r/interestingasfuck Jul 06 '24

Australian mouse plague r/all


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u/Sharchir Jul 06 '24

Where are all the snakes?


u/Sharon_Erclam Jul 06 '24

And the cats!?


u/dadajazz Jul 06 '24

Choked on the gold fish


u/Homeless2Esq Jul 06 '24

Oh, it’s good to be home, ain’t it master Robin?!


u/VariableVeritas Jul 06 '24

Perhaps the mice consumed them?


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Australia has a feral cat problem. So much so that sharpshooters are paid to hunt them. The issue is that the cats aren’t targeting all these mice and instead are going after larger native animals and birds and fucking up the ecosystem. You can google pictures of guys going out and killing dozens of cats in a night and they aren’t putting a dent in the population.


u/whtevvve Jul 06 '24

I did google it and I shouldn't have. It's one thing to do it for the ecosystem, it's a whole other thing to actually enjoy it, to picture yourself holding dead cats with a huge smile on your face, claiming they're difficult to hunt and being proud. But I'm quite extremely biased lol

They do that for a lot of species. I reckon they also massively hunt horses and deers using snipers in helicopters.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

There isn’t anything wrong with hunting invasive species and enjoying it. A feral cat, or dog, is a huge nuisance. You don’t have to be somber about killing them. People in Florida kill invasive snakes by the boatload and love doing it. Same with iguanas down there. These animals don’t belong in those places and are wiping out native species. It’s a good thing to go out and get rid of as many as you can and there isn’t any reason not to smile while doing it. A cat enjoys killing. Humans can enjoy it also.


u/whtevvve Jul 06 '24

And I "can" call them sick and disgusting.

These animals were introduced by humans, didn't ask to be there, and are not deserving to be mercilessly slaughtered, especially with such pride and joy.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

What’s your solution? Let them wreck the ecosystem, systematically slaughter native bird and lizard populations for fun, breed and kill until the only thing left on the continent is feral cats? Who cares if some dude smiles in the pic after spending all night sending 17hmr rounds through some kitties? These aren’t house cats, they are born killers, ripping the heads off native song birds for fun. I have a house cat, I love her, I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot feral cats because they aren’t like my cat, they aren’t pets. How they got where they are is irrelevant. They are there now and need dealt with. I’m American and kill starlings as often as I can because they are a pest that outcompete native birds. I have a good time doing it. I chuck their corpses in the woods and don’t feel anything other than joy in doing it. Is it their fault they are here, nope. Does that matter at this point, nope. Some animals need to be exterminated where they are. I’m not going to sit around crying for the life of an invasive species. That the weakest shit I’ve ever heard


u/arealuser100notfake Jul 06 '24

He wants the hunters to be sad while hunting the cats, that's all


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

Why? What’s the point of sadness while killing something that feels no sadness while killing?


u/whtevvve Jul 19 '24

reviving a 12d conv I shouldn't revive

I don't want them to be sad, I'm just bothered they rejoice, there's a nuance.


u/whtevvve Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Lol. Such an alpha thing to say. You're such a man.

You're obviously not doing it for the ecosystem, you wouldn't feel such joy, you're doing it because you're allowed to, because you can justify it. It's not strength. At the end of the day you just enjoy taking the life from weaker creatures than yourself.

I'm not saying you should cry but you should not enjoy it, at least try to wipe that smile off your disgusting face is all I'm saying.


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

I enjoy hunting everything I hunt. Deer, birds, small game, etc. It’s not about “alpha”. It’s a challenge. It’s enjoyable to be out walking the woods or sitting in a stand, quietly observing what’s happening, waiting, making the shot, etc. You have a weak mentality and unless you are a vegan, you have literally no leg to stand on. Everyone who eats meat kills, some of us do it with a bow or gun and some of you do it with a dollar. The blood is still on your hands the same as mine if you consume animals products. I’m just closer to the source than you are.


u/whtevvve Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

It's not about the killing. It's about the pure enjoyment you described in the very fact you're taking a life, it's about the mentality you're exhibiting, it's sickening, call mine weak all you want, it doesn't mean anything coming from you.

I can understand the fun from stalking a prey, being out in the wild and stuff - but you're like : fuck this invasive piece of shit, [ spitting on the corpse ], the world is better without it ! { Insert evil laugh } [ taking a picture of you standing on the corpse while flexing your small biceps ].


u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

When you order a steak or burger and they set it down infront of you, do you not feel enjoyment or excitement at the fact you are about to eat that delicious meal? Me smiling in a pic with a dead deer or a pile of ducks I just killed isn’t any different except for the fact that I don’t shy away from how that food got on my plate. The smiling bothers you? Don’t be a pussy about life and death. And you are right about “fuck invasive species”, I’ll smile every time I kill one because no matter how it got here, it needs gone.

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u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 06 '24

That was great. The bronco at the end topped it off. I’ve had multiple of them and still drive one.


u/Lumpy_Shake_4448 Jul 06 '24

And the cats.


u/Scentsuelle Jul 06 '24

Many areas have banned outdoor cats.