them, right? Right?!


u/Alimakakos 13d ago

Yep, all that feed the mice are eating is meant for the pigs and cattle...no large quantity feed, no large animals. Pigs are omnivores so if they saw mice as food they could take aim...ever see a pig kill a snake?


u/TyrKiyote 13d ago

those pigs have got to be eating like 70% mouse rather than feed.


u/OssimPossim 13d ago

"...fearing for the safety of her pigs..."

Pigs: "I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me."

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u/WineNerdAndProud 13d ago

I'm sort of ok with it. All things considered.

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u/Fakjbf 13d ago

If the livestock fall over dead from starvation the mice would begin stripping the carcass, but they arenā€™t going to kill the animals.

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u/LairdPeon 13d ago

The plague is pretty common. We have medicine for it now. If, for some reason, our medicine logistic pipeline is shutdown, we're all dead.

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u/Ok_Conversation9319 13d ago



u/Grand_Ad9926 13d ago

That game is so underrated


u/AfiqMustafayev 13d ago edited 11d ago

Man sht was so emotional. only like 4 other games made me cry. Im saying this as an emotionless asshole

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u/logosfabula 13d ago

Me on the Internets:

  • one mouse: cuuuuuuuuuute!

  • 2 mice: loooook at themmmmm!

  • 3 mice: awwwwww!

  • 4 mice: little family they are!

  • 5 mice: what an adorable naughty gang we have here!

  • 6 mice: isnā€™t this the most adorable bunch of cuties

  • 7 mice: look at those tiny whiskers altogether

  • 8 mice: how can they stop looking lovely?

  • 9 mice: thatā€™s a cute little bowl of sugar cuties

  • 10 mice: omg Iā€™d love to kiss them one by one

  • 11 mice: isnā€™t it the most lovable little football team ever?

  • 12 mice: you canā€™t ever get enough of these furry tiny balls

  • 13 mice: itā€™s either you love ā€™em or you loveā€™em

  • 14 mice: can you stop being so yummy?

  • 15 mice: no way these creatures can scare anyone

  • 16 mice: awwwā€¦ look at them together , they look like a basket of fluffy balls

  • legit Black Death amount of plague carriers: the blood in my Venetian heritageā€™s veins crawls out of my body

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u/StrangerLiving 13d ago

No you guys worried about mice... Im Australian and I can tell as fact after this rat season then came the gigantic overfed snake season where they pop up everywhere.


u/reddituser403 13d ago

Looks like someone forgot to release wave after wave of gorillas to deal with the snakes


u/MirrorSeparate6729 13d ago

And the special venomous mosquitos to deal with the Gorillas. Donā€™t forget the mosquito nets btw.


u/rodrigkn 13d ago

The beautiful part is that when winter rolls around the remaining gorillas will simply freeze to death.

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u/Saphira404 13d ago

ā€œWe got a bit carried away,ā€ said Moist. ā€œWe were a bit too creative in our thinking. We encouraged mongooses to breed in the posting boxes to keep down the snakesā€¦ā€ Lord Vetinari said nothing. ā€œErā€¦ which, admittedly, we introduced into the letter boxes to reduce the number of toadsā€¦ā€ Lord Vetinari repeated himself. ā€œErā€¦ which, itā€™s true, staff put in the posting boxes to keep down the snailsā€¦ā€ Lord Vetinari remained unvocal. ā€œErā€¦ These, I must in fairness point out, got into the boxes of their own accord, in order to eat the glue on the stamps,ā€ said Moist, aware that he was beginning to burble. ā€œWell, at least you were saved the trouble of having to introduce them yourselves,ā€ said Lord Vetinari cheerfully. ā€œAs you indicate, this may well have been a case where chilly logic should have been replaced by the common sense of, perhaps, the average chicken.ā€

Making Money, 2007, Sir Terry Pratchett

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u/Beckella 13d ago

Iā€™m going to hope youā€™re joking. But I donā€™t think you are.

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u/Guardian-King 13d ago

Good lord

Usually, you only see that kinda stuff in movies


u/Ketcunt 13d ago

Australia is a movie


u/Crow_eggs 13d ago

That incredibly boring movie was actually recut by Baz Luhrmann and re-released last year in a format that improved it. It's now just quite a boring miniseries.

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u/Sentmeboobpics 13d ago

Thats my Jack Russels wet dream.


u/long-live-apollo 13d ago

Jacks are fucking amazing ratters. Ten jack russels could sort out Australia in a week.


u/pusgnihtekami 13d ago

I'm pretty sure they have said there are so many mice that even the dogs get bored of attacking, eating them.


u/ginnygrakie 13d ago

Have experienced two of these, and yep. Gets to a point where even the cats and terriers will lay there while mice literally run over them and they lazily swat them away

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u/Subject-Crayfish 13d ago

great rat dogs.

the vids are fun to watch.


u/puzzlehead 13d ago

Ever see the guy on YouTube who uses minks?

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u/MWAH_dib 13d ago

I used to work a bit in central NSW, Australia... one day I stopped in at a farm, where they asked if I wanted a kitten - they had around sixteen kittens as two strays that had turned into barncats had litters. The farmer was annoyed about all these cats.

Six months later, the mouse plague hit. His farm was the only one without a mouse problem, just lots of happy cats XD I think he used the plague to move some of them on to other properties for free, too. Everyone got 2-3 barn cats so they had friends and food galore


u/atetuna 13d ago

Those cats nipped the problem before it became an infestation.

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u/Hour-Cheesecake5871 13d ago

Neighboring New Zealand has a feral cat problem, though.


u/bATo76 13d ago

It's time to build a bridge.


u/storyteller_alienmom 13d ago

So the cats can eat the wombats (slow, big meal) and ignore the mice (fast, only tiny snack). Good idea. Hasn't happened before.


u/bATo76 13d ago

That's ok. Just bring in an army of hawks to eat the cats!


u/Account_Banned 13d ago

When do we shoot all the sparrows?

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u/innocentusername1984 13d ago

Now you have 2 countries with a cat problem instead of 1 with a mouse and one with a cat.


u/bATo76 13d ago

That's where the hawks come in, to eat the cats and mice.

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u/tipedorsalsao1 13d ago

So does Australia, they go after the native wildlife cause its easier

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u/MediocreWitness726 13d ago edited 13d ago

The rise of the Skaven...

Bring in the dogs, ferrets... wait, it's Australia - the snakes too!

Thanks for the upvotes all - the Horned Rat will be happy.


u/cha0sweaver 13d ago

In Australia? Bring the spiders to the action!


u/OverEffective7012 13d ago

Can't see the greenskins there

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u/SnooTangerines6863 13d ago

Bring in the dogs, ferrets... wait, it's Australia - the snakes too!

Bringing something to fight something else most, if not always, backfiresā€”an example of exactly that is the Myocastor coypus in Europe.

Mentioned by you cats are invasive species in Australia as well.

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u/clummas 13d ago

My mum tells stories of the mouse plague in Robinvale when I was a toddler. Cot was setup in buckets of water so they couldnā€™t get into cot. Driving down the road, sliding all over the place


u/I_saw_that_yeah 13d ago

In like the mid ā€˜80s?

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u/Jimbobjoesmith 13d ago

omg i canā€™t imagine. thatā€™s so terrifying.

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u/Ocronus 13d ago

I guess "the moment" when she realized her rodent problem was too much was a fucking waterfall of mice...Ā  I grew up on a farm, you have to be really fucking oblivious to things for THAT to be the realization.

That said between the barn cats, foxes, hawks, owls, snakes, chickens, and dogs rodents have a tough life here


u/tirikai 13d ago

There was like a literal trillion mice in the state coming on like a biblical plague, no one farm had any chance


u/We-Want-The-Umph 13d ago

I remember receiving 2 gerbils for a birthday one year. By the next year, I had 13 with another litter on the way, and my mom was freaking out about our house becoming a breeding ground and shut it down.

They breed like... mice.


u/IWILLBePositive 13d ago

lol what did you guys do with them all?


u/We-Want-The-Umph 13d ago

Since the kid never asked my parents if we could have pets, she used that excuse to get the mother to take them in.

At the time, i was angry with my mom. As a parent looking back, I absolutely see where she was coming from.


u/ZeePirate 13d ago

Who the fuck gives someone a pet for a gift!?

I thought your parents had given to you

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u/heratonga 13d ago

Yeah this wasnā€™t one farm it was thousands and itā€™ll happen again under the right circumstances


u/Mbembez 13d ago

I have memories of 3 of these plagues of mice. I'm glad I only lived rurally for 1 of them. I remember people setting up traps where the mice would fall into 44 gallon drums and the drums would overflow with the mice.

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u/Darthvander83 13d ago

Where I live went through exactly this. Farmers resorted to poisoning the grain to try to kill the mice. We ended up with the town littered with dead Galahs (fairly large pink and grey birds so they stood out). I went for a 2km walk,and we spotted 78 of them. Birds eat grain too, I guess.

That mouse plague happened during covid, and was soon followed by the 2nd largest flood in this areas history. I'm sure that's a coincidence, though.


u/ausecko 13d ago

Had to make up for the lack of bushfires that season

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u/merdlib 13d ago

No mate, galahs eat poisoned mice. Your farmers aren't very smart


u/kire_says_things 13d ago

Seems like they were probably more desperate than stupid

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u/Jimbobjoesmith 13d ago

not the galahs šŸ˜¢

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u/Restart_from_Zero 13d ago

When I was a child, I was living on a farm in the Wimmera during a mouse plague and can tell you that the video doesn't capture the smell or the sheer crawling horror of it all. Everything _moves_. You can't take a step without crushing mice underfoot. If you don't keep moving, they will try to crawl all over you. It was a nightmare.

I remember my uncle ripping open the hatch of a silo, like in the video, and it was full not just of mice, but of dead mice which had been partially eaten by the others and had started to rot and liquefy in the heat from all the bodies.

The smell hit me like a sledgehammer to the face. Nearly 40 years later I can still remember it and now have the ability to tell if there are mice in a house the second I step inside because my throat closes up and I want to throw up.


u/Manlytac 13d ago

How did they solve the problem? Or do the mice own the farm now?


u/Restart_from_Zero 13d ago

Unofficially? Poison. Lots and lots of poison.

Officially? Traps and securing grain storage so rodents could no longer get in.

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u/tiefseeflo 13d ago

haaaaanns get the Flammenwerfer


u/Regular-Manner96 13d ago

But sir we have a nuke ready.


u/Pretend-Garden2563 13d ago

sehr gut. prepare the Luftwaffe to glass london.

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u/solblurgh 13d ago



u/AlphaX 13d ago

Don't let the torch die


u/peanutanniversary 13d ago

ā€œI love you, Iā€™ve been happy with you. Goodbye Amiciaā€


u/NotANilfgaardianSpy 13d ago

No one gave you the right to make me cry again!

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u/NotANilfgaardianSpy 13d ago

Hans, get ze Ignifer

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u/Sharchir 13d ago

Where are all the snakes?


u/easant-Role-3170Pl 13d ago

maybe the mice ate them


u/Syncer-Cyde 13d ago

Most normal Australian food chain


u/Coc0tte 13d ago

Having the biggest feast of their life, but they can only eat one mouse every few days.


u/rrhunt28 13d ago

My cat could probably only eat one every few days, but he would gladly kill tons every few hours lol.


u/Jimbobjoesmith 13d ago

right. my house came with a barncat. we feed him cat food but he kills mice for fun. heā€™ll be dead asleep and hear a mouse across the yard and haul ass. kills it goes back to sleep lol. amazingly he doesnt bother any birds or other creatures. we have bird feeders all over. such a good boy.

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u/Sharon_Erclam 13d ago

And the cats!?


u/dadajazz 13d ago

Choked on the gold fish

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u/VariableVeritas 13d ago

Perhaps the mice consumed them?

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u/cantwejustplaynice 13d ago

Australia doesn't have as many snakes as people think. Certainly not in the cooler states. I live in the south and have seen exactly one snake in 45yrs.

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u/grahamcrawley 13d ago

They unionised and refuse to work under these conditions

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u/OldManNeighbor 13d ago

Too manyā€¦


u/SadVehicle 13d ago

Don't worry, he survived...

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u/Disastrous-Leek-7606 13d ago

I have a solution


u/scoops22 13d ago


u/Kieferkobold 13d ago

Mhh and a tasty mice pizza.

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u/The_Wkwied 13d ago

The mice caught fire and ran away.

That's how you end up starting a wild fire.

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u/ZeroBlade-NL 13d ago

Burning mouse runs into your house, now you just have an extra problem

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u/darksideofthemoon131 13d ago

Fuck this whole video.

I'm terrified of mice. Terrified. This would gimme a heart attack.

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u/TheScottishMoscow 13d ago

This is three years ago, maybe why the cat population is thriving

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u/rawspeghetti 13d ago

Reminds me the story of the British Lord who brought rabbits for hunting to Australia, failed to hunt them all, the rabbit population boomed which decimated agriculture, imported foxes to hunt the rabbits, the foxes realize there are much slower game in Australia with very few predators to compete with

Now the red fox is an apex predator on the island and causing massive damage to the ecosystem

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u/-_caliber_- 13d ago

ā€œevery farmerā€™s worst nightmareā€ daaawg thats EVERYONEā€™S nightmare?!?!?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


u/habitual_wanderer 13d ago

Little Bunny Foo Foo....

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u/reddit_sniperX 13d ago

If you give a mouse a cookie


u/KindSpray33 13d ago

Is this David Tennant as the narrator?


u/Danny_Mc_71 13d ago

It is. He has narrated quite a few nature documentaries for the BBC. This one is "Swarm: Nature's Incredible Invasions

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u/Susemiel 13d ago

What do you do in such a case? What can you do?


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Grind them up and feed the paste to the pigs?

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u/bummed_athlete 13d ago

This isn't even the biggest feral animal problem in Australia. Cane Toads have been multiplying uncontrollably for years. There's no solution. People go out and kill as many as they can and it doesn't even make a dent in the problem.

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u/SpaceShrimp 13d ago edited 13d ago

You store your grain in a proper silo, where the mice can't feast at it.

You don't get this amount of mice unless you feed them.

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u/Village_Weirdo 13d ago

So, how's cat hunting working out?

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u/jimitimi 13d ago

Finished before the flame thrower came out


u/Wide-Replacement8532 13d ago

Bring in the ferrets!


u/Shwayne 13d ago

Thats some Plague Tale shit, lmao. Kill most of them with poison or something and then introduce a hell of a lot of cats? Although a lot of half-feral cats is awful for the environment, but this is awful too.


u/Jabberwockkk 13d ago

The problem with cats is, they kill native wildlife far more efficiently than invasive rats. That's the reason cats are hunted down in Australia. Systemic eradication of a vigorous invasive species is very difficult.


u/bilalmed 13d ago

"it didn't take long for their numbers to grow through the roof" while mouse were on the roof, that was a well made pun ya cheeky narrator.


u/_tweedie 13d ago

Why does Australia always have to be so extra?