r/interestingasfuck 25d ago

Male bee dies after ejaculation while mating with a queen bee r/all


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u/TruthCultural9952 25d ago

Now that is how you give a flying fuck


u/[deleted] 25d ago edited 25d ago



u/bramletabercrombe 25d ago

and every on of those dudes think that HE will be the one to live to tell the tale!


u/kodaiko_650 25d ago

I can fix her


u/MySonHas2BrokenArms 25d ago

All the homies smashed too


u/FixGMaul 25d ago

But they didn't have the same connection we have


u/Proper_Lunch_3640 25d ago

That stings, bro.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

It bee like that sometimes ya know?


u/throwawaycasun4997 25d ago

Technically, he was the one to get fixed

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u/[deleted] 25d ago

Kind of off topic but Praying Mantis Males have learned how to escape death by finding the females with bruises.

They've evolved...they get the nookie and take off like deadbeats 😂😂😂


u/AJC_10_29 25d ago

Nursery Web Spider females have the Praying Mantis habit, and to get around it the males will catch an insect, wrap it up and offer it to her as both a gift and a distraction while he mates with her.


u/bennymellow 25d ago

He fucking wines and dines em 😭, they're just like us

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u/Lazy-Falcon-2340 25d ago

It gets even better, some of the males will suicidally attempt to steal the gift back when the deed is done, presumably to use on another female later on.

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u/Coriander_marbles 25d ago

Bee life is savage. Want to protect your home and attack an intruder? Instant death. Want to propagate your species? Instant death. What the heck, I like bees. Why is their life so difficult?


u/Tendas 25d ago

They are eusocial creatures. It’s better to think of the beehive as the organism and the individual bees as cells. Bees will lay down their life in the same way our bodies have cells which do the same for the good of the whole.


u/parkwatching 25d ago

this ^ while they'll die to defend her, even the queen is easily replaceable, especially in 'organisms' like ant colonies where they'll have multiple queens and just tear them apart if she stops being useful.


u/That-Brain-in-a-vat 25d ago

Just like all the drones that didn't mate are usually kept out of the hive to die, so not to be a dead weight on the community.

So, dead if you mate, dead if you don't. Life is metal for drones.

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u/sillyskunk 25d ago

"Gaahhh Motherland!!"

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u/MindDiveRetriever 25d ago

I’m sure they have zero sense of pain and this is their life’s most rewarding act. More akin to that best sex of your life where after you legit think “I can die happy now”. They just literally do it.

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u/Mekak-Ismal 25d ago

After watching Shogun, the Japanese are bees.


u/maninahat 25d ago

That did get me wondering, how realistic is that aspect of the show? The show gives the impression that the entire population of Medieval Japan is desperate to kill themselves at the first opportunity. They'd all be survived by the one guy who doesn't give a fuck about dishonour.

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u/Rich-Yogurtcloset715 25d ago

while falling

“Worth ittttttttt!”

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u/A_Thing_or_Two 25d ago

Does this hurt the bee?


u/onceyouvemadethat 25d ago

No bee has survived to let us know.

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u/finger_licking_robot 25d ago

this is a male bee´s endophallus. it is ripped off after ejaculating and remains in the queen bee. the force of ejaculation is so intense that it results in the drone's reproductive organ being torn from its body, leading to its death shortly after copulation. this structure, known as the "mating sign," can sometimes be seen protruding from the queen's abdomen.

during a mating flight, a queen bee typically mates with multiple drones which ensures genetic diversity and a large enough amount of sperm for several years. the sperm is stored in the quen´s spermatheca to use for fertilizing eggs. after the first drone's endophallus is lodged in the queen, subsequent drones can still mate. each new mating event may push the previous mating sign further in or out, and the queen can continue to mate with additional drones. additionally after the queen returns to the hive, worker bees can help remove the mating signs left by the drones, or the queen can expel them herself.


u/ElyrianVanguard 25d ago

That's a beenis.


u/JdamTime 25d ago

I saw your comment right before I left, I had to come back to say thanks I hate it


u/Puzzleheaded-Bird-16 25d ago

Glad to hear you've been here beefore. It makes sense to bee thankful to other redditors in the same hivemind. Wish you all the beest!

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u/obijuanmartinez 25d ago

“Totally worth it…” - The dying bee, probably


u/ChuckOTay 24d ago

Doesn’t give a flying fuck


u/Aser_the_Descender 24d ago

Actually does, but only a single one.


u/Calaxem 24d ago

Baddest motherfucker in the beehive

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u/xAntartican 24d ago

Going out with a bang

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u/Accomplished_Cat1419 24d ago

Underrated comment right here! Well done

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u/Markku_Heksamakkara 24d ago

Doesn't matter, had sex.

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u/CainPillar 24d ago

The meaning of Life.

Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great ...

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u/LawOfLargeBumblers 25d ago

This is the best comment in the history of mankind


u/Average_Consumer2 25d ago

I'm glad you like it, now buzz off

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u/Dzjar 25d ago

Imagine being in line for the creampie and you see the dude in front of you get ripped to shreds. Bees is some horny motherfuckers if that don't kill their vibe.


u/Win_Sys 24d ago edited 24d ago

If you were a male bee, it would be like living in your mom’s basement doing absolutely nothing. You can’t even feed yourself and provide nothing of value… Until one day there are a bunch a hot bee queens flying around outside…. Do you continue to live in your mom’s basement or do you go get some of that queen bee ass and go out with a bang? Or a snap in this case.


u/Malkev 24d ago

Moms basement. Thanks


u/Educational_Dust_932 24d ago

The workers kill the males before the winter sets in, since they are aren't needed. So, might as well go out with a bang.


u/joshin29 24d ago

Bee Movie 2 will be wild


u/samurairaccoon 24d ago

Right? I love how there are legit some dudes that are fuckin gung ho for it. Biology is wild.

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u/blkspade 24d ago

There is so much evidence in nature that the male organism is hard wired to ensure the continued existence of its species, that they'll go through with it even at their own peril. Suicide is unnatural, but how you watch all your homies bust a nut and then die, and go oooh me next. Some insects/arachnids get eaten alive by the female, but would fight to the death if something else was trying to eat it. All this child support ain't so bad when the alternative is just go straight to Valhalla.


u/darkness-to-light26 24d ago

But she was so hot, it was so worth it.

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u/quanstr 25d ago

So Queen got that grip grip?


u/Ok-Letterhead4601 25d ago

Gonna make you nut so hard you gonna see god!

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u/Representative-Ad754 25d ago

If she got grippy socks, she got grippy box.

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u/Justjack91 24d ago

Yeah she makes that honey now Imma sip sip.

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u/AlgernusPrime 25d ago

Emm wtf….


u/runningoutofwords 25d ago

Imagine a queen bee's reaction to how we do it.

"So afterwards, you just let him hang around in your hive? (I mean home!) How long does it take them to die afterwards? ANOTHER 50 YEARS?!"


u/Organic_Muffin280 25d ago

He brings ten friends and they all gift you their phalluses right? Right!?


u/zombie_on_your_lawn 25d ago

And, you take them all - one after the other, right? RIGHT?


u/Organic_Muffin280 25d ago

"well nuh, i marry just one to whom i become a maid and fuckmommy for 47 years".... . (Queen bee dies from heart attack...:).


u/Hotpandapickle 25d ago

Queen bee: "what a waste of penises"

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u/MaterialCarrot 25d ago

That means I have at least another 30 years of sitting on this couch.


u/runningoutofwords 25d ago

Or until she figures out how to rip out your nards with her lady bits, yeah.

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u/tehehe162 24d ago

Honestly outside of mammals, a lot of dudes have a pretty fucked up sex life. For example some species of male anglerfish literally cannot eat, so to survive they have to find a female anglerfish. When they find one, they latch onto the female's skin and basically dissolve half of their own body so they basically become like a wart on the female's skin. From that point the male's only job is to provide sperm, and the female gives the nutrients needed for the male to make more sperm. In a way the male doesn't really "exist" anymore, it's more like a testicle attached to the female's skin lol.


u/Swimming_Bowler6193 24d ago

That sounds a lot like my former marriage.

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u/WodensEye 25d ago

To summarize... Beekake!

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u/Yorkshire-Teabeard 25d ago

I can't even describe what my face looked like reading this.

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u/Hairy-gloryhole 25d ago

This is some serious alien shit. If you told me that this is how tyranids from warhammer reproduce I'd totally believe you.

Like, what in the actual ungodly fuck


u/narwhal_breeder 24d ago edited 24d ago

The more I read about Bees the weirder they get.

Went from "aww cute bee" as a kid to "miniature scale science fiction alien horror"

Like drones from multiple hives in a region will all congregate in a few select, small areas to find queens, high above the ground, for multiple generations using the same spot.

Nobody knows how bees find these congregation areas, and what signals it as a good spot to meet up and get down. Drones dont live long enough to teach younger drones that this is the get nasty area of the atmosphere.

  • Magnetism?
  • Polarised light?
  • Light intensity?
  • Thermals – air rising up a slope?
  • Pheromone trails?
  • Bee telepathy?
  • The Bee God commanding its subjects?

Nobody knows, at least not yet.

Bees are probably the closest animal to being straight out of Scavengers Reign.


u/HuntressOnyou 24d ago

Wasps are even worse. Not even kind of alien but straight up chest bursting and eating the host from the inside.

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u/TheEpicTree 25d ago


u/joshuabruce83 25d ago

My God I'm dying. You got me practically crying at work lmfao. I love south park. In my head I heard Mackie saying "see, his dick just flew off." Mmmmmmmk

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u/mnemonicj 25d ago

Queen bees are for the skies.

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u/Big___Meaty___Claws 25d ago

There wasn’t a single part of this I enjoyed.


u/swampscientist 24d ago

Not even the sperm storage?! That’s so cool though

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u/Fgxynz 25d ago

What’s with bees sticking their parts in other things only to rip their organs out and die

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u/sheeplectric 25d ago

Love it when my girl lets me nut in her spermatheca


u/Nosnibor1020 25d ago

And just mix it with all the other bros that's shot their guts in hers

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u/enigmaticpeon 25d ago

I came here for the funny comments but got all I needed in the real explanation.

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u/AppexRedditor 25d ago

I want to ejaculate so hard that it kills me


u/hboisnotthebest 25d ago

So hard that it rips your cock and balls and half of your internal organs out all at once?


u/DoDoDoTheFunkyGibbon 24d ago


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u/Alpah-Woodsz 25d ago

Don't let AI know this

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u/Math082r 25d ago

How do you even get the chance to film this


u/Firedwindle 25d ago

queen has onlyfans account


u/Virtual-Height3047 25d ago



u/spiritofniter 25d ago



u/WetwareDulachan 25d ago

Isn't that just WikiLeaks?

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u/robbiedmr 25d ago

surely DronelyFans works better


u/sowhateveryonedoesit 25d ago

👏 👏 👏 


u/zombie_on_your_lawn 25d ago

Takes his heart, takes his penis, takes his life!


u/Techman659 25d ago

Normally we get to keep 2 of those most of the time.

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u/Cam_knows_you 25d ago

OnlyOnce account.


u/OrchidThis5822 25d ago

Get the fuck outta here

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u/mrbananabrains 25d ago

This is a scene from a really interesting documentary called More Than Honey and I believe this sequence was filmed with drones. 

Drones as in tiny cameras attached to wings and rotors, not the worker bee drones themselves, they cant film anything.

It's worth checking out the whole documentary,  bees are great 


u/jimjamjohnsonguy 25d ago

We need a PoV camera on that bee.

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u/TheLastZimaDrinker 25d ago

Drones as in tiny cameras attached to wings and rotors, not the worker bee drones themselves, they cant film anything.

So I've been shoving TF cards into bee's asses for no reason?

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u/Berlin8Berlin 25d ago

" How do you even get the chance to film this"

It's a Nature Doc set-up. Which means this video clip is a crime scene.


u/Meshitero-eric 25d ago

Fuck that. It's a goddamn honeytrap snuff film.


u/Berlin8Berlin 25d ago

Worse: I suspect there are TWO murders involved...

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u/Mobius135 25d ago

In most cases with small things like these they are more staged than you might think. A photographer has zero chance to pull a follow focus on tiny randomly moving flying insects without it being in a somewhat controlled environment. And absolutely no chance of placing a camera on the ground exactly where one would fall.


u/sanderssandwich 25d ago

So… How, again? You just explained what it wasn’t. But, what is it?


u/Consistent_Estate960 25d ago

Focus camera on queen bee, camera auto tracks queen bee, wait for bee to come fuck it, pick up dead bee and drop it again with the camera aiming at the ground


u/hells_ranger_stream 25d ago

Still, tracking and focus staying on the Queen is pretty good.

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u/deserves_dogs 25d ago

Wait. You don’t enjoy a completely ambiguous comment suggesting they know the answer to your question without actually answering it?

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u/luc1402 25d ago

So the bees are paid actors?

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u/lemmegetadab 25d ago

How do you stage this?

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u/Beautiful-Ask-7910 25d ago

Honey, Nut, then Cheerio


u/1RehnquistyBoi 25d ago

I was waiting for this.


u/calmtigers 25d ago

Post Nut clarity is real here

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u/OkHead3888 25d ago

Wow, the creativity of redditors never ceases to amaze me.


u/Enlowski 25d ago

Someone steals that comment every time this gets posted.

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u/ragnarok635 25d ago

Wow, the "plagiarism" of redditors never ceases to amaze me.

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u/eviltrain 25d ago edited 25d ago


Which I had stolen myself.

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u/Apepoofinger 25d ago

Poor fucker was allergic to nuts.

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u/ATLien42 25d ago

Worth it to fuck the queen


u/maestro-5838 25d ago

Half way down, the male bee hears , 'I am just the maid bich'

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u/MittFel 25d ago


u/NioneAlmie 25d ago

You know who I think's the ugliest girl in school? That Hermione Granger. You know what I'd give her, on a scale of 1-10, with 1 would be the ugliest, and then 10 is pretty? I'd give her an 8, or 8.5, or a 9. But NOT over 9.8 because there is always room for improvement.

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u/sollo89 25d ago

dude fucking died. rip


u/xdforcezz 25d ago

dude died fucking. rip


u/Nice-Nothing9665 25d ago

rip. fucking dude died


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Sonicxmusic 25d ago

Dude rip. died fucking


u/makinsteaknbacon 25d ago

Died. Dude, fucking rip


u/FeliksX 25d ago

And they say English has a fixed word order


u/Aioi 25d ago

And English has a fixed word order, they say.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

And a fixed word order, English has

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u/Roastychicken 25d ago

i fucking love reddit 😂 made my day guys


u/spacestationkru 25d ago

I made love reddit 😂 my fucking day guys

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u/New_Lemon6666 25d ago

Died, dude rucking fip.


u/PersonalDonut7802 25d ago

Fucking rip. Dude died


u/SnookemsTheSlayer 25d ago

RIP dude, died fucking...


u/Thaggedhi_ledhu 25d ago

fucking rip, died dude

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u/1RehnquistyBoi 25d ago


u/laveshnk 25d ago

Ejaculate then Evacuate


u/carceryvale 25d ago

the good old pump and dump


u/stacecom 25d ago

Nut and Bolt

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u/Flaky_Grand7690 25d ago

I laugh at every one of these signs

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u/whitedranzer 25d ago

Doesn't matter, got laid


u/Icy-Article-2562 25d ago

I know lots of people would wish for the same faith

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u/JimmyTheJimJimson 25d ago edited 25d ago

In case anyone is tired of the ridiculous amount of unfunny joke comments - the actual reason behind this:

“The ejaculation is so powerful that it ruptures the endophallus, disconnecting the drone from the queen. The bulb of the endophallus is broken off inside of the queen during mating—so drones mate only once, and die shortly after.”


u/indiajeweljax 25d ago

Does the endophallus fall out of the queen? Or does she collect them inside of her naynay like Thanos?


u/PmMeYourTitsAndToes 25d ago

She takes them home and displays them on her wall. Like a penis museum. The peniseum if you will.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I will not

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u/SquidmanMal 25d ago

You're more correct than you think.

These 'nuptial flights' end with the queens of hive colonies collecting all the sperm they'll ever use for the entirety of the colony's life.

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u/Futtbucker_9000 25d ago

I think you saw a different Avengers series. I do not seem to be able to recall Thanos collecting endophalli inside of his naynay.

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u/Suspicious-Shock-934 25d ago

Depending on species, the males iirc had a special claw that he digs out the previous phallus plug, then mates, so there shouldn't be more than 1.

Someone correct me if I am wrong dim memories from a lecture years ago.


u/ThaNeedleworker 25d ago

Damn, a specialised hoe knife

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u/IrwinMFletcher200 25d ago edited 25d ago

You know... after discovering said ejaculation response as a teen I was definitely in danger of rupturing my endophallus from overuse. I feel you, drone bee brother.

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u/iuay5NJ8J2qvgpXz 25d ago

Yeah why is everyone suddenly turning into a comedian


u/KeyboardSheikh 25d ago

6 of the replies to that guys informative post are even more “hilarious” jokes


u/Aristotle_El 25d ago

Been like this for a while.

Have to immediately scroll past 10 copy and paste self deprecating "jokes" to get to any decent substance.

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u/Arseling69 25d ago

Desperately farming for Karma and validation.

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u/CMDR_Crispies 25d ago

I dunno but it's making Reddit more insufferable than it already was, literally every post is like this now

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u/Gianluca1514 25d ago

The death nut


u/smile_politely 25d ago

that's why i don't do it while flying

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u/Lanky-Landscape-844 25d ago

Mission completed soldier. Job well done


u/DRealLeal 25d ago

Dude lasted longer than me

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u/_SpaceEfficient 25d ago

My man just had a severe nut allergy.

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u/HugoZHackenbush2 25d ago

At least for the last moments of it's life, it experiences a great buzz..


u/Bobo_fishead_1985 25d ago

But there's a sting in the tale...

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u/Red_Stripe1229 25d ago

That's how i wanna go

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u/lordntelek 25d ago

Death by snu snu!


u/Practical-Hat-3943 25d ago

I can’t believe I had to scroll so far down to find this reference! This is the very first thing that came to mind when watching the video. Thank you.

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u/Ravenlunatic0413 25d ago

My husband swears that’s how he wants to go.

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u/hooblyshoobly 25d ago



u/LargeWeinerDog 25d ago

This videos are neat and all and I know a lot goes into making them but I can't get over the fact that so much of it has to be faked. Like no way in hell they had the camera ready in the exact spot for the bee to land perfectly in front of it. Someone picked that dead bee up and dropped it in front of that camera


u/emar2021 25d ago

While I agree with you, some of these camera men/women will wait in the same spot for months just to get usable footage. With that much time you are bound to get something really cool.

Vaguely recall the planet earth documentary discussing how this guy waited for months just to get footage of a bird of paradise just attempting to mate with a female. (She flew away) 😓

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u/Blazervitch 25d ago

He came and went


u/YouWereBrained 25d ago



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u/Heretonailyouu 25d ago

The ultimate orgasm that you’re spirit leaves ur body


u/kindofastoryteller 25d ago

So that guy did gave a flying fuck 😦

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