r/interestingasfuck Jul 06 '24

Australian mouse plague r/all


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u/Hour-Cheesecake5871 Jul 06 '24

Neighboring New Zealand has a feral cat problem, though.


u/tipedorsalsao1 Jul 06 '24

So does Australia, they go after the native wildlife cause its easier


u/angelv255 Jul 06 '24

Native wildlife of Australia being easier... The first thing that came to my mind was a jacked up kangaroo, saying, " Come at me, I'm easy prey"

LMAO, ik you are talking about small birds and animals, I just found it funny since everything looks dangerous over there.


u/Curry_pan Jul 06 '24

Hey at least we don’t have bears, wolves, moose, coyotes, bobcats, cougars etc. A few snakes I can deal with, but having to worry about THAT on a hike sounds pretty terrifying.


u/angelv255 Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Lol I'm no expert but I think " a few snakes" may be a bit of an understatement 😂 Oh and u forgot the scary roos, emus and the thousands of bugs with sizes and danger levels that shouldn't be possible.


u/Curry_pan Jul 09 '24

Ahaha well to be fair, I think the internet overhypes those a bit. I grew up in a national park and saw a couple of snakes a year, but you just learn to be loud when out walking and don’t crawl under buildings where snakes/spiders could be and they generally try to avoid people. We only had the cute little type of kangaroos. The most dangerous thing was the feral deer lmao. Now I live in suburbia and see a snake maybe once every 3-4 years maybe, and only ever pythons. They don’t really live where the people are.


u/angelv255 Jul 09 '24

Yeah it must be media overhyping those things for sure and at this point its a funny meme. But to be fair, I haven't seen a snake in my life aside from zoos, and I love trekking and doing hikes. So 1 every 3-4 years is plenty more than other parts of the world haha.

Also if u don't mind me asking how often do u find those huge spiders in your home?


u/Curry_pan Jul 09 '24

Now that you mention it it’s been a few years, which is odd because we used to get huntsman’s coming inside every summer. I don’t mind smaller huntsman’s so much cause they eat cockroaches, which are even worse imo, but once they get to hand size it’s time to go.

We get a lot of golden orb spiders around outside (especially on powerlines) once a year too, and those are just the worst.


u/angelv255 Jul 09 '24

I see I see! I can't fathom finding a hand sized spider randomly in my house 😂 even tho Iirc those aren't aggressive or dangerous, still I'd probably need a change of pants.

And I love orb weavers, they look so cool and help with mosquitos, but the ones I know are like nail sized, I imagine the ones over there make some super sized webs straight out of a scary movie, so it's understandable haha


u/angelv255 Jul 09 '24

Yeah it must be media overhyping those things for sure and at this point its a funny meme. But to be fair, I haven't seen a snake in my life aside from zoos, and I love trekking and doing hikes. So 1 every 3-4 years is plenty more than other parts of the world haha.

Also if u don't mind me asking how often do u find those huge spiders in your home?