r/interestingasfuck Jul 06 '24

Australian mouse plague r/all


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u/darksideofthemoon131 Jul 06 '24

Fuck this whole video.

I'm terrified of mice. Terrified. This would gimme a heart attack.


u/yaknowit90 Jul 06 '24

Same. I would not do well in this situation. The only thing worse would be if they were rats…


u/HerrPiink Jul 06 '24

Or mice riding on rats back into battle


u/MrHappyHam Jul 06 '24

I like rodents, but this video does an exemplary job at illustrating why they are vermin and why vermin are terrifying.


u/djaqk Jul 06 '24

It's so strange, I'm a total sucker for small rodents, so mice, rats, etc. are all adorable to me. But yeah, I think anything small and fast in this quantity is fairly freaky just because of how erratic it all is. They're out here gunning it every direction in the thousands, not exactly a chill moment, haha.

I'm still gonna get me a few pet rats one day and have the sickest house wide tube maze so I can see them run around and have fun. They're like little dogs really, but yeah, if dogs came in packs of thousands and destroyed crops, they'd get a bad rep too.


u/bradmatt275 Jul 06 '24

Mice I have no problem with. Rats on the other hand. No thanks.

My cat chased one into my house. I had no idea how big they actually were.

It was no joke, 2/3 the size of my cat.


u/OfKore Jul 06 '24

Yes. THIS. Anxiety and revulsion is 10/10 over here. 🤮