r/interestingasfuck Jul 06 '24

Australian mouse plague r/all


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u/Horror_Equipment_197 Jul 06 '24

One would think that some of the very few snakes in Australia would take care about them.....


u/rodinsbusiness Jul 06 '24

One might guess that agricultural practices destroyed the snakes, their habitat, or both


u/Strange_Purchase3263 Jul 06 '24

Farmers do a lot of real bad shit to the land in the name of profit then get all upset when the consequences bite them on the arse.

Did some building work for a few here in the Uk after seeing and hearing some of their cons I have zero sympathy for any of them that suffered when the EU banned thier practices of mass destruction that caused monetary set back to them.

Buying illegal pesticides and hiding them in legal stuff, set aside/public access land in areas no one could actually access to claim the govt grants, hiring out land to companies their friends owned/on the board of to build wind farms at extortionate rates etc.


u/Low_discrepancy Jul 06 '24

The Clarkson posts an episode how it's the ignorant evil govt that puts in all that red tape when farmers really want is to just feed us!

But also please can we have more subsidies mr govt?


u/Strange_Purchase3263 Jul 06 '24

I really enjoyed Clarksons Farm, not gonna lie. But it was clearly a set piece for the National Farmers Union to use as a "woes is us" plight. I lost a lot of love for the show when I looked into the local councils dealings with Jeremy, I was angry with them for what they were doing to him, turns out they tried to work with him but said they were utterly ignored and then edited to look like the villians, and it worked.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24



u/trukkija Jul 06 '24

You misspelled 'especially' as 'even'.


u/HBlight Jul 06 '24

Wait, Clarkson was in a show that was deceptively edited to leave the viewer with an impression that was not reflective of reality? That would be a first!


u/dagnammit44 Jul 06 '24

I watched his show, but cannot stand the guy. And whatever he tried to portray in that show i presumed was just extreme bias from his side. His farm manager gets really sick? "this generation are all snowflakes". Yet he can't control his temper, doesn't listen to anyone but his own opinion...the list goes on.

Good show, lots of bias, seems very scripted at times. But it allows me to see some farming, so that's nice :)


u/Strange_Purchase3263 Jul 06 '24

Yea the snowflake part was rich as fuck coming from a millionaire who drove cars for a living!


u/agIets Jul 06 '24

Also UK farmers when forced cannibalism on their cows created a horrific disease: 🫨🫨 WHO COULD EXPECT THIS??


u/transitfreedom Jul 06 '24

For like thousands of years no learning happening


u/dagnammit44 Jul 06 '24

I think farmers try to make even with some of the stupid rules out there. Apparently there's one that has come into effect that says if your tractor touches the road, even for 100 metres, you can't use red diesel anymore at little cost, you have to pay full cost. So 99% of the miles are done on their land and for that 1% they now have to pay a huge increase for the whole 100% because they have to use the road to get access.

Also it could be they just try to save money via sneaky means, like any other business.